Teamcity Step tests (Command Line) failed when testing an iOS app - ios

I am trying to run tests automatically using Teamcity, but it seems that when the agent is compiling the project, it is not done correctly because when I run the command like for running test, I am getting the following error:
fatal error: 'Pushwoosh/PushNotificationManager.h' file not found
#import <Pushwoosh/PushNotificationManager.h>
[16:48:51][Step 2/2] ^
[16:48:51][Step 2/2] 1 error generated.
However, when I run manually the same commands I get no errors, but my test running. The application that I want to run was written in objective-c, and the command lines I am using are the following:
$ git clone REPOSITORY_URL (runs sucessfully)
$ pod install (runs sucessfully)
$ xctool -workspace Supermaxi.xcworkspace -scheme Supermaxi test -only FunctionalTests:TestCase000_Registration/test00_WrongEmail -sdk iphonesimulator (fails and I get the previous described error)

After being helped by I friend of mine, we found the solution to this issue in this link.
It turns out that the main problem was, as the link states, that CocoaPods uses symbolic links in it’s directory structure, and TeamCity can have trouble copying symbolic links in the VCS checkout to build agent, so I had to set the Version Control Settings of Teamcity as it is explained in the previous link.
Therefore, I have just changed the VCS checkout mode from Automatically on server to Automatically on agent (if supported by VCS roots). After that I run the agent again, and it worked properly.


Using ZMQ on iOS

I am trying to build an iOS app that is exposed to a fairly extensive Rust project, but I am having issues with one of the dependencies in the project. The Rust project has a ZMQ dependency, and while I am able to build the project on my Mac, when I try to incorporate the Rust project I get the following error:
error: failed to run custom build command for `zmq-sys v0.8.3`
Caused by:
process didn't exit successfully: `/Users/lisa/company/project/project_detail/target/debug/build/zmq-sys-16dfc88dff84d855/build-script-build` (exit status: 101)
--- stdout
--- stderr
thread 'main' panicked at 'Unable to locate libzmq:
pkg-config has not been configured to support cross-compilation.
Install a sysroot for the target platform and configure it via
cross-compiling wrapper for pkg-config and set it via
PKG_CONFIG environment variable.', /Users/lisa/.cargo/registry/src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
I am trying to build the appropriate library for the iOS and iOS simulator architectures without relying on pkg-config, but if someone can provide useful instructions for configuring pkg-config for cross-compilation, I am not opposed to it, I just don't know how and can't find any up to date resources.
I have cloned the libzmq project from this github:, then navigate into libzmq.
Inside libzmq, I run ./ followed by ./configure --prefix [directory location] --target "aarch64-apple-ios", then make and make install.
The above procedure without the --target flag is how I got the project to compile on my Mac in the first place, and with the target flag in place make and make install both complete successfully, but when I try to build the project using PROJECT_DIR="${PWD}/ProjectName" ./ProjectName/,
I get the previously posted error.
I am following the Swift-Bridge Book ( to try to load the Rust libraries into Xcode.
One thing to note: In the libzmq git hub, there is a folder called builds/ios/ and inside this folder is what looks to be a build file for all of the iOS archs, but I haven't been able to get the repo to build with that file. I think figuring out how to use the build file as opposed to the standard provided might be the answer, but I've tried dropping where is, and ./ doesn't work, because it complains that it can't find, even though this file does exist.

iOS Fabric compile fails after GIT branching

I have an iOS project effectively using Fabric and Crashlytics. Everything works as expected until I branch my project and switch to the new branch.
The error is from the run script.
./foo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/bar-emsepzlotmiqgrbvfhqgiyivytkr/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ line 2: ./Fabric.framework/run: No such file or directory
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
Most importantly seems to be the
./Fabric.framework/run: No such file or directory
and the question is, why does this happen on a GIT branch and that's the solution?
I was able to work around the issue by changing my run script to:
But I still would like to know what in the GIT branch causes the issue and if there is a better solution.

What could cause code coverage enabled builds to fail?

I'm trying to get a code coverage report from my project. However when I try to build and run tests, there is no CodeCoverage folder created in the derived data folder.
How am I trying to do this?
I am running xcodebuild as follows:
xcodebuild \
-workspace <some_workspace> \
-scheme <some_scheme> \
-destination <some_destination> \
-derivedDataPath <some_path> \
-enableCodeCoverage YES \
build test
What is the problem?
For my workspace/project it fails at the very end with a line:
xcodebuild: error: Failed to build workspace <some_workspace> with scheme <some_scheme>.
Reason: Could not determine bundle identifier for <some_test_target>'s TEST_HOST: "<some_path>/Build/Intermediates/CodeCoverage/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/<some_product>.app"
At first it seemed directly linked to the TEST_HOST issue, but that's not the case here.
There is simply no CodeCoverage folder:
What have I tried?
I tried the same with a clean new project, same running the same xcodebuild command, which succeeds. Within the Build/Intermediates/ folder exists the CodeCoverage folder.
However, in my own project, which is more complex, the Build/Intermediates/ folder contains a bunch of *.build folders (related to the app and the various frameworks, for example) and PrecompiledHeaders but no CodeCoverage folder.
When looking through the output of xcodebuild I never see a reference to the CodeCoverage folder for my project. However, for the test project, the first mention is at:
Write auxiliary files
/bin/mkdir -p /<some_path>/Build/Intermediates/CodeCoverage/Intermediates/<some_project>.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/<some_project>.build/Objects-normal/x86_64
For my project I see:
Write auxiliary files
/bin/mkdir -p /<some_path>/Build/Intermediates/<some_project>.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/<some_project>.build/Objects-normal/x86_64
Something else that seemed to 'trick' it into working is to set the Host Application to None. After doing this it builds and tests, but tests fail due to the lack of host. However, this causes the CodeCoverage folder to be created, and if the Host Application is correctly set again, running the build and tests works fine, with a code coverage report produced.
You have to assure the package name is equal in all configurations. Xcode modifies it in case you are using unsupported characters. For instance Xcode replaces "-" with "_".
In all configurations, go to:
Project -> Build Settings -> Product Module
and set the exact same name without spaces.

Header file not found sometimes using Cocoapods HockeySDK

I have a build script using the xcodebuild command line tool using the archive action.
The build succeeds:
on my machine using xcode.
on my machine using the build script.
on the build server using xcode.
The build fails:
on the build server the build script.
The failure is related to a missing header in one of the pods. (It happens to be the HockeySDK).
CompileC ... /Library/TeamCity/../Pods/HockeySDK/Classes/BITCrashReportTextFormatter.m:34:9:
fatal error:
'CrashReporter/CrashReporter.h' file not found
The line is:
#import <CrashReporter/CrashReporter.h>
In file, (source is here)
The actual header can be found in the framework here:
I have noticed there are 2 links to the file in the XCode project navigator, not sure if this is a clue or not:
So I assume it is a missing header search path? However, I have ran a pod install and pushed the changes to the build server.
We are using using HockeySKD - 3.5.4 (the latest). The podspec has a link to the crash reporter framework using this syntax (not sure how it works).
s.ios.vendored_frameworks = 'Vendor/CrashReporter.framework'
The search paths in the pods project looks like this:
The build is failing because of the pod header files got corrupted because of the TeamCity git checkout.
To fix change the checkout mode from Automatically on Server to Automatically on agent (need to select show advanced) and enable clean on checkout for one build.
I had this exact issue, but I couldn't resolve it by choosing my checkout to "Automatically On Agent" because my repo had way too many projects. I needed sub projects within this project, so I have to rely on checking out "Automatically on Server".
The problem with the cocoapods is that the symbolic links are broken when you check them out form git on teamcity. I added a new build step to fix that as follows:
rm /Git/YourCheckoutDir/Pods/HockeySDK/HockeySDK-iOS/HockeySDK.embeddedframework/HockeySDK.framework/Headers
rm /Git/YourCheckoutDir/Pods/HockeySDK/HockeySDK-iOS/HockeySDK.embeddedframework/HockeySDK.framework/HockeySDK
rm /Git/YourCheckoutDir/Pods/HockeySDK/HockeySDK-iOS/HockeySDK.embeddedframework/HockeySDK.framework/Resources
ln -s Versions/Current/Headers /Git/YourCheckoutDir/Pods/HockeySDK/HockeySDK-iOS/HockeySDK.embeddedframework/HockeySDK.framework/Headers
ln -s Versions/Current/HockeySDK /Git/YourCheckoutDir/Pods/HockeySDK/HockeySDK-iOS/HockeySDK.embeddedframework/HockeySDK.framework/HockeySDK
ln -s Versions/A/Resources /Git/YourCheckoutDir/Pods/HockeySDK/HockeySDK-iOS/HockeySDK.embeddedframework/HockeySDK.framework/Resources
rm /Git/YourCheckoutDir/Pods/HockeySDK/HockeySDK-iOS/HockeySDK.embeddedframework/HockeySDK.framework/Versions/Current
ln -s A /Git/YourCheckoutDir/Pods/HockeySDK/HockeySDK-iOS/HockeySDK.embeddedframework/HockeySDK.framework/Versions/Current

Jenkins hangs when running Xcode Unit Tests

I am attempting to run my Xcode unit tests using Jenkins. I can run them from Terminal on my build server using this command with out any issues:
xcodebuild test -scheme MyProject -destination OS=7.0,name="iPad"
However when I try to add that command to my build script ( file, it hangs when running the unit tests. I also tried adding a new Xcode task to Jenkins and running with these parameters:
XcodeSchema File: MyProject
Configuration: Debug
Custom xcode build arguments: test -destination OS=7.0,name="iPad" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/dev/Jenkins/Home/workspace/MyProject/build
It is hanging on a build file in the debug-iphone simulator folder.
setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DIR /Applications/
/bin/sh -c /Users/dev/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject
I took a look at the build file and the environment variable it is using is set correctly.
# Run the unit tests in this test bundle.
# "${SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DIR}/Tools/RunPlatformUnitTests"
# "${PROJECT_DIR}/XcodeScripts/RunPlatformUnitTests
The RunUnitTests file exists in that directory.
I don't know if Jenkins is having issues running the simulator. I spent most of the day yesterday racking my brain on this. If anyone has any ideas on what the issue may be, please let me know.
I was also facing the same problem and found that jenkins user is not correctly set up to run test case on simulator. Follow instruction given on below website:
see the section "SETTING UP THE JENKINS USER".
hope it will work for you as well.
