What does this symbol mean: ∧? - delphi

I need to calculate this equation using Delphi programming language
z = (Rot(y ∧ n1 , K2) ∧ K1 ) ⊕ n2
K1, K2, n1, n2, y are 96-bits binary values
I just want to know what does this symbol means "∧", and how to us it in Delphi?

It might be bitwise AND.
The ⊕ could be exclusive or XOR in Delphi.
The tricky bit might be the ROT operation which rotates the bits of a variable. There is no ROT operation but there is shl and shr for left and right shift. See Delphi Expressions
To make things even harder you don't have a native 96 bit datatype. LongInt is 4 bytes = 32 bit. You will need to use an array if you need to represent the fill 96 bit.


cryptol: arithmetic with different width

How to perform arithmetic with values of different widths ?
In verilog there is no problem xoring 2 bits with 8 bits but cryptol complains:
cryptol> let test(x: [2],y: [8]) = x ^ y
[error] at <interactive>:1:31--1:32:
Type mismatch:
Expected type: 2
Inferred type: 8
My original problem:
I would like to rotate the bytes in a 64 bit value, with the number of bytes to shift depending on a two bit input. I struggle to get this working:
cryptol> let shift (v, s:[2]) = v >>> (s*16+8)
[error] at <interactive>:1:5--1:38:
Unsolved constraint:
2 >= 5
arising from
use of literal or demoted expression
at <interactive>:1:33--1:35
In the interpreter I can remove the type specification of s and then it works however I need to get that working from a file and with s being really a 2 bit value.
The type of ^ is:
Cryptol> :t (^)
(^) : {a} (Logic a) => a -> a -> a
Note that it requires both arguments to be exactly the same. You're getting the type-error because [2] is not the same as [8]; as they differ in size. Unlike Verilog, Cryptol will not "pad" things implicitly, and I think Cryptol is definitely doing the right thing here. Verilog programmers can chime in with countless bugs they had due to implicit casting.
All such casting in Cryptol has to be explicit.
The typical way to deal with this situation in Cryptol is to use the polymorphic constant zero:
Cryptol> :t zero
zero : {a} (Zero a) => a
The value zero inhabits all types (you can ignore the Zero constraint for now), and as you can imagine is the "right" padding value in this case. So, you'd define your function as:
Cryptol> let test(x:[2], y:[8]) = (zero#x)^y
Cryptol> :t test
test : ([2], [8]) -> [8]
And use it like this:
Cryptol> test (1, 5)
And if you wanted to pad on the right for some reason, you'd do:
Cryptol> let test(x:[2], y:[8]) = (x#zero)^y
Cryptol> test(1,5)
This way, everything is explicit and you don't have to know all the magical rules about how things get padded to become the right size.
If you want to get real fancy, then you can do:
Cryptol> let test(x, y) = (zero#x)^(zero#y)
Cryptol> :t test
test : {n, m, i, j, a} (Logic a, Zero a, m + i == n + j, fin n,
fin m) =>
([i]a, [j]a) -> [m + i]a
Now, that type looks a bit scary; but essentially it's telling you that you can give it any sized arguments, and it would be valid for any other size, so long as the new size is larger than the maximum of the two you've given. Of course, this inferred size is way more polymorphic then you probably cared for; so you can give it something more readable:
test : {m, n} (fin m, fin n) => [m] -> [n] -> [max m n]
test x y = (zero#x) ^ (zero#y)
I believe this captures your intent perfectly. Note how cryptol will make sure your inputs are finite, and you get the maximum of the two sizes given.
Getting back to your example, Cryptol is telling you that to multiply by 16 you need at least 5 bits, and thus 2>=5 is not satisfiable. This is a bit cryptic, but arises from the use of literals which are polymorphically typed. You can use the zero trick to address the issue in the same way as before:
Cryptol> let shift (v, s:[2]) = v >>> ((zero#s)*16+8)
[warning] at <interactive>:1:32--1:38:
Defaulting type argument 'front' of '(#)' to 3
But note how cryptol is warning you about the type of zero that's used there, since the type of >>> is polymorphic enough to allow different size shifts/rotates:
Cryptol> :t (>>>)
(>>>) : {n, ix, a} (fin n, fin ix) => [n]a -> [ix] -> [n]a
In these cases, Cryptol will pick the smallest possible size to default to by looking at the expressions. Unfortunately, it does the wrong thing here. By picking size 3 for zero, you'll have a 5 bit shift, but your expression can produce the maximum value of 3*16+8=56, which requires at least 6 bits to represent. Note that Cryptol only uses the minimum size required to handle the multiplication there, and does not care about overflows! This is why it's important to pay attention to such warnings.
To be clear: Cryptol did the right thing per the language rules on how type inference works, but it ended up picking a size that is just too small for what you wanted to do.
So, you should write your shift as follows:
Cryptol> let shift (v, s:[2]) = v >>> (((zero:[4])#s)*16+8)
Cryptol> :t shift
shift : {n, a} (fin n) => ([n]a, [2]) -> [n]a
The important thing here is to make sure the expression s*16+8 will fit in the final result, and since s is only 2 bits wide the largest value will be 56 as discussed above, which needs at least 6-bits to represent. This is why I chose [4] as the size of zero.
The moral of the story here is that you should always be explicit about the sizes of your bitvectors, and Cryptol will give you the right framework to express your constraints in a polymorphic way to allow for code reuse without ambiguity, avoiding many of the pitfalls of Verilog and other similar languages.

Agda: How to apply +-right-identity to match types

Somewhere in my code, I have a hole which expects a natural number, let's call it n for our purposes. I have a function which returns me a n + 0.
Data.Nat.Properties.Simple contains a proof +-right-identity of the following type:
+-right-identity : ∀ n → n + 0 ≡ n
I'm not familiar enough with the Agda syntax and stdlib yet to know how to easily use this proof to convince the type checker that I can use my value.
More generally, how to I use a relation x ≡ y to transform a given x into y?
I found an answer in this thread: Agda Type-Checking and Commutativity / Associativity of +
For future readers, the keyword I was looking for was rewrite.
By appending rewrite +-right-identity n to the pattern matching (before the = sign), Agda "learned" about this equality.

Bit manipulation with Erlang's bitwise bnot operator

Reading chapter 2 of Hacker's Delight and trying ti implement bit manipulation in Erlang.
I'm stuck on this one:
Use the following formula to create a word with 0's at the positions of the trailing 1's in x, and 1's elsewhere, producing all 1's if none (e.g. 10100111 => 11111000):
¬ x | (x + 1)
Here is what I tried:
(bnot X) bor (X + 2#01)
But the result is -1000 for some reason, and not 2#11111000.
What's strange is that not 2#10100111 is -10101000 (base 2).
Any idea what's going on?
You have to limit the width oh the numbers manipulated (problem of sign, problem of bignum and integer representation).
The next example use 8 bits but it would work the same with 128 bits, in this case the result would be 340282366920938463463374607431768211448 instead of 248 for your test case.
1> Msk = fun(X) -> X band 2#11111111 end. % limit to 8 bits
2> Op = fun(X) -> Msk(bnot(X)) bor Msk(X+1) end.
3> Op(2#10100111).
4> 2#11111000.

Incrementing or decrementing a float

What is the minimum value d such that...
f - d != f
f + d != f
...for any CGFloat f (except infinity)?
For example, it's not 1.
CGFloat d = 1;
NSLog(#"%d", f - d != f); // Prints 0
If “any CGFLOAT” truly means any value that a CGFLOAT can take, then the answer is infinity. Otherwise, f could be infinity (a legal value), and f-d would equal f for any finite value of d.
If f is limited to finite values, then d is 2970 if CGFLOAT_IS_DOUBLE is set and 2103 otherwise. This is because those are the smallest values required to cause a change when d is added to the largest finite values that a CGFLOAT could have.
These are undoubtedly not the values you are looking for. As Stephen Canon notes, what are you really trying to do?
The value such that
f - d != f
f + d != f
is not fixed for all possible floating point numbers. You've probably came to this conclusion your own because you can clearly see that for d=1 and f=5.0, f-d=4.0... but this doesn' work for CGFLOAT_MAX.
This is because of how floating point numbers are stored in memory, they are stored with a base and an exponent, so not all digits are being represented.
That would depend on the the definition of CGFLOAT on your platform.
Current platforms use either float (typically when compiling for 32-bit platforms) or double (typically when compiling for 64-bit platforms).
32 bit floats use 23 bits for the fraction, which means that d would probably be around CGFLOAT_MAX/2^23
64 bit doubles use 52 bits for the fraction, which means that d would probably be around CGFLOAT_MAX/2^52
The minimum value for d depends on the value of f.
The problem is that CGFloat only supports a certain number of significant digits and not all floating point number are represented exactly.
The following is not exact results but meant to illustrate the problem.
If f is 1.0 then d might need to be something like 0.0000001. But if f is 1000000.0 (one million) then d would need to be 0.1.
Basically the value of d must be within the significant digits of f for the result to be noticeable.
Consider using NSDecimalNumber to be able to fully represent large numbers eliminating this problem.

automata: using only Equivalence class to proove regularity

I have tried to go about this problem in several ways, and looked in several places with no answer. the question is as follow:
Given two regular languages (may be referred to as finitely described languages ,idk) L1 and L2, we define a new language as such:
L = {w1w2| there are two words, x,y such that : xw1 is in L1, w2y is in L2}
I am supposed to use to show that L is regular, however I have the following restrictions:
I must use Equivalence class, and no other way
I cannot use Rank(L), as in show a limit to the number of equivalence class, instead I must show them
I may use the Closure properties that all regular languages hold
I am not expecting a full proof (though that would be appreciated) but an explanation to how to go about such a thing.
thanks in advance.
L = {w1w2| there are two words, x,y such that : xw1 is in L1, w2y is in L2} is regular if L1 and L2 are regular languages.
Lsuff = { w1 | xw1 ∈ L1 }
Lpref = { w2 | w2y ∈ L2 }
L = LsuffLpref
We can easily proof by construction Finite Automata for L.
Suppose Finite Automata(FA) for L1 is M1 and FA for L2 is M2.
Non-Deterministic Finite Automata(NFA) for L can be drawn by introducing NULL-transition (^-edge) form every state in M1 to every state in M2. then NFA can be converted into DFA.
L1 = {ab ,ac} and L2 = {12, 13}
L = {ab, ac, 12, 13, a12, a2, ab12, ab2, a13, a3, ab13, ab3, ............}
Note: w1 and w2 can be NULL
M1 =is consist of Q = {q0,q1,qf} with edges:
q0 ---a----->q1,
q1 ---b/c--->qf
Similarly :
M2 =is consist of Q = {p0,p1,pf} with edges:
p0 ---1----->p1,
p1 ---2/3--->pf
Now, NFA for L called M will be consist of Q = {q0,q1,qf, p0,p1,pf} Where Final state of M is pf and edges are:
q0 ---a----->q1,
q1 ---b/c--->qf,
p0 ---1----->p1,
p1 ---2/3--->pf,
q0 ----^----> p0,
q1 ----^----> p0,
qf ----^----> p0,
q0 ----^----> p1,
q1 ----^----> p1,
qf ----^----> p1,
q0 ----^----> pf,
q1 ----^----> pf,
qf ----^----> pf
^ means NULL-Transition.
Now, A NFA can easily convert into DFA.(I leave it for you)
DFA for L is possible hence L is Regular Language.
I will highly encourage you to draw DFA/NFA figures, then concept will be clear.>
I am writing this answer, because I believe that the current available doesn't really satisfy the post requirements, i.e.
I must use Equivalence class, and no other way
A more direct and simple approach is to not construct a DFA/NFA because of time reasons, but to just check if #EquivalenceClasses < ∞ holds. Specifically, you would have the following ones here:
[w1] = {all w1 in L1}
[w1w2] = L
So ind(R), the index of the equivalence relation, is 3, therefore finite. Hence, L is regular. Q.E.D.
To make it more clear, just have a look at the definition of the equivalence relation for languager, i.e. R_L.
Moreover, regular languages are closed under concatenation. De facto you just need to concatenate the two DFA/NFA's into one.
