MVC Kendo UI Grid - call function after all the rows have been expanded -

I am using the ASP.NET MVC Kendo grid.
On click of a button, I need to expand all the rows.
Here is the code for the same:
var row = $(this).closest("tr.k-master-row");"kendoGrid").expandRow(row);
Where this and grid have been defined. This works well.
On expand of each row, the following event is called (for each row), as the detail template is bound:
.Events(events => events.DataBound("onInnerGridDataBound"))
function onInnerGridDataBound(e) {
//Do something here
My requirement is that after I initiate the call to expand all the rows, I have a few lines in the code, which should be executed only after all the rows have been expanded. So,
function expandAll()
var row = $(this).closest("tr.k-master-row"); //Step1"kendoGrid").expandRow(row);"); //Step2
//Do something after the onInnerGridDataBound event is called for
every expanded row.
//Ideally should be step 4 to be executed, but executes immediately
//after step2
//Ideally Step 3 to execute, but executes last
function onInnerGridDataBound(e) {
//Do something here
I want to avoid using the setTimeout method, as I don't know how long it will take or any flags.
Hope to find an answer soon.

Have you tried this?
Not sure if it'd work here but it should be something like:
.done(function () {
//after completing expandRow event
.then(function() {
//something else
Again, this may not work at all since I'm not sure if kendoGrid events can be treated as deferred objects but it's worth a shot.


Vaadin Dataprovider: how to avoid "auto-fetch"?

Use Case 1 is answered below, Use Case 2 has been moved to a separate question (Vaadin Flow: Returning to a view, the view should not reload data from the backend)
I'd like to use a Vaadin Flow (v14 LTS/v19) grid component backed by a lazy DataProvider which does not automatically fetch data from the backend when the grid is shown.
There are at least two use cases:
showing grid data does not make sense unless the user provided filter parameters
returning to a #PreserveOnRefresh tagged view should not replace the shown data with current data. (further elaborated in update)
Being pretty new to Vaadin 14+, I could not figure out how to achieve this. Every time my GridView is displayed, the count and fetch callbacks of DataProvider are queried. The call originates from the DataCommunicator of the grid.
So for Use Case 1: How to stop the DataProvider from fetching data as long as it does not make sense?
And for Use Case 2: How to prevent overwriting the grid state when adding a grid to the UI for the second time?
Thanks a lot!
StackTrace to my fetch callback (Vaadin Flow 14):
at org.vaadin.example.GridView.fetch(
at org.vaadin.example.GridView.lambda$new$c4b2c115$1(
at com.vaadin.flow.internal.StateTree.lambda$runExecutionsBeforeClientResponse$2(
at [] omitted
at com.vaadin.flow.internal.StateTree.runExecutionsBeforeClientResponse(
at com.vaadin.flow.server.communication.UidlWriter.encodeChanges(
at com.vaadin.flow.server.communication.UidlWriter.createUidl(
at com.vaadin.flow.server.communication.UidlRequestHandler.writeUidl(
at com.vaadin.flow.server.communication.UidlRequestHandler.synchronizedHandleRequest(
at com.vaadin.flow.server.SynchronizedRequestHandler.handleRequest(
at com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinService.handleRequest(
at com.vaadin.flow.server.VaadinServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
update 20210430
Here's the code of my GridView which also fakes the backend DataProvider:
#Route(value = "grid", layout = MainView.class)
public class GridView extends VerticalLayout {
public GridView() {
final Grid<Person> g = new Grid(Person.class);
g.setDataProvider(DataProvider.fromCallbacks(q -> fetch(q), q -> count(q)));
// filter omitted
final Button refresh = new Button("refresh");
refresh.addClickListener(e -> {
System.out.println("refresh clicked");
add(new TextField("State check"));
// fake DataProvider
private int count(Query<Person, Void> q) { return 3; }
private Stream<Person> fetch(Query<Person, Void> q) {
q.getLimit(); //vaadin checks these have been called
q.getOffset(); //vaadin checks these have been called
System.out.println("fetching again");
new Exception().printStackTrace(); //figure out who called
return Arrays.asList(new Person("1"), new Person("2"), new Person("3")).stream();
My MainView is used to switch between GridView and EmptyView
public class MainView extends AppLayout {
private Component emptyBView;
private Component gridBView;
public MainView() {
final Button emptyB = new Button("Btn empty");
emptyB.addClickListener(e -> {
if (emptyBView == null) { emptyBView = new EmptyView();}
final Button gridB = new Button("Btn grid");
gridB.addClickListener(e -> {
if (gridBView == null) gridBView = new GridView();
MainView is an AppLayout used to switch the contents of the AppLayout from GridView to EmptyView and back.
Use Case 2 is: When returning to GridView, the GridView should be exactly same state as before (which works fine with the TextField).
open GridView -> grid should not be filled with data
enter filter params (not shown in code)
click "refresh" to populate the grid
enter "Spiderman" in TextField "stateCheck"
switch to EmptyView
in the real app: do something in EmptyView and potentially other views
return to GridView -> the grid should not reload the data, it should just stay as it was - just like the TextField still displays "Spiderman", the grid should display the same data as before without reloading it.
For Case 1: In the callback check if you have filter parameters, return an empty set if not. Using the new V17+ API it would look like this:
grid.setItems(query -> {
if(filterParameters.isEmpty()) {
// Return an empty stream
} else {
// Fetch from backend
You can read more in the docs here: (V19) or (V14)
I would need more info on what you're currently doing to help out with Case 2. How are you constructing the view, what does your code look like? A full stack trace with the "Caused by" would also help.
I would recommend only setting the DataProvider to the Grid once the first filter parameter is set. The client-side Grid expects to receive the number of items it requires from the fetch query; it might work in some corner case if you don't provide the requested numbers of items from fetch, but it's not designed to behave like that.
Note that this applies specifically to using DataProviders with filters in Vaadin 14 series - Vaadin 17 introduced a new optional simplified way of fetching items, which changes this equation a bit. It's not backported to Vaadin 14 yet (currently planned for 14.7).

How do know Kendo grid.savechanges() method is success or fail

I have a kendo MVC grid in a that page i have button. when i click button i want to open a kendowindow popup.
so here is my issue.
when i am clicking that button am saving grid values and i am opening kendo window popup. so if i have a errors in grid then i dont want to open kendo window popup. how to achieve this. below is my button click code.
$("#btnAddProject").click(function (e) {
var grid = $("#Grid").data("kendoGrid");
var myWindow = $("#AddProjectWindow");"kendoWindow").open();"kendoWindow").center();
Here am included below datasource events.
but these datasources functions are calling after click event finish.
but i want wait for grid.saveChanges() to finish and check whether save is success or fail. if fail i dont want to open kendo popup. here datasource functions are calling after finishing button click function
This is because save changes is an asynchronous function. So the rest of the code will execute not matter the result of the save function.
A simple and quick method will be to set a global variable just before you call save changes. Then once the save result is received from server, the grid will fire the onRequestEnd method. You can open the popup window there if the global variable is set.
$("#btnAddProject").click(function (e) {
var grid = $("#Grid").data("kendoGrid");
isSavingChanges = true;
function gridRequestEnd(e) {
if (e.Response){//Response is not null means it is most probably ajax result
if(isSavingChanges == true){
isSavingChanges = false;
var myWindow = $("#AddProjectWindow");"kendoWindow").open();"kendoWindow").center();

angular ui-grid selecting all under grouping
I'm looking to have the ui-grid select all "children" under a grouping when the grouping line is selected. In this case Kit Kat(1), Mr. Goodbar(1), Krackel(2) and ultimately selecting the actual records (the non bold lines). One would expect that when selecting a parent in a grouping all it's children would get selected as well.
Currently when selecting the 1 grouping above the actual records in the data (the non bold lines) it does select those actual records with the following code:
$scope.gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function (rowChanged) {
if (typeof (rowChanged.treeLevel) !== 'undefined' && rowChanged.treeLevel > -1) {
// this is a group header
children = $scope.gridApi.treeBase.getRowChildren(rowChanged);
children.forEach(function (child) {
if (rowChanged.isSelected) {
} else {
I'm not experienced enough with ui-grid at this point to figure out how to cycle through children of the selected line and select all of them.
With Paul's code below it doesn't select the groupings but it's closer. This screenshot is me selecting the first 337 record. Notice it selects that record and all the lowest child records (which is good because ultimately those are the ones that matter) but visually the grouped records (MFG and Item Desc group) aren't selected and need to be as the user won't ever open the lowest data records so they need to see the groups selected.
I checked the documentation and I don't think there's any exposed API Method. You could recursively select/deselect rows as a solution. Please try out the example below.
$scope.gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function (rowChanged) {
if (typeof(rowChanged.treeLevel) !== 'undefined' && rowChanged.treeLevel > -1) {
var children = $scope.gridApi.treeBase.getRowChildren(rowChanged);
selectChildren(children, rowChanged.isSelected);
function selectChildren(gridRows, selected) {
if (gridRows && gridRows.length > 0) {
gridRows.forEach(function (child) {
if (selected) {
} else {
var children = $scope.gridApi.treeBase.getRowChildren(child);
selectChildren(children, selected); //recursively select/de-select children
Here's a working Plunkr:
Handling automatic deselection is a bit more tricky though as it seems the api doesn't handle that really well.
So I checked the jsFiddle you shared and managed to get it working with a slight tweak.
I modified the selectionHandler to the following:
onRegisterApi: function(gridApi) {
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
$scope.gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function(rowChanged) {
if (rowChanged.treeNode.parentRow) { //Added this parent row selection
if (typeof(rowChanged.treeLevel) !== 'undefined' && rowChanged.treeLevel > -1) {
var children = $scope.gridApi.treeBase.getRowChildren(rowChanged);
selectChildren(children, rowChanged.isSelected);
Please see this fork of your code:
The downside with this is that if you select a low level entry (one without children) it will still select its parent. If you really really want this to work as well, you'll have to access the DOM and make some ugly checks.
$scope.gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function(rowChanged, $event) {
var wasHeaderRowClicked = true;
try { //This can be written more beautifully if you used jQuery. But I would still be against it as it relies on the class of the ui-grid never changing when you update your ui-grid version.
wasHeaderRowClicked = $event
.getAttribute('class') === 'ui-grid-icon-minus-squared';
} catch(err) { console.log('Couldnt determine if header row was clicked'); }
if (rowChanged.treeNode.parentRow && wasHeaderRowClicked) {
if (typeof(rowChanged.treeLevel) !== 'undefined' && rowChanged.treeLevel > -1) {
var children = $scope.gridApi.treeBase.getRowChildren(rowChanged);
selectChildren(children, rowChanged.isSelected);
Here is the fiddle:
I'd also like to add, thanks to this post, that according to the UI-Grid documentation: Group header rows cannot be edited, and if using the selection feature, cannot be selected. They can, however, be exported.
So it is intentional that it's so difficult to get this to work because it's not the intended design. My recommendation would be to alter your logic to either use Tree Levels or get around the selection logic because even though my fork is currently selecting everything, you will most likely run into other issues down the road. For example: I couldn't get automatic deselection to work in the grid when you click on another group header.
If you still have the issue take a look with this..

JQGrid ContextMenu - Dynamic Menus

I have a page, which is used for building queries and running them against different entities (Kind of a query builder/generic search).
The results are displayed in JQGrid, so effectively the same grid will be used for rendering results from different entities.
This results grid has to support context menus, which will differ for each entity. So I need a way to change the context menu as per the entity. Each entity may have different number of menu items in context menu and each item may respond in a different manner (sometimes an alert, sometimes an action spawning in a different tab).
Rendering different menus (through li) is not an issue but attaching the methods to the li is proving to be a challenge. Any pointers will be highly appreciated.
I am using jquery.contextmenu-ui.js .
Following is from a sample that I picked from their (JQGrid) site
function initGrid() {
bindings: { /* I would like to avoid this and pass all the actions to one method*/
'edit': function (t) {
'add': function (t) {
'del': function (t) {
onContextMenu: function (event, menu) {
var rowId = $("tr").attr("id")
var grid = $("#EntityGrid");
return true;
You can use onShowMenu callback of contextMenu instead of static binding using bindings. In the same way the menuId used as the first parameter of contextMenu could be the id of dynamically created div with empty <ul>. The onShowMenu has the form
onShowMenu: function (e, $menu) {
// here one can clear `<ul>` child of $menu
// and append it with "<li>" items
return $menu;
In the answer you will find an example of the code which build menu dynamically.

DevExpress MVC GridView - How to get cell click event

Using DevExpress's GridView, I would like to trigger a (clientside) event when a cell is selected (or simply clicked on).
There already is a way to get the click events for an entire row, but neither fiddling around nor the documentation gives me any clue how to achieve this for cells.
This is what I have for rows:
Html.DevExpress().GridView(settings =>
// removed a lot of code here
settings.ClientSideEvents.RowDblClick = "OnGridRowDblClick";
Which will cause the javascript function OnGridRowDblClick to be called when a row is double clicked. Ideally there should be something like
settings.ClientSideEvents.CellClick = "OnCellClick";
However, this does not exist, nor can I find anything to achieve this.
It is possible to attach the required client-side handler for an individual DataCell by handling the GridViewSettings.HtmlDataCellPrepared event:
function OnCellClick(visibleIndex, fieldName) {
alert(visibleIndex + " " + fieldName);
#Html.DevExpress().GridView(settings => {
settings.HtmlDataCellPrepared = (sender, e) => {
string.Format("OnCellClick('{0}', '{1}');", e.VisibleIndex, e.DataColumn.FieldName)
