Set time to send out HTTP request - ruby-on-rails

Is there a way in Rails to send out a request at a certain time?
I'm using an external credit card charging API, and I want to adjust each monthly subscription based on how many referrals they have (10% each, 10 referrals max). The API has a beta referral system built in, but it doesn't seem to work the way I need it to. Plus, there are just too many unknowns that I'd rather not get into at the moment. I just want to get it up and working, and since my system is fairly simple, I'd rather just do it manually.
There's a billing date for each subscription, and what I want to do is just manually adjust the price of the subscription based on how many active users there are containing the referral code of the user being charged. I'd like to just send out this request to the API just before they're billed. Like sometime around subscription.next_billing_at - 1.minute.
Then just set the subscription.price to price - (price * (User.where(referral_code: current_user_code)).count / 10).
I'm aware this is far from an optimal approach, considering the amount of extra requests being made each month, but since we're small right now, it shouldn't be a problem. Again, it's just a temporary solution so we can get things running now.

There are two options which directly answer your question.
Write a rake task and run it daily with cron via the Whenever gem. If you take this approach, you will have to have the task just load all subscriptions which are due to be billed in the next cycle and update them as required.
Alternatively, use something like Resque-scheduler, which would allow you to run some task at next_billing_at - 1.minute or something.
But if you are small, why not just update the price every time a new referral is created using a callback? Unless there are specific rate or query limits on this API, I doubt a card processor is going to be affected by the traffic you generate. Of course if there are other requirements, like, a referral only applies after a month or something like that, you are going to be stuck with one of the first 2 options, and the Cron + Rake task is probably the best solution in that case.


Shopify API Customers orders_count Rails

I'm in the process of making an app that will update shipping depending on what your order_count is using ShopifyAPI::Customer.
One main thing I'm trying to accomplish is being able to reset the order_count to zero for all customers.
I have been trying:
order = ShopifyAPI::Customer.all
order.update_all(:orders_count, "0")
It works when I'm addressing a single customer, but not Customer.all. Is there a way I can work around this to update all customers in the db at once?
Can you actually change a valid orders_count? It would be pretty crazy in my mind if Shopify allowed that.
If I were you, and I am not, for sure, I would simply change my algorithm so that it is more of a "How many orders has this customer placed since last tuesday?". That way, I reward them if their purchases exceed that threshold of X.
In your case, you are trying to erase their legitimate order history to make your counter work, which I doubt works.
In the meantime, if you can indeed set that count to zero, just loop through all the customers, and for each one, save their count as zero. There is no one shot all customers call in Shopify API, just like there is no one shot anything. Every resource is a one-off.

Making sure that item can only be bought by 1 person when 4000 people are trying to buy within a seconds

I run a marketplace iOS app and from time to time we have "competitions", where we have an especially sought after item for sale for a good price, that drops as a specific time. Sometimes thousands of people will try to buy this item within 1-2 seconds and I therefore need to make sure that only 1 person will get the item. The solution I have for it now feels kind of clumsy, so I was wondering how a good solution would look like when I use Firebase as my database.
The process is as such:
User finds the item on his iOS app and clicks "Purchase".
A request is sent to our API (build on RoR) that processes the purchase (usually takes 10-20 seconds for the purchase to go through).
Right now, I set the buyers ID temporarily as an attribute on the item, I wait a second and check whether the buyer ID is still the same on the item. It works, but it doesn't feel optimal.
Any suggestions on how I can make sure 2 people can't purchase the same item?
To avoid something like this in your rails app, the keywords mutex and race condition should probably help you to find a bunch of appropriate gems.
I personally like to use redis for this kind of task, because in redis, transactions are atomic by default (
So maybe this gem could suit your needs (untested):
For the theory, refer to this articles:
Store in /items/foo
a record with the structure:
{id:<blah>, available: <timestamp>, (purchaser: null)}
let buyers write their user name to to buy:
You want 3 things to happen.
Block someone writing before the servers timestamp of available
only allow 1 person to do the operation. Once the /item/foo/purchaser is set, you don't want it modifiable (i.e. write once)
only allow the authenticated user id to be used in the purchaser field
To enforce this logic you use security rules, on the subpath of "/items/$itemid/purchaser"
".write": "now > data.parent().child('available').val()" +// 1.
"&& data.val() == null" + // 2.
"&& newData.val() ==" // 3.
My guess is tht you should use locks.
On a request coming in, check if you can acquire a lock. If yes, the the user is the first one. Then, the next requests won't be able to acquire the lock. This means the product as already been purchased.
Take a look at this redis doc part :
At the application(RoR) level, you can set a flag(eg: lock_foo=true) that is shared across the cluster(can be in your cache store).
If this value is true, don't allow any other users to access the product/make the purchase.
You can definitely implement this with Firebase. As dvxam and Anshul Mengi mentioned, a lock system is the good way to go:
You could have on the document a property called lock:
"lock": {
"userId": "myUserId",
"expiresAt": "myTimestamp"
When a user clicks on the purchase button, you can use a Firebase transaction to make sure only one user can get the lock and that the first one gets it.
When another user clicks the purchase button, if a non-expired lock is present with a different userId, you can deny the purchase.
When the user completes the purchase you can then use another transaction to check if it is the same userId and if the lock is not expired.
Transactions are absolutely necessary here, and they are not available on the Firebase REST api (hence no more in the ruby wrapper), so you would need to run this code client-side using the iOS SDK, or to spin a nodeJS server for this task.
Hope it helps.
How about this for different:
When user clicks purchase, immediately create a purchase request record that contains product, user and timestamp, and then poll every few seconds to see if the purchase was successful
Run a background job that searches for un-purchased products that have at least one purchase request against them, and marks the product as purchased (selecting one purchase request / user as the "winner")
I'm not sure if there's a specific pattern I can apply in this case or how this is "normally" solved?
I can't speak to Firebase, but I can definitely speak to how this is "normally" solved in Rails and relational databases.
Before jumping in to code, note that it seems like you need linearizability, one of the hardest things to ask of a database, and some databases can't guarantee it even when they say they do. You might be able to hack around needing linearizability if all you need to know is whether it's been purchased or not, but I wouldn't take that hack lightly. Consistency in distributed systems is a really complex and edge-case-ridden topic, especially while under load (which it sounds like you'll be).
In Rails+RDB (postgres, mysql, sqlite) an atomic, linearized quantity update looks roughly like this (with some rails validation niceities thrown in):
class Product
validates :quantity, numericality: {greater_than: 0}, on: :purchase
def purchase
with_lock do # simultaneously aquires a lock and reloads the model
return false if !valid?(:purchase) # immediately release the lock if not valid
update_attribute(:quantity, quantity - 1) # saves without validation; YYMV
This general pattern of "lock+reload -> check -> update" is the gold standard for reliability, but it's "heavy." The first object to acquire the lock will win, but while it's doing its thing, all the other processes asking for a lock will be in queue. Somewhere there's a timeout and max connection pool defined, so if say 4000 locks are asked for within 1 second but it takes 10 seconds to determine success, you'll need 4000 connections and, even worse, the last lock asked for will be waiting for over 11 hours! That will make managing the connection pools and setting reasonable timeouts challenging.
The benefits, though, are that it will "just work" - if the first purchase fails, the next purchase will acquire a lock, and so on, until someone wins. Then, it will return helpful ActiveModel errors to everyone else in the queue. Additionally, it's simple enough code-wise that you know as long as your database provides linearizability, you're in the clear.
To mitigate the 11-hours issue hopefully you can very quickly deny everyone with outstanding locks to flush the queue.
I don't know exactly what you're doing while you try to make a purchase, but if it was just a credit card validation and a data update, I'd highly recommend the approach I've outlined with a database known to be linearizably consistent. Otherwise, you're going to need to consult a true distributed systems expert or run your users under the bus figuring this out.

Suggestion for trigger that sends email if threshold is broken

This is quite a broad question but ill try and summarise it as best I can.
I have an MVC front end which displays/allows processing of records which are classed as outstanding. I also have a scheduled console app which runs nightly and attempts to resolve each of these records using some logic I wrote.
I have a new requirement, which is to have an email sent every time the total number of outstanding records exceeds a certain amount, this amount needs to be configurable.
The table will contain every record with a flag to say if they have been resolved or not, so I will need to count the outstanding's then fire an email to notify if the threshold is broken.
I initially thought about adding a SQL Server trigger on insert however I soon realised that if no more records were added for a few days but the total number stayed above the threshold because nobody resolved them, then no further email would be sent.
I need the email to send every day on a schedule independently of insert/update.
So now I'm thinking possibly a SQL Server job, or an SSIS package or even a service which runs, but I'm aware this threshold number needs to be configurable.
So what would be the quickest simplest solution to my requirements, I'm open to any suggestion as long as it ticks all the boxes.
Given that the OP already has a console app running on a schedule, the most logical choice would be to simply add this check to the console app along with the email sending logic. It will be much easier to send emails that way, anyways, especially if you employ something like Postal, which will let you use MVC-style views to create your emails.
An SQL Server scheduled job seems to me to be the simplest way to go.
you can add a table to your database that will hold the threshold number and read it's value from there.
In many cases a GeneralParams table is a good thing to have anyway.
The other option you mentioned (windows service) is also configurable in many ways: you can use a GeneralParams table, or the App.Config file of the service (but you will have to restart it every time you change the app.config), or even a simple text file. anything goes. the downside is that it's outside of your sql server, but the upside is that it is probably easier to send emails from.

Best BaaS for iOS poll app

I am making iOS poll App, each device is able to make one vote per month.
When vote is made on iOS app, following is send to BaaS (UDID, vote, local_timestemp)
Then BaaS need to check that this UDID has not voted this month already:
if it has voted, than return "NO" to iOS device
if it has not voted in this month:
then return local_timestemp to iOS device
save (UDID, vote, local_timestemp) to DB
There is also view controller for showing current votes from all devices.
This will be polled every N seconds/minutes, so that new votes are updated.
This should return number of votes for each option, like is there are two options than return {1: 500, 2: 340}, this mean option one have 500 votes and option two have 340 votes.
I am also have question regarding how to get current votes from all devices ?
Is it better to compute number of votes for each option every time when they are requested.
Or should I use counter when new vote is updated, here I see problem of synchronization.
Or justy to update counter every N second/minutes ?
I am looking for BaaS that provide service for these features.
I have not preference for any BaaS provider.
But BaaS need to provide ability to run custom bushes logic, for this poll app to work. is one of the best to help you in your case.
You can also run Cloud Code, and Jobs each N minutes.
Their documentation is pretty much straightforward and simple. And it's for free!
Unfortunately, Parse has shut down. Why don't you try out Hasura instead. It should prove to fit your needs. Check out compare to see how Hasura compares with other providers and also, explore to check out everything that is possible with Hasura (you will end up with a blog web app as well as a todo web app deployed live in under 15 mins).
Hasura has a lot of advantages over other providers as it lets you own your own data and infrastructure, you can also write your custom code in the language of your own choosing.

Iphone app that needs to scrape a website once every day

So I'm making an iphone application that needs to scrape a website once everyday.
What I'm going to scrape is a table of upcoming games for that same day for a soccer division. Thats why i need the app to scrape from the same page and same table once everyday to keep the upcoming games updated.
I was referred to but they didn't have something like a schedule re-crawl.
I would love to get some ideas and tips to how i should do this since I'm stuck now.
You might take a look at
I played around with the service a while back and was impressed with how easy it way to set up. They have a "free" option so long as the APIs you create are not private.
Oh, and I agree with Paul, screen scraping is not something the iOS client should be doing. Too fragile, and when (not if) something breaks, you will need to go through an Apple review process to fix it.
This doesn't seem like something an app should do, your server should do it (so that the scraping is only performed once), and your clients can retrieve it from your server. That also means you could send out push notifications for important fixtures etc. Maybe that's what you meant, anyway.
If it's on the server you can just setup a scheduler (in Java, for example) to run once every x hours (probably a smaller number than 24 assuming you don't know when the website is to be updated). Then your app can just get the latest list of fixtures from your server on startup, pull-to-refresh, etc. Presumably someone will open your app, look at the fixtures, then come out of your app - so it doesn't seem like you need to cover the case where someone is in your app all day, but if you did you could use NSTimer to run every x minutes after the initial on-startup server call.
