Swift - Refresh UITableView but keep current position in table - ios

I'm trying to create a planning app with Swift 2, which pulls the data from a remote server via an API. The data of the API is ordered by time. The app shows the data in the exact same order as the API returns.
Now, however, I have created a UITableView which can be pulled to refresh the data. I also have added the possibility to rearrange the data to the likings of the user. When the user refreshes the table however, the data will all be restored to the order of the returned API data.
My question is: how can I still refresh the data, but let the data keep the current position in the table?

You control the order in which data is displayed by how you implement cellForRowAtIndexPath. The API doesn't control your UI.
If you choose to display the data in the order returned by the API, then yes, user will lose their custom arrangement when the table is reloaded.
If you want the user to control the order data is displayed, you will need to persist some information about the order so that you can keep that order when the table is reloaded.
In the simplest case, you could provide some default sort options that make sense for the kind of data you have. You might have a type or category value that makes sense to sort on. You would then only need to persist the sort options the user has chosen and sort your data when reloading the table.
If you want the user to have complete control over the order, then you need to persist that order and reapply it when the table is reloaded. This is considerably more challenging. Some options, from easiest to hardest:
1. You could persist the order locally using just an identifier that uniquely identifies each item.
2. You could persist all the data and the order locally.
3. You could persist the order on the server.


How to handle CRUD operation with Diffable Data Source & NSFetchedResultsController

I have a simple product store screen of 4 rows with each row containing 4-5 products.
Currently I have the following setup
Controller calls the backend server and gets the data
Save the models to Core Data
This triggers an update of NSFetchedResultsController
Apply the new snapshot using Diffable Data Source
This setup works great when new products are added to any row or are updated in some way.
But I am unable to find a way on how to handle the scenario when a product is removed in the API response ? because whenever I receive a response I save it in Core Data base and then rely on the FRC trigger to apply the snapshot.
So If an existing product is removed in the response the product still continues to show in the store as it also needs to be removed in the DB as well. So before saving into DB I always have to delete all the existing data and then save the new data for changes to take effect.
Can anybody suggest a change in my setup to handle this scenario or any particular flow to handle it ?

swift iOS what ways can I cache network calls

The first thing a user has to do when he/she is launching my app is to select a category and a sub-category from two table views. (relational)
I populate the table views by calling my remote API/Server and the output the data.
But is there a way to cache the data so that I don't have to make a API network call every time?
You can serialize the data returned from the API calls and manually save them on the disk Explanation here
Also you can use core data this is a bit more troubling in the beginning but after the initial setup it is pretty easy to use.

How to ensure data consistency and truly take advantage of Core Data?

I've worked on several iOS apps, some of them utilize Core Data, and some of them don't. While I consider myself having a basic to somewhat good understanding of Core Data, there's always something that makes me doubt the usefulness of it. I've done a lot of reading on the subject, and the general consensus seems to be the advantages of using it outweighs the disadvantages. I recently submitted an app without using Core Data, and always planned on going back to update the project to utilize it when I have the time for some optimization work. Now's the time, but I wonder if it makes sense for the app I'm working on, and maybe I am not using it correctly all along. Please advise and point out what I am missing.
The project I am working on is a social networking app, which also has a front-end site. We have standard features like a newsfeed, event listing, the ability to follow/unfollow someone, and a map with POIs at user's location. Currently, we're using pagination whenever needed when requesting data from server.
My understanding of why Core Data is great:
Easier to manage data with complicated relationship
Easier to access data without having to pass them around
Easier to manipulate, fetch, and sort your data
Better memory utilization
Improve perceived performance by preloading data stored locally until latest data's received
The problem I am having is, since I am using pagination when requesting for data instead of requesting for all at once. The data stored locally is only a subset of the current state in the database. Let's use newsfeed as an example. If I do the following, it will cause some problems:
User manually refresh the newsfeed -> Controller notifies model that it needs the latest 20 items -> Model requests for the latest 20 items in the newsfeed and save them as NSManagedObject -> Model notifies controller that data is ready -> Fetch the latest 20 items to show in UITableView
If user A refreshes the newsfeed, background the app, and then user B deletes his post in the newsfeed (let's say it was 10th item) before user A foregrounds the app again to refresh the newsfeed. In user A's newsfeed, B's post will still be up there because according to the createdAt attribute, it's indeed one of the latest 20 items.
To fix this problem, I can think of a few solutions:
Add a flag to the item to indicate it's removed
Always discard local data when new data arrives
Disable pagination
Instead of using the workflow described above, always present the requested data only instead of fetching the latest
Solution 1 means custom code is required to deal with different clients since browser doesn't need deleted items but iOS client does. However, even though it can work, it can potentially mess up the pagination mechanism and can cause weird behaviours in the client. For example, if a large amount of items gets removed, the latest 20 items will contain only a few items that will actually show up in the newsfeed on the client when user refreshes it. As user follows more people, more stories will be inserted in his newsfeed as well. This solution won't work very well in this situation.
Solution 2 totally defeats the purpose of using Core Data in the first place unless I am missing something.
Solution 3 means the client always needs to request for all data. This is nearly impossible to do because as you get more data, the time to retrieve and process them will make the app slow and unresponsive. It also doesn't make sense from technical and UX point of view.
Solution 4 also kinda defeats the purpose of using Core Data because it's the same workflow when we only store data in memory. You can still fetch and find objects but they might be invalid on the server already at the time of access.
Am I missing something? How is Core Data supposed to be used in this scenario? How do you ensure data consistency when the client doesn't have all the data? Thanks you in advance.

Updating DBGrids in Master-Detail views when updating Cells in Delphi

I am using TADOConn and TADODataSet units pulling data and connected to TDataSources and TDBGrids. I have my DBGrids displaying information properly and editing information in the detail view accurately reflects in the backing database.
What I would like to do is have it so that an update to a field in the detail DBGrid causes a refresh on both data sets so that the most up-to-date data is always displayed.
I have tried putting the refresh calls in several event handlers at various levels of DB access but they all seem to have a similar (but different) issue of reentry.
The best I've been able to come up with so far is getting the Master view updated by calling refresh on the details DBGrid.onColExit event.
If I leave the refresh calls out all together the updated information isn't displayed until the next time the application is run.
Any ideas of how to achieve this? Am I going about it the wrong why? Thanks in advance.
You imply that the changes you make in the DBGrid are posted to the database but are not displayed in the grid or maintained in its dataset and that you must get them back from the database. All the dataset components I have used maintain its copy of the data including all the changes that passed through it to the database. If you expect the data to be changed by triggers or another process, you may need to refresh the data. Then you will have to deal with the possibility that the current record position is lost, i.e. the current record was deleted in the database.
I would try using the Dataset.AfterPost event to initiate the refresh. And I would consider using a Timer to delay the refresh if strange things happen.

How can I persist objects between requests with ASP.NET MVC?

I'm just starting to learn ASP.NET MVC and I'd like to know how I can retain model objects between subsequent requests to controller action methods?
For example say I'm creating a contact list web app. Users can create, update, rename, and delete contacts in their list. However, I also want users to be able to upload a contact list exported from other programs. Yet I don't want to just automatically add all the contacts in the uploaded file I want to give the user a secondary form where they can pick which uploaded contacts should be actualy added to their list.
So first I have a ContactController.Upload() method which shows an upload form. This submits to ContactController.Upload(HttpPostedFileBase file) which reads the file that was posted into a set of Contact model objects. Then I want to display a list of all the names of the contacts in the list and allow the user to select those that should be added to their contact list. This might be a long list that needs to be split up into multiple pages, and I might also want to allow the user to edit the details of the contacts before they are actually added to their contact list.
Where should I save the model objects between when a user uploads a file and when they finally submit the specific contacts they want? I'd rather not immediately load all the uploaded contacts into the back end database, as the user may end up only selecting a handful to actually add. Then the rest would need to be deleted. Also I would have to account for the case when a user uploads a file, but never actually completes the upload.
From what I understand an instance of a controller only lasts for one request. So should I create a static property on my Contact controller that contains all the latest uploaded contact model object collections? And then have some process that periodically checks the age of these collections and clears out any that are older then some specified expiration time?
A static property on the controller is trouble. First off, it won't work in a web farm and second it you'd have to deal with multiple requests from different users. If you really don't want to use your database you could use the ASP.NET Session.
No, you don't want a static property, as that would be static to all instances of the controller, even for other users.
Instead, you should create a table used to upload the data to. This table would be used as an intermediary between when the user uploads the data, and completes the process. Upon completion, you copy the contacts you want to keep into your permanent table, then delete the temporary data. You can then run a process every so often that purges incomplete data that is older than a specified time limit.
You could also use the HttpContext.Cache, which supports expiration (and sliding expiration) out-of-the box.
Alternatively, and perhaps even better (but more work) you could use cookies and have the user modify the data using javascript in her browser before finally posting it to you.
However, I'd strongly recommend to store the uploaded information in the database instead.
As you pointed out, it might be a lot of data and the user might want to edit it before clicking 'confirm'. What happens if the user's machine (or browser) crashes or she has to leave urgently?
Depending on the way you store the data the data in this scenario will probably be lost. Even if you used the user id as a cache key, a server restart, cache expiration or cache overflow would cause data loss.
The best solution is probably a combination of database and cookie storage where the DB keeps the information in a temporary collection. Every n minutes, or upon pagination, the modified data is sent to the server and updated in the DB.
The problem with storing the data in session or memory is what happens if the user uploads 50k contacts or more. You then have a very large data set in memory to deal with which depending on your platform may effect application performance.
If this is never going to be an issue and the size of the imported contacts list is manageable you can use either the session or cache to store the dataset for further modifications. Just remember to clear it when the user has committed the changes, you don't want a few heavy datasets hanging around in session.
If you store the dataset in session using your application controller then it will be available to all controllers while it is needed.
