I am new to DOORs technology. It may be a very silly question but I don't find a way to get the dxl script which gets run for below scenario.
I have a module in DOORS. When a module is opened in exclusive edit mode, a dxl script runs and does some job.
How do I find out which dxl script run when a module is opened.
The keyword you are looking for is a trigger. Triggers are an event-based approach to customization. DOORS executes triggers on various occasions, including opening of a module (trigger level = module, event = open/read/edit). There is a chapter dedicated to triggers in the DXL manual which will surely provide the details you need.
According to the manual, you may use the simple iterator to check all triggers of a module and see if there is such an open-module trigger for your module:
Module mod = current Module
print "Listing triggers for module '" name(mod) "':\n"
Trigger t
for t in mod do {
print " Name : '" name(t) "'\n"
print " DXL code: '" dxl(t) "'\n\n"
If you still miss your trigger, maybe it's a project / database trigger. You will find those by using the iterators for t in current Project and for t in database respectively.
Be careful with using triggers. For some insight, see Hazel Woodcock's Tips on reducing module open times.
I want to send all possible attributes of a DOORS module, which is quite large. How can I easily send my colleague all attributes of the DOORS module, so that he can tell which attributes he wants to be exported to him?
I'm looking for an out-of-the-box solution, which does not require an DXL script or something complex. I just don't want to send a bunch of screenshots to my colleague, as there are really plenty of attributes.
I think the simplest solution would indeed be a DXL script that prints all attributes. It's not even complicated, it only depends on which information you want to give to your colleague. If you only need the name of the attributes, open the module, start Tools->Edit DXL (from the Module explorer, not the database explorer!) and paste the following.
AttrDef ad
print "object specific attributes:\n"
for ad in current Module do { if (ad.object) {print ad.name ","}}
print "\n\n"
print "module specific attributes: \n"
for ad in current Module do { if (ad.module) {print ad.name ","}}
print "\n\n"
Depending on your needs you might want to change the condition to if (ad.object and !ad.system), which will filter out all variables that DOORS provides per default, like Created By, TableCellWidth etc. Also, you might want to print out additional information like ad.typeName (the type of the attribute) or ad.description.
my question is quite the same as this one :
How to Iterate over target objects of outgoing links in DXL, in Modules not previously loaded
but regarding incoming links.
I would like to use the source objects of incoming links but there are located in module that are not previsously loaded.
I don't want to open and close module each time because it would cost too much time. I would like to open them once and close them at the end.
Two solution for this :
be able to know if the module is already open or not so that I don't open it again (is there a "is_open" function in DXL + store the list of open module in a table and close them all at the end.
or better :
before start of loop, use a loop using the link module and the target module to find all module in the database that could be linked to the target module. And I load them all (even if there is no links between them. But my script would be simpler this way). How can I do this ? I tried something like :
ModName_ src_mod_linkset
for src_mod_linkset in "target_module"<-"linkmodulename" do
print "test"
but in this kind of loop, it doesn't work because "target_module" should be an object and not the complete module.
https://www.ibm.com/mysupport/s/forumshome has a lot of information on this. A query "Engineering Requirements Management DOORS" incoming links brings you some example scripts. I prefer this approach (load the ModuleVersion if its data is null): https://www.ibm.com/mysupport/s/forumsquestion?language=de&id=0D50z00006HIDztCAH
About "is_open": there is a loop for module in database, which gives you a list of all open modules. You might want to store all open modules at the star of your script in a Skip list and when iterating over the incoming modules check to see whether you have to close the module at the end of your script.
I would not use your second approach if you plan to run your script on baselines, it might happen that the link set in the link module has been deleted in the meantime, so you will not get all possible in links. Anyway, the link modules could be anywhere in your database, not necessarily near your incoming module.
I recently switched my logback configuration file from logback.xml to logback.groovy. Using a DSL with Groovy is more versatile than XML for this sort of thing.
I need to analyse this file programmatically, like I analysed the previous XML file (any of innumerable parsing tools). I realise that this will be imperfect, as a DSL config file sits on top of an object which it configures and must be executed, so its results are inevitably dynamic, whereas an XML file is static.
If you want to include one Groovy file in another file there are solutions. This one worked for me.
But I'm struggling to find what I need from the results.
If I put a function like this in the DSL file ...
def greet(){
println "hello world"
... not only can I execute it (config.greet() as below), but I can also see it listed when I go
GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell()
def config = shell.parse( logfileConfigPath.toFile() )
println "config.class.properties ${config.class.properties}"
But if I put a line like this in the DSL file...
... I have no idea how to find it and get its value (it is absent from the confusing and copious output from config.class.properties).
PS printing out config.properties just gives this:
[class:class logback, binding:groovy.lang.Binding#564fa2b]
... and yes, I did look at config.binding.properties: there was nothing.
further thought
My question is, more broadly, about what if any tools are available for analysis of Groovy DSL configuration files. Given that such a file is pretty meaningless without the underlying object it is configuring (an object implementing org.gradle.api.Project in the case of Gradle; I don't know what class it may be in the case of logback), you would have thought there would need to be instrumentation to kind of hitch up such an object and then observe the effects of the config file in a controlled, observable way. If Groovy DSL config files are to be as versatile as their XML counterparts surely you need something along those lines? NB I have a suspicion that org.gradle.tooling.model.GradleProject or org.gradle.tooling.model.ProjectModel might serve that purpose. Unfortunately, at the current time I am unable to get GradleConnector working, as detailed here.
I presume there is nothing of this kind for logback, and at the moment I have no knowledge of its DSL or configurable object, or the latter's class or interface...
The use of def creates a local variable in the execution of the script that is not available in the binding of the script; see this. Even dropping def will not expose MY_CONSTANT in the binding because parsing the script via GroovyShell.parse() does not interpret/execute the code.
To expose MY_CONSTANT in config's binding, change def MY_CONSTANT = "XXX" to MY_CONSTANT = "XXX" and execute the config script via config.run().
How do you automatically parse ansible warnings and errors in your jenkins pipeline jobs?
I greatly enjoy the power of leveraging in ansible in jenkins when it works. Upon a failure, the hunt to locate the actual error can be challenging.
I use WarningsNG which supports custom parsers (and allows their programmatic generation)
Do you know of any plugins or addons that already transform these logs into the kind charts similar to WarningsNG?
I figured I'd ask as I go off into deep regex land and make my own.
One good way to achieve this seems to be the following:
select an existing structured output ansible callback plugin (json, junit and yaml are all viable) . I selected junit as I can play with the format to get a really nice view into the playbook with errors reported in a very obvious way.
fork that GPL file (yes, so be careful with that license) to augment with the following:
store output as file
implement the missing callback methods (the three mentioned above do not implement the v2...item callbacks.
forward events to the default or debug callback to ensure operators see something when they execute the plan
add a secrets cleaner - if you use jenkins credentials-binding-plugin it will hide secrets from the console, it will not not hide secrets within stored files. You'll need to handle that in your playbook or via some groovy code (if groovy, try{...} finally { clean } seems a good pattern)
Snippet - forewarding to default callback
from ansible.plugins.callback.default import CallbackModule as CallbackModule_default
class CallbackModule(CallbackBase):
CALLBACK_TYPE = 'stdout'
def __init__(self, display=None):
super(CallbackModule, self).__init__(display)
self.default_callback = CallbackModule_default()
def v2_on_file_diff(self, result):
... do whatever you'd want to ensure the content appears in the json file
Since Ranorex does not provide re-run functionality from under the hood, I have to write my own and before I started, just want to ask for advice from people who've done it or maybe possible existing solution on the market.
Goal is:
In the end of the run, to re-run failed test cases.
Amount of recursive iterations should be customized
If Data binding is used, should include only Iterations for Data binding that failed
I would use the Ranorex command line argument possiblities to achieve this. Main thing would be to structure the suit accordingly that each test-case could be run seperately.
During the test I would log down the failed test cases either into a text file, database or any other solution that you can later on read the data from (even parse it from the xml result if you want to).
And from that data you'll just insert the test-case name as a command line argument while running the suite again:
testSuite.exe /testcase:TestCaseName
testSuite.exe /tc:TestCaseName
The full command line args reference can be found here:
Possible solutions:
1a. Based on the report xml: Parse report and collect info about all failed TC.
Parse will be tricky
1b. Or create list of failed TC on runtime : If failure occurs on tear-down add this iteration to the re-run list (could be file or DB table).
Using for example:
string testCaseName = TestCaseNode.Current.Name;
int testCaseIndex = TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase(testCaseName).DataContext.CurrentRowIndex;
2a. Based on the list, run executable with parameters, looping though each record.
like this:
testSuite.exe /tc:testCaseName tcdr:testCaseIndex
2b. Or generate new TestSuite file .rxtxt and recompile solution to created updated executable.
and last part:
3a. In the end repeat process, checking that failedTestCases == 0 || currentRerunIterations < expectedRerunIterations with script through CI run executable
3b. Wrap whole Test Suite into Rerun test module and do the same check for failedTestCases == 0 || currentRerunIterations < expectedRerunIterations and run Ranorex from TestModule
Please let me know what you think about it.