Global Settings iOS Auto time - ios

It´s possible, detect with Swift or Objective-C if in the settings Date & Time, "Set Automatically" is enabled ???
In android there is "Settings.Global.AUTO_TIME_ZONE", I am looking a equivalent in Swift/Objective-C

No, there is no way to do this given the standard SDK. There are jailbroken/private API methods, but I would not recommend relying on them.
If your goal is to keep someone from going back in the past (to circumvent some kind of timed trial) you could store the most recent date you've seen (maybe at startup) in the NSUserDefaults, and if at any time you notice that the current time is more than one hour earlier than the most recently stored time, you can probably safely assume the user has manually changed their time.
But without knowing why you want to do this, it's difficult to offer better suggestions.


Is the NSDate on every iOS device synchronized?

Currently I'm writing an app that will need every iOS devices to have some sort of synchronized time in order to function correctly. I know I can use NSDate to get current time, but I'm not sure if all iOS devices (no matter what location setting it has, or maybe user sets the time manually) will have same NSDate. The synced time has to be accurate enough (< 10ms difference maximum). Can I just use NSDate directly?
No, you cannot rely on NSDate to give you this information.
You can use a Real Time server to provide this information.
Check, it may help you.
Check also about NTP protocol, you can easily use this github project to get from a trusted time server, the current time, whiteout rely on the device.
but I'm not sure if all iOS devices (no matter what location setting it has, or maybe user sets the time manually) will have same NSDate.
Obviously they won't, because some people will set the time manually, so it could be quite far off.
Settings -> General -> Date & Time -> Switch off "Automatically" -> set the time to whatever you wish. So clearly what you ask for cannot be possible.
If you want synchronisation, then the only way you can do this between multiple device is with a central server that keeps the time, and everyone uses the time reported by that server, in your code.

Is there a proper way to handle subscriptions on iOS?

I want my app to have a subscription service and the way I see it is by keeping timeIntervalSince1970 as an "until" date. But that is easily avoidable if the user changes system's current time. Is there any better way to track that in offline mode?
take a look at this post1, it explain how to measure passed time, independent of clock and time zone changes.
you also take a look at this post2, it explain how detect device time change only when it is changed manually
Let me know if this helps you :)

Can I prevent an iOS user from changing the date and time?

I want to deploy managed iOS devices to employees of the company, and the app they will use will timestamp data that will be recorded locally, then forwarded. I need those timestamps to be correct, so I must prevent the user from adjusting the time on the device, recording a value, then resetting the date and time. Date and time will be configured to come from the network automatically, but the device may not have network connectivity at all times (otherwise I would just read network time every time a data value is recorded). I haven't seen an option in Apple Configurator to prevent changing the date and time, so is there some other way to do this?
You won't be able to prevent a user either changing their clock or just hitting your API directly as other commentators have posted. These are two separate issues and can be solved by having a local time that you control on the device and by generating a hashed key of what you send to the server.
Local Time on Device:
To start, make an API call when you start the app which sends back a timestamp from the server; this is your 'actual time'. Now store this on the device and run a timer which uses a phone uptime function (not mach_absolute_time() or CACurrentMediaTime() - these get weird when your phone is in standby mode) and a bit of math to increase that actual time every second. I've written an article on how I did this for one of my apps at (be sure to read the follow up as the original article used CACurrentMediaTime() but that has some bugs). You can periodically make that initial API call (i.e. if the phone goes into the background and comes back again) to make sure that everything is staying accurate but the time should always be correct so long as you don't restart the phone (which should prompt an API call when you next open the app to update the time).
Securing the API:
You now have a guaranteed* accurate time on your device but you still have an issue in that somebody could send the wrong time to your API directly (i.e. not from your device). To counteract this, I would use some form of salt/hash with the data you are sending similar to OAuth. For example, take all of the parameters you are sending, join them together and hash them with a salt only you know and send that generated key as an extra parameter. On your server, you know the hash you are using and the salt so you can rebuild that key and check it with the one that was sent; if they don't match, somebody is trying to play with your timestamp.
*Caveat: A skilled attacked could hi-jack the connection so that any calls to come from a different machine they have set up which returns the time they want so that the phone is given the wrong time as the starting base. There are ways to prevent this (obfuscation, pairing it with other data, encryption) but that becomes a very open-ended question very quickly so best asked elsewhere. A combination of the above plus a monitor to notice weird times might be the best thing.
There doesn't appear to be any way to accomplish what you're asking for. There doesn't seem to be a way to stop the user from being able to change the time. But beyond that, even if you could prevent them from changing the time, they could let their device battery die, then plug it in and turn it on where they don't have a net connection, and their clock will be wrong until it has a chance to set itself over a network. So even preventing them from changing the time won't guarantee accuracy.
What you could do is require a network connection to record values, so that you can verify the time on a server. If you must allow it to work without a net connection, you could at least always log the current time when the app is brought up and note if the time ever seems to go backwards. You'll know something is up if the timestamp suddenly is earlier than the previous timestamp. You could also do this check perhaps only when they try to record a value. If they record a value that has a timestamp earlier than any previous recorded value, you could reject it, or log the event so that the person can be questioned about it at a later time.
This is also one of those cases where maybe you just have to trust the user not to do this, because there doesn't seem to be a perfect solution to this.
The first thing to note is that the user will always be able to forge messages to your server in order to create incorrect records.
But there are some useful things you can use to at least notice problems. Most of the time the best way to secure this kind of system is to focus on detection, and then publicly discipline anyone who has gone out of their way to circumvent policy. Strong locks are meaningless unless there's a cop who's eventually going to show up and stop you.
Of course you should first assume that any time mistakes are accidental. But just publicly "noticing" that someone's device seems to be "misbehaving" is often enough to make bad behaviors go away.
So what can you do? The first thing is to note the timestamps of things when they show up at the server. Timestamps should always move forward in time. So if you've already seen records from a device for Monday, you should not later receive records for the previous Sunday. The same should be true for your app. You can keep track of when you are terminated in NSUserDefaults (as well as posting this information to the server). You should not generally wake up in the past. If you do, complain to your server.
Watch for UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotification. I believe you'll receive it if the time is manually changed (you'll receive it in several other cases as well, most of them benign). Watch for time moving significantly backwards. Complain to your server.
Pay attention to mach_absolute_time(). This is the time since the device was booted and is not otherwise modifiable by the user without jailbreaking. It's useful for distinguishing between reboots and other events. It's in a weird time unit, but it can be converted to human time as described in QA1398. If the mach time difference is more than an hour greater than the wall clock time, something is weird (DST changes can cause 1 hour). Complain to your sever.
All of these things could be benign. A human will need to investigate and make a decision.
None of these things will ensure that your records are correct if there is a dedicated and skilled attacker involved. As I said, a dedicated and skilled attacker could just send you fake messages. But these things, coupled with monitoring and disciplinary action, make it dangerous for insiders to even experiment with how to beat the system.
You cannot prevent the user from changing time.
Even the time of an Location is adjusted by Apple, and not a real GPS time.
You could look at mach kernel time, which is a relative time.
Compare that to the time when having last network connection.
But this all sounds not reliable.

How to implement time based tests?

I have an app that communicates with a server and receives XML data. The app moves between internal states based upon some dates in the XML.
I would like to write some test code for the app but are there any mechanisms for setting the system time when setting things up for the test, and then to alter the system time while the tests are running?
I know the APIs for setting the system time are private, but that is for apps, this is not for an app its test code therefore is there some existing mechanism within SenTestCaseCase for doing something like this?
Difficult at best.
Of course, ideal would be some sort of Mac hack that would reflect a different time base into the iOS simulator, but I've never heard of anything like that.
Failing that, you'd have to "hook" your app. First (easy part) find all uses of [NSDate date] and the related "since now" uses and replace with references to MyNSDate. This version of NSDate would hook the "timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate" class method and "feed" it bogus time values.
The hard part is to somehow booger up all the timers that your app is sensitive to. I have no idea how you'd go about that.

How to make a 14-Day Trial limit in my Delphi application

I'm looking to add a 14-Day trial limit to my software. The program has been written in Delphi 7.
Any help would be much appreciated.
You could try Turbopower OnGuard. This is now opensource.
There are several tricks you can use, but none of them 100% fail save.
You can use some kind of licensing mechanism.
You can store the setup time somewhere hidden in the registry.
You can store the setup time in a file (possibly an executable file or dll).
You can store the IP address in a central database and check each time if the 14 days are passed (you need a internet connection for that).
You can create a file (for example a dll) dynamically on your server and have the installer retreive that file. (Be sure to log the IP so a second attempt will not be possible).
But I think the best way, is to give trial versions with limited functionality. For example: No printing, no save of project, or only small projects can be saved.
That way you avoid the hassle and possible clients can take the time to evaluate your project.
EDIT: If you build a mechanism to check against roling back the clock. Be sure to build in a margin, else the program will be locked if you travel back to an other timezone. Or put the clock back in wintertime. I think a margin of 25 hour will cover everything. (And to be at the save side, you can build in a limit else, the user can roll back the time each day.).
But the best way to keep paying customers, is giving good support. I discontinue products if the service is bad.
One of the things you need to guard against with a time-limited application is users' rolling their calendar back so the application still works. One way around this is to store in your hidden registry place (or wherever) a timestamp whenever the application is started up. If the current date/time is ever earlier than the last timestamp recorded by your app, that means the user has rolled the calendar back and you should disable the application.
Time-limitation is a real pain, though, both for the programmer and the user. It's also not a great marketing idea: why go to the trouble of distributing promotional material (which is what your trial version is) that has an expiration date? It would be like a company mailing out advertisements on paper designed to disintegrate after two weeks.
If your trial version is functionally crippled instead, you might still get sales out of it even months or years later.
You can find the similar question here.
On general note i find time restriction much more useful than functionality restriction. As i explained in the comment to Gamecat post
something to be aware of when performing any of these checks. That the date is never GREATER than 14 days from the date you entered in either direction. A common method around most of these types of limits is to set the date a few years in advance, install and run your software, then set the date back to the current time. If you are hard coded to die 14 days from the original start date, then the user has a few years to try your software. Checking the other direction also gives the user at most 28 days.
I have used Armadillo, Asprotect and Winlicense. Both Armadillo and Asprotect have had serious problems, such as being considered viruses/trojans by some AVs, incompatibility problems, etc.
I haven't used Winlicense enough to have much of an opinion, but support is pretty great.
Obviously both are more complete solutions than what you are asking for - they include protection, licensing, keys, etc.
As mentioned by others, sometimes limiting a feature or adding a watermark is the best option. I've added a watermark to one of my programs (STGThumb) and sales went up about 400%...
I would recommend making a trial serial number with timestamp and force user to enter it into software when its installed. You can even automate it by calling server side page after setup is done.
Timestamp in trial serial key allows you to extend their trial if needed.
In addition you can count backwards to avoid user from changing year when installing:
e.g. if you have 14 days trial generated at 15.11.2008 (server time), you can check that locate date must be greater than 1.11.2008 or less than 24.11.2008 always when serial is used or entered.
You can use a professional tool as SoftwareShield.
I use it in our apps and it provides several licence's models, including timelimited demo.
I created my own key generater (separate program for creating keys). The key values are stored in a binary file with the same name as my program, just a different ext. Example: myprogram.key
I store:
RegType (REG, TRIAL)
FirstRun (0 OR 1)
The program looks for the file. If it is not there, it throws a message to the user and closes. The key file generator writes the values in encrypted strings which are then written using the built in stream routines.
I create a TRIAL Key that i distribute with the program. If someone registers, i then create them an official REG key.
Anway, if they are running my program, it first looks for the key file. if found, it checks the reg type, if its a regitered version, then the program loads, and the registration info is displayed. I also store a regdate, which i compare with the day the program runs and - if the regdate is greater than or equal to todays date, the user get sprompted to re-register.
If it finds that the key file stores a RegType of TRIAL, then the date they first ran it is stored in the keyfile, and the flag first run is set to 1. They can then use it for 14 days. Each time they run the program, the date stored is compared with the running date.
Very simple process to write. Is it fool proof? NO, nothing is! I have had great success with my app. Its not wide known, so there are no hackers lookijng to hack it.
The best would be to get the registration info from your server.
The big drawback: 1. The server must be ALWAYS online! 2. The user must be connected to internet (when it uses your app).
To get you started you can use a Delphi license management library to help you encrypt the license info and generate a string-based key that you can send to your customers upon registration. There are quite few libraries out there.
Anyway, whatever you send to your server needs to be based on the hardware fingerprint of that computer. Otherwise your license key will leak out on some warez website and everyone will be able to use that key. But if the key is hardware-based it would be useless if it is leaked on Internet.
And don't over do it! There is no such thing as unbreakable software protection. If Microsoft could not do it, you will not do it. Concentrate on adding nice features to your app instead of creating a bullet proof protection system (which is not possible).
