Dart Editor Update failed: Unable to shutdown Analysis Server - dart

So after some time of completely letting my Dart project rest, I started Darteditor again. First, I check if the project still runs when I debug it - it does. Secondly, I check for updates:
Now I press the Button "Apply Update" and the following happens.
This is how it looked like before I clicked the button:
And this is after clicking it:
So what is that Analysis Server that is Inactive is my first question. But my more important one is how do I update?
Because pressing "No, I'll do it later" will simply close the error message and "Yes, download again" results in this:
I tried googling the problem and searched it on here - nothing found.
I also tried to find out where the corrupt already downloaded update is stored, so I could try to delete it - but I couldn't find out.
I assume that I am not the only one with this problem, so here I ask. Thank you in advance for your help :)

from https://www.dartlang.org/tools/editor/
As of 1.11, Dart Editor is obsolete and no longer supported. We
recommend using DartPad to play with Dart and WebStorm to develop with
Dart. For more information, see the announcement.


Why is the program still running while Error FS0039 The type 'JsonProvider' is not defined?

I'm trying to learn Fsharp.data with the example of JsonProvider, but I can not understand why I'm still running the program while compiling the error.
You may have clicked "Yes" when VS asked you if it should run the last successful build when compilation fails.
See here for how to change the setting.
There are plenty of issues like this with F# in Visual Studio, but the situation also improves all the time in VS 2017. I believe one possible workaround for this particular issue is to restart VS.
But there is also another way, which works better to avoid an inconsistent Error list pane in general. Change from "Build + Intellisense" to just "Build" in the dropdown in the Error list pane, and see how that works for you. It means you have to compile to refresh the Error list pane, but you still get (sometimes inconsistent) Intellisense help in the editor panes without having to recompile.
If you want to know more about F# issues in VS, this is where to look:

Xcode autocomplete to show suggestion when "Contains" rather than"Start with"

Being a .Net developer I've vastly worked with Visual Studio and Jetbrains Resharper.
When using Resharper and VS, autocomplete suggestions appear when suggestions contains word being typed rather that start with. I've seen similar behavior in Jetbrains AppCode.
but Xcode, with default settings, just shows suggestion when the suggestions start with the word being typed!
Just wondering if we can somehow modify this behavior to suggest words containing rather than starts with.
I've looked at Xcode >> Preferences >> Text Editing, but couldn't find anything.
P.S. Why I'm not using AppCode if I need this feature? My 30 days trial evaluation is up!
As this question come in first place in search engine, i give a solution for people want this feature:
just go to Xcode organizer and delete Derived data.
Clean Trash.
Restart Xcode.
It will working fine.

Not able to open files in visual studio after debugging application

I'm working on an ASP.net mvc project in Visual Studio 2012. Came across this issue, which is incredibly annoying when debugging my application. Say that I have n number of files open in my editor whenever I build and start a debug-session using F5. Ok, so the editor closes all the open documents as usual, and I do my debuggig tasks. Now; when I stop debugging and want to re-open the files that I had open earlier, I'm not allowed to do so. Nothing whatsoever happens when I click these files, until I restart VS2012.
If I close all of my open documents before debugging, opening them after works fine and the way it's supposed to. Also, this is the case for all of my new or existing projects. I run with ReSharper 7.1.2 installed.
Has anyone encountered this issue before?
To stop ALL files from being closed after debugging simply go to
Tools > Import and Export Settings > Reset Settings
This will fix this bug, I have the old settings saved that caused this error but I am unsure what specifically causes it within the settings. After frustratingly searching around for a clear answer to this problem I hope this helps others that might have this issue.
Note, I also had your error in my instance of VS 2012 but had neither of your extensions. I would propose that uninstalling your extension removed the setting causing the error.
Did you tried cleaning the solution?
Go to Build then click Clean solution
After a bit of trial and error, I found that AnkhSVN was causing the problem.
Whenever I tried to check in (or out) the code, it caused some exception.
I have no clue, why this prohibited me from opening files after debug but it works after removing AnkhSVN.
I've got this issue as well. I wasn't able to solve it. In my case, the file was open but it was invisible. After debugging again with the file still open but "invisible" I got an error that the file doesn't exist when I navigated to the page (I faced this issue while working on an ASP.NET project).
I recommend reinstalling VS, in case you've messed with all the debugging and window settings.

XCode Autosave Broken?

I recently changed from developing iOS apps on a MacMini to a new MacBook Pro (2.2 GHz Intel Core i7). While working in XCode, I occasionally get pop-ups when the system is apparently trying to do an autosave and runs into a problem.
The pop-ups state "The document [filename] could not be autosaved. The file has been changed by another application. Click Save Anyway to keep your changes and save the changes made by the other application as a version, or click Revert to keep the changes from the other application and save your changes as a version."
Examples of the filename are: AppDelegate.m, MyLoginViewController.m. There shouldn't be anything else that is changing those files.
I can't do anything within XCode until I choose one of the options. Sometimes it seems like the system is trying to overwrite my newest code with an old version of my code, sometimes it seems like it is trying to save my newest code. So, sometimes Revert is what I need to do to keep my current version, and other times Save Anyway is what I need to do. However, sometimes, I can't tell what the system is trying to do and I choose the wrong option and lose hours of work.
This has happened numerous times over a span of three weeks.
I am using OS X 10.7.2 and XCode 4.2.1. The code is on my MacBook's hard drive.
Does anybody have any idea why this is happening?
Thank you.
This is a huge problem, and it looks like it's Lion's force-fed "file-versioning" that is destroying work.
I typed quite a bit of code into my source and saved it regularly (pretty much after every complete paragraph). Suddenly I couldn't find an entire section that I'd just written. I even did a project-wide search, in case I'd accidentally entered it in the wrong file. Suddenly Xcode raised a dialog saying it couldn't autosave the file because it had been modified externally. Did I want to "revert", or save what was in the editor?
In the several times I've seen this come up on two systems over the past few weeks, I've chosen to save what's in the editor, thinking that obviously it must be the most recent version. WRONG. I hit "Revert", and the block of code reappeared.
There is so much wrong here, it's hard to decide what's the most offensive.
Confirming that this happens on XCode 4.3.2 on an iMac running 10.7.4.
I have found that this bug may be related to having the same file open in more than one tab or window in XCode. If you carefully avoid ever having more than one window open on a given file at a time I think you can avoid this problem. However, it undermines the very useful ability to apple-click method names to navigate to the file that contains them.
This has cost me hours of original work and been the source of immense frustration. The derisive comments from others are simply inadequate.
I heard they had a complicated fix for it already at Apple, but unfortunately, it was "accidentally lost" and now they can't remember which files need what changes to make it work again. :-/

Delphi 6 doesn't trigger breakpoints

After installation of Delphi 6 at new working station I issued problem with breakpoints. In debug mode environment doesn't trigger breakpoints like they are not placed at all...
Have you experienced similar situation? I suppose reason is some setting, but I cannot find which one...
TnX in advance!
Yes, this sometimes happens (not only in 6).
Enable all debug information except debug DCU's unless you want to debug the Borland code. (Don't forget to check for compiler switches in the code).
Disable code optimizer.
Rebuild all code.
If you are using DLL's be sure to enable debug code in all projects and set the host application to the right executable.
If that fails.
Be sure that there are blue dots at the code.
Be sure you have the right source file. You can check this by adding an error (for example dghasgsgd) and recompile, if the compiler accepts, this is not the right source file.
Be sure the code is reached (add a SendMessage statement or a message box so you can be sure the statement is reached.).
Restart the compiler. Or even restart the pc.
If that fails.
Take a break. Have a lunch or get something to drink.
Return and show the problem to a coworker. (preferably a programmer too).
I applied all settings that #Gamecat suggested, so you can look at this answer like short addition to previous answer.
I missed only one more to solve my problem. In Tools>Debugger Options I checked Integrated Debugging which alive my breakpoints. When breakpoints started to work, I got error message 'Project _.exe raised exception class EAccessViolation with message 'Access violation at address 4CDEB080 in module 'IDPDX32.DLL'. ' For solving this issue I just unchecked option 'Stop on Delphi Exceptions' in menu Tools>Debugger Options>Language Exceptions.
Now Delphi works fine and don't need to reinstall it.
Reason for loosing my previous configuration that worked fine might be in copying my files from one folder to another (as well as config and other temp files) when paths became wrong and after that I probably deleted old config files and started with settings from beginning...
+1 Tip: If you get this message: [Error] RLINK32: Unsupported 16bit resource in file ....\estands\estandar_StdFormMainFrm.DFM problem is in Text-DFM option. When you right-click on the form in the IDE, is the menu item "Text-DFM" (or maybe called "Text as DFM") checked? If not, do so, save and try to compile.
If somebody knows reason for this behaviour, detailed explanation would be useful. Until now I found this option is for backwards-compatibility to older Delphi-versions.
