Python eve validation with value from another property - eve

I have a schema with some fields and my custom validation for a given field requires that I know the value of another field in order to make a decision whether that field is valid or not. Think of accessing the cleaned_data in Django.
Here's a simple scenario where I need the value of end_date to validate a start_date:
class MyValidator( Validator ):
def _validate_start_date( self, is_start_date, field, value ):
...get the value from end_date and make sure end_date is bigger than start_date

You can access self.document to retrieve other fields values. Pseudo code would be something like this:
class MyValidator(Validator):
def _validate_start_date(self, is_start_date, field, value):
end_date = self.document.get('end_date')
return end_date is not None and value < end_date


Rails 4 ActiveRecord scope to query different date field based on whether it exists

I have a VoyageLeg model that has many date fields. I have an instance method as below to get one of the dates based on whether it has been populated:
def calc_arrival_date
if ada
ada #return actual date of arrival
elsif updated_eda
updated_eda #return updated estimated date of arrival
eda #return estimated date of arrival
I also have a Voyage model that has_many voyage_legs. How would I create a scope on the Voyage model would would reference the calc_arrival_date, or alternatively do the same logic regarding which date to query in the scope?
I.e. I would like to be able to have a scope on the Voyage that would do something like:
scope :archived, -> { joins(:voyage_legs).where("voyage_legs.calc_arrival_date < ?", }
To achieve your request, a little more extra work to be done.
The scope method,
scope :archived, -> {joins(:voyage_legs).select('(CASE WHEN voyage_legs.ada IS NOT NULL THEN voyage_legs.ada WHEN voyage_legs.updated_eda IS NOT NULL THEN voyage_legs.updated_eda WHEN voyage_legs.ada IS NULL and voyage_legs.updated_eda IS NULL THEN voyage_legs.eda END) as calc_arrival_date')}
And a little calculations on the result,
result = { |b| b.calc_arrival_date.to_datetime < }
I ended up using part of your code #Shabini Rajadas, but combined the date clause inside the logic as a class method on the VoyageLeg model as follows:
def self.departed
where("CASE WHEN voyage_legs.add IS NOT NULL THEN
voyage_legs.add < :now
WHEN voyage_legs.updated_edd IS NOT NULL THEN
voyage_legs.updated_edd < :now
WHEN voyage_legs.add IS NULL and voyage_legs.updated_edd IS NULL THEN
voyage_legs.edd < :now END", now:
Then I can filter Voyages like Voyage.joins(:voyage_legs).merge(VoyageLeg.departed)

The smallest and the largest possible date

I am creating a filtering partial view, where user can pick a from-date and a to-date using a calendar. These dates are used then within model scope to perform SQL Where clause in database query. If a user does not pick one of dates, the default value should be assigned: minimal available date for from and maximal for to.
unless params[:from].blank? and params[:to].blank?
from = begin Date.parse(params[:from]) rescue ??? end
to = begin Date.parse(params[:to]) rescue ??? end
#model_instances = #model_instances.start_end from, to
scope :start_end, -> (start_date, end_date) { where('(:start_date <= "from" AND "from" <= :end_date ) OR' +
'(:start_date <= "to" AND "to" <= :end_date ) OR' +
'("from" <= :start_date AND :end_date <= "to")',
{start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date}) }
The from and to model Date attributes are also database fields in related table.
In Rails, Date class has a family of methods beginning_of (day, week, month, etc.), but there are no methods such beginning_of_time, end_of_time, Date.min, Date.max.
Are there any methods to obtain the minimal and maximal dates?
You could skip the condition on start and end dates if no params is given:
if params[:from].present? and params[:to].present?
#model_instances.start_end(params[:from], params[:to])
And then you will get results not depending on dates since no from and/or end dates have been filled.
You could compare ranges of dates to your model's values and setup default values if params not passed.
#setup default if desired, or you can skip if params are blank
from = params[:from] || default_from
to = params[:to] || default_to
#model_instances.start_end(from, to)
and your scope would look something like this if you used date ranges for activerecord
scope :start_end, ->(start_date, end_date){where(from: start_date..end_date, to:start_date..end_date)}

comparison Operators in thinking Sphinix

I have a model with attributes start_date and end_date. I have search form where user will put the date and I should get a data from the model if date is in between start_date and end_date.
how should I create a query with thinking sphinx.
You will need to do something like the following:
Add both start_date and end_date as attributes (not fields) to your model's Sphinx index.
Translate form params into a date or time value
Use range filters to limit search queries.
I've opted for very large windows of time, but essentially this ensures the given date is equal to or larger than the start date and less than or equal to the end date.
beginning, ending = Time.utc(1970), Time.utc(2030) :with => {
:start_date => beginning..date_from_params,
:end_date => date_from_params..ending

Validate Date in Rails before it hits the database

I need to validate two dates in date time format that come from create new record form. Right now the form has drop downs for year, date, month, hour, minute. In the controller, I need to validate that the start date is not greater than end date and it will not let me compare it using the params[:start_date] > params[:end_date].
How can I properly validate that the start date is not larger than the end date when adding a new record to the database, I should be doing this in the model but I cannot figure out how you do it. Does anyone here has any examples I can look from?
Add custom validation to your model to verify that the start date is less than the end date. Something like this would work:
# app/models/my_model.rb
validate :dates_in_order
def dates_in_order
errors.add(:start_date, "must be before end time") unless start_date < end_date
before_create -> {
errors.add(:base, "Start date cannot be later than end date.") if start_date > end_date
Not what you're asking for, but may also be a way to handle this. People sometimes don't read the labels so closely.
before_create :confirm_dates_in_order
def confirm_dates_in_order
start_date, end_date = end_date, start_date if start_date > end_date

Dynamic Method with ActiveRecord, passing in hash of conditions

I am struggling with the best way to meta program a dynamic method, where I'll be limiting results based on conditions... so for example:
class Timeslip < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.by_car_trans(car, trans)
.where("cars.trans IN (?) and cars.year IN (?) and cars.model ILIKE ?", trans, 1993..2002, car)
Let's say instead of passing in my arguments, i pass in an array of conditions with key being the fieldname, and value being the field value. so for example, I'd do something like this:
i'd pass in [["field", "value", "operator"],["field", "value", "operator"]]
def self.using_conditions(conditions)
conditions.each do |key, value|
where("cars.#{key} #{operator} ?", value)
However, that doesn't work, and it's not very flexible... I was hoping to be able to detect if the value is an array, and use IN () rather than =, and maybe be able to use ILIKE for case insensitive conditions as well...
Any advice is appreciated. My main goal here is to have a "lists" model, where a user can build their conditions dynamically, and then save that list for future use. This list would filter the timeslips model based on the associated cars table... Maybe there is an easier way to go about this?
First of all, you might find an interest in the Squeel gem.
Other than that, use arel_table for IN or LIKE predicates :
joins( :car ).where( Car.arel_table[key].in values )
joins( :car ).where( Car.arel_table[key].matches value )
you can detect the type of value to select an adequate predicate (not nice OO, but still):
column = Car.arel_table[key]
predicate = value.respond_to?( :to_str ) ? :in : :matches # or any logic you want
joins( :car ).where( column.send predicate, value )
you can chain as many as those as you want:
conditions.each do |(key, value, predicate)|
scope = scope.where( Car.arel_table[key].send predicate, value )
return scope
So, you want dynamic queries that end-users can specify at run-time (and can be stored & retrieved for later use)?
I think you're on the right track. The only detail is how you model and store your criteria. I don't see why the following won't work:
def self.using_conditions(conditions)
crit = conditions.each_with_object({}) {|(field, op, value), m|
m["#{field} #{op} ?"] = value
where crit.keys.join(' AND '), *crit.values
CAVEAT The above code as is is insecure and prone to SQL injection.
Also, there's no easy way to specify AND vs OR conditions. Finally, the simple "#{field} #{op} ?", value for the most part only works for numeric fields and binary operators.
But this illustrates that the approach can work, just with a lot of room for improvement.
