How to make a scopebar in UISearchController always visible in Ios swift? - ios

I want to implement functionality in my UISearchController, with ScopeBar, where I don't want my scope bar to be hidden. I want it to always be visible and functional. Currently, it is visible on the first view load and then hides after search filter is applied. Then, going forward, it always becomes visible on a click of the search bar.

If you want the Scope Bar to always be visible, you may want to hook up a separate UISegmentedControl and not use the Scope Bar at all so you do not have to mess around with UISearchController's default behavior.
Also, this question may help guide you to an answer.


Do you have to put the UISearchBar in a UITableView?

I would like to use a UISearchBar and put it towards the bottom of a screen in order to search for available names through an API call. I want to have this SearchBar as part of a sign up form. However, when I put the SearchBar on the screen where I would like through the Storyboard, it does not show up when I run the app on the simulator. When I looked up this issue, everyone is putting the searchbar in a tableview. Am I not using the correct UI element for my cause?
The reason your search bar is not on the screen is probably because you didn't set constraint correctly or it was hidden or covered by some other view.
And for your second half of the question, I myself never put a search bar on a UITableView itself. Some apps put a search bar on the first cell of a table view but you have to scroll to make it show up. I myself always prefer to put it on the navigation controller on the top of the screen so that it will always be there and ready for user to search anything.

iOS Search Bar Goes Over View

The current setup I have is a UIView over a map view that's meant to encapsulate the search bar (to make it look rounded). However, the first time I click on the search bar, it animates over the view for some reason, and then goes back to normal, but every other time, the animation stays within the view. The images below visualize the problem. I'm not entirely sure how to get started on fixing this -- any tips?
I instantiate the search bar and search results controller programmatically.
normal view (search bar not clicked)
the first time you click on the search bar vs every other time you click on it
I think you need to add constraints to fix this issue. And if possible try adding your search bar inside a UIStackView and then add constraints to the stack view.

The best way to toggle between modes using UICollectionView like in Photos

Basically, I am using UICollectionView and want to allow users to switch between 2 modes. The first, will allow users to tap each item and see more details about it. The second, will allow users to select multiple items and either delete them or share them. I want something similar that is possible to do in the standard "Photos" app.
The items on the navigation bar and on the tab bar will be changed based on the current mode.
My first idea is to use the same controller and just replace items in the navigation bar and the tab bar accordingly based on the current mode.
My second idea is to use 2 different controllers with different sets of buttons on both the navigation bar and the tab bar. The only thing I was planning to move the same UICollectionView back and forward dependently on the current mode so that the current scrolling state of the collection stay the same.
I may be wrong in both of my approaches. I am new in iOS and would appreciate any help in this regard.
You needn't use two separate view-controllers. In fact, the problem statement suggests that you shouldn't, because it's just two ways (modes) of presenting the same view.
The way I would solve this problem is:
Have an instance variable in the view-controller (either an enum or a boolean) that represents the current mode
Use a UIView transition, on change of the mode, to add/remove buttons from the UINavigationBar (at the top) and the UIToolBar (not UITabBar - Tab Bars are used specifically to switch between view-controllers in a UITabBarController) at the bottom.
Also, on change of the mode, reload the Collection View with or without animation.

ios7: UIButton on UINavigationBar is not selectable

I have a pretty unique problem. I have a custom nav controller ( and I'm trying to customize it even further. The effect I'm trying to get is this:
What I have is this (ignore the search bar):
The problem that I have is that when you click on any of the tabs in my nav bar ("public" for example), the click doesn't register, and it clicks whatever is underneath instead. For example, if I click "Munchies", it will click the search bar underneath the tab. Also, even if there is nothing clickable underneath it (I've tried this with a blank UIViewController), the tabs (eg: "Munchies") are still not clickable.
I have a theory for why this is. If I raise the tabs by a few pixels, the tops of the tabs become clickable. So, I think the navigationBar has a frame within which you can interact with its objects, but if you interact with anything outside of that frame, it interacts with lower layers. I've tried expanding the nav bar height and it doesn't work (I've looked it up and it's against the rules).
Any thoughts?
I read your code here that is shown here:
I'm not exactly sure whether this will work out. But this issue has occured to me in table cell as well. Perhaps you can try typing this in.
[navigationView setUserInteractionEnabled:NO];
I'm pretty sure that your approach is on the right track because as I read Apple documentations it says:
Custom views can contain buttons. Use the buttonWithType: method in UIButton
class to add buttons to your custom view in the style of the navigation bar.
Custom title views are centered on the navigation bar and may be resized
to fit.

IOS Customizing UISearchBar and Search Display

Hey I have been trying to customize a UISearch bar with display controller and have run into some issues customizing certain aspects of the search and display controllers. I'm using storyboard and am developing with the most recent version of IOS 6.
The first issue is eliminating the dark grey gradient overlay that appears when you first click on the search text view. I have tried to use the searchDisplayController:willShowSearchResultsTableView: delegate but am unable to either find the view that is being used as the gradient overlay or a property to disable it. How do I remove this view?
The second is I am having an issue with the initial animation that is triggered when the search view is clicked. The animation is supposed to expand the search bar over the UINavigationBar to allow for a larger space to view the results. This doesn't happen and the search bar stays below the UINavigationBar and the animation doesn't properly show. I have tried setting the displaysSearchBarInNavigationBar and navigationItem properties but couldn't find any way to access or set them. Could this be an issue with the fact that I'm using autolayout in my story board? I have noticed that many issues relating to the UISearchBar animations are due to autolayout being used in the .xib or storyboard file. How can I make it correctly over the navigation bar?
The third issue I am having is with over ridding the searchBarTextDidBeginEditing:(UISearchBar *)searchBar delegate method. I have subclassed the UISearchBar to allow for complete customization. Is there a way to provide a default definition for the searchBarTextDidBeginEditing: delegate method inside my custom UISearchBar subclass. I want to provide a specific style of text in the UITextView when the user clicks on the search bar and don't want to have to redefine this method in every view controller that uses the search bar. Is this possible?
Thanks for the help in solving these issues.
