Is there a way to flood fill using GPUImage? - image-processing

I am using a GPUImage edge detector to create edge boundaries for text. I then want to convert those text elements to solids rather than outlines. The first what I can think of doing that is to flood fill the region.
Is there a way to flood-fill using GPUImage, or perhaps a better way to achieve the result I want?

GPUImage is based around the application of vertex and fragment shaders to input image data. Unfortunately, standard flood fill algorithms aren't a great fit for these shaders.
Flood fills generally are calculated in a way that results from one pixel depend on results from another. This makes them difficult to calculate in a parallel manner within a fragment shader. Maybe you could rig up something for an iterative calculation, but this might be an operation that's best handled on the CPU side.
Beyond that, if your goal is to highlight text and hide the rest, there might be other ways of achieving this. I've seen adaptive thresholds (which threshold based on a box blur of a large area of surrounding pixels) do this, and you might be able to help that by running a bilateral blur beforehand (bilateral blur can blur images while preserving sharp edges, enhancing those edges as boundaries).
Depending on your specific needs, this might be a broader language-independent image processing question that the folks over at Signal Processing may be able to help with.


Background Subtraction in OpenCV

I am trying to subtract two images using absdiff function ,to extract moving object, it works good but sometimes background appears in front of foreground.
This actually happens when the background and foreground colors are similar,Is there any solution to overcome this problem?
It may be description of the problem above not enough; so I attach images in the following
link .
You can use some pre-processing techniques like edge detection and some contrast stretching algorithm, which will give you some extra information for subtracting the image. Since color is same but new object should have texture feature like edge; if the edge gets preserved properly then when performing image subtraction you will obtain the object.
Process flow:
Use edge detection algorithm.
Contrast stretching algorithm(like histogram stretching).
Use the detected edge top of the contrast stretched image.
Now use the image subtraction algorithm from OpenCV.
There isn't enough information to formulate a complete solution to your problem but there are some tips I can offer:
First, prefilter the input and background images using a strong
median (or gaussian) filter. This will make your results much more
robust to image noise and confusion from minor, non-essential detail
(like the horizontal lines of your background image). Unless you want
to detect a single moving strand of hair, you don't need to process
the raw pixels.
Next, take the advice offered in the comments to test all 3 color
channels as opposed to going straight to grayscale.
Then create a grayscale image from the the max of the 3 absdiffs done
on each channel.
Then perform your closing and opening procedure.
I don't know your requirements so I can't take them into account. If accuracy is of the utmost importance. I'd use the median filter on input image over gaussian. If speed is an issue I'd scale down the input images for processing by at least half, then scale the result up again. If the camera is in a fixed position and you have a pre-calibrated background, then the current naive difference method should work. If the system has to determine movement from a real world environment over an extended period of time (moving shadows, plants, vehicles, weather, etc) then a rolling average (or gaussian) background model will work better. If the camera is moving you will need to do a lot more processing, probably some optical flow and/or fourier transform tests. All of these things need to be considered to provide the best solution for the application.

refining captcha with a little noise

I'm trying to crack a particular web CAPTCHA. I'm planning to do it by segmenting the characters and passing them to an ANN (mostly for features, I will be using method of moments as it seems difficult to completely remove noise completely)
The captcha is very noisy, and unfortunately there is no color difference between the noise and the actual text, so separation based on color will not work. After quite some thought, I managed to implement a flood-fill style algorithm on the pixels of the captcha to separate small disconnected components, and after this I ended up with something like this:
Most of the noise is gone but some of it is left around the letters themselves (since it is touching the text).
I'm not an expert on image filters, and I'm finding it very difficult to find the right filter to reduce the remaining noise and enhance the characters.
Any Ideas on what filter(s) I could use for this purpose.
(Note: I'm not using any image manipulation tool/library for this. I'm writing raw pixel manipulation code, but I can implement most filters given their convolution kernel)
The problem is that due to this noise, it is becoming difficult to segment the characters. Clearly trying to find vertical lines with no dark pixels is not going to work, since there is noise and some of the letters are touching.
Any ideas on how I could segment these efficiently?
EDIT: Original image
what about trying morphological operators like closing and opening? they are very easy to implement and a simple but efficient tool.
After one closing with a 3x3 cross structuring element (kernel) and binarising the image the noise is almost gone:
I am sure just a bit more trying will render great results.
edit: to clear things up a little, the closing is a dilation followed by an erosion (other way around for opening). A dilation is assigning every pixel in your image the maximal value of all pixels in the kernel (structuring element) around it, conversly, the erosion assign every pixel the minimal value of all pixels in the kernel around it.
Also take a look at the wikipedia link and the external links in there.

Ideas to process challenging image

I'm working with Infra Red image that is an output of a 3D sensor. This sensors project a Infra Red pattern in order to draw a depth map, and, because of this, the IR image has a lot of white spots that reduce its quality. So, I want to process this image to make it smoother in order to make it possible to detect objects laying in the surface.
The original image looks like this:
My objective is to have something like this (which I obtained by blocking the IR projecter with my hand) :
An "open" morphological operation does remove some noise, but I think first there should be some noise removal operation that addresses the white dots.
Any ideas?
I should mention that the algorithm to reduce the noise has to run on real time.
A median filter would be my first attempt .... possibly followed by a Gaussian blur. It really depends what you want to do with it afterwards.
For example, here's your original image after a 5x5 median filter and 5x5 Gaussian blur:
The main difficulty in your images is the large radius of the white dots.
Median and morphologic filters should be of little help here.
Usually I'm not a big fan of these algorithms, but you seem to have a perfect use case for a decomposition of your images on a functional space with a sketch and an oscillatary component.
Basically, these algorithms aim at solving for the cartoon-like image X that approaches the observed image, and that differs from Y only through the removal of some oscillatory texture.
You can find a list of related papers and algorithms here.
(Disclaimer: I'm not Jérôme Gilles, but I know him, and I know that
most of his algorithms were implemented in plain C, so I think most of
them are practical to implement with OpenCV.)
What you can try otherwise, if you want to try simpler implementations first:
taking the difference between the input image and a blurred version to see if it emphasizes the dots, in which case you have an easy way to find and mark them. The output of this part may be enough, but you may also want to fill the previous place of the dots using inpainting,
or applying anisotropic diffusion (like the Rudin-Osher-Fatemi equation) to see if the dots disappear. Despite its apparent complexity, this diffusion can be implemented easily and efficiently in OpenCV by applying the algorithms in this paper. TV diffusion can also be used for the inpainting step of the previous item.
My main point on the noise removal was to have a cleaner image so it would be easier to detect objects. However, as I tried to find a solution for the problem, I realized that it was unrealistic to remove all noise from the image using on-the-fly noise removal algorithms, since most of the image is actually noise.. So I had to find the objects despite those conditions. Here is my aproach
1 - Initial image
2 - Background subtraction followed by opening operation to smooth noise
3 - Binary threshold
4 - Morphological operation close to make sure object has no edge discontinuities (necessary for thin objects)
5 - Fill holes + opening morphological operations to remove small noise blobs
6 - Detection
Is the IR projected pattern fixed or changes over time?
In the second case, you could try to take advantage of the movement of the dots.
For instance, you could acquire a sequence of images and assign each pixel of the result image to the minimum (or a very low percentile) value of the sequence.
Edit: here is a Python script you might want to try

What is the correct method to auto-crop objects from light background?

I'm trying to extract objects from scanned images. There could be a few documents on a white background, and I need to crop and rotate them automatically. This seems like a rather simple task, but I've got stuck at some point and get bad results all the time.
I've tried to:
Binarise the image and get connected components by performing morphological operations.
Perform watershed segmentation by using dilated and eroded binary images as mask components.
Apply Canny detector and fill the contours.
None of this gets me good results. If the object does't have contrast edges (i.e a piece of paper on white background), it splits into a lot of separate components. If I connect these components by applying excessive dilation, background noise also expands and everything becomes a mess.
For example, I have an image:
After applying Canny detector and filling the contours I get something like this:
As you can see, the components are not connected. They are eve too far from each other to be connected by a reasonable amount of dilation. And when I apply watershed to this mask combined with some background points, it yields very bad results.
Some images are noisy:
In this particular case I was able to obtain contour of the whole passport by Canny detector because of it's contrast edges. But threshold method doesn't work here.
If the images are always on a very light background, then you can binarize with a threshold close to the maximum possible value. After that it is a matter of correcting the binary image to get the objects, but this step will vary depending on how your other images look like.
For instance, the following image at left is what we get with a threshold at 99% of the maximum value after a gaussian filtering on the input. After removing components connected to the border and other small components, and also combining with some basic morphological tools, we get the image at right.
This may seem a bit wishy-washy but bear with me:
This looks like quite a challenging case for image processing recipes involving only edge detection, morphological operations and segmentation.
What you are not exploiting here is that you (I believe) know what your document should look like. You are currently looking at completely general solutions which do not take into account this prior knowledge. If you can get some training data then you can go all the way from simple template/patch-based matching (SSD, Normalized Cross-Correlation) to more sophisticated object detection techniques to find the position and rotation of your documents.
My guess is that if your objects are always more or less the same and at the same scale (e.g. passports scanned at a fixed resolution/similar machines) then you can get away with a fairly crude approach. There won't be any one correct method. It's also likely that the technique you end up using will not work until you have done a significant amount of parameter tweaking, so don't give up on anything too quickly.

How to detect and correct broken lines or shapes in a bitmap?

I want to find an algorithm which can find broken lines or shapes in a bitmap. consider a situation in which I have a bitmap with just two colors, back and white ( Images used in coloring books), there are some curves and lines which should be connected to each other, but due to some scanning errors, white bits sit instead of black ones. How should I detect them? (After this job, I want to convert bitmaps into vector file. I want to work with potrace algorithm).
If you have any Idea, please let me know.
Here is a simple algorithm to heal small gaps:
First, use a filter which creates a black pixel when any of its eight neighbors is black. This will grow your general outline.
Next, use a thinning filter which removes the extra outline but leaves the filled gaps alone.
See this article for some filters and parameters: Image Processing Lab in C#
The simplest approach is to use a morphological technique called closing.
This will work only if the gaps in the lines are quite small in relation to how close the different lines are to each other.
How you choose the structuring elemt to perform the closing can also make performance better or worse.
The Wikipedia article is very theoretical (or mathematical) so you might want to turn to Google or any book on Image Processing to get a better explanation on how it is done.
Maybe Hough Transform can help you. Bonus: you get the lines parameters for your vector file.
