Manual date entry check for jQuery UI Datepicker - jquery-ui

I have jQuery datepicker on a page that allows manual date entry.How to check the format and validation of date in the jQuery UI Datepicker.For example,input 20030230,and it will remind me of the incorrect date.
thanks for your help.


Use Datepicker For a Date Field

I am using Grails 4. My book domain has a date field. I use <f:all bean="book"/> in my edit view to display the input fields. The Fields plugin displays 3 dropdown boxes with the day, month, and year in the html for the date field in the book.
Would you teach me how to display a Datepicker instead of popping up 3 dropdown boxes please?
My bad. I just review the bootstrap document. Bootstrap does not have any native datepicker. I should ask how to replace the grails datepicker with the jquery ui datepicker.

How can I resolve Automatically fetching dates in datetimepicker?

I am using Bootstrap datetimepicker. When I open a datetimepicker calendar, without selecting any date if I click outside its automatically taking current date and time. How can I resolve this issue? After selecting date only the selected date should display on the screen. How can I do this?
If you are using Bootstrap 3 Datepicker v4 by eonasdan set
useCurrent: false

Date Output in Rails using jquery ui

I have a form where you click in start_date and a jquery calendar comes up to pick the date. I want to display the date as (ex.) September 25, 2012, but I also need rails to comprehend the correct start date not just output it correctly.
What do i need to add to this?
<%= feed_item.start_date %>
jQuery ->
dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'
dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'
Take a look at the altField and the altFormat options for the datepicker.
You can store the Rails-friendly date in a hidden field and pass it to the controller, and display the user-friendly field to the user.
Take a look at this answer for an example on how to work with altField and altFormat.

Datepicker doesn't display the date on the text after an ajax call

I have a div ided as inPatientDecision, the contents for which are loaded dynamically through an Ajax call. The loaded content has a few HTML datepicker elements with class attribute set to datePicker. To instantiate the Jquery UI Datepicker calendar to those elements, I've set $(\'.datePicker\').datePicker(); on ajax complete. The ajax call is:
data:{'inpatientDecisionId': '6'},
alt="Edit Authorization Decision" src="/everest/images/edit_icon.png">
Now when the content loads and the datepicker element is clicked, I sure can get the calendar displayed. But when I select any date, the selected date is not displayed to the input boxes.
Sure something like this has been asked here before but the solutions provided haven't been much helpful to me (possibly neither to the previous OP, an answer hasn't been accepted).
Please see my updated code below
data:{'inpatientDecisionId': '6'},
Basically complete and success would execute together, so i just placed datepicker after you place html in success section.
Hopefully this should work.

Disabling dates with jQueryMobile and Mobiscroll

I need to disable dates e.g. weekends and holidays on a jQueryMobile date picker similar to the jQuery datePicker
I'm using Mobiscroll where there are no date restrictions. Is it possible to restrict dates with mobiscroll?
My question is: what is the best approach to disabling dates for a smart phone datepicker (including mobiscroll and other options)?
DateBox in calendar mode works (DateBox).
Did you try to validate on the onSelect event? If it's not a valid selection, pop a message or something.
EDIT: Starting from mobiscroll 2.0 you can disable (make them un-selectable) date with the invalid option.
Check out the documentation for more info:
Disable recurring days like days of week, or recurring dates with daysOfMonth, or exact dates by passing a Date object.
invalid: { daysOfWeek: [0, 6], daysOfMonth: ['5/1', '12/24', '12/25'] }
