OpenLayers 3 Examples - EPSG:4326 example does not operate - openlayers-3

I am trying to use OpenLayers 3 Examples. But recently EPSG:4326 example does not operate. Why?

The url inside layers(TileWms) doesn't work anymore.So try with another Url
or get the service(url) from geoserver.


Can I force OpenLayers 5 to send POST request?

Here is my issue.
I have to filter an ImageLayer with OpenLayers 5, so I prepared this kind of code :
const params = layerToFilter.getSource().getParams();
delete params.CQL_FILTER;
params.CQL_FILTER = myFilter;
This code works fine, but not if "myFilter" variable is a too big string.
For example, with a filter like 'FEATUREID IN (1,2,3,4...1000)', I get a HTTP 414 URI too long.
My question is : is there a way to force OpenLayers 5 to use POST request instead of GET request when it tries to refresh map layers ?
I have some workaround ideas like building a smaller filter and prepare a view for this filter on database side, or by making preprocessing also on database side, but it will be really easier if I could simply send POST request.
Any help or suggestion will be appreciated :-)
Many thanks in advance.
Geoserver can publish feature id as a property of a layer. So you dont have to use FEATUREID. You can use CQL_FILTER instead of FEATUREID
http://locahost:8080/?CQL_FILTER=id BETWEEN 1 AND 1000

How can one customize the ArcGIS Pro OverviewMapControl add-in?

I have downloaded the community samples, installed SDK and run the solution successfully in Visual Studio to use the default add-in. I am now interested in customizing the control to:
1) display specific layers (not all of the active/displayed layers)
2) open to a specified zoom extent.
I have located some of the snippets on the git site (zoom to extent specifically) but do not know how to format the coordinates and am unclear as to what heading they go under. I cannot find related code to mimic and am unfamiliar with coding in C# (pretty well versed in python and AHK). Any help or resources would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I got this response, for those who are interested:
see thread here
MapControl has a ViewContent property that can be set to any custom view content. In the sample, I am using the MapControlContentFactory.Create method to set the view content (within the InitializeMapControl method in MapControlDockpane.xaml.cs). This Create method has many overloads. This particular overload might be exactly what you need: (Note the first parameter which takes a list of any layers you need)
Create Method:
public static MapControlContent Create( IEnumerable layers, Envelope initialExtent, MapViewingMode viewingMode )
MapControl's zoom extent is also defined when you create the content using the Create method (the envelope parameter). In the sample, I am listening to the ActiveMapViewChangedEvent and MapViewCameraChangedEvent events and modifying the MapControl's extent to match that. You can remove that for your workflow and set the MapControl's content the way you want it to be.

Create custom Map for Highmaps using Shapefiles and QGIS

I try to create a custom Map with Highcharts – I need german job center districts. I've done it the way it is described here.
I imported the shapefiles to QGIS an created a highcharts map here. But on this way, all information like the name oft he district got lost. Is there a way to keep it? Because there are a lot of districts – I don't want to write all single names by my own.
I was able to generate GeoJSON from the provided shapefile (the one that you provided me with via email) and place it in the JSFiddle boilerplate ( Empty map displayed without any problems. To add values to the regions and also to display data labels you need to add adequate data and link it to the mapData (more about it in the API link below). I have prepared an example for you. Simply, copy the content of created GeoJSON (generated from the shapefile using QGIS, as described here: to the textarea and click run button. The map with the values should show up. Also, you could try to use map of Germany from our maps collection. It can be found here:
API Reference:

I want to display graphs and compare them

Display the points at which they merge , I was not able to find any library .....
Displaying any form of charts in iOS can be done in 2 ways.
Using webView to load a html string with the javascript files imported into it.
Using stringByAppendingFormat you can change the data points and refresh the webview.
Using a library to display them Natively. Something like Charts by Daniel Iohen Gindi. It is a bit extensive so just use the line Charts in your case and ignore the others.
Using the 2nd method (native) will always perform better, but the simplicity of html5 charts make it very easy to implement
To obtain points when lines meet is basically saying when 2 data has the same value. So you can just add an if statement and print the value out or store it as a variable.

URL for multiple markers in Google Maps

In a desktop Qt application, I have some GPS coordinates that I'd like to show on a map. My plan is to construct an URL with the coordinates and let a web browser and Google maps or a similar service do the heavy lifting.
After reading some apparently reverse-engineered documentation at slash wiki slash Google_Map_Parameters
I can make it work for a single point, but what's the URL syntax for multiple points?
My best shot so far is to build a string such as this:,17.82&q=My+Second+Point#59.592,17.82
but that will only show "My Second Point". Is there a better description of the syntax somewhere?
Replacing q= with markers= did not work and the "static map" suggestion below only complained about an incorrect API key.
for google maps static there is this URL:,New+York,NY&zoom=14&size=512x512&maptype=roadmap
Detailed version:
i am not sure if this syntax is also good for standard maps - very nice web tool for generating static map urls.
List of currently supported map services:
- Google
- Bing
- Yandex
- Mapbox
- MapQuest
- CartoDB
p.s. I know this is an old question, but many still google for it.
Throwing parameters at only gets you one point.
As dusoft says, you could use Google Static maps.
Or, if you require dynamic maps, you could write your own public web page that uses Google Maps API and accepts a long list of parameters. Use your own web page in exactly the same way that you were intending to use web page, except that you get to design what you want the parameters to look like.
Perhaps something like this.
Several parameters (such as the markers and path parameters) take multiple locations. In those cases, the locations are separated by the pipe (|) character.,+fl+|+deerfied,+FL&zoom=12&scale=false&size=600x300&maptype=roadmap&sensor=false&key=API_KEY&format=png&visual_refresh=true&markers=size:mid%7Ccolor:red%7Cboca+raton,+fl+|+deerfied,+FL" alt="Google Map of boca raton, fl | deerfied, FL
I know that you specifically asked for Google Maps, however I came up with a solution using Bing Maps: link
The sp parameter can define a list of points, polylines, polygons and addresses. Multiple objects are separated by ~.
The syntax for point is:
titleString is displayed in the map and notesString only when clicking on a point.
A Link with you coordinates would look like: link
I did some tests on how many of these points can be in a URL by generating a really long URL in the form of and it seems up to about 150 points are working.
Microsoft Documentation: Create a Custom Map URL
