how to add CAShapeLayer having transparent png image using clip path? - ios

I have transparent png image of star shape. How can i add this transparent image into CAShapeLayer using clip path and add this path for change in ShapeLayer.
Thank you.


SWIFT - CALayer between PNG and background image

I have seen many stackoverflow posts or tutorials on how make a mask with an image and a rectangle or a circle, but it is possible to make a mask between a png file with transparency and a background image.
In the photoshop screenshot I use the wolf png image as a mask for the background.
Any approach for this with CALayer or other in SWIFT ?
Thank you very much.
UIView as of iOS 8 has a mask property which you can set to any view with an alpha channel, including a UIImageView that has your image in it.
This is just a wrapper arround CALayer's mask property which works similarly. Set your image to the content property of your masking layer and set the masking layer as the mask for your background image layer.

CSS Masking in iOS

I have an image in my iOS app. I want to use css masking technique to achieve the same image but with colors. The 1st image is the original image and the 2nd image is the output image that is required. How can i achieve it in iOS :
The drawing system on iOS is called Quartz 2D. Here's the documentation:
You will be able to use the shape of your image as a clipping path and then draw a gradient.
Alternatively, a simpler way is to draw a simple gradient with a CAGradientLayer and then mask the layer; see the documentation on CALayer and CAGradientLayer.

How do I draw a monochrome PDF with a tint color and opacity on iOS?

I need to draw a monochrome PDF in an iOS app, but replacing the color in the PDF with another color, and applying an opacity value. I'd like to show the result in a UIImageView or UIView.
I can draw the PDF using Quartz functions, but it is drawn black (the color of the original PDF). What would be the best way to do this?
I was able to accomplish this in the following way:
Draw the PDF into a transparent UIImage.
Set that image as the contents of a new CALayer, and set the size of the layer to be the same as the image.
Set the layer as the mask of a UIView's layer.
Set the background color (including opacity) of the view as desired.
It is not possible to implement this using the standard iOS PDF APIs.

UIBezierPath around UIImage with Transparency

I have a series of images that are centered on top of a transparent background. I would like to add a white border to all of them and I could draw it if I had the path of the border of the opaque part of the image. Is it possible to extract this?

Core Graphics: Mask Image, add Overlay and Underlay

How can I mask an image, add an overlay and an underlay to the masked image with Core Graphics? (for instance: a document icon consists out of a mask png, a page curl png and a base with shadow) Can someone give me a best practice?
Draw the underlay with CGContextDrawImage().
Push a graphics context state with CGContextSaveGState().
Load the mask and add it to the context using CGContextClipToMask().
Draw your content.
Pop the graphics context with CGContextRestoreGState().
Draw your overlay image with CGContextDrawImage().
