Not found iOS Simulator in Xcode6.4 - ios

I updated Xcode version to 6.4.
Then I deleted all files in /Users/my/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices.
At first it worked, but now there is no simulator I can switch except my iPhone.
Take a look a picture.
Once I deleted a device file:
during working simulator.
Is it a cause?
Anyone knows solutions?

Looks like all of your development devices are just not created.
To add devices you want to set the destination to, or output device, on the menu bar: Window > Devices. Then at the bottom left corner there is a add button, there you will create a simulator.


Why does my swift project look different on my device vs. the simulator?

I am working on a xcode project and when I run the app on the simulator everything looks as it should but when I run it on my real device (iphone 7) the changes I made in the storyboard are not applied.
I changed the text on the tab bar on one of the tabs from "kort" to "favoritter" and on the simulator this applies but on my device the text is still "kort" as before.
I have tried to delete the app from my device and clean the build from xcode and then install it again but it did not help.
Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it?

Select simulator or iOS device for testing on Xcode not appearing

My Xcode 6.4 isn’t showing up the option next to run button to select any simulator or physical device.
I know I can select any iOS device or simulator from the below menu but I would love to bring that option back.
This is discussed here not able to select ios device or ios Simulator for running the project but doesn’t reply to my question.
How can I bring that back?
Stretching Xcode’s window in horizontal position will solve the problem.
Don't worry.Sometimes it happens. You can resolve by creating new Schema also.

Updated to XCode 6, now other simulator destinations do not show up

Just updated to Xcode 6, midway through working on a project. Now the only destination that comes up is my own iPhone, which is annoying as I would rather prefer a simulator.
I've already tried messing with the schemes as suggested by other answers and restarted my computer, any ideas?
First, you have to download other iOS versions as owenfi suggested, however that is not all.
If you want the simulators to show up in the scheme menu/popup, then you also have to open Devices menu (Cmd + Shift + 2 or Window/Devices) and add the required simulators. You can choose between all devices and the iOS versions you've downloaded. Have a look on the screenshot below.
Download support for additional simulators in Xcode Preferences > Downloads.
I never understood but after some installation they don't show up. One easy way is create them in the devices window. Open xcode go into Window then devices, press the plus button at the bottom left and create yours.
Changing Deployment Target worked for me..

iPhone simulator not working since xcode5 upgrade

Ever since i upgraded to xcode5, the iOS simulator only displays as an iPad even though the project is targeted for iPhone. The Run button also shows it's set to iPhone and I've tried switching between the different iPhone types in simulator. But no matter what, my iPhone project opens as an iPad simulation. Anybody encounter this problem or know how to fix it?
I believe I've downloaded all the relevant libraries and tools from apple as well. I'll double check that now but I'm pretty sure I have all the accessory downloads up to date.
I found the answer! Due to the changes with resolution of the retina display, the simulator was loading without the bezel. Turns out the best way to solve this problem without a large screen or retina display is to deploy target in navigator=>General menu=> to iOS 6.1 and make sure iOS simulator=>Hardware=>Devices=>is set to iOS 6.1 as well.
Have you tried changing the simulator device? Go to iOS -> hardware -> devices?
Download the extra components/simulators..
If you find your iOS simulator is showing a large iPad like display since upgrading, it's because of the change in resolution for the retina display. In order to view the simulator as a regular looking iPhone follow these steps:
Deploy your project target for iOS 6.1 or earlier. In the navigator menu (far left), top folder (your project folder), click it. Make sure "General" is selected in the menu in the centre of the screen. In 'deployment Info' set it to iOS 6.1 and 'devices' to iPhone.
Open iOS simulator: Click 'XCODE' in the top left of the screen => Open Developer Tools => iOS Simulator.
In iOS simulator, go to => Hardware => Devices => select iPhone => iOS 6.1. Make sure not to select any of the hardware devices that are listed as retina displays, thats the major key.
Finally, make sure the deployment next to the run button is also showing 'iPhone iOS 6.1' AND NOT 'iPhone Retina...'
And enjoy seeing the iPhone simulator properly again! :)

How can I choose an iOS simulator as the destination in Xcode?

I am an iOS noob. I had a project running on the iPhone simulator in Xcode 4.4. To resolve a different issue, I un-installed 4.4 and then installed 4.5.1. Now when I try to run my project on the simulator I get an error "Xcode cannot run using the selected device: No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination."
How do I choose an iOS simulator as the destination?
Where do I click?
There should be a menu in the top left region of the toolbar section of the IDE. It should have a run button, a stop button, and then the name of your app and a label saying IOS Device. Click view-->show toolbar if you don't see it. Click on IOS Device and you should get a drop down menu of devices. The simulator should be in that list.
This should do it, its very simple actually
Just in case anyone finds this helpful --
Sometimes your version of xCode doesn't support the deployment targets.
My iOS simulator did not show up as a destination until I set the deployment target down to 7.0 (it seems like 7.1 may not be supported by xCode 5.0, but only 5.1 [not confirmed]).
Hope that helps if anyone stumbles across it.
For me the problem was that the selection in the toolbar only shows up for a certain width of the XCode window
I was able to add devices to the Simulators list by clicking on Window->Devices (Shift+Command+2), and clicking on the + at the bottom left to add Simulators.
After you click on Create, the device(s) will show up
Make sure to set Supported Platforms correctly
I had the same issue. The simulator would run a different device than chosen in the size field under "Simulated Matrix".
I dug around and found in Xcode's menu: Product/Destination. screenshot I was then able to run the simulator for the correct size.
Hope this helps !!
