How to run http call as background in ionic Framework? - ios

I am using ionic Framework. i have multiple HTTP service which is working fine. Now problem is that whenever i get response of any http call. i can't proceed further.
Can we run HTTP Service as a background process. So my application continues works without waiting for result.
here is my code
articleService.getArticles().then(function() {
and sercvice code
url: "",
data: { user_id: 1 },
method: 'POST',
withCredentials: true,
}).success(function (data) {
}).error(function (err) {
return deferred.promise;
Any idea? I need a solution in ionic framework which will work both for ios and andriod?

try to use html5 web workers what u need to do is multithreading and because that javascript is single threading environment you have to web workers

Look at this plunker this what you need and it is all angularjs so will work with ionic.
var app = angular.module('angularjs-starter', []);
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
when('/', {controller:'StartCtrl', templateUrl:'start.html'}).
when('/main', {controller:'MainCtrl', templateUrl:'main.html'}).
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, Poller) {
$ = 'World';
$ =;
app.controller('StartCtrl',function(){}); {});
app.factory('Poller', function($http, $timeout) {
var data = { response: {}, calls: 0 };
var poller = function() {
$http.get('data.json').then(function(r) {
data.response =;
$timeout(poller, 1000);
return {
data: data

Maybe i misunderstand your question but i think your service code is wrong.
Try something like this
myApp.factory('articleService', function($http) {
return {
getArticles: function getArticles() {
return $http({...}); // $http returns a promise, so you dont need your own defer.promise
//first: send or get data async
alert('called second');
// second: do something else, this will not wait for your response
alert('called first');


Amazon Lex- slot elicitation not working inside callback

I have a call back function which is getting data from an external API and depends on a data check I have tried for a slot elicitation inside callback but looks like elicitation is not working inside the callback. Please find the code snippet below,
GetCustomerDetails().then(response => {
var serializedcustomerDetails = convert.xml2json(, {
compact: true,
spaces: 2
var customerDetails = JSON.parse(serializedcustomerDetails);
let filteredCustomerDetails = _.filter(customerDetails.CustomerInfo.CustomerDetails, function (o) {
return o.CustomerName._text.includes(customerName);
if (filteredCustomerDetails.length == 1) {
intentRequest.currentIntent.slots, '​CustomerCode', {
contentType: 'PlainText',
content: `Do you mean ${filteredCustomerDetails[0].CustomerName._text} of ${filteredCustomerDetails[0].SpecialityName._text} department?`
}).catch(error => {
This is my first Awnser on stack so please bear with me.
I have come accross the same problem in a recent project and there are a few things that you can check.
How long does the API call take?
If your API call takes a long time it will be worth checking the timeout settings on your Lambda function. AWS Console -> Lambda -> Your Function -> Basic settings -> Timeout.
Does your Lambda function finish before the API call is done?
I fixed this issue by building a node module to handle my business logic, the module has a function called getNextSlot it returns as a Promise. Inside this function I check the incoming event and figure out which slot I need to elicit next, part of my flow is to call an API endpoint that takes around 10 seconds to complete.
I use the request-promise package to make the api call, this node module makes sure that the lambda function keeps running while the call is running.
exports.getData = function (url, data) {
var pr = require("request-promise");
var options = {
method: 'POST',
url: 'api.example',
qs: {},
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: {
"example": data
json: true,
timeout: 60000
return pr(options);
In my main code I call this function as:
apiModule.getData("test", "data")
.then(function (data) {
//Execute callback
.catch(function (error) {
This solved the issue for me anyways.

PreloadJS and Service Worker

I am trying to use service worker with PreloadJS. I have cached the images required and then loading them using the caches.match() function.
When I try to load the image with jquery it works fine, but on loading with preloadJS it gives the following error
The FetchEvent for "someurl" resulted in a network error response: an "opaque" response was used for a request whose type is not no-cors
Although if I load any other image that isn't cached, PreloadJS loads that image properly. The problem is occuring only when I use caches.match.
What might be the reason for this ?
Load Image using preloadjs
var preload = new createjs.LoadQueue({ crossOrigin: "Anonymous" });
function loadImageUsingPreload() {
preload.on('complete', completed);
preload.loadFile({ id: 'someid', src: 'someurl', crossOrigin: true })
function completed() {
var image = preload.getResult("shd");
Load Image using jquery
function loadImageUsingJquery() {
jQuery("#image").attr('src', 'someurl');
Service Worker fetch event
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
caches.match(event.request).then(function(response) {
if (!response) {
console.log('fetching...' + event.request.url);
return fetch(event.request);
console.log("response", response);
return response;
The response object when I load using PreloadJS or jQuery:
Response {type: "opaque", url: "", redirected: false, status: 0, ok: false, …}
Found out the mistake ,
Actually during cache.put I was modifying the request object's mode to 'no-cors' if the origin were not the same.
Now during a fetch event, the event's request object had property 'cors' because it was a cross-origin request.
This difference of value of mode was causing the fetch error.
Service worker install event:
var request = new Request(value);
var url = new URL(request.url);
if (url.origin != location.origin) {
request = new Request(value, { mode: 'no-cors' });
return fetch(request).then(function(response) {
var cachedCopy = response.clone();
return cache.put(request, cachedCopy);
I changed it to :
var request = new Request(value);
var url = new URL(request.url);
return fetch(request).then(function(response) {
var cachedCopy = response.clone();
return cache.put(request, cachedCopy);
I have to use the first method for saving cdn's because second method is not working for them and vice-versa for my images hosted on cloudfront .
I will post the reason when I find why this is happening.

Falcor Router should return the value from external API

I am new to JavaScript frameworks and currently trying to setup a falcor router calling an external api (for now consider it as an express api app + mango db, hosted at 3000 port).
Now, I am able to use the request package (commented out lines) and successfully call the Express Api app (which returns obj.rating = 4). But I am unable to send this value from the falcor router instead of the hard-coded value "5".
Below is the falcor-router's server.js code:
app.use('/rating.json', falcorExpress.dataSourceRoute(function (req, res) {
return new Router([
route: "rating",
get: function() {
var obj;
// request('http://localhost:3000/rating/101', function (error, response, body) {
// obj = JSON.parse(body);
// console.log('rating:', obj.rating); // obj.rating = 4
// });
return {path:["rating"], value:"5"};
The below is the code for index.html:
function showRating() {
var model = new falcor.Model({source: new falcor.HttpDataSource('http://localhost/rating.json') });
then(function(response) {
document.getElementById('filmRating').innerText = JSON.stringify(response.json,null, 4);
I also tried to look at the global variable declaration, synchronize http request calls, promises, then statements etc. But nothing seemed to work, clearly I am missing out something here - not sure what.
The router's get handler expects the return value to be a promise or an observable that resolves to a pathValue. To get your request against the db to work, simply return a promise that resolves to a pathValue, e.g.
return new Router([
route: "rating",
get: function() {
return request('http://localhost:3000/rating/101', function (error, response, body) {
return { path: ["rating", value: JSON.parse(body).rating };

$ cannot find issue

Good afternoon everyone.
I'm working on a school project to create an application using the MEAN stack, and I'm having issues with routing.
I'm using the login-and-register application found here as a base for my work :
Basically, I am unable to post data that I get from a form I created to my database.
If I get the creation part to work, then I'll be able to continue working on my project. Here is the code :
The Controller
(function () {
'use strict';
function Controller(UserService, NoteService, FlashService) {
var vm = this;
vm.note = null;
function createNote() {
NoteService.Create(vm.note, vm.user)
.then(function () {
FlashService.Success('Note created');
.catch(function (error) {
vm.createNote = createNote;
function initController() {...}
angular.module('app').controller('Home.IndexController', Controller);
And then we have the service I'm calling, NoteService
(function () {
'use strict';
function Service($http, $q) {
var service = {};
function Create(note, user) {
return $'/api/notes', note).then(handleSuccess, handleError);
service.Create = Create;
return service;
.factory('NoteService', Service);
This is the $ function that doesn't work : /api/notes cannot be found (error 404 on browser console) I am sure my object note is getting at least to this request, because adding a console.log(note) just before returns what I want in the console.
On the server side, I have another controller for handling errors :
var noteService = require('services/notes.service');
//routes'/create', createNote);
module.exports = router;
function createNote(req, res) {
.then(function () {
.catch(function (err) {
the service on the server side to discuss with the data base :
var mongo = require('mongoskin');
var db = mongo.db(config.connectionString, { native_parser: true });
var service = {};
service.create = create;
module.exports = service;
function create(noteParam, userParam) {...}
and my server.js file looks like this :
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.use(session({ secret: config.secret, resave: false, saveUninitialized: true }));
// use JWT auth to secure the api
app.use('/api', expressJwt({ secret: config.secret }).unless({ path: ['/api/users/authenticate', '/api/users/register'] }));
// routes
app.use('/login', require('./controllers/login.controller'));
app.use('/register', require('./controllers/register.controller'));
app.use('/app', require('./controllers/app.controller'));
app.use('/api/users', require('./controllers/api/users.controller'));
app.use('/api/notes', require('./controllers/api/notes.controller'));
// make '/app' default route
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
return res.redirect('/app');
// start server
var server = app.listen(3000, function () {
console.log('Server listening at http://' + server.address().address + ':' + server.address().port);
I thought this line in the server.js file : app.use('/api/notes', require('./controllers/api/notes.controller'))
would permit my post request to send my note object to the server side, to '/api/notes') but I'm not quite sure how all this works together.
I am hoping anyone can help me, even though the code I gave was lengthful.
I am just beginning with MEAN and have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks in Advance for your answer.

ionic/AngularJS OK in Chrome, Can't find variable :$ in iOS Simulator

Im currently using Ionic framework (inc AngularJS) with PhoneGap to develop a mobile application.
When running in chrome the application works seamlessly (I have been debugging the errors while in development).
I deployed to the iOS simulator today and hooked it upto safari developer tools and got the follow error.
Error: Can't find variable: $
My controllers etc work fine here however my postLogin() function does not.
Here is a cutdown version of my LoginController, Am i not passing $ correctly?
.controller('LoginCtrl', function($http, $ionicLoading, $scope, $state) {
$scope.login = {};
$scope.handlerLogin = function(response){
if( == 1){
$state.go("", {}, {reload: true});
}else if( == 0){
$scope.login.password = '';
$('#errorMessageText').text('Login failed. Please try again.');
$('#errorMessage').fadeIn(2000, function(){$('#errorMessage').fadeOut('slow');});
//handle general error?
$scope.postLogin = function() {
template: 'loading'
var formdata = $scope.login;
var url = api + 'api/login';
type: "GET",
url: url,
data: formdata,
success: function success(data){
dataType: 'jsonp'
$scope.doLogin = function() {
if($ == null || $scope.login.password == null){
$('#errorMessageText').text('Please complete both fields.');
$('#errorMessage').fadeIn(2000, function(){$('#errorMessage').fadeOut('slow');});
Please ignore than im using JSONP for logging in for now.
Any pointers would be a great help! Scratching my head for hours now!!
