UITableView indexPath of last row - ios

I am attempting to make the last row in a UITableView visible, after it has been added. Right now, when I add a row and call reloadData, the table goes to the top.
I figure if I get the indexPath for the last row, that I can select that row and it should appear in the list. I am unsure of how to get that value, or even if I am approaching this correctly.
How do I get an indexPath for a specific row?

Please note that, you don't need to call the reloadData to make the last row visible. You can make use of scrollToRowAtIndexPath method.
You can use the below code to achieve your goal.
// First figure out how many sections there are
let lastSectionIndex = self.tblTableView!.numberOfSections() - 1
// Then grab the number of rows in the last section
let lastRowIndex = self.tblTableView!.numberOfRowsInSection(lastSectionIndex) - 1
// Now just construct the index path
let pathToLastRow = NSIndexPath(forRow: lastRowIndex, inSection: lastSectionIndex)
// Make the last row visible
self.tblTableView?.scrollToRowAtIndexPath(pathToLastRow, atScrollPosition: UITableViewScrollPosition.None, animated: true)
Swift 4.0:
tableView.scrollToRow(at: indexPath, at: UITableViewScrollPosition.none, animated: true)

You can use scrollToRowAtIndexPath with extension:
In Swift 3:
extension UITableView {
func scrollToLastCell(animated : Bool) {
let lastSectionIndex = self.numberOfSections - 1 // last section
let lastRowIndex = self.numberOfRows(inSection: lastSectionIndex) - 1 // last row
self.scrollToRow(at: IndexPath(row: lastRowIndex, section: lastSectionIndex), at: .Bottom, animated: animated)

Shamsudheen TK's answer will crash
if there is no rows/sections in tableview.
The following solution to avoid crash at run time
extension UITableView {
func scrollToBottom() {
let lastSectionIndex = self.numberOfSections - 1
if lastSectionIndex < 0 { //if invalid section
let lastRowIndex = self.numberOfRows(inSection: lastSectionIndex) - 1
if lastRowIndex < 0 { //if invalid row
let pathToLastRow = IndexPath(row: lastRowIndex, section: lastSectionIndex)
self.scrollToRow(at: pathToLastRow, at: .bottom, animated: true)
Note: If you are trying to scroll to bottom in block/clousure then you need to call this on main thread.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Hope this will helps other

As suggested by others get indexPath for perticular sections like section 0.
After that call...add this methos in cellFOrROwAtIndex
[tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated:YES]; ..to scroll to specific indexPath in TableView.
Note:-But it still need scrolling of tableview in Downward direction.

You shouldn't be using -reloadData for this use case. What you're looking for is -insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:.
Feel free to ask if you want some usage examples or a more detailed explanation as to why using -reloadData send you to the top of the UITableView.

Not mandatorily required to get the indexpath of last row.
You can set the CGPoint of UITableview to show a last row you added.
I always use this code in my chat application to show a last added message.
#IBOutlet weak var tableview: UITableView!
//Add this executable code after you add this message.
var tblframe: CGRect = tableview.frame
tblframe.size.height = self.view.frame.origin.y
tableview.frame = tblframe
var bottomoffset: CGPoint = CGPointMake(0, tableview.contentSize.height - tableview.bounds.size.height)
if bottomoffset.y > 0 {
tableview.contentOffset = bottomoffset;
I hope it will work for you.

Swift 5.0 +
extension UITableView {
func isLastVisibleCell(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
guard let lastIndexPath = indexPathsForVisibleRows?.last else {
return false
return lastIndexPath == indexPath


TableView collapsing cell while scrolling to another: weird behavior

I have a tableView with chat bubbles.
Those bubbles are shortened if the character count is more than 250
If a user clicks on a bubble
The previous selection gets deselected (shortened)
The new selection expands and reveals the whole content
The new selections top constraint changes (from 0 to 4)
What I would like to achieve?
If a long bubble is selected already, but the user selects another bubble, I want the tableView to scroll to the position of the new selected bubble.
I'll share a video about it
Without this scrolling, the contentOffset remains the same and it looks bad.
(In the video: on the right)
Right: without the mentioned scrolling
Left: with scrolling
Here comes the problem:
On the left, you can notice that it is glitchy.
Random ghost cells are appearing for no reason.
Sometimes it even messes up the height of some bubbles (not in the video)
Why is it so?
func bubbleTappedHandler(sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
let touchPoint = sender.location(in: self.tableView)
if let indexPath = tableView.indexPathForRow(at: touchPoint) {
if indexPath == currentSelectedIndexPath {
// Selected bubble is tapped, deselect it
self.selectDeselectBubbles(deselect: indexPath)
} else {
if (currentSelectedIndexPath != nil){
// Deselect old bubble, select new one
self.selectDeselectBubbles(select: indexPath, deselect: currentSelectedIndexPath)
} else {
// Select bubble
self.selectDeselectBubbles(select: indexPath)
func selectDeselectBubbles(select: IndexPath? = nil, deselect: IndexPath? = nil){
var deselectCell : WorldMessageCell?
var selectCell : WorldMessageCell?
if let deselect = deselect {
deselectCell = tableView.cellForRow(at: deselect) as? WorldMessageCell
if let select = select {
selectCell = tableView.cellForRow(at: select) as? WorldMessageCell
// Deselect Main
if let deselect = deselect, let deselectCell = deselectCell {
tableView.deselectRow(at: deselect, animated: false)
currentSelectedIndexPath = nil
// Update text
deselectCell.messageLabel.text = self.dataSource[deselect.row].message.shortened()
// Select Main
if let select = select, let selectCell = selectCell {
tableView.selectRow(at: select, animated: true, scrollPosition: .none)
currentSelectedIndexPath = select
// Update text
deselectCell.messageLabel.text = self.dataSource[select.row].message.full()
UIView.animate(withDuration: appSettings.defaultAnimationSpeed) {
// Deselect Constraint changes
if let deselect = deselect, let deselectCell = deselectCell {
// Constarint change
deselectCell.nickNameButtonTopConstraint.constant = 0
deselectCell.timeLabel.alpha = 0.0
// Select Constraint changes
if let select = select, let selectCell = selectCell {
// Constarint change
selectCell.nickNameButtonTopConstraint.constant = 4
selectCell.timeLabel.alpha = 1.0
UIView.animate(withDuration: appSettings.defaultAnimationSpeed) {
if let select = select, deselect != nil, self.tableView.cellForRow(at: deselect!) == nil && deselectCell != nil {
// If deselected row is not anymore on screen
// but was before the collapsing,
// then scroll to new selected row
self.tableView.scrollToRow(at: select, at: .top, animated: false)
Update 1: Added Github project
Link: https://github.com/krptia/test2
I made a small version of my app, so that you can see and test what my problem is. I would be so thankful if someone could help to solve this issue! :c
First let's define what we mean by "without scrolling" - we mean that the cells more of less stay the same. So we want to find a cell that we want to be the anchor cell. From before the changes to after the changes the distances from the cell's top to the top of the screen is the same.
var indexPathAnchorPoint: IndexPath?
var offsetAnchorPoint: CGFloat?
func findHighestCellThatStartsInFrame() -> UITableViewCell? {
return self.tableView.visibleCells.filter {
$0.frame.origin.y >= self.tableView.contentOffset.y
}.sorted {
$0.frame.origin.y > $1.frame.origin.y
func setAnchorPoint() {
self.indexPathAnchorPoint = nil;
self.offsetAnchorPoint = nil;
if let cell = self.findHighestCellThatStartsInFrame() {
self.offsetAnchorPoint = cell.frame.origin.y - self.tableView.contentOffset.y
self.indexPathAnchorPoint = self.tableView.indexPath(for: cell)
we call this before we start doing stuff.
func bubbleTappedHandler(sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
Next we need to set the content offset after we are doing doing our changes so that the cell moves back to where it is suppose to.
func scrollToAnchorPoint() {
if let indexPath = indexPathAnchorPoint, let offset = offsetAnchorPoint {
let rect = self.tableView.rectForRow(at: indexPath)
let contentOffset = rect.origin.y - offset
self.tableView.setContentOffset(CGPoint.init(x: 0, y: contentOffset), animated: false)
Next we call it after we are done doing our changes.
The animation can be a little strange because there is a lot going on at the same time. We are changing the content offset and the sizes of the cell at the same time, but if you place your finger next to the first cell that top is visible you will see it ends up in the correct place.
Try using this willDisplay api on UITableViewDelegate
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
if (indexPath == currentSelectedIndexPath) {
// logic to expand your cell
// you don't need to animate it since still not visible
Replace your code for bubbleTappedHandler with this and run and check:
func bubbleTappedHandler(sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
let touchPoint = sender.location(in: self.tableView)
if let indexPath = tableView.indexPathForRow(at: touchPoint) {
if indexPath == currentSelectedIndexPath {
currentSelectedIndexPath = nil
tableView.reloadRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)
} else {
if (currentSelectedIndexPath != nil){
if let prevSelectedIndexPath = currentSelectedIndexPath {
currentSelectedIndexPath = indexPath
tableView.reloadRows(at: [prevSelectedIndexPath, indexPath], with: .automatic)
} else {
currentSelectedIndexPath = indexPath
tableView.reloadRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1, execute: { [weak self] in
let currentIndexPath = self?.currentSelectedIndexPath ?? indexPath
self?.tableView.scrollToRow(at: currentIndexPath, at: .top, animated: false)
You can use tableView?.scrollToRow. For example
let newIndexPath = IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0) // put your selected indexpath and section here
yourTableViewName?.scrollToRow(at: newIndexPath, at: UITableViewScrollPosition.top, animated: true) // give the desired scroll position to tableView
Available scroll positions are .none, .top, .middle, .bottom
This glitch is because of a small mistake. Just do these 2 things and the issue will be resolved.
Set tableView's rowHeight and estimatedRowHeight in `viewDidLoad
tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 316 // Value taken from your project. This may be something else
tableView.rowHeight = UITableView.automaticDimension
Remove the estimatedHeightForRowAt and heightForRowAt delegate methods from your code.

How to focus last cell in the UITableview in ios

I am creating a chat interface.
User's message is put in a new UITable view cell.
And when update the table view, I use the following code.
extension UITableView {
func scrollToBottom() {
let rows = self.numberOfRows(inSection: 0)
if rows > 0 {
let indexPath = IndexPath(row: rows - 1, section: 0)
self.scrollToRow(at: indexPath, at: .bottom, animated: true)
Actually this works a little better, but there is something strange.
When I turn off the app and turn it on again, or after exiting the screen and entering again, the following issues arise.
The issue is that when I add a new cell, it goes up to the first cell in the table view and back down to the last cell.
See the issue(https://vimeo.com/266821436)
As the number of cells increases, the scrolling becomes too fast and too messy.
I just want to keep updating the last cell that is newly registered.
What should I do?
Please use DispatchQueue to Scroll because of the method you are fire is executed with tableView load data so we need to give time to scroll.
extension UITableView {
func scrollToBottom() {
let rows = self.numberOfRows(inSection: 0)
if rows > 0 {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let indexPath = IndexPath(row: rows - 1, section: 0)
self.scrollToRow(at: indexPath, at: .bottom, animated: true)
func scrollToBottom(){
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let indexPath = IndexPath(row: self.array.count-1, section: 0)
self.tableView.scrollToRow(at: indexPath, at: .bottom, animated: true)
self.scrollToRow(at: indexPath.last ...)

How to determine if the last cell of a UITableView is visible on the screen

I'm using the following code to determine if the last screen is visible on the screen to the user:
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
if indexPath.row == collection.count - 1 {
print("last cell is seen!!")
This works on small screens where the user has to scroll to get to the desired cell. However, on large screens where the whole table is visible, this method doesn't work. Is there any way to determine the distance between bottom of screen to the last cell in the UITableView?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Edit: this is what I'm trying to accomplish.
if (last cell is visible && it is more than 100dp from bottom of screen) { display a fixed button on bottom of screen } else { add button to footer view of tableview so the user can scroll down to the button }
try it ! Hope to help you.
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let contentOffsetMaxY: Float = Float(scrollView.contentOffset.y + scrollView.bounds.size.height)
let contentHeight: Float = Float(scrollView.contentSize.height)
let ret = contentOffsetMaxY > contentHeight - 100
if ret {
print("testButton is show");
print("testButton is hidden");
Swift 5
if let visiblePaths = tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows,
visiblePaths.contains([0, dataSourceArray.count - 1]) {
// last cell is at least partially visible
indexPathsForVisibleRows is an array of IndexPath. However, there are a number of ways to express IndexPath (it has 7 initializers). indexPathsForVisibleRows utilizes IndexPath as an array literal (i.e. [0, 0] or [section 0, row 0]); therefore, to use indexPathsForVisibleRows, you must declare the path as an array literal and not in any other way (i.e. IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0)).
I just created a project for you to show you one possible solution (there are many).
Basically you just need to get the last cell position, using
guard let lastCell = tableView.cellForRow(at: IndexPath(row: tableView.numberOfRows(inSection: 0)-1, section: 0)) else {
let lastCellBottomY = lastCell.frame.maxY
Then knowing the tableView height, you can easily calculate the distance between the last cell and the bottom of the screen:
let delta = tableHeight - lastCellBottomY
And check if this distance is enough for you to show or not the fixed button:
if delta > 55 {
// ...show button
} else {
// ...hide button
For the dynamic button (the one you want to add below the last cell of the tableView when user scrolls), you could just add a new section with a custom cell to represent your button.
You can check out the whole idea via this link :
Let me know if you have any questions :)
You can use this method to see if the last cell is visible or not
func isCellVisible(section:Int, row: Int) -> Bool {
guard let indexes = self.indexPathsForVisibleRows else {
return false
return indexes.contains {$0.section == section && $0.row == row }
} }
Then you can call it like
let lastCell = collection.count - 1
let result = isCellVisible(section:"Your Section Number", row: lastCell)

UITableview insert/delete row animation glitch

I have different sections and rows. Each row has a variable height. I am expanding and collapsing the table by inserting and deleting row. But when i expand/collapse, the other cells overlaps with each other causing a glitch.
func expandItemAtIndex(index:Int) {
var indexPaths = NSMutableArray()
var currentSubItems = contentsArray.objectAtIndex(index) as NSArray
var insertPos = 0
for(var i = 0; i < currentSubItems.count; i++) {
indexPaths.addObject(NSIndexPath(forRow: insertPos++, inSection: index))
self.tableview.insertRowsAtIndexPaths(indexPaths, withRowAnimation: UITableViewRowAnimation.None)
func collapseItemAtIndex(index: Int) {
var indexPaths = NSMutableArray()
for (var i = 0; i < contentsArray.objectAtIndex(index).count; i++) {
indexPaths.addObject(NSIndexPath(forRow: i, inSection: index))
self.tableview.deleteRowsAtIndexPaths(indexPaths, withRowAnimation: UITableViewRowAnimation.None)
func expandOrCollapseCells(object:AnyObject) {
if (expandedIndex[index] == index) {
expandedIndex[index] = -1
} else {
expandedIndex[index] = index
if (self.tableview.numberOfRowsInSection(index) > 0) {
self.tableview.scrollToRowAtIndexPath(NSIndexPath(forRow: 0, inSection: index), atScrollPosition: UITableViewScrollPosition.Top, animated: true)
I am calling expandOrCollapseCells when the header is tapped.
You can find similar question here
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YTHu9u88_Y
I'm going to assume you aren't using Swift 3 due to the syntax differences.
The one thing that really sticks out is this line:
self.tableview.insertRowsAtIndexPaths(indexPaths, withRowAnimation: UITableViewRowAnimation.None)
Have you tried using UITableViewRowAnimation.Top instead?
Because it seems to me like the "animation" visible in the video is being forced by beginUpdates() and endUpdates(), since the animation value is set to None in the actual method.
I'd also not recommend using another cell to expand/collapse content from any given cell if you don't specifically need the expanded content to be a table cell for some reason. If that isn't the case, then I'd suggest laying out the expanded content in the parent level cell structure and simply hiding/unhiding it as needed.

UITableView Refresh without scrolling

I have a _TableView with items , and I want to set automatic refresh,and I don't want it to scroll on refresh , lets say user scrolled 2 pages down , and the refresh trigered -> so I want to put the refreshed content to the top of the table without interupting user's scrolling
Assume user was on row 18
and now the _dataSource is refreshed so it fetched lets say 4 items , so I want user to stay on the item he was.
What would be the best approach to achieve it ??
For Swift 3+:
You need to save the current offset of the UITableView, then reload and then set the offset back on the UITableView.
I have created this function for this purpose:
func reload(tableView: UITableView) {
let contentOffset = tableView.contentOffset
tableView.setContentOffset(contentOffset, animated: false)
Simply call it with: reload(tableView: self.tableView)
let contentOffset = self.tableView.contentOffset
self.tableView.setContentOffset(contentOffset, animated: false)
This is error of iOS8 when using UITableViewAutomatic Dimension. We need store the content offset of table, reload table, force layout and set contenOffset back.
CGPoint contentOffset = self.tableView.contentOffset;
[self.tableView reloadData];
[self.tableView layoutIfNeeded];
[self.tableView setContentOffset:contentOffset];
I am showing if only one row is being added. You can extend it to multiple rows.
// dataArray is your data Source object
[dataArray insertObject:name atIndex:0];
CGPoint contentOffset = self.tableView.contentOffset;
contentOffset.y += [self tableView:self.tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0]];
[self.tableView reloadData];
[self.tableView setContentOffset:contentOffset];
But for this to work you need to have defined - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath the method. Or else, you can directly give your tableview row height if it is constant.
Just set estimatedRowHeight to maximum possible value.
self.tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 1000
self.tableView.estimatedSectionFooterHeight = 100.0
self.tableView.estimatedSectionHeaderHeight = 500.0
That's it!!
Please do not use FLT_MAX, DBL_MAX value. May be it will crash your app.
I'm doing it this way:
messages.insertContentsOf(incomingMsgs.reverse(), at: 0)
// This is for the first load, first 20 messages, scroll to bottom
if (messages.count <= 20) {
let indexToScroll = NSIndexPath(forRow: saferSelf.messages.count - 1, inSection: 0)
table.scrollToRowAtIndexPath(indexToScroll, atScrollPosition: .Top , animated: false)
// This is to reload older messages on top of tableview
else {
let indexToScroll = NSIndexPath(forRow: incomingMsgs.count, inSection: 0)
table.scrollToRowAtIndexPath(indexToScroll, atScrollPosition: .Top , animated: false)
// Remove the refreshControl.height + tableHeader.height from the offset so the content remain where it was before reload
let theRightOffset = CGPointMake(0, table.contentOffset.y - refreshControl.frame.height - table.headeView.frame.height)
table.setContentOffset(theRightOffset, animated: false)
...also, since I use dynamic cell height, to avoid some weirdness, the estimation is cached:
var heightAtIndexPath = [NSIndexPath: CGFloat]()
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat {
return heightAtIndexPath[indexPath] ?? UITableViewAutomaticDimension
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, willDisplayCell cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
heightAtIndexPath[indexPath] = cell.frame.height
Use Extension
create UITableViewExtensions.swift and add following:
extension UITableView {
func reloadDataWithoutScroll() {
let offset = contentOffset
setContentOffset(offset, animated: false)
In iOS 12.x, using Xcode 10.2.1, an easier option is.
UIView.performWithoutAnimation {
let loc = tableView.contentOffset
tableView.reloadRows(at: [indexPath], with: .none)
tableView.contentOffset = loc
This works better than following; it shakes at times when the row is not fully visible.
let contentOffset = self.tableView.contentOffset
self.tableView.setContentOffset(contentOffset, animated: false)
Swift 4.2 : Simple Solution
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 0
self.tableView.estimatedSectionHeaderHeight = 0
self.tableView.estimatedSectionFooterHeight = 0
//And then simply update(insert, reloadSections, delete etc) your tableView or reload
UIView.performWithoutAnimation {
This code will prevent unnecessary animation and maintain the scroll view's content offset, it worked fine for me.
let lastScrollOffset = tableView.contentOffset
tableView.setContentOffset(lastScrollOffset, animated: false)
When you want to reload you have to
and also use this UITableViewDelegate
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, estimatedHeightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
return 'your maximum cell's height'
and your tableView will remain on the previous scroll position without scrolling
try to replace
reloadData with
tableView.reloadRows(at: tableView!.indexPathsForVisibleRows!, with: .none),
but you should be care about no cells, if no cells, this method should cause crash.
i wrote something that works perfect for me:
extension UIScrollView {
func reloadDataAndKeepContentOffsetInPlace(reloadData:(() -> Void)) {
let currentContentHeight = contentSize.height
if currentContentHeight == .zero {
let newContentHeight = self.contentSize.height
DispatchQueue.main.async {
var contentOffset = self.contentOffset
contentOffset.y += newContentHeight - currentContentHeight
self.setContentOffset(contentOffset, animated: false)
use like this:
collectionView.reloadDataAndKeepContentOffsetInPlace { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
Try the following.
tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 0
tableView.estimatedSectionHeaderHeight = 0
tableView.estimatedSectionFooterHeight = 0
Source: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/86703
