How to control constraint over multi devices in iOS/Storyboard? - ios

I've been working on a project that supports multiple screen sizes for iOS. Thanks to Storyboard and auto layout technology, I could be able to handle some constraint automatically based on device screen size. But in some cases, I couldn't figure out how to deal with auto constraint when I apply constant constraint in Storyboard. For example, lets say I put a button in view controller on Storyboard and set constraints (Tailing/Leading space as 44 and Top space as 50). This button surely expand its width based on device screen size but I also want to change top space proportional to its screen size. Assume base top space 50 is set for iPhone 4 screen size (320/480), then I would like to increase it as device screen height increases. The way I manage this for now is, check screen size and change its constraint constant respectively which is 50 * (568/480) (i.e. I want to keep same ratio). I wonder if there is a way to do this trick on storyboard. I would appreciate any advices.


How to scale buttons for different devices

I have buttons on my screen I have attached constraints but on different sizes of screen I don't see my buttons right as I want to. There are the same size on different screens and I can't see all buttons on small screens
Here is a good version of it on iphone 8 plus in xcode
and then I change view to iphone se or any another iphone and I get these troubles:
What do I need to do to have the same screens?
Make the buttons have a width that is in proportion to the view
Then add a 1:1 aspect ratio constant so that the buttons remain
Then position the buttons in relation to the screen dimensions (not
This should get the job done for you.
Setting proportional width
Suppose the main view's dimension is 375 x 667 in interface builder. Suppose you place a 90 x 90 button on it. To make it always have a width in proportion to the main view's width,
Add an equal widths constraint to the superview for the button.
Edit the constraint's multiplier: Change it from 1 to (90/375)
Doing the above makes sure that for different screen widths, the button's width will also change in proportion.
Here are screen shots from iPhone XR and iPhone 5s, that I took from a sample I just did to try this out. As you can see, the buttons stay within the screen and maintain their shape. Hope this helps.
You don't seem to have defined the constraints of the button to superview. eg: left edge, top edge...
*edit: post complaint below #raisedeybrow
You will need to define (add constraints) how far from the edge (left and top, right and bottom) you want your button/s to be. Then apply content hugging and compression priorities on buttons for all of them to scale as you'd like. Some will need to be bigger, some you don't want to allow to shrink etc. Lots to set if you'd want it to look fluid

how to set autolayout for different devices by using storyboard

I have an Iceland map which contains 9 different area buttons. Every button has a different size. I want the map can show the same on different devices. I only know to set the central button with horizontally in container and vertically in container. However, other buttons, no matter how I set the constraints, they will be a mess on iphone SE or iPhone Plus. (I use iphone 8 as normal)
Can anyone teach me how to set the constraints for the 8 left buttons? thank you!
The best thing for this is a vertical UIStackView nested with 3 horizontal stacks
MainStackView constraints
centered vertically & horizentally , width & height propotional to screen
then drop 3 stackViews inside it set axis = horizontal and drop 3 Buttons for every inner stack
Note: distribution is fillEqually for all the stacks , spacing = 10
look to this Demo
Something I've done in the past is used a single control as the anchor for all the others.
Basically this means taking the centre button and anchoring it to the middle of the container view (centre horizontally and vertically)
I then constrain the middle/top and bottom controls to it (vertical space and horizontally centred)
From there each control in the row is then constrained against these elements (horizontal spacing and vertically centred)
You might also consider constraining the sizes to the centre control as well, so all the controls share the same size. For me, this means constraining the width of the control to a set value and then applying an aspect ratio to the height. I do this because then I can change the value of the width constraint and ALL the control will change size
Because iPhone 5s, iPhone, iPhone+, iPhone X all share the same "sizing classes", it makes it some what more difficult (as you can't apply traits - but you can do it for iPad and iPhone ;)).
At this point, I would bind the centre controls width constraint (and the height if you need it) to the source code and when the view is loaded, determine the device screen size and make minor adjustments to the constraints values.
If you would prefer a complete "storyboard" solution, you could constraint the width of the centre control to the super view and apply a modifier
Using the "device" templates from the storyboard, layout one a iPhone 5s and iPad Pro
The long and short of it is, you have "options". You might even consider using UIStackView to define the rows, personally I find it easier to constraint the controls to a central anchor point - but that's my experience and your needs might differ

Laying Out Login Screen In Xcode - iOS

I have a login layout and I want it to work universally on 4 inch, 4.7 and 5.5 inch screens.
I want everything to be as if the screen was "one" and I just made it all x% larger or bigger to stretch and fit the screen.
Part of the challenge in doing this is that different components are adjusted in different ways to scale with screen size, as well as that there are a few ways to do some of those.
Lets look at a few:
You can use Autoresizing to scale a view automatically with with the size of it's superview/container (so this applies to changing from portrait to landscape). You can find this in the size inspector (if you haven't set constraints). You can see an in depth tutorial on it here.
This let's you set both spacing and internal space based on where you place the view originally.
Another way is setting constraints in relationship to another view with a ratio other than 1:1. For example, you can set a constraint of your button to the superview as equal widths and edit that constraint's ratio/multiplier to 1:2 to make it 50% the size or 1:4 to make it 25% of the width, etc'.
For the fonts you should probably use Autoshrink. You can see a detailed answer about this here.

How to setup constraints in storyboard with autolayout for dynamic position on different device sizes

i have a question about how to setup constraints in a storyboard with autolayout if I want to guarantee multiscreen support so that all UI-controls are accessible and the UI is not messed up on smaller screen-size devices (IPhone 4s or IPhone SE) when I designing on a bigger screen-size device (IPhone 6). I have a design which is build up on a IPhone 6 (in a sketch-file) which I want to transfer to my storyboard. So in general I want to setup all the view stuff in a storyboard and not via code.
Here are my constraints. The button to the bottom has fixed height of 48 and a leadingMargin to the right and left and a vertical distance of 100 to the bottom. The top button has the equal height to the bottom button and a distance of 28 to the bottom button.
Here is the designed View with the mentioned buttons on an IPhone 6. This is the default size where I want to setup the storyboard cause of the sketch file.
Here is the View on an IPhone 4s
As you can see the buttons are to close to the middle cause of the fixed vertical distance and the fixed height. I mean this is obviously cause of the fixed values. So I made some research about percentage position like mentioned here but is this the correct way? Also other ways looks so complicated to me. How can I prevent fixed values like the height and the vertical distance? Is there a way to set the fixed height of 48 for the IPhone 6 and then scale the button down (for IPhone SE) in regards to the screen size (the same for the bottom vertical distance and other fixed values)?
Can someone give me any advice how I can proceed here?
It is a bit complicated I try to explain it as much as I can.
Note: Auto-layout is just like constructing a building every thing step by step.
Select top button and add these constraints (Leading:8,Trailing:8, And select Aspect Ratio checkbox) + And also add "Horizontal center and Vertical center constraints" select the vertical center constraint and change it's multiplier to 1.5 or increase or decrease it's value accordingly.
There should no error after this only warnings if any.
Select second button and add Top constraint to 8. Select both buttons and add constraints which are highlighted in screen short.
Run and check on different screens. Hope it help.
bottomButton.bottom = superview.bottom * 0.9
Change the bottom constraint by code
bottomConstraint.constant = xx

Xcode constraint and size classes for iphone 6 plus and up

I wonder if there is any way to only target iphone 6 plus and up when it comes to size classes and constraints.
Looking at this:
I can't see it.
I have a UIview with a spacing of 20pt on all sides. The UIView works as a container for a search form. The UIView appears the same on all devices. But when it comes to Iphone 6 and up, the View appears to have some dead space in the bottom of the view. What I would like to do is to have a even space between all form items so that they take up the whole view.
So is there any way to target iphone 6 and up? Eg making buttons bigger / adding more space between items
One way to do this is to constraint the height of the buttons/fields to this UIView, so they always take for example 1/10 of its height. On the storyboard right-click drag from a control to its superview and select Height to create a constraint. Find this constraint and change it's multiplier from 1 to for example 1/10. This is the way I did it and I found it way less time consuming than playing around with freeform sizes and other size classes.
