Xcode can't see objects added via Cocoapods - ios

I have a podfile defined with the following pods.
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'LifeStream' do
pod 'SSKeychain'
pod 'LiveSDK'
pod 'Alamofire', :git => 'https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire.git', :branch => 'swift-2.0'
I installed the pods and opened up my workspace. I have found that any usage of Alamofire works fine, due to the Swift 2 version of it importing the project as a framework.
When I try to use SSKeychain classes however, I receive a
Use of unresolved identifier 'SSKeychain`
Same applies with any class I try to use in the LiveSDK.
I have a bridge header in my projects root directory, and the project is configured to use it.
#ifndef Header_h
#define Header_h
#import "SSKeychain/SSKeychain.h"
#import "LiveSDK/LiveConnectClient.h"
#endif /* Header_h */
if I change the #import from
#import "SSKeychain/SSKeychain.h"
#import "SSKeychain.h"
Xcode fails to compile because it can't find the file. So I assume that the bridge header is working, as the way my bridge header is built now does not generate any compiler errors caused by not finding the headers.
Bridge Header
Framework Search Paths
I have also added my project root directory to the framework search path.
Linked Frameworks
Lastly I have linked all of the frameworks to the project as well.
Am I missing something with my setup? I have not been able to get Cocoapods to work on my project for nearly a week now. I even created a brand new project thinking that mine was just messed up; which didn't change a thing. I don't know what to do from here in order to resolve this.
After doing some additional research, I found a blog post showing that you have to include your Pods directory in the User Header Search
A commenter also mentioned that if you are using the newer Cocoapods Frameworks support for Swift, then it will need to include the Frameworks/** search path. I've included both Pods/** and Frameworks/** but still have the same issue.
After some further reading, it's beginning to sound like this is a limitation of Cocoapods. From what I understand, you can't use libraries and frameworks together at the same time in a project.

Once you use use_frameworks! in your Podfile, Objective-C Pods like SSKeychain also get build as frameworks.
The actual problem is that only module imports work in the bridging header when using frameworks. Also, you might want to get rid of the bridging header entirely, as it is unnecessary when using frameworks, they can be imported directly in Swift.

To clarify what you should do to make it work:
Be sure to have use_frameworks! in your Podfile
It doesn't matter if you have a Bridging header or not. Leave it untouched
In your SWIFT file just use import Podname
That's it, you're good to go. Of course it may happen that you need to clean your project or maybe delete the derived data folder. Build and you can use it.

If you're not using any swift pods,
Try removing the use_frameworks! on your Podfile.
Run pod install on terminal.
Clean & Build !
I spent almost half an hour fixing it, I tried adding those paths on Search Paths or re-adding the bridging-header but the error was the same.
Therefore, in my case, bridging header file was not the problem, its on the Podfile .
I hope it helps!


Import class from development pods with CocoaPods

I get a little older project from another developer and I should fix some issues and add new features. The project is mainly written in ObjC and is using CocoaPods as dependency manager. Previous developer create his own pod in Development Pods and it contains mainly business logic for application. So I needed add some classes there like RCZMortgage. But when I try to use it in main project I get problem:
'RCZMortgage.h' file not found
So I was thinking that I must update pod. So I use command update pod for that one development pod but after that I started have problem with Bridging-Header.h and that files in there can't be found (I don't know if update fix previous problem or just bring more). Previous developer start creating a few classes in swift.
Bridging-Header.h looks like this:
#import "RCZAdvertisementBadge.h"
#import "UIView+Centering.h"
#import "UIColor+CustomColors.h"
#import "UIView+Sizing.h"
#import "SDWebImageManager+AutoScale.h"
#import <SDWebImageManager.h>
#import "RCZImageUrlBuilder.h"
In podfile there is:
platform :ios, '7.0'
but there isn't use_frameworks!
I'm not sure which informations you need to help me. What files should I write here to help me. So any comments and answers are welcome. I can't contact previous developer so I am asking here.
Check weather pod dependencies are correctly matched in build settings.
Give correct pod path, clean the code and try once more.
you should check this tutorial for pod file How to Use CocoaPods
Hope this will help you.

Include of non-modular header inside framework error - how do you make transitive dependencies work with cocoapods?

I have created an open source library (https://github.com/linkedin/LayoutTest-iOS) which has two Cocoapods inside - LayoutTest and LayoutTestBase. LayoutTest depends on LayoutTestBase and one of the .h files needs to import something from LayoutTestBase. Currently, I do this using:
#import LayoutTestBase;
However, this only works if the application uses use_frameworks! in their Podfile. Some apps do not want to use this cocoapods option. Without use_frameworks!, it works if I use:
#import <LayoutTestBase/LYTLayoutPropertyTester.h> // OR
#import "LYTLayoutPropertyTester.h"
However, when using this with use_frameworks!, it gives the error: "Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'LayoutTest.LYTLayoutTestCase'"
Clearly, there should be a way of doing this import regardless of whether the user uses use_frameworks! or not in their Podfile. How can I get this library to compile and run correctly?
I've looked on stackoverflow, and this seems to be the most similar question:
CocoaPods framework with dependencies - include of non-modular header inside framework module. It mentions that it's a problem with the Parse library, but doesn't mention how it needs to be fixed. Since I own the dependency, I can fix this.
I've also tried setting Allow non-modular frameworks to YES in all settings (projects, unit tests, all pods, etc), and this doesn't seem to do anything.
To Reproduce
Create a new project. Add this Podfile:
target :'{MyAppTarget}Tests' do
pod 'LayoutTest'
Run pod install. Try to run unit tests on the app. It will fail. Now, try changing LYTLayoutTestCase.h to use #import <LayoutTestBase/LYTLayoutPropertyTester.h>. It now works. However, if you add use_frameworks! to the Podfile, it no longer works.
I don't think this is the optimal solution but the work around I found was to do an #if __has_include and do both solutions depending on whether it was built with use_frameworks!
Here's a link to the github issue with more details: https://github.com/linkedin/LayoutTest-iOS/issues/8
If anyone knows how libraries like parse-SDK do it without these workarounds, I'm still interested.

Google/Analytics.h file not found when adding to AppDelegate

I am trying to integrate Google Analytics in my ios project using Cocoapods. However, after following this for the steps till adding configuration file to my project, when importing the Google/Analytics.h in AppDelegate I get error for file not found. Tried following things:
Added $(SRCROOT)/Pods/GoogleAnalytics to User Header Search Paths in Build Settings.
Added libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a to link binary with libraries in build phases.
Added -lGoogleAnalyticsServices in Other Linker Flags.
Don't really want to do 2 and 3 as they make it free from Cocoapods.
What exactly am I missing?
Swift 3
With version 3.17.0 (installed using pod 'GoogleAnalytics' in Podfile):
Open yourproject.xcworkspace instead of yourproject.xcodeproj
Use #import <GoogleAnalytics/GAI.h> in the bridging header file
Per jeremy piednoel's comment you may also need
#import <GoogleAnalytics/GAIDictionaryBuilder.h>
#import <GoogleAnalytics/GAIFields.h>
The code examples on the official documentation suggest
installing 1.0.0. Which doesn't even have binaries compiled for
There seem to be at least three separate pods related to
GA. GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK, GoogleAnalytics, Google/Analytics.
Add this to your Podfile: pod 'Google/Analytics' and then pod install.
That should work. Now you can simply import Google/Analytics.h as suggested in the docs:
#import <Google/Analytics.h>
Further Discussion
There were two sets of issues that I ran into:
When using the incorrect suggested pod version (1.0.0), was a 64-bit compatibility issue. (ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64)
When using the other pods (GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK and GoogleAnalytics) I had complaints of a missing <Google/Analytics.h> header file. ("Google/Analytics.h" not found)
I found this gentleman's post on a mailing list which suggested the Google/Analytics pod with no version number. (pod 'Google/Analytics' as noted above.)
This is a bug in cocoapods.
you need to add $(SRCROOT)/Pods/Google and $(SRCROOT)/Pods/GoogleAnalytics with recursive option to your User Header Search Paths.
Then include the #import "Analytics.h" instead of #import
When you add $(SRCROOT)/Pods/GoogleAnalytics to User Header Search Paths in Build Settings, also select recursive option. It will allow your project to search in GoogleAnalytics and all of its sub-directories.
I have tried the tutorial and it works fine without any extra step. My pod version is 0.35.0. When you create configuration file, remember to enable GoogleAnalytics service.
As #RajatTalwar pointed out, you also need to add $(SRCROOT)/Pods/Google with recursive option. Then include the #import "Analytics.h" instead of #import
If anyone else out there is having an error with trying to #import <Google/Analytics.h>, and the other solutions online aren't helping you, you should read on.
I was having this problem and none of the solutions I found would fix it. Then I noticed that one of my targets worked while the other one did not (I had two in the same project), and I tried to track down what was the difference between the two targets.
I noticed that there was a difference in the project on the General tab under Deployment info, where the second target (the one which worked) had separate options for iPhone and iPad, but the first did not. Someone else online said that they received these two new options when they duplicated their target. My second target was also a duplicate of the first, originally.
To make a long story short, I found that if I duplicated my target that the duplicate now suddenly worked. Those separate iPhone and iPad options also magically appeared. So I guess my project target was non-standard and causing a problem, probably because this project was created a long time ago.
I then just deleted the original target and renamed the new one to be the same name, although there was some cleanup work required in the build settings related to the plist file (it made a copy.plist file).
Hope this helps someone.
Check if you have multiple targets, in this case add pod 'Google/Analytics' foreach target in you pod file:
def google_pods
pod 'Google/Analytics'
target 'target 1' do
target 'target 2' do
target 'target N' do
Also my $0.02 to this, since it seems to be a never ending story. None of the suggestions above did help. I got this obscure message from pod install
[!] The `blabla [Release]` target overrides the `HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-blabla/Pods-blabla.release.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
Finally I inspected my project.pxbprojand found, that I had this entry:
Obviously this is treated as "defined", so I changed it to
HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited)";
and boom - all the Google suggested includes work
#import <GoogleAnalytics/GAI.h>
#import <GoogleAnalytics/GAIDictionaryBuilder.h>
#import <GoogleAnalytics/GAIFields.h>
Run pod update
Clean Build Files
Run Project
remove valid archs from build settings

CocoaPods not building target for Crittercism

I added pod 'CrittercismSDK' to my Podfile and ran pod install, it finished with no error, all good.
Using import Crittercism gives No such module error. I looked into the Pods/ directory, there source code is there; however, the Pods project doesn't have a target called Pods-MyProject-Crittercism (but it does have targets for each dependency).
Build keeps failing because the import isn't found. What am I doing wrong?
PS: I'm using use_frameworks! directive in my Podfile, and I have another obj-c library that works fine, so I don't know why this one isn't working.
While this is not a general answer, I have found that:
Not using #use_frameworks
Using a Bridging-Header.h containing #import "Crittercism.h"
Not importing CrittercismSDK in the Swift class, but merely executing Crittercism.enableWithAppID("appId") does the trick.
See if below steps helps in your case. What version of pod/Xcode in use? It will be great if you can share your pod file, thanks.
Install dependencies using Cocoapods and the use_frameworks! flag.
As you need to use a Objective-C dependency, create a Bridging header. You can create one easily by importing an Objective-C class to your Swift project, than remove it (the wizard should ask you if need a bridging header). Otherwise, create a new header file. Then, navigate to your target configuration and enter the name of your file in Swift Compiler - Code Generation > Objective-C Bridging header.
Still in your target configuration, add a new entry in Search Paths > User Header Search Paths: Pods as value and flag it as recursive.
Remove any import instruction from your code, relative to your Objective-C library.
Build your project. You should have a success.

XCode keeps forgetting imported Frameworks

I have Xcode 6.3, using Swift, importing a Parse 1.7.1 Framework as usual (dragging, copying) and I set it up in a group: Frameworks.
I compile and everything works fine for a while with it, until the compiler does not recognize this sentence anymore:
import Parse
It gives me the error:
No such module 'Parse'
A workaround is to delete the Framework and copy it again, but after a while it starts getting annoying, and I would really like to know the cause.
I only code and build in the meantime (and occasionally creating new swift files), so I can't explain why this happens.
If you're targeting iOS 8 and above, you can tell Cocoapods to use frameworks, by putting
in your Podfile, like this example:
platform :ios, '8.0'
# Parse
pod 'Parse', '~> 1.7'
I could fix the same problem by doing so.
I just fixed this same issue today with my project. I imported my obj-c framework in a swift project and it worked for a while, then xcode seemed to forget it causing the same error you have.
apple docs
I fixed it by referencing the bridging header in Build Settings.
Under Build Settings, make sure the Objective-C Bridging Header build
setting under Swift Compiler - Code Generation has a path to the
header. The path should be relative to your project, similar to the
way your Info.plist path is specified in Build Settings. In most
cases, you should not need to modify this setting.
I just typed in the name of the bridging header folderName/xxxx-BridgingHeader.h in the field that states bridging header and all was well again.
