iOS Layout - Whats the best solution? - ios

For an iOS app i am currently working on, I need to manage the controls displayed on the screen based on the type of device the app is running on.
I will try to explain with a theoretical example (the actual numbers used below are not important, what interests me is best method to achieve the desired result).
In the case of the app in the screenshots, the button that overlaps the UIImageView should not be displayed at all OR displayed in another place on the screen.
So far I've worked with autolayout , but , from what i could figure, there's no way to say to xcode something like: hey, for a class size "Compact Width / Compact Height" , I want you to hide these buttons...but show them for "Regular Width / Compact Height" .
I also did some googling and saw some people talk about using different storyboards based on the device; I am also thinking, I could add/remove buttons dynamically based on the device type , but I think it's not so pleasant to have to add all of the constraints by hand (programatically that is).
So to resume, I would appreciate a suggestion of a 'best' way to do this , best meaning a combination of 'not so hard' + ' not so long'. Also, some code example (or links) would be highly appreciated.
Thank you all in advance !

I think it all depends how sophisticated it gets what you are doing overall. When you look at developer's code for large app projects very little is actually done in interface builder since the apps are so dynamic it's just too much work in IB.
Using multiple storyboards 'sounds' like a good idea, but often isn't. If you want to update/change one, in most cases you then have to change the other ones as well.
What I think is handy:
Use one storyboard (or multiple but for different parts of you app and not parallel ones) and then put in very 'special' cases multiple ViewControllers of the same class for the different size into the single storyboard. That way you won't forget about updating the second (and third) because they are all right there.
I would only use multiple 'parallel' storyboards for apps that support iPhone and iPad and it makes sense to really split them up..
I would as fas as possible still use just one representation and derive the other 'versions' from that in code. If you build a structured user interface you can then reuse (or just inherit) the code that 'hides' parts of the first viewController in the next. That way your code AND your IB files won't get cluttered.
Also think about internationalisation (if that is part of your future plans), since multiple IB documents and multiple instances of the same viewController layout really don't help for that ;)


it's better/faster making a view and add subviews programatically than using a storyboard [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Adding Views. Storyboard VS. Programmatically [closed]
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Is it more efficient to add views and subviews programmatically than using a storyboard to add them ?
What is be the best practice ? Does the best practice depend on the situation ? If so, when is it preferable to use the one method over the other ?
Storyboard vs Code comes up an awful lot. And I think looking at it as which is better often starts flame wars. So instead I'll list out pros and cons for each, then you can hopefully make an informed decision.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. I'd love to see edits or comments adding additional bullet points.
Storyboard Pros
Storyboards are great for getting a concept working quickly.
They're great for seeing your actual app and previewing it on multiple devices.
They make it really easy to customize appearances and explore whats possible.
They're fantastic for beginners as they remove one barrier and let you focus on code for your app rather than some boiler plate UI.
Storyboard Cons
Storyboards and Xibs are not great for merging. Its possible to read the XML and make decisions about merge conflicts, but its certainly not enjoyable.
Overtime as you customize your app and build the custom parts that make it special, Storyboards can't keep up. This means that the benefit of seeing and previewing your app as you see it on device slowly loses its value as more and more of your app is done in code out of necessity.
Storyboards don't have a huge performance hit for actual users, but they definitely slow Xcode down on even the fastest machines.
You can't customize everything in Interface Builder that you can in code, so its inevitable you'll have some code and some Storyboard customization. Later when you want to change something, you'll have to check at least two places for the right place to change it.
If you're using the same fonts and colors throughout the app, its easy to change in code in one place. In Storyboard you'll need to change it for every single label or view you've set up. You can easily set fonts and colors in code while using Storyboard for the rest of your layout, but over time you'll find your storyboards represent less and less of your actual app.
While its possible to have pixel perfect designs in Storyboard, drag and drop isn't as precise as entering specific numbers. Storyboard does support entering those numbers, but you need to navigate to multiple places and if you drag it later the numbers are all reset.
Reusing views typically involves copy and pasting them. These causes issues later when you need to make changes.
Showing and hiding views at certain times is doable, but again leaves your storyboard in an unrealistic state compared to your actual app.
Programmatic Pros
All your code is in one place making it easier to debug or change later.
Subclasses and custom properties are no different from first class views and properties. Your customizations will be easy to manage.
Views that are reused throughout the app only need to be created once.
Merge conflicts are often easy to understand and make decisions.
Dependency Injection is one of the safest ways to instantiate UIViewControllers and ensure necessary information is passed in, its not possible with Storyboards leading to less straight forward and more bug prone code.
Programmatic Cons
The additional complexity can be a stumbling block for beginners.
Writing a few lines of code can take longer than clicking a few checkboxes.
When working with layouts, you'll need to visualize it in your head or run your app to see what your layout looks like as you make changes. This can be difficult or slower for some.
Storyboard exposes checkboxes and buttons for many customizable properties like background color, font, etc. This makes it easy to see at a glance what you can customize. (Though as mentioned above its not everything) In Code, you'll need to look at documentation or headers to understand what you can customize.

Confuse in choosing autolayout in storyboard?

I am under one project.In that I am using some image files and some button.
When i use to place button in my viewcontroller and see that preview using
assistants editor. My button are mis placed in different i thought to use autolayout.But small confuse in that. I am beginner to ios.I have some question?
When I uncheck this autolayout option like image (A)shown below.its working perfect in all iphone simulator(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5.5). By setting autolayout using below option (B)
At the same time when i put check mark autolayout option and use like this image show below.I am getting some misplace (Not in arrangement].I know I miss some constraints.But its not better than my above question
please give me some suggestion about this.Which one should I use?
METHOD 1 (OR) METHOD 2. I am new to ios .kindly suggest me something about this?
Method 2! Autolayout. It is very powerful and (if you get the hang of it) quite easy and intuitive to use. You can create pretty much arbitrarily complex user interfaces using it. It has its limits, but in most of the cases you don't encounter them and most of the times they are fixable using constraints set up via code instead of the interface builder if needed.
Method 1 was fine while it was the only option and may still be okay for simple layouts. But as soon as you want to have a little bit more complex relations between different UI elements, like one UILabel being half the size of a UIImage, you will run against a wall.
You may check here for differences between autolayout(Method 1) and autoresizing mask(Method 2). Apple suggests devs to have their view layouting using Autolayout so there is not actually a question in here.
You probably messed up with constraints as every beginner does so I would recommend you to take a time in here and try to finish this tutorial.

Why Use Storyboards for Upcoming iPhone 6's Larger Screen? Difference?

I've read around that Apple is hinting to developers at a larger-screen iPhone by pushing developers to use Storyboard and auto-layout. I understand why auto-layout would be useful, to organise items according to screen size, but what do Storyboards have to do with anything?
I may be missing an obvious advantage (in relation to larger screens), so any help would be much appreciated. :)
A. You say that there are some notice from Apple about the larger screen of the iPhone6: This is impossible because Apple doesn't release any information until the date of Keynotes and WWDC.
B. You can or not use Storyboard, and you can or not use AutoLayout: the 2 things are separate because you can also use AutoLayout in nib or programmatically.
C. What developers don't know, is that Storyboard are just a market move. I spoken directly with a my friend engineer in Apple about this and the information is real. The reason is also obvious. Is not the topic to speak about this but you can search on google and you will find a lot of information about the advantages to don't use storyboard.
Yes, storyboard are easy, but are not developer friendly if you think to work in a serious project with a big team. In a team you can use GIT, you can use shared repositories, you can export a part of code with the all this thing, Storyboard are BAD!
So i encourage developers to DON'T USE storyboard and use at max NIB file, or write the UI directly by code.
There currently doesn't appear to be any advantage to using storyboards versus XIBs or programmatic layout as far as multiple screen sizes are concerned. Auto-layout is definitely advantageous as it allows you to define your interface elements in relation to each other (and the screen), as opposed to using fixed numerical values for location and size. This would allow the UI to then easily adapt to varying screen sizes and aspect ratios.
The only potential reason storyboards could become useful for multiple screen sizes in the future is if Apple adds functionality to them to allow you to define entirely separate views based on device/screen size. So for example, they might make it easy to show a view with an extra sidebar on a larger screen, but show a separate view without the sidebar on a smaller screen (they might make it possible to configure this easily in a storyboard, versus writing a bunch of code to detect the screen size and load the appropriate view programmatically). As of now, though, no such functionality exists, but that could be a potential source of the rumors regarding storyboards being useful for multiple screen sizes.

iOS Storyboard designed apps

I'm very confused about something... being new to development on iOS I'm often pushed towards the storyboard/graphical design (specially to make file owner, segue, etc type of connections). HOWEVER; every time there's something besides a basic (dare I say primitive) design, I have to do things via code... problem is that just because you can do something via code doesn't make it right according to Apple. so you have to know all the rules to have you app approved. Even some of the examples from Apple (UISPLITVIEW with multiple view controllers -> MultipleDetailViews) do not have story boards just XIB... is that normal???
So question is: why have graphical design if you have to move towards coded solutions anyway. just to say that you have an easy to program interface?
can anyone help me understand that??
Three things (at least!) are going on here:
Storyboards are relatively new and a lot of examples existed before storyboards were introduced.
People are always dreaming up things that are more complex than a very high-level approach can handle. (Even with .xib files, which are more flexible than storyboards, people write custom code to get around limitations.)
For examples, code is linear and a bit easier to follow than the description of a bunch of clicks and drags.
So, first of all, a storyboard is nothing more than a conglomerate of .xib files. When you use storyboards, Xcode handles unloading all the nibs for you. At its core, your app still uses these nib files.
Additionally, your app won't get rejected if you use code to set a property instead of setting it in Interface Builder, or vice versa. I don't know that I would say Apple's stance is just because you can do something in code doesn't make it right. I would argue that they urge developers to set as many properties via IB because less code that you write means less bugs that you introduce. If I have a view in a nib, and I check its "hidden" property in IB, that's no different than me saying view.hidden = YES in code. Apple doesn't prefer one over the other. But using IB relieves me from having to know that the property to hide a view is "hidden" and that it accepts a BOOL as an argument. If in iOS6 they decide to make it shouldHideSelf, using IB's hidden property will be automatically updated, where as I would have to manually update my programmatic setting of the hidden property.

Best practices for iOS / monotouch programmatic UI layout

New to iOS, coming from the Java / Swing world, where I'm used to creating UIs programmatically, letting components size themselves and using various clever layout managers to arrange things.
It already seems clear that the iOS way is to make heavy use of Interface Builder, with a lot of fixed sizing and positioning. I'm not sure IB is ever going to come naturally, but I guess fixed layouts make sense given that you're working with limited space and a fixed window size.
It still seems like I'm writing a lot of boilerplate, though, and violating DRY, and so on.
Can somebody point me to a good primer on laying out iOS UIs, particularly programmatic UIs?
You don't really need to use IB to write MonoTouch apps. I almost never do. The CocoaTouch API is fairly simple and straightforward to develop on.
I haven't really found any writeup on UI development other than the apple documentation (which is really good, by the way, worthy reading), so here goes a couple of tips, based on my experience:
Inheritance is key to maintaining the code clean. You can inherit from basically any class in the API, like buttons, controllers, views, etc. Inherit and add your customizations in those classes. Don't shove everything in the AppDelegate like many examples show. You'll thank me later on.
Have I mentioned inheritance already?
The one thing iOS doesn't have is a layout manager, so if you're used to Java like you mentioned, this will sound a little strange. Different from what Java people think, this is not a big deal. UITableViews help tremendously with this (vide next point).
A lot of iphone apps are built on top of the UITableViewController, even apps that don't look like tables. It's a great framework to do anything related to scrolling. Learn to use it well. Almost anything that scrolls vertically is a UITVC. Follow the guidelines that define when you create and when you dispose cells and objects.
Be careful every time you add a Frame location in your control. Instead of setting hardcoded values, try using offsets from other locations (x+40, for example) whenever possible.
Make sure you add your views to the proper container as necessary. For example, if you're adding a global "Loading" view, add it to the Window object, while if you're adding a image on the left side of a table cell, use the ContentView. iOS changes those special views automatically all the time (resizing screen to fit "on call" bar at top, or rotating phone).
Miguel de Icaza has created a great framework for managing forms and tables, called MonoTouch Dialog. Take a look, and enjoy.
