TextBox focus causes PivotItem to jump - textbox

I have a simple layout of a Pivot containing two PivotItems, the first of which has a TextBox. I've set the margin of the first pivot item to zero because I want the contents to cover the whole width of the screen. The problem is that when the text box receives the focus, the pivot item (and its contents) jumps to the right by abount 10 pixels, which isn't a great experience.
I've tried calling UpdateLayout in the text box's GotFocus event, but it had no effect. Placing the text box in a Grid and setting a negative margin to that instead of the pivot item also didn't do anything.
Any thoughts as to how to fix this annoying visual hiccup? Thanks.


Start Moving DBGrid Scrollbar After Come to the End of List (Delphi)

I have a DBGrid in my form that contains many items. Now I have tow the problems:
1- if items count in my DBGrid is less, I shouldn't be have vertical scrollbar.
2- when I click on each cell in DBGrid, Scrollbar start moving. while scrollbar should be start moving to down when I want to see (hidden or bottom) Items in the list. I couldn't find any options in DBGrid Properties for fix this solution.
Picture of first problem: (show vertical scrollbar with less items)
Picture of Second problem: (Moving Scrollbar after click on DBGrid cells)
In this picture, scrollbar should be start moving down when I want to show Item 25
The Best Solution for fix these issues is use NextDBGrid6 component from bergsoft.

Move Grid save and cancel buttons from far right, maybe left justify

Is there a way in Vaadin 7 or Vaadin 8 to move the save/cancel buttons to under the last editor column? Or maybe to left justify them? Right now they are right justified under the last column. I would even take left justifying them under this same column. Visually, it is far from the last thing the users edited, so some users get confused. The way I am clarifying it for users right now is by making the Grid as narrow as possible, but it wastes screen real estate.
This will be very difficult in generic case, where column widths can be freely adjusted or their widths are automatically calculated by content. However if you set your columns fixed widths, so that you can make assumptions based on that within your specific application, there is a solution.
Just noting, that the Editor has div, with class name "v-grid-editor-footer", which has the same width as the Grid. So the editor footer does not have logical cells, that would be aligned with Grid's cells. And that is the challenge here. Furthermore the buttons you are refering to are wrapped in a child div of the previous one, with class name "v-grid-editor-buttons"
However you can try to add css rules in your theme in the following way.
.v-grid-editor-buttons {
position: relative;
left: -300px; // Adjust this value experimentally so that it fits your need
Below is a screenshot the css applied to Vaadin's Sampler.

Vaadin 14 grid initial row height is incorrect and rows overlap

I am using Vaadin Flow 14.6.2, the material theme, and custom CSS styling in my application. When loading a grid that has a cell that has content that wraps 5 times, when the grid initially loads the grid rows overlap, truncating the information in the cell that contains wrapped data. Looking at the CSS this is due to CSS "transform: translateY(#px)" setting that is too small onto the Grid's TR (row) tags. As a point of reference, the grid places a translateY of 76 pixels on the second row.
Screen shot of grid with overlapping rows
Selecting a row in the table or resizing the browser will cause the grid to refresh and the translationY value will be recalculated, increasing the translateY value to 118 pixels, and the grid will display all rows with the appropriate spacing.
Screen shot of grid after selecting a row
Is this a defect in the grid where the row offsets are not initially calculated to the correct height?
I am not sure how to debug this further or if there are any workarounds to trigger the grid to recalculate row sizes so that it may display correctly from the start. I tried programmatically selecting the first row and the result was that the first row displayed correctly but subsequent rows were truncated.
I'd try adding a Div element inside the cell using a ComponentRenderer, and put the white-space: normal and word-break: break-word on that element. Since the grid supports adding components of any size, and should adjust row height according to the heighest component, this may trigger initial calculation.
I was able to work around this issue by changing how this page is navigated to. A change was made to a parent view to trigger navigation using an anchor instead of a button. With an anchor a new UI is created and then the grid is added to it, but with the button the existing UI is reused. There is something in the display of the grid on a new UI or something related to the difference in navigation that triggers this problem. Reverting back to using a button is a superior solution as it solves this problem and does not trigger creation of a new UI.

TVirtualTreeView with rows of variable height: scrolling artefacts

I am using the VirtualTreeView together with the OnMeasureItem event to display rows of variable size. The problem is that the event seems to be called only if a row is painted (following the virtual paradigm). But this leads to the scrollbar being displayed incorrectly. If I scroll to the bottom (by dragging the scrollbox with the mouse, not clicking the scroll buttons at the top or bottom), not the last row is displayed (which is what I would expect), but some row in the middle. After that, the scrollbar is updated and I can scroll further down. It seems as if the component uses the DefaultNodeHeight for its scrolling calculations. But since my rows have variable height, I cannot specify a DefaultNodeHeight that would lead to correct results. Option toVariableNodeHeight is enabled.
Has anyone experienced this before and maybe found a workaround? Or am I doing it wrong?
You need to set DefaultNodeHeight to the maximum value you will be using and OnMeasureItem event set custom height value for the current node. Similar issue was described here.

Delphi - How do I fix this strange TGrid behaviour?

Delphi 2007.
I have a TGrid with more rows than will fit on the screen, and the height of the grid is such that there is a partially drawn row at the bottom.
When I click on this partial row, it jumps up to be fully visible (via a procedure called 'ClampInView' in Grids.pas). But it doesn't stop. Since the mouse is now over a new partially drawn row, that jumps up too.
The net effect is that clicking on the partially drawn row starts selecting cells in a vertical column, spinning all the way to the bottom (or until you release the mouse).
I have replicated this on a fresh winforms project with just a single grid with 100 rows, and no code, so I'm pretty sure it's not something I'm doing in code wrong.
It is bad for me because the form I have in real code has drag and drop type behaviour, so clicking and releasing ~0.1 seconds later on the partial row will pick up the item in the cell and drop it about 50 rows lower. This is definitely not what you expect to happen when you click on a cell.
Any suggestions how to fix/work around this?
This is what I have always done because I think it is tacky to have partially visible rows. I adjust the size of the grid so its client area is an even multiple of row height. You can do that at design time, or it is easy to do via code as well. The kicker would be if you have re-sizable rows. If that is the case then just put the code to resize the grid in the event handler for the row resize event (I believe it has one).
Not only does this prevent the behavior you are trying to fix, but it also (in my opinion) makes your UI look a lot cleaner!
You can try override MouseDown in your grid and do not call inherited MouseDown, if user clicks in "bad" places.
