Should I compare NSNotFound to NSInteger or NSUInteger? - ios

Here's my code:
NSArray *allIds = [self.purchasableObjects valueForKey:#"productIdentifier"];
NSInteger index = [allIds indexOfObject:productId];
if (index == NSNotFound)
Which one to compare to NSNotFound... NSInteger or NSUInteger and why?

The reason why he's asked this question is because the AppKit is inconsistent with Foundation indexes, especially for NSMenu and NSTableView:
id obj = ...;
NSMenu * menu = ...;
/* This returns an NSInteger, returning -1 (which when casted, is NSNotFound) */
NSInteger index = [ menu indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject:obj ];
/* This returns an NSUInteger, since arrays cannot have negative indices. */
NSUInteger idx = [ [ menu itemArray ] indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:obj ];
Because of this, one must cast back and forth, but this creates new problems:
Because indexes cannot be negative, the number of rows (or submenus,
etc) is lower BY HALF of what normal arrays can be.
If you attempt to read or insert an object to a negative index (-2) in a UI element, you do not get range exceptions. If you cast to unsigned, the index is undefined. So this code, which is wrong, compiles without error:
id obj = ...;
NSMenu * menu = ...;
/* Or the result of some integer arithmetic. */
NSInteger idx = -2;
/* Compiles, doesn't throw exception. Index COULD be NSIntegerMax - 1, but the ending index is undefined. */
[ menu insertItem:obj atIndex:idx ];
/* Compiles, but throws NSRangeException. */
[ [ menu mutableArrayValueForKey:#"items" ] insertObject:obj atIndex:( NSUInteger )idx ];
In the first case, when inserting an item beyond menu.numberOfItems (which is an NSInteger), in general (but not guaranteed), the method is equivalent to [ menu addItem ]. So, index is transformed thus:
[ menu insertItem:obj atIndex:MIN( idx, menu.numberOfItems ) ];
But in older versions of AppKit, index is rounded up!:
[ menu insertItem:obj atIndex:MAX( MIN( idx, menu.numberOfItems ), 0 ) ];
So a programmer must take great care when inserting and/or retrieving indexes from UI elements, or use an NSArrayController instead.
For all cases, though it is safe to check both [ menu indexOfItem:obj ] and [ array indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:obj ] are equal NSNotFound, so long as you use an explicit cast. While NSNotFound is has a declared type of NSUInteger, it is defined as NSUIntegerMax, which when cast equals -1. NEVER check if a value is less than NSNotFound as you will create yet another infinite loop. But feel free to:
NSInteger index = [ menu indexOfItem:nonexistantObject ];
if( ( NSUInteger )index == NSNotFound ) {
NSUInteger index = [ array indexOfItem:nonexistantObject ];
if( index == NSNotFound ) {
However, if the return type is NSInteger, you should not assume that if the returned index isn't NSNotFound that it is a valid index (especially if you're using a 3rd-party framework or library). Instead, you should check to see if the returned index is in a valid range:
NSInteger index = [ menu indexOfItem:nonexistantObject ];
if( ( NSUInteger )index == NSNotFound ) {
/* Can't find it, so insert or do something else. */
} else if( !( index >= 0 && index <= menu.numberOfItems ) ) {
/* Throw an invalid range exception. There's a major bug! */
} else {
/* woo hoo! we found it! */
Of course that check is computationally expensive, so it should only be used in code that runs infrequently, is not in a loop, or in debug code. If you want to ensure that you always get a valid index as quickly as possible, you should use block enumeration, which is faster than just about any other method:
id obj = ..;
/* Get an array from the UI, or just use a normal array. */
NSArray * array = [ menu itemArray ];
/* Find an index quickly */
NSUInteger index = [ array indexOfObjectWithOptions:NSEnumerationConcurrent passingTest:^BOOL( NSUInteger idx, id testObj, BOOL * stop ) {
if( obj == testObj ) {
*stop = TRUE;
return TRUE;
} ];
The returned index is guaranteed to be valid, either NSNotFound or in NSMakeRange( 0, array.count - 1 ). Notice I did not use -isEqual: as I was checking for a specific instance not an object that could be interpreted as the same as another.
If you need to do something with the indices in the loop, you can use the same technique (notice the indices are passed to the block, and are always valid):
[ array enumerateObjectsWithOptions:NSEnumerationConcurrent usingBlock:^( NSUInteger idx, id obj, BOOL * stop ) {
/* do something to this object, like adding it to another array, etc */
} ];
Using the block methods on arrays always get you valid indices, that can be cast to NSIntegers for use in UI elements. There are also range-specific block methods that can restrict the values even further. I'd recommend reading through the NSArray and NSMutableArray documentation for pointers. It's also quite easy to misuse blocks, by adding code to the [enumerate...withBlock:][3] methods, especially if you are adding the objects to another collection class:
NSArray * source = ...;
NSMutableArray * dest = ...;
[ source enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^( NSUInteger idx, id obj, BOOL * stop ) {
if( /* some test */ ) {
/* This is wasteful, and possibly incorrect if you're using NSEnumerationConcurrent */
[ dest addObject:obj ];
} ];
It's better to do this instead:
/* block removed for clarity */
NSArray * source = ...;
NSMutableArray * dest = ...;
NSIndexSet * indices = [ source indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:testBlock ];
[ dest addObjects:[ source objectsAtIndexes:indices ] ];
Sorry for the long-winded response, but this is a problem with Cocoa indexing (and especially NSNotFound) that my developers have to solve and re-solve, so I thought it would be helpful to share.

You should use NSUInteger
The reason behind this is "The array index is not going to minus (i.e object at index -5)"
typedef int NSInteger;
typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;
NSInteger must be used when there are probability to get values in plus or minus.
Hope it helps.


How to access index of NSMutable Array in Objective-C?

for(int i=0;i<[serviceNamesFilterArray count];i++){
NSLog(#"state : %#", [serviceNamesFilterArray objectAtIndex:i]);
NSString *str = [serviceNamesFilterArray objectAtIndex:i];
if (tag_id == [serviceNamesFilterArray indexOfObject:str] ) {
// filterButtonArray = serviceNamesFilterArray;
[filterButtonArray addObject:str];
I want to access index of serviceNamesFilterArray. How can i access index's of my array so that i can compare it with integer tag_id?
Even Objective-C provides smarter filter APIs than a loop.
index will contain the index of the object in the array matching tag_id
NSInteger index = [self.serviceNamesFilterArray indexOfObjectPassingTest:^BOOL(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
return (NSString *)obj.integerValue == tag_id;
you can compare i value with your tag_id as follows:
for(int i=0;i<[serviceNamesFilterArray count];i++) {
NSLog(#"state : %#", [serviceNamesFilterArray objectAtIndex:i]);
NSString *str = [serviceNamesFilterArray objectAtIndex:i];
if (tag_id == i) {
//perform your logic here
you can use the enumerateObjectsUsingBlock method, like
[serviceNamesFilterArray enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
// ...
Preamble: you are using [array objectAtIndex:index] in your code, while this was the way to index historically in modern Objective-C you simply write array[index]. If you are learning Obj-C from a book/website you might want to look for a newer text.
It is unclear what you are asking let’s see what we can figure out.
You start with a loop:
for(int i=0;i<[serviceNamesFilterArray count];i++)
Here i is going to be used as an index into the array serviceNamesFilterArray. Inside the loop you then access the object at index i (updating your code as above):
NSString *str = serviceNamesFilterArray[i];
and having obtained the object at index i you ask what is the index of that object:
[serviceNamesFilterArray indexOfObject:str]
There are two possible answer here:
i – this is the most obvious answer and will be the result if there are no duplicates in serviceNamesFilterArray. It will be the answer as you just obtained str from index i of the array.
j where j < i – this will be the answer if the array contains duplicates and the same string is found at indices j and i. This result happens because indexOfObject: returns the first index at which the object occurs with the array.
The most likely result seems to be (1) in your case (guessing you do not have duplicate “service names”). In this case your conditional is equivalent to:
if (tag_id == i) {
[filterButtonArray addObject:str];
However if this is your intention then the loop is completely unnecessary as your code is equivalent to:
NSString *str = serviceNamesFilterArray[tag_id];
[filterButtonArray addObject:str];
If the serviceNamesFilterArray does contain duplicates then your code as written may add the string at index tag_id multiple times to filterButtonArray or it may add it no times – we'll leave figuring out why as an exercise, and we doubt this is your intention anyway.
At the time of writing #vadian has made a different guess as to your aim. Their solution finds the index, if any, where the string value if interpreted as an integer is equal to the value of tag_id (an integer). If that is your aim then #vadian’s solution provides it.
Of course both our and #vadian’s guesses might be wrong at to what your aim is. If so you can edit the question to explain, or delete it and ask a new one instead – given this question has at the time of writing 3 answers already deletion in this case might be better to reduce future confusion when people read the (revised) question and (outdated) answers.
Maybe you just need to judge whether the tag_id is less than count of serviceNamesFilterArray, then you can get the value by tag_id directlly.
if (tag_id < [serviceNamesFilterArray count]){
NSString *str = [serviceNamesFilterArray objectAtIndex:tag_id];
// other logic here

NSData to NSArray of NSNumbers?

I'm coming from Swift to Objective-C and a problem I have run into is that NSData doesn't seem have methods to enumerate over UInt8 values the way Swift's Data does. Other answers with similar titles exist but they all deal with property lists, whereas I just have a bucket of ASCII bytes. Specifically, the code I want to replicate in Obj-C is:
//Find the next newline in ASCII data given a byte offset
let subset = myData.advanced(by: offset)
var lineEnd: Data.Index = myData.endIndex
subset.enumerateBytes({ (memory, idx, stop) in
let newline: UInt8 = 10
for idx in memory.indices {
let charByte = memory[idx]
if charByte == newline {
lineEnd = idx
stop = true; return;
Ideally I want a way to convert an NSArray to an array of NSNumbers which I can extract the intValues from. Of course, if there is a better method, let me know. A goal is to keep the Obj-C code as similar to Swift as possible as I will be maintaining the two codebases simultaneously.
The only good way to access an NSData's bytes is to call its -bytes method, which gets you a C pointer to its internal storage.
NSData *data = ...;
const uint8_t *bytes = data.bytes;
NSUInteger length = data.length;
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < length; i++) {
uint8_t byte = bytes[i];
// do something with byte
The closest equivalent to advance would be subdataWithRange. The equivalent to enumerateBytes is enumerateByteRangesUsingBlock. It would yield something like:
NSData *subset = [data subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(offset, data.length - offset)];
__block NSUInteger lineEnd = data.length;
Byte newline = 10;
[subset enumerateByteRangesUsingBlock:^(const void * _Nonnull bytes, NSRange byteRange, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
for (NSInteger index = 0; index < byteRange.length; index++) {
Byte charByte = ((Byte *)bytes)[index];
if (charByte == newline) {
lineEnd = index + byteRange.location;
*stop = true;
Note, I made a few changes from your Swift example:
If the data was not contiguous, your Swift example returns the index within the current block. But I suspect you want the location within subset, not the current block. I'm wagering that you've never noticed this because it's pretty rare that NSData blocks are not continuous.
But the Swift code doesn't look correct to me. This Objective-C example reports the offset within subset, not within the current block within subset.
It's not observable performance difference, but I pulled the definition of newline out of the enumeration block. Why repeatedly define that?
If you're really searching for a character in the NSData, I'd suggest avoiding creating the subset altogether. Just use rangeOfData:options:range:. This will find whatever you're looking for.

Remove object in array enumeration

[array enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
if (condition) {
[array removeObject:obj];
sometimes it worked,and sometimes it crashed,why?
Imagine how you would write the code for -enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: if you were working at Apple and asked to add this. It would probably look something like:
-(void) enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: (void(^)(id _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop))myBlock
NSUInteger numItems = [self count];
BOOL stop = false;
for( NSUInteger x = 0; x < numItems && stop == false; x++ )
myBlock( [self objectAtIndex: x], x, &stop );
Now if your block calls removeObject:, that means that the array:
0: A
1: B
2: C
3: D
After myBlock( A, 0 ) changes to:
0: B
1: C
2: D
Now x++ gets executed, so next call is myBlock( C, 1 ) -- already you see that the 'B' is now skipped, and the item originally at index 2 is deleted second (instead of the one at index 1). Once we have deleted that, we loop again and the array looks like this:
0: B
1: D
So when -enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: tries to delete the item at index 2, it runs off the end of the array, and you get a crash.
In short, the documentation for -enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: doesn't say anywhere that you may modify the array while you're iterating it, and there is no way for the block to tell the looping code in -enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: that it just deleted an object, so you can't rely on that working.
(You can try this out yourself ... rename this version of enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: to myEnumerateObjectsUsingBlock:, declare it in a category on NSArray, and step through it in the debugger with a program like: [myArray myEnumerateObjectsUsingBlock: ^(id _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop){ [myArray removeObject: obj]; }];)
If you expect you'll be deleting items from the array, there are several workarounds. One, you can make a copy of the array, loop over that, and delete objects from the original array. Another option is to iterate backwards over the array, which means that the indexes of earlier items won't change (try modifying the version of -enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: above and watch what happens in the debugger).
Yet another approach is to write your own method that filters the array. You give it a block that is expected to return YES if you are to keep the object, NO if you shouldn't. Then you loop over the original array, call the block on each item, and create a new array, to which you add all objects for which the block returns YES.
This is unsafe way. I don't know well internal execution of this language, btw I think when you remove the object, then the size of array decreases, and it would be error when you reach the last element of array.
I think in enumeration block, you are not allowed to change array. it is same issue on other languages.
You can get further information in this url.
After deletion, your objects are not proper. so make copy as:
[array enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
if (condition) {
int counter = [array indexOfObject:obj];
[array removeObjectAtIndex:counter];

iOS: Remove NSArray in NSMutableArray in For Loop

This is a pretty simple concept, but I'm not getting the results I'm wanting. I have an NSMutableArray that is populated with NSArrays, I want to loop through that NSMutableArray and remove certain NSArrays based on a key-value pair. My results have many of the NSArrays that I should be removing and I think it has something to do with the count of the NSMutableArray and the int I declare in the For Loop.
Here is my code: (restArray is the NSMutableArray)
for (int i=0; i<restArray.count; i++) {
NSArray *array = restArray[i];
if ([[array valueForKey:#"restaurant_status"] isEqualToString:#"0"]) {
[restArray removeObjectAtIndex:i];
Does someone know what I am doing wrong here?
It is not recommended to modify an array on what are you currently iterating.
Lets create a tmp array, and reverse your logic.
NSMutableArray * tmpArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i=0; i<restArray.count; i++) {
NSArray *array = restArray[i];
if (![[array valueForKey:#"restaurant_status"] isEqualToString:#"0"] {
[tmpArray addObject:array];
So at the end of the iteration, you should end up with tmpArray having the arrays you needed.
Use NSPredicate:
NSArray *testArray = #[#{#"restaurant_status" : #"1"}, #{#"restaurant_status" : #"0"}];
NSArray *result = [testArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"(restaurant_status == %#)", #"1"]];
When you remove an element all the elements past it shift down by one, e.g. If you remove the element at index 3 then the element previously at index 4 moves to index 3.
Every iteration you increase the index by one.
Combine the above two and you see that when you remove an element your code skips examining the following element.
The simple solution is to reverse the order of the iteration:
for (int i = restArray.count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
and then your algorithm will work.
You can safely ignore this addendum if your arrays contain < 2^32 elements and you use Clang or GCC (and most other C compilers).
It has been raised in the comments that this answer has a problem if the array has 0 elements in it. Well yes & no...
First note that the code in the question is technically incorrect: count returns an NSUInteger which on a 64-bit machine is a 64-bit unsigned integer, the loop variable i is declared as an int which is 32-bit signed. If the array has more than 2^31-1 elements in it then the loop is incorrect.
Most people don't worry too much about this for some reason ;-) But let's fix it:
for (NSInteger i = restArray.count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Back to the problem with an empty array: in this case count returns unsigned 0, C standard arithmetic conversions convert the literal 1 to unsigned, the subtraction is done using modular arithmetic, and the result is unsigned 2^64-1.
Now that unsigned value is stored into the signed i. In C converting from signed to unsigned of the same type is defined to be a simple bit-copy. However converting from unsigned to signed is only defined if the value is within range, and implementation defined otherwise.
Now 2^64-1 is greater than the maximum signed integer, 2^32-1, so the result is implementation defined. In practice most compilers, including Clang and GCC, choose to use bit-copy, and the result is signed -1. With this the above code works fine, both the NSInteger and the int (if you've less than 2^32-1 elements in your array) versions.
What the comments raise is how to avoid this implementation-defined behaviour. If this concerns you the following will handle the empty array case correctly with ease:
for (NSUInteger i = restArray.count; i > 0; )
i--; // decrement the index
// loop body as before
If the array is empty the loop test, i > 0, will fail immediately. If the array is non-empty i, being initialised to the count, will start as one greater than the maximum index and the decrement in the loop will adjust it - effectively in the loop test i contains the number of elements left to process and in the loop body after the decrement contains the index of the next element to process.
Isn't C fun (and mathematically incorrect by definition)!

How for in loop works internally - Objective C - Foundation

I found this answer:
Which presents how for in loop is implemented.
NSFastEnumerationState __enumState = {0};
id __objects[MAX_STACKBUFF_SIZE];
NSUInteger __count;
while ((__count = [myArray countByEnumeratingWithState:&__enumState objects:__objects count:MAX_STACKBUFF_SIZE]) > 0) {
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < __count; i++) {
id obj = __objects[i];
[obj doSomething];
The problem is that, I found it wrong.
First of all, when you have Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) turned on, you got an error
Sending '__strong id *' to parameter of type '__unsafe_unretained_id*' changes retain/release properties of pointer
But even when I turn ARC off I found out that I __object array seems to behave strangely :
This is actual Code (I assumed MAX_STACKBUFF_SIZE to be 40):
#autoreleasepool {
NSArray *myArray = #[#"a", #"b", #"c", #"d", #"e", #"f", #"g"];
NSFastEnumerationState __enumState = {0};
id __objects[MAX_STACKBUFF_SIZE];
NSUInteger __count;
while ((__count = [myArray countByEnumeratingWithState:&__enumState objects:__objects count:MAX_STACKBUFF_SIZE]) > 0) {
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < __count; i++) {
id obj = __objects[i];
NSLog(#" Object from __objects ! %#", obj); // on screenshot different message
return 0;
I got EXC_BAD_ACESS when I try to get the contents of the __object array.
I also found out that when you try to iterate through __enumState.itemsPtr it actually works.
Could you explain me what is going on here ? Why my __objects seems to be "shrunken down". And why it doesn't contains desired object? And why is that error when ARC is turned on.
Thank you very very much in advance for your time and effort! (I provided screenshot for better understanding what causes an error)
First of all, strong pointers cannot be used in C-structures, as explained in the "Transitioning to ARC Release Notes", therefore the objects array has be be declared
__unsafe_unretained id __objects[MAX_STACKBUFF_SIZE];
if you compile with ARC.
Now it is not obvious (to me) from the NSFastEnumeration documentation, but it is
explained in Cocoa With Love:Implementing countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:
that the implementation need not fill the supplied objects array, but can just set
__enumState.itemsPtr to an existing array (e.g. some internal storage). In that case, the contents of the
__objects array is undefined, which causes the crash.
id obj = __objects[i];
id obj = __enumState.itemsPtr[i];
gives the expected result, which is what you observed.
Another reference can be found in the "FastEnumerationSample" sample code:
You have two choices when implementing this method:
1) Use the stack
based array provided by stackbuf. If you do this, then you must
respect the value of 'len'.
2) Return your own array of objects. If
you do this, return the full length of the array returned until you
run out of objects, then return 0. For example, a linked-array
implementation may return each array in order until you iterate
through all arrays.
In either case, state->itemsPtr MUST be a valid
array (non-nil). ...
