Input selection for neural networks - machine-learning

I am going to use ANN for my work in which I have a large dataset, let say input[600x40] and output[600x6]. As one can see, the number of inputs (40) is too high for ANN and it may trap in local minimum and/or increases the CPU time dramatically. Is there any way to select the most informative input?
As my first try, I used the following code in Matlab to find the cross-correlation between each two inputs:
[rho, ~] = corr(inputs, 'rows','pairwise')
However, I think this simple correlation cannot identify some hidden complex relation between the inputs.
Any ideas?

First of all 40 inputs is a very small space and it should not be reduced. Large number of inputs is 100,000, not 40. Also, 600x40 is not a big dataset, nor the one "increasing the CPU time dramaticaly", if it learns slowly than check your code because it appears to be the problem, not your data.
Furthermore, feature selection is not a good way to go, you should use it only when gathering features is actually expensive. In any other scenario you are looking for dimensionality reduction, such as PCA, LDA etc. although as said before - your data should not be reduced, rather - you should consider getting more of it (new samples/new features).

Disclaimer: I'm with lejlot on this - you should get more data and
more features instead of trying to remove features. Still, that doesn't answer your question, so here we go.
Try most basic greedy approach - try removing each feature and retrain your ANN (several times, of course) and see if your results got better or worse. Choose this situation where results got better and improvement was the best. Repeat until you'll get no improvement by removing features. This will take a lot of time, so you may want to try doing it on some subset of your data (for example on 3 folds of dataset splitted into 10 folds).
It's ugly, but sometimes it works.
I repeat what I've said in disclaimer - this is not the way to go.


How specific should a Support Vector Machine Model be?

The whole point of using an SVM is that the algorithm will be able to decide whether an input is true or false etc etc.
I am trying to use an SVM for predictive maintenance to predict how likely a system is to overheat.
For my example, the range is 0-102°C and if the temperature reaches 80°C or above it's classed as a failure.
My inputs are arrays of 30 doubles(the last 30 readings).
I am making some sample inputs to train the SVM and I was wondering if it is good practice to pass in very specific data to train it - eg passing in arrays 80°C, 81°C ... 102°C so that the model will automatically associate these values with failure. You could do an array of 30 x 79°C as well and set that to pass.
This seems like a complete way of doing it, although if you input arrays like that - would it not be the same as hardcoding a switch statement to trigger when the temperature reads 80->102°C.
Would it be a good idea to pass in these "hardcoded" style arrays or should I stick to more random inputs?
If there is a finite set of possibilities I would really recommend using Naïve Bayes, as that method would fit this problem perfectly. However if you are forced to use an SVM, I would say that would be rather difficult. For starters the main idea with an SVM is to use it for classification, and the amount of scenarios does not really matter. The input is however seldom discrete, so I guess there usually are infinite scenarios. However, an SVM implemented normally would only give you a classification, unless you have 100 classes one for 1% another one for 2%, this wouldn't really solve problem.
The conclusion is that this could work, but it would not be considered "best practice". You can imagine your 30 dimensional vector space divided into 100 small sub spaces, and each datapoint, a 30x1 vector is a point in that vectorspace so that the probability is decided by which of the 100 subsets its in. However, having a 100 classes and not very clean or insufficient data, will lead to very bad, hard performing models.
Cheers :)

How to differentiate between real improvement and random noise?

I am building an automatic translator in moses. To improve its performance, I use log-linear weight optimisation. This technique has a random component, which can affect slightly the final result (but I do not know exactly how much).
Suppose that the current performance of the model is 25 BLEU.
Suppose now I modify the language model (e.g. change the smoothing), and I get a performance of 26 BLEU.
My question is: how can I know if the improvement is because the modification, or is just noise from the random component?
This is pretty much what statistics is all about. You can basically do one of the two things (from the basic set of solutions, of course there are many more advanced):
try to measure/model/quantify the effect of randomness, if you know what is causing it, you might be able to actually compute how much it can affect your model. If analytical solution is not possible, you can always train 20 models with the same data/settings, gather results and estimate noise distribution. Once you have this you can perform statistical tests to check whether the improvement is statistically significant (for example by ANOVA tests).
simpler approach (but more expensive in terms of data/time) is to simply reduce the variance by averaging. In short - instead of training one model (or evaluating model once) which has this hard to determine noise component - do it many times, 10, 20, and average the results. This way you reduce the variance of the results in your analysis. This can (and should) be combined with the previous option - since now you have 20 results per run, thus you can again use statistical testes to see whether these are significantly different things.

Splitting training and test data

Can someone recommend what is the best percent of divided the training data and testing data in Machine learning. What are the disadvantages if i split training and test data in 30-70 percentage ?
There is no one "right way" to split your data unfortunately, people use different values which are chosen based on different heuristics, gut feeling and personal experience/preference. A good starting point is the Pareto principle (80-20).
Sometimes using a simple split isn't an option as you might simply have too much data - in that case you might need to sample your data or use smaller testing sets if your algorithm is computationally complex. An important part is to randomly choose your data. The trade-off is pretty simple: less testing data = the performance of your algorithm will have bigger variance. Less training data = parameter estimates will have bigger variance.
For me personally more important than the size of the split is that you obviously shouldn't always perform your tests only once on the same test split as it might be biased (you might be lucky or unlucky with your split). That's why you should do tests for several configurations (for instance you run your tests X times each time choosing a different 20% for testing). Here you can have problems with the so called model variance - different splits will result in different values. That's why you should run tests several times and average out the results.
With the above method you might find it troublesome to test all the possible splits. A well established method of splitting data is the so called cross validation and as you can read in the wiki article there are several types of it (both exhaustive and non-exhaustive). Pay extra attention to the k-fold cross validation.
Read up on the various strategies for cross-validation.
A 10%-90% split is popular, as it arises from 10x cross-validation.
But you could do 3x or 4x cross validation, too. (33-67 or 25-75)
Much larger errors arise from:
having duplicates in both test and train
unbalanced data
Make sure to first merge all duplicates, and do stratified splits if you have unbalanced data.

what should I do when training set contains some error data in supervised classification?

I am working on a project which performs text auto-classification, I have a lot of data set like as below:
Text | CategoryName
xxxxx... | AA
yyyyy... | BB
zzzzz... | AA
then, I will use the above data set to generate a classifier, once new text coming, the classifier can label new text with correct CategoryName
(text is natural language, size between 10-10000)
Now, the problem is, the original data set contains some incorrect data, (E.g. AAA should be labeled as Category AA, but it is labeled as Category BB accidentally ) because these data are classified manually. And I don't know which label is wrong and how many percentages are wrong because I can't review all data manually...
So my question is, what should I do?
Can I find the wrong labels via some automatic way?
How to increase precision and recall when new data coming?
How to evaluate the impact of wrong data? (since I don't know how many percentage data is wrong)
Any other suggestions?
Obviously, there is no easy way to solve your problem - after all, why build a classifier if you already have a system that can detect wrong classifications.
Do you know how much the erroneous classifications affect your learning? If there are only a small percentage of them, they should not hurt the performance much. (Edit. Ah, apparently you don't. Anyway, I suggest you try it out - at least if you can identify a false result when you see one.)
Of course, you could always first train your system and then have it suggest classifications for the training data. This might help you identify (and correct) your faulty training data. This obviously depends on how much training data you have, and if it is sufficiently broad to allow your system to learn correct classification despite the faulty data.
Can you review any of the data manually to find some mislabeled examples? If so, you might be able to train a second classifier to identify mislabeled data, assuming there is some kind of pattern to the mislabeling. It would be useful for you to know if mislabeling is a purely random process (it is just noise in the training data) or if mislabeling correlates with particular features of the data.
You can't evaluate the impact of mislabeled data on your specific data set if you have no estimate regarding what fraction of your training set is actually mislabeled. You mention in a comment that you have ~5M records. If you can correctly manually label a few hundred, you could train your classifier on that data set, then see how the classifier performs after introducing random mislabeling. You could do this multiple times with varying percentages of mislabeled data to see the impact on your classifier.
Qualitatively, having a significant quantity of mislabeled samples will increase the impact of overfitting so it is even more important that you do not overfit your classifier to the data set. If you have a test data set (assuming it also suffers from mislabling), then you might consider training your classifier to less-than-maximal classification accuracy on the test data set.
People usually deal with the problem you a describing by having multiple annotators and computing their agreement (e.g. Fleiss' kappa). This is often seen as the upper bound on the performance of any classifier. If three people give you three different answers, you know the task is quite hard and your classifier stands no chance.
As a side note:
If you do not know how many of your records have been labelled incorrectly, you do not understand one of the key properties of the problem. Select 1000 records at random and spend the day reviewing their labels to get an idea. It really is time well spent. For example, I found I can easily review 500 labelled tweets per hour. Health warning: it is very tedious, but a morning spent reviewing gives me a good idea of how distracted my annotators were. If 5% of the records are incorrect, it is not such a problem. If 50 are incorrect, you should go back you your boss and tell them it can't be done.
As another side note:
Someone mentioned active learning. I think it is worth looking into options from the literature, keeping in mind labels might have to change. You said that it hard.

One versus rest classifier

I'm implementing an one-versus-rest classifier to discriminate between neural data corresponding (1) to moving a computer cursor up and (2) to moving it in any of the other seven cardinal directions or no movement. I'm using an SVM classifier with an RBF kernel (created by LIBSVM), and I did a grid search to find the best possible gamma and cost parameters for my classifier. I have tried using training data with 338 elements from each of the two classes (undersampling my large "rest" class) and have used 338 elements from my first class and 7218 from my second one with a weighted SVM.
I have also used feature selection to bring the number of features I'm using down from 130 to 10. I tried using the ten "best" features and the ten "worst" features when training my classifier. I have also used the entire feature set.
Unfortunately, my results are not very good, and moreover, I cannot find an explanation why. I tested with 37759 data points, where 1687 of them came from the "one" (i.e. "up") class and the remaining 36072 came from the "rest" class. In all cases, my classifier is 95% accurate BUT the values that are predicted correctly all fall into the "rest" class (i.e. all my data points are predicted as "rest" and all the values that are incorrectly predicted fall in the "one"/"up" class). When I tried testing with 338 data points from each class (the same ones I used for training), I found that the number of support vectors was 666, which is ten less than the number of data points. In this case, the percent accuracy is only 71%, which is unusual since my training and testing data are the exact same.
Do you have any idea what could be going wrong? If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Test dataset being same as training data implies your training accuracy was 71%. There is nothing wrong about it as the data was possibly not well separable by the kernel you used.
However, one point of concern is the number of support vectors being high suggests probable overfitting .
Not sure if this amounts to an answer - it would probably be hard to give one without actually seeing the data - but here are some ideas regarding the issue you describe:
In general, SVM tries to find a hyperplane that would best separate your classes. However, since you have opted for 1vs1 classification, you have no choice but to mix all negative cases together (your 'rest' class). This might make the 'best' separation much less fit to solve your problem. I'm guessing that this might be a major issue here.
To verify if that's the case, I suggest trying to use only one other cardinal direction as the negative set, and see if that improves results. In case it does, you can train 7 classifiers, one for each direction. Another option might be to use the multiclass option of libSVM, or a tool like SVMLight, which is able to classify one against many.
One caveat of most SVM implementations is their inability to support big differences between the positive and negative sets, even with weighting. From my experience, weighting factors of over 4-5 are problematic in many cases. On the other hand, since your variety in the negative side is large, taking equal sizes might also be less than optimal. Thus, I'd suggest using something like 338 positive examples, and around 1000-1200 random negative examples, with weighting.
A little off your question, I would have considered also other types of classification. To start with, I'd suggest thinking about knn.
Hope it helps :)
