Sharing on Linkedin using UIActivityViewController - ios

I would like to create a custom activity controller with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin and Pinterest share options.
GooglePlusShareActivity and PinterestShareActivity are what I have found for Google+ and Pinterest.
Is there any customized implementation of Linkedin for this purpose?

LinkedIn has finally released an iOS SDK:,
Looks pretty thorough so hopefully this makes it easy!
Only issue i see so far is this: "Remember that the Mobile SDK-enabled applications require the official LinkedIn iOS app to be installed on the device to function properly". Not sure if that means just to share, the user needs the app because that would be a little frustrating. In iOS 8, if the user has the app installed, there's a built-in extension already. So the SDK would solve iOS 7 (be pretty small when 9 comes out) and more complicated scenarios than just sharing i suppose

you can implement linkedin sharing in ios using following steps :
Integration of Linkedin Api in IOS
The LinkedIn platform provides you the ability to register and sign-in to your application or website with their LinkedIn identity and also allow user to connect their LinkedIn account to your application, in order to easily publish their activities to their linkedIn account.
Get started to Integrate Linkedin Api in iOS App :
1.) Create a Project in your xcode using “Empty Application” in your Xcode and note their bundle id which will be needed when you register your app on Linkedin Website.
2.) Create a UIViewController class with their xib ( like LoginLinkedInViewController ) and set it as a rootViewController of Window in AppDelegate class.
3.) First of all,you have to register your app here by using your current linked account or create a new one linkedin account.
4.) After completion of registation of your app on Linkedin website, you will get a API Key,Secret Key ,OAuth User Token and OAuth User Secret.
Here ,we are a using a Library OAutho for integrating with user linkedin account and after login User can post a status to their linkedin account.
5.) First of all ,you have to download Library from here and unzip it. Now you have to drag and drop OAuthLoginView,ASIHTTP and OAuthStarterKit folder in Project Navigator of Xcode.
6.) For Removing Linking error in xcode ,you have to add -all_load,-ObjC and -lc++ flag as shown
7.) Expand “Link Binaries with Libraries”. Select the “+” button, and add these frameworks SystemConfiguration.framework ,CFNetwork.framework and libz.dylib.
Now enter the code to share on linkedin
you will get required code here Linkedin Share in ios


Linkedin iOS SDK for Login Authentication w/ Native Linkedin App

I recently downloaded "Linkedin Groups" and "Linkedin Sales Navigator" on iOS and the login experience was great.
When I loaded up the app (Linkedin Groups), the first onboarding screen already knew who I was and presented me with an option that had my Linkedin Profile Photo and said "Continue as Anthony".
I am curious to know how Linkedin does this and if we have the ability to create this feature as well? I'm assuming they were able to pull (my avatar and name) from my already installed native Linkedin app (the regular Linkedin app)?
I am currently building an app and will be using Linkedin SDK for Login Auth but can't seem to find where I can access this information "pre-auth" of my app.
Any thoughts? Or can only Linkedin do this because they "own" both apps?

Facebook Deep Linking with swift

I want to integrate facebook deep kinking with my application.
I search out for related documents and examples, but could not find.
This link (facebook developers) only describe Handling incoming links , Adding back navigation.
Which I want to find, how to post on facebook using facebook deeplinking.
I also include images in my facebook post , when user click on that image then If my app already installed in device then open app ,not installed then open app store.
First of all, You have to enable Deeplinking From your Facebook App
After setting up your Facebook app, You can share Image on Facebook with Facebook SDK, Facebook Ref:
You can also pass extra parameter for Deep linking with Facebook Graph API Check out similar link, That will help you

IOS Apps login via Linkedin authentication SDK

i'm created a IOS app in Xcode7 using swift , and now i am trying to integrate LinkedIn authentication to login into my iOS app.
So i created a account and application in LinkedIn developer site..
But my requirement is to use the same LinkedIn application account to login into my all iOS it possible?
i heard about deep linking concept.Any one know more about that?
Is it possible?
Yes it is. In your app preferences, go to Mobile > iOS preferences, then add the bundle ID of each app you want to be linked with LinkedIn.
Deep linking : Any one know more about that?
It allows you to bring users into a more specific part of your app that is not home page. For example, after opening a notification, you can bring user to a specific post into your app. That is an example of using deep links. Nevertheless, I don't think it is what you are searching for.

Is There A Way To Sign In With LinkedIn Without Using the Webview on iOS

I'd like to implement sign in functionality to my iOS app with LinkedIn. So far all the examples I have seen that are using OAuth with LinkedIn use a pop up webview. But is it possible to create a custom native view that uses the LinkedIn API to sign in?
Yes, you can use . However, the user will have to have the app install (or install it after a popup shows up).
The scenario that I have right now, checks if the user has the LinkedIn app installed, if he doesn't, it will open up as a webview.

Facebook registration

I need to add the 'Share' on Facebook and Twitter buttons to my iPhone app. Before I get any further, do I have to go register on Facebook Developers, under Mobile Apps, in order to get an App ID (and then implement the Single Sign On)? How about Twitter?
First of all you need to register your app in facebook and twitter under development
For twitter go to this and for the facebook go to this
when you register your mobile app you will get api key go to . here is the open source api for share item (text, image , file , link ) to share on facebook , twitter and many more.
just check it.
Yes, you do need to register with Facebook and be issued an App ID. Without this, you won't be able to do very much at all with their API. All the information you will need is available here: well as the facilities to create your app and App ID.
If you are intending to use Facebook and Twitter official SDK, you will have to get ID from their respective developer console. For Facebook the official SDK can be downloaded here and for twitter the official SDK is here.
Updated : From iOS 6 onwards, you can use Apple's own Social Framework to share with Facebook and Twitter.
