Turn a string into a variable - ios

Hello I have a for in loop where elements is the variable being changed and in this case "elements" is a string but there is a corresponding variable out side of the for in loop that has the same name as the string called elements. So what I mean is out side there is a Var time = [some,text,words] and theres a for in loop that calls a STRING named "time" and I would like to know how to convert the string in the for in loop into the variable by some how taking off the "'s (not that simple I know) without specifically saying "time"(the variable) but instead converting the "elements"(which is the string 'time') string into the variable. I hope I was clear enough if I'm not making sense I'll try again.

You cannot refer to local variables dynamically by their names in Swift. This would break a lot of compiler optimizations as well as type safety if you could.
You can refer to object properties by their names if the class conforms to key-value coding. For example:
class X : NSObject {
let time = ["some", "text", "words"]
func readWordsFromProp(name: String) -> String {
guard let list = self.valueForKey(name) as? [String] else {
return ""
var result = ""
for word in list {
result += word
return result
let x = X()
In general, there are better ways to do things in Swift using closures that don't rely on fragile name-matching. But KVC can be a very powerful tool


Is it possible to force encode Date as Date type instead of string?

I am trying to mock Apollo Queries using its init. It pretty much is taking in a dictionary to build the object up.
public init(unsafeResultMap: [String: Any]) {
self.resultMap = unsafeResultMap
So, I have decided to create Mock objects that have the same properties of the query objects while being Encodable (So we get the free JSON conversion, which can be represented as a string version dictionary).
For example:
class MockAnimalObject: Encodable {
let teeth: MockTeethObject
init(teeth: MockTeethObject) {
self.teeth = teeth
class MockTeethObject: Encodable {
let numberOfTeeth: Int
let dateOfTeethCreation: Date
init (numberOfTeeth: Int, dateOfTeethCreation: Date) {
self.numberOfTeeth = numberOfTeeth
self.dateOfTeethCreation = dateOfTeethCreation
The problem is, the Apollo conversion checks the types during the result map, which in our case is a string of [String: Encodable].
And this is where the Date encodable becomes a problem.
/// This property is auto-generated and not feasible to be edited
/// Teeth date for these teeth
public var teethCreationDate: Date {
get {
// This is the problem. resultMap["teethCreationDate"] is never going to be a Date object since it is encoded.
return resultMap["teethCreationDate"]! as! Date
set {
resultMap.updateValue(newValue, forKey: "teethCreationDate")
So, I am wondering if it is possible to override the encoder to manually set the date value as a custom type.
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(date) as Date // Something where I force it to be a non-encodable object
JSON has nothing to do with this. JSON is not any kind of dictionary. It's a serialization format. But you don't want a serialization format. You want to convert types to an Apollo ResultMap, which is [String: Any?]. What you want is a "ResultMapEncoder," not a JSONEncoder.
That's definitely possible. It's just an obnoxious amount of code because Encoder is such a pain to conform to. My first pass is a bit over 600 lines. I could probably strip it down more and it's barely tested, so I don't know if this code works in all (or even most) cases, but it's a start and shows how you would attack this problem.
The starting point is the source code for JSONEncoder. Like sculpture, you start with a giant block of material, and keep removing everything that doesn't look like what you want. Again, this is very, very lightly tested. It basically does what you describe in your question, and not much else is tested.
let animal = MockAnimalObject(teeth: MockTeethObject(numberOfTeeth: 10,
dateOfTeethCreation: .now))
let result = try AnyEncoder().encode(animal)
//["teeth": Optional(["dateOfTeethCreation": Optional(2022-08-12 18:35:27 +0000),
// "numberOfTeeth": Optional(10)])]
The key changes, and where you'd want to explore further to make this work the way you want, are:
Gets rid of all configuration and auto-conversions (like snake case)
Handles the "special cases" (Date, Decimal, [String: Encodable]) by just returning them. See wrapEncodable and wrapUntyped
If you want [String: Any] rather than [String: Any?] (which is what ResultMap is), then you can tweak the types a bit. The only tricky piece is you would need to store something like nil as Any? as Any in order to encode nil (or you could encode NSNull, or you could just not encode it at all if you wanted).
Note that this actually returns Any, since it can't know that the top level encodes an object. So you'll need to as? cast it to [String: Any?].
To your question about using Mirror, the good thing about Mirror is that the code is short. The bad thing is that mirror is very slow. So it depends on how important that is. Not everything has the mirror you expect, however. For your purposes, Date has a "struct-like" Mirror, so you have to special-case it. But it's not that hard to write the code. Something like this:
func resultMap(from object: Any) -> Any {
// First handle special cases that aren't what they seem
if object is Date || object is Decimal {
return object
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: object)
switch mirror.displayStyle {
case .some(.struct), .some(.class), .some(.dictionary):
var keyValues: [String: Any] = [:]
for child in mirror.children {
if let label = child.label {
keyValues[label] = resultMap(from: child.value)
return keyValues
case .some(.collection):
var values: [Any] = []
for child in mirror.children {
values.append(resultMap(from: child.value))
return values
return object
let animal = MockAnimalObject(teeth: MockTeethObject(numberOfTeeth: 10, dateOfTeethCreation: .now))
let result = resultMap(from: animal)
// ["teeth": ["dateOfTeethCreation": 2022-08-12 21:08:11 +0000, "numberOfTeeth": 10]]
This time I didn't bother with Any?, but you could probably expand it that way if you needed. You'd need to decide what you'd want to do about enums, tuples, and anything else you'd want to handle specially, but it's pretty flexible. Just slow.
As pointed out in comments, JSON (Javascript object notation) is universal format and is not anyhow related to Date object in Swift after it is encoded. Therefore somewhere in the flow you need to make it String Double or some other object type that can be encoded to JSON. Anyway, if you want to make encoding Date to be easier you can take hold of some native JSONEncoder functions, such as folowing:
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.dateEncodingStrategy = .iso8601

Swift how to "pass by value" of a object

I am quite new in Swift. And I create a class(for example):
class Fraction{
var a: Int
self.a = a
func toString() -> String{
return "\(self.a)"
and I also build a in other class function:
class func A_plusplus(f:Fraction){
Then in the executive class I write:
var object = Fraction(a:10)
print("before run func = " + object.toString())
print("after ran func =" + object.toString() )
So the console output is
before run func = 10; after ran func =11
The question is how can I just send a copy of the "object" to keep its value which equal to 10
And if functions are always pass-by-reference, why we still need the keyword: "inout"
what does difference between A_plusplus(&object)//[if I make the parameter to be a inout parameter] and A_plusplus(object)
Universally, I don't want to use struct. Although this will solve my
problem exactly, I do pass-by-value rarely.So I don't want program's
copying processes slow my user's phone down :(
And It seems conforming the NSCopying protocol is a good option.But
I don't know how to implement the function:
func copyWithZone(zone:
NSZone)-> AnyObject? correctly
If your class is subclass of NSObject,better to use NSCopying
class Fraction:NSObject,NSCopying{
var a:Int
var b:NSString?
required init(a:Int){
self.a = a
func toString() -> String{
return "\(self.a)"
func copyWithZone(zone: NSZone) -> AnyObject {
let theCopy=self.dynamicType.init(a: self.a)
theCopy.b = self.b?.copy() as? NSString
return theCopy
class XXXclass{
class func A_plusplus(f:Fraction){
f.b = "after"
var object = Fraction(a:10)
object.b = "before"
print("before run func = " + object.toString())
print(object.b!) //“Before”
XXXclass.A_plusplus(object.copy() as! Fraction)
print("after ran func =" + object.toString() )
If it is just a common swift class,You have to create a copy method
class Fraction{
var a: Int
self.a = a
func toString() -> String{
return "\(self.a)"
func copy()->Fraction{
return Fraction(a: self.a)
class XXXclass{
class func A_plusplus(f:Fraction){
var object = Fraction(a:10)
print("before run func = " + object.toString())
print("after ran func =" + object.toString() )
To make it clear,you have to know that there are mainly two types in swift
Reference types. Like Class instance,function type
Value types,Like struct and others(Not class instance or function type)
If you pass in a Reference types,you pass in the copy of Reference,it still point to the original object.
If you pass in a Copy type,you pass in the copy of value,so it has nothing to do with the original value
Let us talk about inout,if you use it,it pass in the same object or value.It has effect on Value type
func add(inout input:Int){
var a = 10
Swift has a new concept so called "struct"
You can define Fraction as struct (Not class)
struct Fraction{
var object = Fraction(a:10)
var object1 = object //then struct in swift is value type, so object1 is copy of object (not reference)
And if you use struct then try to use inout in A_plusplus function
Hope this will help you.
how can I just send a copy of the "object" to keep its value which equal to 10
In Swift classes and functions are always passed by reference. Structs, enums and primitive types are passed by value. See this answer.
You can't pass an object by value. You would have to manually copy it before passing it by reference (if that's what you really want).
Another way is to turn your class into a struct, since it would then be passed by value. However, keep in mind there a few other differences between classes and structs, and it might not necessarily be what you want.
And if functions are always pass-by-reference, why we still need the keyword: "inout"
According to the swift documentation, inout is used when
you want a function to modify a parameter’s value, and you want those changes to persist after the function call has ended, define that parameter as an in-out parameter instead.
So in practice with inout you can pass a value type (such as struct or primitive) by reference. You shouldn't really use this very often. Swift provides tuples, that could be used instead.
what does difference between A_plusplus(&object)//[if I make the parameter to be a inout parameter] and A_plusplus(object)
There is no difference for your A_plusplus function. In that function you don't modify the parameter f itself, you modify the f.a property.
The following example shows the effect of using inout when passing a class object. Both functions are the same, differing only in its parameter definition.
class Person {
var name: String
init(name: String) { self.name = name }
var me = Person(name: "Lennon") // Must be var to be passed as inout
// Normal object by reference with a var
func normalCall(var p: Person) {
// We sure are able to update p's properties,
// and they will be reflected back to me
p.name = "McCartney"
// Now p points to a new object different from me,
// changes won't be reflected back to me
p = Person(name: "Ringo")
// Inout object reference by value
func inoutCall(inout p: Person) {
// We still can update p's properties,
p.name = "McCartney"
// p is an alias to me, updates made will persist to me
p = Person(name: "Ringo")
print("\(me.name)") //--> Lennon
print("\(me.name)") //--> McCartney
print("\(me.name)") //--> Ringo
In normalCall p and me are different variables that happen to point to the same object. When you instantiate and assign a new object to p, they no longer refer to the same object. Hence, further changes to this new object will not be reflected back to me.
Stating that p is a var argument just means that its value can change throughout the function, it does not mean the new value will be assigned to what was passed as argument.
On the other hand, in inoutCall you can think of p and me as aliases. As such, assigning a new object to p is the exact same as assigning a new object to me. Any and every change to p is persisted in me after the function ends.

Extra argument in call error mystery

I had some older Swift code that used to compile and work where I was using the .append to build out a data structure dynamically. After upgrading to a few compiler versions newer I am getting the dreaded "Extra Argument ' ' in call" error. I reduced the code down to this:
struct EHSearch {
let EHcategory : String = ""
let EHname : String = ""
var myEHSearch = [EHSearch]()
// Call to dynamically append the results
// Extra argument: 'EHcategory' in call
myEHSearch.append(EHSearch(EHcategory: "Food", EHname: "Joes Crab Shack"))
I can't see anything so far in searching on what has changed to cause this one so seeking guidance here.
Because you have let in your struct.
Define your structure like this:
struct EHSearch {
var EHcategory : String = ""
var EHname : String = ""
If you have constants in your struct, you can not provide them initial value while creating new structure instances. The automatically-generated member-wise initializer doesn't accept let members as parameters of the initializer of struct.
It depends on your intentions with the struct's properties. Do you want them to be mutable or not?
If yes, then #sasquatch's answer will do.
If not, then you need to ensure a value is assigned to them only once. As you already do that in the struct declaration (the default values), you can't assign new values to them. But being a struct, they don't need to have default values - moreover, struct automatically receive a memberwise initializer. https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/Initialization.html
So here is the variant for immutable properties:
struct EHSearch {
let EHcategory : String
let EHname : String
var myEHSearch = [EHSearch]()
// Call to dynamically append the results
// Extra argument: 'EHcategory' in call
myEHSearch.append(EHSearch(EHcategory: "Food", EHname: "Joes Crab Shack"))
The "Extra Argument" error you're seeing is because the compiler already has values for the properties so it doesn't expect any new ones. Here is the "middle" way - one property has a default value whilst the other doesn't - which should make it clearer:
struct EHSearch {
let EHcategory : String = ""
let EHname : String
var myEHSearch = [EHSearch]()
// Call to dynamically append the results
// Extra argument: 'EHcategory' in call
myEHSearch.append(EHSearch(EHname: "Joes Crab Shack"))

Swift: how to make array of mutable dictionaries? [duplicate]

I’m new to Swift and have been having some troubles figuring out some aspects of Arrays and Dictionaries.
I have an array of dictionaries, for which I have used Type Aliases - e.g.
typealias myDicts = Dictionary<String, Double>
var myArray : [myDicts] = [
"lat": 44.444444,
I then want to iterate through the dictionaries in the array and change the “distance” key value. I did it like this:
for dict:myDicts in myArray {
dict["distance"] = 5
Or even specifically making sure 5 is a double with many different approaches including e.g.
for dict:myDicts in myArray {
let numberFive : Double = 5
dict["distance"] = numberFive
All my attempts cause an error:
#lvalue $T5' is not identical to '(String, Double)
It seems to be acting as if the Dictionaries inside were immutable “let” rather than “var”. So I randomly tried this:
for (var dict:myDicts) in myArray {
dict["distance"] = 5
This removes the error and the key is indeed assigned 5 within the for loop, but this doesn't seem to actually modify the array itself in the long run. What am I doing wrong?
The implicitly declared variable in a for-in loop in Swift is constant by default (let), that's why you can't modify it directly in the loop.
The for-in documentation has this:
for index in 1...5 {
println("\(index) times 5 is \(index * 5)")
In the example above, index is a constant whose value is automatically
set at the start of each iteration of the loop. As such, it does not
have to be declared before it is used. It is implicitly declared
simply by its inclusion in the loop declaration, without the need for
a let declaration keyword.
As you've discovered, you can make it a variable by explicitly declaring it with var. However, in this case, you're trying to modify a dictionary which is a struct and, therefore, a value type and it is copied on assignment. When you do dict["distance"] = 5 you're actually modifying a copy of the dictionary and not the original stored in the array.
You can still modify the dictionary in the array, you just have to do it directly by looping over the array by index:
for index in 0..<myArray.count {
myArray[index]["distance"] = 5
This way, you're sure to by modifying the original dictionary instead of a copy of it.
That being said, #matt's suggestion to use a custom class is usually the best route to take.
You're not doing anything wrong. That's how Swift works. You have two options:
Use NSMutableDictionary rather than a Swift dictionary.
Use a custom class instead of a dictionary. In a way this is a better solution anyway because it's what you should have been doing all along in a situation where all the dictionaries have the same structure.
The "custom class" I'm talking about would be a mere "value class", a bundle of properties. This was kind of a pain to make in Objective-C, but in Swift it's trivial, so I now do this a lot. The thing is that you can stick the class definition for your custom class anywhere; it doesn't need a file of its own, and of course in Swift you don't have the interface/implementation foo to grapple with, let alone memory management and other stuff. So this is just a few lines of code that you can stick right in with the code you've already got.
Here's an example from my own code:
class Model {
var task : NSURLSessionTask!
var im : UIImage!
var text : String!
var picurl : String!
We then have an array of Model and away we go.
So, in your example:
class MyDict : NSObject {
var id = 0.0
var lat = 0.0
var lng = 0.0
var distance = 0.0
var myArray = [MyDict]()
let d1 = MyDict()
d1.id = 0
d1.lat = 55.55
d1.lng = -55.55
d1.distance = 0
let d2 = MyDict()
d2.id = 0
d2.lat = 44.44
d2.lng = -44.44
d2.distance = 0
myArray = [d1,d2]
// now we come to the actual heart of the matter
for d in myArray {
d.distance = 5
println(myArray[0].distance) // it worked
println(myArray[1].distance) // it worked
Yes, the dictionary retrieved in the loop is immutable, hence you cannot change.
I'm afraid your last attempt just creates a mutable copy of it.
One possible workaround is to use NSMutableDictionary:
typealias myDicts = NSMutableDictionary
Have a class wrapper for the Swift dictionary or array.
class MyDictionary: NSObject {
var data : Dictionary<String,Any>!
init(_ data: Dictionary<String,Any>) {
self.data = data

Syntax explanation: square brackets in Swift

I'm studying Swift and got confusing with following syntax:
var treasures: [Treasure] = []
Treasure is custom class, declared as follow:
class Treasure: NSObject { }
In Objective-C square brackets mean method, but what do they mean in Swift?
Ok, this is the meaning of
var treasures: [Treasure] = []
var: you are declaring a variable
treasures: the name of your variable
[Treasure]: the type of your variable, in this case the type is Array of Treasure, the compiler will allow you to insert only object of type Treasure in your Array
[]: the actual object (Array) referenced by your variable, in this case an empty Array.
E.g. if you want the Array to hold 2 elements you can write
var treasures: [Treasure] = [Treasure(), Treasure()]
Hope this helps.
My example can also be written this way
var treasures = [Treasure(), Treasure()]
Infact thanks to the Type Inference the compiler can deduce the type of the variable treasures looking at the type of the assigned value.
[Treasure] is just a syntax sugar for Array<Treasure>.
The same way [String:Treasure] is just a syntax sugar for Dictionary<String,Treasure>.
[] is just an empty array of the type you defined. The same way [:] is an empty dictionary.
When it comes to Swift and square brackets, the rules are simple. They are used only in two situations:
1) working with Array and Dictionary types:
let vectors : [[Int]] = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
let birthBook : [Int:[String]] = [1987:["John","William"], 1990: ["Mary"]]
2) for subscripting objects that support subscripting:
class RouteMapper {
private var routeMap : [String:String] = [:]
subscript(endpoint: String) -> String {
get {
if let route = routeMap[endpoint] {
return route
return "/"
set(newValue) {
routeMap[endpoint] = newValue
let routeMapper = RouteMapper()
routeMapper["users"] = "/v1/confirmed/users"
let url = routeMapper["admins"]
Since [ and ] are not allowed in custom operators, these are the only usages for now.
