Xcode 6 auto layout programmatically? - ios

My problem is on this image:
I have this problem with Xcode 6 and I would like to know if there is a way to solve this problem programmatically... I would like to write a code which adapt my view controller to all devices... Is it possible??
(I already tried auto layout manually but I am really bad)...

Seems like you've implemented too strict constraints. As I see on screenshot, you've probably set a strong width constraint for your buttons and inputs instead of equal widths or equal spacing between each other. Make your constrains more flexible. Prefer >=,<= constraints, equal widths constraints, leading/trailing constraints. You will need more of them in comparison to strict ones, but you'll get a true adaptive layout.
To get flexible equal spacing between views, you might find helpful a conception of spacer views. In short, place a transparent UIView and set some constraints to it. To know more, read apple docs. If you like videos more (like I do :)) - watch wwdc videos, they are great. For example, Auto Layout by Example or Taking Control of Auto Layout in Xcode 5.
As an example of equally arranged buttons take a look at this screenshot:
This is done with a little bit complex, but understandable constraints set:
All the buttons has the equal widths constraints for each other. All spacer views has equal width constraints on each other. Each spacer view has leading/trailing constrains to buttons or parent view leadings/trailings.
With iOS 9 you have a few more options:
instead of spacer views you can use UILayoutGuide
UIStackView allows to achieve the same layout with no constraints at all
I suggest you to watch new WWDC 2015 videos, "Mysteries of Auto Layout",Part1 and Part2

Hi #Pedro Costa its not possible here to write solution of your above problem. I am giving one link give some movement to study it. its too simple to understand.
May this will give you the idea how to set it.
AutoLayout Constraints Programatically
Home this will help.


How to use auto layout so my app fits all screen sizes in swift?

I need my buttons to stay in the same positions for all phones.
I want it to look like this on all iPhones:
But when I switch to a larger size phone it does this, it also looks ugly on smaller phones as well:
That is a VERY broad question, as a lot of iOS UI depends on autolayout. I suggest you work through these tuts at at least AutoLayout. From your screen shots, it looks as if you have set a width constraint on your view with the green background instead of pinning the leading, trailing, top, and bottom to the edges.
Auto layout is, in essence, a system that performs calculations based on constraints. This means that to perform what you want, you need to add constraints to each of your objects so that the compiler knows how you want to resize your UI. But like others have said, that is a very general question. I suggest looking into the topic a bit before asking, so you can narrow down your question and get better answers.
You need to define positions for all your button or views. You need to define atleast 4 constraints for all your view. By adding constraints you tell your views where they should be placed on all screens. You define their positioning with respect to screen by adding constraints.
When you add trailing, from top and width and height constraint you tell that view should be placed in fixed position i.e. x , y and occupy defined space whatever may be screen size.You can opt for fixed width or height. Instead of fixing height and width you can also define leading or trailing constraints for the view. Constraints will adjust views frame according to screen size.
For beginning you can opt for some tutorials available online. You can check Raywanderlich here. Hope it helps.

Auto-layout - StackView deleting existing constraints

I'm hardly learning to implement some iOS app screens in xCode Interface Builder with auto-layout.
I've already placed some elements with working constraints but I realize it would be more practical to group them into a vertical StackView.
At first it seems pretty easy as I did it for a previous screen. However, once I embed my elements in the StackView, all my margins constraints are gone ! Also, if I try to manually put back my constraints, they don't work at all and generate ambiguity.
I don't fully understand the way iOS UI builder works, so I'd gladly need some help.
See screenshots below.
Constraints inside stack views can be quirky, but playing around with / experimenting with the characteristics can help.
In particular, adjusting Alignment, Distribution, and Spacing can often do the trick.

Having trouble with AutoLayout Xcode constraints

I have a somewhat complex layout that I want to make constraints for.
Top three all need to be equidistant from each other and equal widths and heights. Bottom three need to be equal width and heights, and also equidistant from each other.
How come Xcode doesn't have an equidistant margin option? I can't create a specific margin constraint because it wont look correct on smaller devices. Nothing I do seems to create acceptable constraints.
For top three you need to create 5 additional views, place them between this three views and set that they should have the same width. One of them should have some constant width(than all other will get this width as well). Than bind them all by connecting leading and trealing constraints between them. Next thing to do, is to set your views width and height. Margin that you need will be that five views that you placed before between them.
The same thing you can do with your other views, just adding some views to make them as a margins.
Is it what you was searching for? If not Pls describe your problem and I will try to solve it.
As #Dan said, UIStackView is your friend. Put the top three in a horizontal stack view and the bottom three in a vertical one. Your other alternatives are to fiddle with the Multiplier on individual constraints, i.e. 0.0 0.333, 0.667. That would require a lot of work. One other choice, if you're willing to wait to use this in Xcode 8, is that Apple has reinstated the old springs and struts style of pre-Autolayout in Xcode 8, and allows you to use that as an alternative, and/or mixed in with auto layout in Xcode 8. Try the UIStackview first, though, it's the path of least resistance.

What is the optimal way to align buttons and text? Basic, but necessary due to misinformation online

I've seen a lot of different topics and suggestions on aligning and inputting buttons/text, but the ways I've seen seem kind of risky.
What is the optimal way, for example, to add two buttons, stack them together, and have them be 10% from the bottom of the screen, and centered horizontally on all devices?
Learn Auto Layout if you haven't yet. Use constraints for achieving the following:
For centrally Horizontal on all devices: Use Center X with SuperView.
For having them 10% from bottom, use multiplier value say 0.10 .
The optimal way would be using storyboard for implementation and use of constraints in a proper way.
For example, as you suggested you want bottom space to be 10% of device height so it can be done with the multiplier in constraints also the horizontal center can be easily done with the same, so you could look for a good tutorial of Auto Layout and constraints for better understanding.
Use your Storyboard and add Auto Layout to your elements. Here is an example:
I have added auto layout
If I want to change the distance between the buttons, I just choose the auto layout constraint that I have created between the buttons and changes the constant value to it.
If I say that "Button 4" constant to the top shall be 40, then it´s always 40 no matter what size the phone has. If I change the constant between the buttons to 10 then it´s the same for all sizes.
Your best bet is to use Auto Layout. It takes a bit of learning but once you get used to it you can add constraints pretty quickly and easily in Interface Builder. I can't recommend any particular guide but there are a lot of good ones to be found with a quick Internet search.
Here is an example of constraints that seem to be what you are looking for:
For iOS 9, an even simpler Auto Layout approach would be to use UIStackView.
As you can see, no constraints are needed for the buttons embedded in the stack view, as the stack view lays out the buttons for you. All you have to constrain is the location of the stack view itself.
Here's an example of two vertically stacked buttons, 10% from the bottom of the screen, and centered horizontally for all devices.

Split View into four Subviews with 25% width

I want to insert 4 Subviews with exact 25% percent width of the SuperView.
So, my question is how to achieve that with XCode's Autolayout? In Android I would use a GridLayout or a LinearLayout...
Thanks in advance
Just set your constraints like this image,you will get what you want
And this is preview in different screen sizes
You have to select all the four views, and add top, bottom, left, right constraints to zero and equal width constraint.
Your constraints should look like this.
In the screenshot, the four views are arranged over a container view. If you dont't want the container view, then you have to specify the height constraint also.
You should use UIStackView that is introduce in ios9 and xcode 7.0
Here is a link of the tutorial have a look its like a linear layout in android
There are alot other ways as this is the new one and it help to reduce work and time both so you should use it.Thanks
