I am using FIXT1.1 and FIX Application version 5.0SP2.
I added some custom fields to the QuotSetAckGrp, part of MassQuoteAcknowledgement message. However, when quickfix reads the repeating group, it does not read the custom fields as part of the repeating groups. Instead, it treats the custom fields are regular parent-level fields and throws a "Tag appears more than once" session level reject.
Appreciate any inputs to help resolve the issue.
You need to modify the receiver's AppDataDictionary to match the messages that your sender is sending. Also, you need to set UseDataDictionary=Y in your config.
QF/j needs to look at the DD xml file to know what fields are in a repeating group, else it cannot know where each group member ends.
When the engine encounters a field that isn't inside the DD's repeating group definition, it assumes that the current group member ended with the previous tag.
Here's a howto for customizing your DD:
(The above link is for QF/n, but it's nearly the same for QF/j.)
See the QuickFIX/J User FAQ, topic "I altered my data dictionary. Should I regenerate/rebuild QF/J?".
OUTGOING MSGS: The DD xml file is irrelevant when you construct
outgoing messages. You can pretty much add whatever fields you want to
messages using the generic field setters (setString, setInt, etc) and
QF will let you. The only trouble is with repeating groups. QF will
write repeating group element ordering according to the DD that was
used for code generation. If you altered any groups that are part of
outgoing messages, you DEFINITELY need to rebuild.
To rebuild QuickFIX/J to accept your custom data dictionary, please refer to the answer I gave in the following StackOverflow post.
I am working on building a replacement to MIRTH and it looks like we are sending out non-standard HL7 ORU_R01 messages. OBR.5 should be just a single field but looks like we are sending a bunch of other data in this section.
It seems like I should be able to something like the following.
But I am having issues trying to find the correct way to set the different segments. All the fields are Strings.
Found something that I think has ended up working for us.
ID expirationDate = new ID(obr.getMessage(), 502);
Where 503 refers to which element you want to set. In this case I am trying to set OBR-5.2. getComponent(0) because it's the first extra component I am adding for this particular segment. I am not sure entirely if my explanation here is correct but it creates a message we need and parses as I'd expect so its my best guess.
Dereived the answer from this old email thread https://sourceforge.net/p/hl7api/mailman/hl7api-devel/thread/0C32A03544668145A925DD2C339F2BED017924D8%40FFX-INF-EX-V1.cgifederal.com/#msg19632481
Given a RESTful API, implemented in Rails, I want to include in the responses not only the errors messages, generated by ActiveModel::Validations, but also custom error codes. First of all I would like to point out that I am not talking about HTTP Status codes. I am talking about having an error of any type (from general errors like record not found to small validation errors like username can't be blank) be mapped to a unique numeric code, that is custom application-specific error codes. Let me give an example - given a list of error codes, like:
1: record not found
... some other errors
# Validation errors for User model between 1000 to 2000
1001: first name can't be blank
1002: first name must contain at least 3 characters
1003: last name can't be blank
1004: last name must contain at least 3 characters
...some other errors
If I have a form for a user and submit it with empty fields for first and last name, I want to have in the response body something like:
{error_codes: [1001, 1002, 1003, 1004]}
or something similar (for example I could have an array of error objects, each with a code, message for developer, message for user etc.). Let me give an example with the Twilio API, taken from RESTful API Design: what about errors?:
Here, 20003 is some custom Twilio-specific code. The question is - how can this be implemented in Rails? I see several difficult aspects:
how do I get a list of all possible errors that can be encountered. It is hard to get such a list even only for the validation errors, let alone the other types of errors that can occur.
how should this list be organized - maybe in a YAML file?
how do I access the list - maybe something similar to the way translations are accessed via I18n.t?
I will really appreciate any advice on the topic. Thank you.
P.S. I think this is a similar question.
ActiveModel built-in validators can be found here. Sometimes one validator can check for more than one thing and output different messages. The easiest way to see them all is, as you've guessed, in its I18n yaml file, which can be found here.
One way of doing what you want is overwriting those messages with your custom codes. Another way is passing a custom message when explicitly attaching a validator to your models.
validates :name, message: 'code:001 - my custom message'
Those two options won't help you with structure, though. You won't have a different key code on your json out of the box.
One way you can accomplish that is to can create a helper to parse the error messages and extract the codes after they have been assigned to a model instance. Something along the lines of:
def extract_error_codes(error_messages)
error_messages.map{ |message| message.match('^code:(\d+)\s-')[1] }
That would give you an array of error codes for that instance if you'd used the format code:001 - my custom message.
Another, much more involved way, is to tap into ActiveModel's Validator class and store an error code when a validation fails. That would require going into each validator to assign the code.
I'm attempting to create a form step where one of the form step items is an email input. For this I want to validate the email against certain domains i.e.
#gmail.com, #icloud.com, #me.com
I can see we have an email answer format in the form of this:
However I can't see anywhere in this type that allows me to apply a validation regex. Looking into this I see we have the following
ORKAnswerFormat.textAnswerFormatWithValidationRegex(validationRegex, invalidMessage)
I suppose this is my best option? If so, would anyone know of a regex (my regex isn't the greatest!) in swift that would handle the 3 domains stated above?
I have something like this...(not the greatest i know!)
(or, if you don't care about capturing:)
Now I made two modifications. I escaped the . and I made it so that the other two domains are options.
I suggest that you convert the whole thing to lower case. I don't know Swift, but you may be able to use one of its functions or the i modifier:
I have a FIX application which is connected to several price providers. It distributes the data it received to our inner applications. When it is sending the received messages from the price providers to the target applications, it modifies the SendingTime(52) field in FIX header which is not acceptable. The inner applications want to get the original SendingTime value. How can I say to the QuickFIXJ engine not to assign a timestamp value?
What you desire... is kind of wrong. Header fields are to be used by the engine, and for application data (which is what this relayed SendingTime kind of is on the second leg). Your inner FIX connection should not be clobbering the SendingTime field. You might need the actual SendingTime field if you are diagnosing problems with your inner connection!
What you really need is a second SendingTime field. You should edit the DD of your inner FIX applications to add another field for which to store the old SendingTime value. Tell your inner target apps to refer to that field.
NOTE: You probably don't want to use OrigSendingTime (tag 122) for this. That field has a very specific usage already. Name your new field something else.
FIX Market Data messages (35=W, 35=X) usually have MDEntryDate (#272) and MDEntryTime (#273) fields to represent the timestamp of the market data price. If it is related to Quote/trade messages, you may have the TransactTime (#60) field.
It worth keep the SendingTime (#52) and MDEntryDate MDEntryTime/TransactTime separated, you can compare the difference between the price's timestamp and the counter party's infra structure timestamp (sending time). It would help to identify delay between the systems.
If the message you are handling does not have any Application DateTime field, you can pick one. which its value would be the SendingTime for the original FIX message you've received.
You can either select and use an existent field (http://www.onixs.biz/fix-dictionary/4.4/fields_by_name.html) or you can create your own user defined field.
Once you decided to create your own field, it is a good practice to check the oficial Global Technical Committee user defined fields list at https://www.fixtrading.org/standards/user-defined-fields/ and using the user defined fields range.
Fields by message: https://www.onixs.biz/fix-dictionary.html
User defined fields: https://www.fixtrading.org/standards/user-defined-fields/
How can i add custom attributes/data to Task via API . for example we wanted to add field like customer contact number or deal amount e.t.c
We don't currently support adding arbitrary metadata to tasks, though it's something we're thinking about. In the meantime, what many customers do is to simply put data in the note field in an easily-parseable form, which works well and also lets humans reading the task see the e.g. ticket number.
It's not a terribly elegant solution, but it works.
Custom external data allows a client application to add app-specific metadata to Tasks in the API. The custom data includes a string id that can be used to retrieve objects and a data blob that can store character strings.
See the external field at https://asana.com/developers/api-reference/tasks