How can I use > and < operation in zf2 doctrine custom repository - zend-framework2

I want to run
$qry = $qb2->where("n2.userFk!=0 AND >1 <20")
in doctrine repository but it is not working. It is giving error for > and < operators.

Use expressions:
$expr = $qb2->expr();
$qry = $qb2->andWhere(
$expr->neq('n2.userFK', 0)
$expr->gt('', 1),
$expr->lt('', 20)


Jenkins check if env.BRANCH that starts with a letter (v) followed by a number (v1) is greater than 1

I'm expecting something like branch = "v1" or greater than 1, like v2 or v3.
I need to be able to do something like:
if branch == "v2" or greater than 2
do stuff
branches can also be master, feature/something, v1, etc. which shouldn't meet the if condition
You can do like this
String getVersion = env.BRANCH_NAME
def getBranchTag = getVersion.substring(1)
if ( "$getBranchTag" > 1) {
do stuff
Okay, so the solution was simply:
String thisVersion = "v2".replace("v", ""); // e.g v2
String otherVersion = "v1".replace("v", ""); // e.g v1
def versionLaterThan(x) { x.toInteger() > 1}
println("thisVersion: " + versionLaterThan(thisVersion));
println("otherVersion: " + versionLaterThan(otherVersion));
thisVersion: true
otherVersion: false
The I can make a conditional to run if thisVersion is true

How to compare multiple values in an if statement at once in Dart

I have multiple variables which needs the same check in a if-statement in Dart. I need to know if there is at least one of the variables > 0.
For example:
var a = 1;
var b = 0;
var c = 0;
if ((a > 0) || (b > 0) || (c > 0)) {
This should be done easier, like in Python.
The following code isn't valid, but I tried this:
if ((a || b || c) > 0) {
Any tips would be nice.
One way would be to create a List and to use Iterable.any:
if ([a, b, c].any((x) => x > 0)) {

Typo3 7.6 extbase repository matching only affect non-localized records

I want to create an own extbase extension for TYPO3 CMS 7.6. The extension has to run in different languages. I figured out, that the repository matching does only work for me with non-localized records.
My repository function looks like that:
public function findNew() {
$query = $this->createQuery();
$query->matching($query->equals('new', 1));
return $query->execute();
This function says: Show all records with new = 1
I have a default record that has the checkbox "New" NOT activated. Now I create a localized version of this record and set the "New" checkbox to activated.
If I execute the function findNew() in the default language, the record will not show up. If I execute the function in another language, the record will also not show up although the "New"-flag is set!
In other words: The matching does only affect the default/parent record.
I'm using the following config-settings:
config {
sys_language_mode = strict
sys_language_overlay = hideNonTranslated
Here's the complete generated SQL query:
SELECT tx_extension_domain_model_table.*
WHERE = '1'
tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = -1
OR (
tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = 1
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.l10n_parent = 0
OR (
tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.uid IN (
SELECT tx_extension_domain_model_table.l10n_parent
FROM tx_extension_domain_model_table
WHERE tx_extension_domain_model_table.l10n_parent > 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = 1
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.deleted = 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.deleted = 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.t3ver_state <= 0
AND <> -1
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.hidden = 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.starttime <= 1459780380
AND (tx_extension_domain_model_table.endtime = 0 OR tx_extension_domain_model_table.endtime > 1459780380)
ORDER BY tx_extension_domain_model_table.sorting ASC
...and the important part:
tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = -1
OR (
tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = 1
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.l10n_parent = 0
OR (
tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.uid IN (
SELECT tx_extension_domain_model_table.l10n_parent
FROM tx_extension_domain_model_table
WHERE tx_extension_domain_model_table.l10n_parent > 0
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.sys_language_uid = 1
AND tx_extension_domain_model_table.deleted = 0
That explains my problem. TYPO3 is not looking for new = 1 in sys_language_uid = 1 when it's localized... but why?
Question: Is this a bug or a feature?
It's a bug in extbase, see here for more information:

SwaggerUI doesn't show model schema for collection in POST body parameter

I downloaded SwaggerUI in June 2014, it is not easy for me to find out what version it was as I just downloaded the dist folder.
In these months I've been using Swagger for documenting the REST API I am building with Jersey, I found that the UI was not showing the model and model schema in the Data Type column for body parameters that are collections in my case a List, it only shows the word "array".
It seems that this issue is solved in newer versions, however I made several customization to the code and downloading the new version is not an option for me.
I want to know what part of the code I should modify to make this work.
I found the part that needs to be updated in my version of swagger.js is:
SwaggerOperation = (function() {
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
parameter = _ref1[_i]; = || parameter.type || parameter.dataType;
type = parameter.type || parameter.dataType;
// ++++ Add this:
if(type === 'array') {
type = 'array[' + parameter.items.$ref + ']';
// ++++
if (type.toLowerCase() === 'boolean') {
parameter.allowableValues = {};
parameter.allowableValues.values = ["true", "false"];
After that the parameter view looks like this:
I posted this same finding in the SwaggerUI github project issue tracker:

Propel NestedSet creating Balanced Tree

I'm trying to use Propel's NestedSet feature. However, I'm missing something about inserting such that the tree is balanced as it is created (i.e. fill it in horizontally).
Say I have these elements:
r1c1 r1c2
r2c1 r2c2
I want to insert r2c3 as the 1st child of r1c2 (i.e. fill row 2 before starting on row 3).
My first stab at this was to create this function:
function where(User $root,$depth=0)
$num = $root->getNumberOfDescendants();
if ( $num < 2 )
return $root;
foreach($root->getChildren() as $d)
if ( $d->getNumberOfChildren() < 2 )
return $d;
foreach($root->getChildren() as $d)
return where($d, $depth+1);
However, this will insert a child on r2c1, rather at r1c2 as I want.
Is there a way to insert an entry into the tree at the next available spot somehow?
OK, thanks to, I found that this algorithm will do what I want:
function where($root)
$num = $root->getNumberOfDescendants();
if ( $num < 2 )
return $root;
$finder = DbFinder::from('User')->
whereCustom('user.RightId = user.LeftId + ?',1,'left')->
whereCustom('user.RightId = user.LeftId + ?',3,'right')->
return $finder->findOne();
It basically executes this SQL:
FROM user u
WHERE u.LEFT_ID >= $left AND u.RIGHT_ID <= $right AND
A leaf has RIGHT=LEFT+1, A node with 1 child has RIGHT=LEFT+3. By adding the ORDER BY u.PARENT_ID, we find the highest node in the tree available. If you use LEFT_ID or RIGHT_ID, it does not balance the tree.
