First, I have setup Jira on a box and I am installing Confluence on the same box. During the setup of Confluence after it installs, I am trying to connect to Jira to pull in my user groups. In the URL location for jira, I am putting in and I am receiving the following error.
Connection refused. Check if an instance of JIRA 4.3 or later is running on the given url.
I am confused because these two instances live on the same box and are on the same lifecycle: QA. Has anyone experienced this before?
Did you configure JIRA so that it will allow your Confluence instance to connect to it?
Did you follow the steps as described in the "Allowing Other Applications to Connect to JIRA for User Management" documentation?
I created a connection to GitLab based on documentation (created an system OAuth application in GitLab and then copied application ID and secret to the TeamCity connection form). When I try to create a new project from GitLab, I have two buttons available: sign in to GitLab and refresh, none of GitLab repositories are visible. Refresh does actually nothing because after clicking it we're exactly where we started so the only reasonable way is to pick the Sign in to GitLab. Aaaaand here we go, when I click on it I get a new window with message "
The requested resource [/oauth/authorize] is not available
Check that the URL is correct."
enter image description here
URL displayed in address bar in this window is https:///oauth/authorize?client_id=4c2bbc87ff598e1488f6f5b9799fba3c62df106d0659e7bb82a838d0136c8deb&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2F%2Foauth%2Fgitlab%2FaccessToken.html&response_type=code&scope=api&state=eyJjb25uZWN0aW9uSWQiOiJQUk9KRUNUX0VYVF8zIiwiYWN0aW9uIjoiY29tcGxldGVBdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIiwiY2FsbGJhY2tVcmwiOiIvb2F1dGgvZ2l0bGFiL3JlcG9zaXRvcmllcy5odG1sP3Byb2plY3RJZFx1MDAzZF9Sb290XHUwMDI2Y29ubmVjdGlvbklkXHUwMDNkUFJPSkVDVF9FWFRfM1x1MDAyNnRva2VuT2J0YWluZWRcdTAwM2R0cnVlXHUwMDI2c2hvd01vZGVcdTAwM2RjcmVhdGVQcm9qZWN0TWVudSIsInJlcXVlc3RLZXkiOiJwUml0Z2tPckdBdnA2RjFyZzlMS2kxcTNSbU1WWGZjTSIsInByb2plY3RJZCI6Il9Sb290In0=
Our TeamCity version is TeamCity Professional 2022.10 (build 116751)
Please help me to find a solution for this problem.
I created a connection to GitLab based on documentation (created an system OAuth application in GitLab and then copied application ID and secret to the TeamCity connection form).
Tried to edit binding of TeamCity to http://IP address:8080 and create configs in GL and TC once again.
Deleted the OAuth TeamCity app in GitLab and connection to GitLab in Teamcity and created it back again.
Checked the connection between servers and it works.
I expected that above attempts would allow me to connect successfully but as you can see, that didn't happen.
Hi iam trying to integrate jenkins with Udeploy server.
When i test the connection using IBM UrbanCode Deploy Pipeline Plugin Configuration and the test connection option iam getting the below error
Error connecting to IBM UrbanCode Deploy: 503using URI:
I could confirm there is no issue with firewall. i am able to do a curl successfully to the url.
Iam not able to see anything in jenkins logs.
is there anyway i could check the logs of the plugin to see what is happening during connection?
Any help appreciated.
You might have an SSL issue. If using self-signed certs, try swapping the self signed certs. Note that Urbancode might be using the IBM JDK which has its own truststore, and you'll need to store the Jenkins certs there.
I followed the steps given here to connect from external Jenkins instance to openshift online broker. However when I give the OpenShift credentials, the login doesn't go through even though I seem to have the right credentials. A message "Could not request The OpenShift Online (Next Gen) Developer Preview is here! We will not be accepting new users onto the OpenShift Online (v2) platform." is thrown. I was not able to find any relevant documentation to eliminate this error. Any help is appreciated. BTW I use version 2.46.1 of Jenkins in Windows 10. Any lead is appreciated.
are you using openshift v3 or v2? v2 is taken down AFAIK
I am trying to integrate Jenkins (2.32.2) with TFS 2013. I have installed the necessary Tfs plugin (5.3.1). However, when I try to configure the TFS plugin in Jenkins to contact the TFS Team Project Collections by mentioning THE URL of the default collection of TFS ( and the correct credentials,
I get an error "javax.ServletException: the soap endpoint could not be contacted"
Note: I have managed to configure this successfully on my local environment at work, but cannot configure in the clients environment. The credentials are correct. Can it be something with the proxy settings at the clients end ?
Receiving a 403 response is the server telling you, “I’m sorry. I know
who you are–I believe who you say you are–but you just don’t have
permission to access this resource. Maybe if you ask the system
administrator nicely, you’ll get permission. But please don’t bother
me again until your predicament changes.”
More details please see
:403 Forbidden vs 401 Unauthorized HTTP responses
So this error seems not related to your credentials. You need to make sure the system proxy settings were correct - sometimes after upgrading to the latest version of the plugin it may be using the default Java system proxy.
You could check the info here: Jenkins > Plugin Manager > Advanced to match the wildcard domain that your TFS server resided on.
I've managed to modify CCTray using a transport extension to connect to a local Jenkins server running on my locahost. I cannot however connect to the openshift remote jenkins server which has been setup on my account.
I can access it correctly from the Openshift Jenkins Web URL however I can't connect to it using the CCTray transport extension, it just times out. I think it's because it tries to connect to the actual port the Jenkins server is running on and this is being blocked.
Would installing and running the client tools/ssh comms fix this problem?
Or is this impossible to do. It is a very nice notifications tray program so would be great to get it working.
Any ideas would be very much appreciated!
So openshift only has 80 and 443 open externally and so if CCtray is trying to connect to the port itself then it won't be get to it. Can you configure CCtray to use the public URL to interact with Jenkins?