Link posted to Facebook not redirecting to my native iOS app - ios

When this link ( is clicked within the Facebook app, I am promoted with a warning that I'm about to open another app, but then nothing happens.
Does Facebook not allow redirects to other apps even though they have the alert warning users that the redirect is about to take place?


Twitter login page comes up even though user denies to give access to Twitter from App

When I am trying to login to my App in iOS 11 using Twitter, sometimes I am getting an alertview-style popup saying “ wants to open twitter”, with the options "cancel" and "open". If I tap on "open", it is the normal login flow for twitter.
However, if I tap on cancel, then what I want is for the whole login attempt to be cancelled. Instead, the app redirects me to the webview which opens twitter login page and again I need to cancel that dismiss the page saying “Error during login”. Could anyone able to simulate it?
Looks like it might be related to a known issue that Twitter is trying to fix? See

Unity Facebook SDK - Strange FB.Login() Behavior in iOS App

I'm working on connecting an app to Facebook using the Facebook SDK for Unity. The process seems to be working fine except sometimes if a new user tries to use Facebook to login the FB.Login() doesn't ask them for permission to use their birthday and email.
Im using this call for the login:
FB.Login("email, user_birthday", AuthCallback);
and in the Facebook app dashboard, under permissions I added email and user birthday.
What seems to be happening is the first time the user goes to use the Facebook connect and hasn't ok'd the permissions on the login yet when they sign in a dialog pops up in the Facebook webview as them to authorize my app for "friends list and public profile" they hit ok and then my login process fails because I need access to the birthday and email. If they hit my login button again then the FB.Login() function runs again bringing up a second dialog asking for permission to use email and birthday, after they ok this my own login works fine. The other option is to hit the home button on the device reopen the app hit the Facebook connect button again and this time the authorization dialog has all four options "public profile, friends list, email, and birthday"
I followed the docs at for the connect process so I'm not sure where I went wrong.
Any insight into this would be helpful. Just unsure of where to continue looking I have exhausted most of my debugging avenues but I'm new to the Facebook scene, so it's possible i missed something.
Thanks for any help in advance.
EDIT** I'm using Facebook SDK version 4.2.1 and Unity 4.2.0f4

Conflicting errors when login to IOS app using facebook connect

After installing facebook login, we have 2 developers using their own devices (Both using IOS 6.1.2) with conflicting differences.
Developer 1: Clicks facebook login button, and is redirected to URL to enter facebook login/password- then accept permissions. The process works.
Developer 2: Clicks facebook login button, receives permissions dialog in popop (not by url) and does not ask for facebook login/password. The process crashes every time immediately when click (OK) for permissions.
We have spent a great deal of time on this and would appreciate any help!
It sounds to me like Developer 2 has logged into FB in iOS settings, while Developer 1 has not.
That would explain the difference in the login process, though I can't say why iOS-driven FB login would crash but Safari-driven login would not.

Facebook app redirects users to my app and becomes unusable once SSO is done

I'm updating my app to use the Facebook SDK(3.1) and using [FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions: allowLoginUI: completionHandler:] for authentication.
Authentication works fine like the following:
Open my app and log in, which uses Facebook SSO.
Redirected to the Facebook app.
Redirected back to my app after authentication, and my app can get
an access token and
necessary information as expected. -
But I have a problem after authentication.
The problem occurs as follows:
Close my app after authentication is done.
Open the Facebook app.
The Facebook app shows a blank view with the cancel button on the navigation bar -
The cancel button does not work.
When I scroll down the blank view, the Facebook app redirects to my app.
Here is one way to reproduce the problem:
Install my app and log in, which uses Facebook SSO.
Log out of my app.
Kill the processes of Facebook app and my app running in the background.
Open my app and log in again.
I tested it with the latest Facebook app and the previous one both on iOS5 and iOS6,
and was able to reproduce the problem with all combinations.
I want to solve this issue, but don't know where the problem is.
Is it a bug in the Facebook SDK or the Facebook app, or any problem in my app?

Different Facebook Auth Dialog in Safari?

I found two different FaceBook auth dialog while using two apps one is "Poker by Zynga" and other one is I am developing.
When I use FaceBook login in "Poker by Zynga" then Safari opens this page:
And when I use my app which is under development now, then Safari opens this page:
You can see both of these are two different pages. In Poker by Zynga, it says "Logged in as Vicky Gupta - Log Out" where user can choose Log Out to sign in as a different user. While in my app it says "You are logging into this app as Vicky Gupta", in this there is no Log Out button. The only way to log in as a different user to open FaceBook in Safari and then log out from there.
Does any one know why this difference is occurring ? am i missing something in FaceBook app settings? Or is this a normal behavior because I don't think so?
Note: I am using the latest FaceBook SDK (with graph api).
If you are using latest iOS Facebook SDK, I think to logout a user you just have to delete the token obtained by the Facebook main object.
