Invalid scope error - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to send bitcons using coinbase ruby gem but I'm having a hard time getting it to work. I'm authenticating like this:
ca = c.account(User.last.account.account_id)
ca.send(to: ENV["BITCOIN_ADDRESS"], amount: '0.0001', currency: 'BTC')
This is the error I'm getting back.
Coinbase::Wallet::InvalidScopeError: Api::BaseController::InvalidScopeError
To be clear, the API key has the required permission set in the dashboard. what could i be doing wrong?

The new Ruby gem uses API v2 which requires v2 scope, wallet:transactions:send instead of v1's send. Can you check that you have this enabled?


Docusign gem block request

I'm using the DocuSign ruby client ( on ruby on rails to send a document via email to some clients, but when I deploy the project after 15 minutes the request between the application and DocuSign gets "paused". For some reason the gem creates the request but doesn't send it as you can see in the next image where I enable the debug in the gem:
In that point the log doesn't print any more after 15 minutes.
The code that send the message in my app is:
access_token = "xxxxxxx"
account_id = "xxxxxxxxx"
base_path = "xxxxxxxxxx"
envelope_args = {
template_id: document.docusign_id
#args = {
account_id: account_id,
base_path: base_path,
access_token: access_token,
envelope_args: envelope_args
envelope_args = #args[:envelope_args]
# 1. Create the envelope request object
envelope_definition = make_envelope(envelope_args)
# 2. Call Envelopes::create API method
# Exceptions will be caught by the calling function
envelope_api = create_envelope_api(#args)
envelope_api.create_envelope #args[:account_id], envelope_definition
I don't know what can I do.
Thank you
Your screenshot shows everything happening at 18:29:05 -- I don't understand the issue.
Also, have you tried install/using the RoR code example?
See if it has the same problem.
We looked for the issue in our code, but we saw that in the step which the request is send in the gem here always freezes. So we debugged there and we saw that curl was being used for ruby. At that point we saw that curl was trying to reconnect with Docusign but it wasn't success, so we found this issue in the version of curl that we had ( )
To fix it we updated the version to the latest, and it fixed the issue.
Thanks for your answers.

How to validate Google Token ID sent from Android on Ruby on Rails server?

I have an android app with Google sign-in. As per the documentation, I generated a token ID:
// Configure Google Sign-In with the requestIdToken
GoogleSignInOptions googleSignInOptions = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)
// Handle result
private void handleSignInResult(GoogleSignInResult result) {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
GoogleSignInAccount account = result.getSignInAccount();
String tokenId = account.getIdToken();
I'm facing the problem on the server side, with Ruby on Rails. I'm trying to use google-id-token gem. The README gives the following example:
validator = 1800)
payload = validator.check(token, required_audience, required_client_id)
email = payload['email']
rescue GoogleIDToken::ValidationError => e
report "Cannot validate: #{e}"
I have the token (from the android java code). What is required_audience? Should I use the same client_id of my client app? When I try to run the code on server, I'm getting payload as nil.
Also, I would like to know if this is the right way to verify the token ID.
After some research, I found answers to my own questions. Here are they:
What is required_audience?
It can be obtained from decoded JWT string. You can decode it as follows:
JWT.decode(token, nil, false)
Should I use the same client_id of my client app?
Yes. The required_audience and required_client_id should be same. Otherwise, verification fails
Then why was I getting payload as nil?
The problem is, the gem in GitHub and the one in RubyGems are different. I solved this problem by pointing Gemfile gem to GitHub:
gem 'google-id-token', git: ''

Add support for aws govCloud in rails applicatioin using gem 'aws-sdk'

I am working on AWS api based application where is working fine for all regions ,now i want to add the support aws govCloud( aws-sdk api.
But when i try to call api using access key and secret token i am getting error "The security token included in the request is invalid" How can i access the govCloud using aws-sdk.
You have to pass the region 'us-gov-west-1' while accessing the API of govCloud.
#ec2 = 'Your Access Key', secret_access_key: 'Your S', region: 'us-gov-west-1')
response = #ec2.client.describe_instances
#instances =!
Using this code you can access the govCloud.

Does Geocoder gem work with google API key?

I am using ruby geocoder gem for my project and as the project is growing I am starting to look into connecting to the Google API key. After adding this to the project:
Geocoder.configure do |config|
# geocoding service (see below for supported options):
config.lookup = :google
# to use an API key:
config.api_key = 'my_key'
# geocoding service request timeout, in seconds (default 3):
config.timeout = 5
I get Google Geocoding API error: request denied. when I start the application. From reading around, it seems like others switch over to yahoo if they choose to continue using the gem. Can I configure the gem to work with google api key? Mainly, I would like to keep an eye out for the amount of daily queries to avoid going over the limit.
Geocoder supports Google api keys for Google Premier accounts only.
Its found here in the readme on github:
If you have a Google Premier api key you just need to put this in an intializer:
# config/initializers/geocoder.rb
Geocoder.configure(:lookup => :google_premier, :api_key => "...")
And your Geocoder will use your premier key.
I had this issue today and managed to solve it by setting use_https e.g.
timeout: 15,
api_key: "YOUR_KEY",
use_https: true
create a file: config/initializers/geocoder.rb and setup like this:
lookup: :google_premier,
api_key: ['api_key', 'client_id', 'client_id_type'],
Geocoder works fine with the free tier of their Map API. However, to make it work I had to register a key using this page specifically.
And set up the configuration
# config/initializers/geocoder.rb
api_key: 'KEY_HERE',
use_https: true
By default Geocoder uses Google's geocoding API to fetch coordinates and street addresses. So, I think that a Google API key should work on the initializer.
I hope this work for you.
# geocoding service
lookup: :google,
# geocoding service request timeout (in seconds)
timeout: 3,
# default units
units: :km
This work for me. You can call API from rails console with geocoder doc at than call it from view /my_map/show.html.erb replace address or city etc with <%= #place.address %>
If anyone is still looking at this, for some reason the Google API changed and Geocoder no longer works with the standard config file. However, you can simply not use the Geocoder gem for geocoding and reverse geocoding (don't use and use any http request gem to directly call the google api, as of this moment using RestClient the api call would be
response = RestClient.get '' + sanitized_query + '&key=' + your_key
where sanitized query can be either an address like Cupertino, CA or a lat=x, lng=y string for geocoding or reverse geocoding. It is not necessary to get a Google premier account.

Trouble with authlogic_rpx

I'm trying to run (only rails version was changed) but get error message, when RPX returns information after successful authentication via Google Account. What is wrong here? And how I can fix it?
The code was successfully tested with rails 2.3.3 by its author:
I run on Windows with cygwin and rails (2.3.5), rpx_now (0.6.20), authlogic_rpx (1.1.1).
In several hours RPX rejected my app
The same error message ( appears with , but in this case RPX allows me to sign in (so far).
See below
Got error: Invalid parameter: apiKey (code: 1), HTTP status: 200
You have to first register your RPX app at and set its name. You'll be assigned an API key which you should set in the config/environment.rb file:
RPX_APP_NAME = "your_app_name_here!"
Or: Read slide 35:
You shouldn't have any constraints enforced at the database level.
The reason was trailing \r character in my API key. Apparently, non of the steps did key trimming and the exception was not processed in a good way.
