how to save and read dictionary of touples to NSUserDefaults? - ios

I have an dictionary = String: ([(String)], [(Int)], NSDate, Bool, [(String)]) and I attempted to deconstruct it into seperate arrays when then app calls applicationWillTerminate
var codes = [(String)]()
var messages = [[String]]()
var senders = [[Int]]()
var dates = [(NSDate)]()
var bools = [(Bool)]()
var pairs = [[String]]()
for code in self.dictionary.keys {
self.userDefaultsMessages.setObject(codes, forKey: "userMessagesArrays")
self.userDefaultsSenders.setObject(messages, forKey: "userSentArrays")
self.userDefaultsDates.setObject(senders, forKey: "userDatesArray")
self.userDefaultsDeletedBool.setObject(dates, forKey: "userDeletedArrays")
self.userDefaultsPairs.setObject(bools, forKey: "userPairsArrays")
self.userDefaultsCodeKeys.setObject(pairs, forKey: "userCodesArrays")
and then I attempt to pull it all back together when the app calls applicationDidBecomeActive
if let savedCodesArray : AnyObject? = self.userDefaultsCodeKeys.objectForKey("userCodesArrays") {
self.userCodes = savedCodesArray! as! [String]
if let savedMessagesArray : AnyObject? = self.userDefaultsCodeKeys.objectForKey("userMessagesArrays") {
self.Usermessages = savedMessagesArray! as! [[String]]
if let savedSendersArray : AnyObject? = self.userDefaultsCodeKeys.objectForKey("userSentArrays") {
self.Usersenders = savedSendersArray! as! [[Int]]
if let savedDatesArray : AnyObject? = self.userDefaultsCodeKeys.objectForKey("userDatesArray") {
self.Userdates = savedDatesArray! as! [NSDate]
if let savedBools : AnyObject? = self.userDefaultsCodeKeys.objectForKey("userDeletedArrays") {
self.Userbools = savedBools! as! [Bool]
if let savedPairs : AnyObject? = self.userDefaultsCodeKeys.objectForKey("userPairsArrays") {
self.Userpairs = savedPairs! as! [[String]]
var indexPath: Int = 0
for code in self.userCodes {
self.dictionary[code]! = [self.Usermessages[indexPath], self.Usermessages[indexPath], self.Userdates[indexPath], self.Userbools[indexPath], self.Userpairs[indexPath]]
I am fairly new to iOS development and could use help, how would i save the single dictionary = String: ([(String)], [(Int)], NSDate, Bool, [(String)]) to NSUserDefaults and then later read it.. the documentation was not very helpful since it only worked with simple dictionaries
the code looks incredibly cumbersome so I know I can't be doing it right. It should be a simple solution since I only have one variable to save to NSUserDefaults.

Short answer: You can't.
NSUserDefaults will only record "property list objects" (dictionaries, arrays, strings, numbers (integer and float), dates, binary data, and Boolean values).
You can't save any other types of data into NSUserDefaults, or into a property list. The only solution is to convert other data types into those types.
Tuples are not one of those types, so they can't be saved into user defaults.

First, your interaction with NSUserDefaults is completely wrong. You only need to interact with the shared NSUserDefaults.sharedUserDefaults() instance, not create separate instances, which seems to be what you're doing (i.e. userDefaultsMessages, userDefaultsSenders, etc.).
Second, you don't need to call synchronize() at all. There are very few conditions under which you need to call it manually, and this isn't one of them.
Third, the easiest way to store a particular tuple in NSUserDefaults is to convert it into an Array (or NSArray) and store the result. Of course, this assumes that the tuple contains only types that can be serialized, which your example seems to contain. Unfortunately there's no general solution to this, but creating an array from a tuple is straight forward, as you can just map the tuple indices to array indices.
Finally, such large tuples are usually the result of poor design somewhere along the line. Perhaps refactoring would help resolve your storage issue?


Accessing Dictionary element for a tableview

I have passed a dictionary to a second view controller and assigned it to an array, I thought I could access the data easier this way:
var myAlerts: NSDictionary!
The dictionary has three elements for each: Id (which I don't care about), alertDate, and alertNote.
I'm trying to get these elements into a tableView but struggling with this.
I thought about just moving it into two arrays and accessing it that way, cumbersome but it at least gets me further down the road so to speak.
Here is the raw data from the dictionary AFTER it was past to the second controller:
alerts = (
alertDate = "2017-07-16";
alertNote = "Rob is the worlds greatest friend";
id = 2;
alertDate = "2017-07-17";
alertNote = "This is a test of the emergency system";
id = 1;
When I tried to move the values into two arrays with this:
func CreateArray() {
for i in 0...myAlerts.count {
alertsDate[i] = myAlerts["alerts"]["alertDate"]
alertsNote[i] = myAlerts["alerts"]["alertNote"]
I get the proverbial Type Any? has no subscript members.
Any help would be appreciated.
myAlerts with that data is now a dictionary containing an array of dictionaries. (so top level is a dictionary, with one key/value pair which is of type array of [String:Any] objects).
Since a dictionary value is of type Any, it can't infer in this case what the type of the value for the key alerts is. So you have to try cast it to a specific type first, in this case an array of dictionaries, i.e. [[String:Any]]
So this should get rid of your error:
func CreateArray() {
for i in 0...myAlerts.count {
let alertArray = myAlerts["alerts"] as! [[String:Any]]
alertsDate.append(alertArray[i]["alertDate"] as! String)
alertsNote.append(alertArray[i]["alertNote"] as! String)
Note: I had to change alertsDate and alertsNote arrays to using append as in my demo code i had no existing items in the array and using and index would have caused an error.

How to convert string to array in Swift 3

I am inserting an Array into my database as a String and after fetching it I want it to convert it again to Array. So that I can fetch my values again and I can do next operation.
Here below is my array inserting into database(TestQuestion) as a String:
let testQuestionModel : TestQuestion = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "TestQuestion", into: AppDelegate.getContext()) as! TestQuestion
testQuestionModel.optionsArray = "\(question["options"] as! NSArray)"
Example: String Array I am getting from Database
(\n \"Rahul Abhyankar\",\n \"Pinkesh Shah\",\n \"Ramanan
Ganesan\",\n \"Dr. Marya Wani\",\n \"\",\n \"\"\n)".
Here is 4 options you can see this is my string after fetching from Database.
1) Rahul Abhyankar.
2) Pinkesh Shah.
3) Ramanan Ganesan.
4) Dr. Marya Wani.
Now how can I convert it into array?
I tried some methods.
let arr = NSArray(object: quetion.optionsArray!).
But I am getting only one object. How can I get my array values same as previous from this string array?
I don't know about the actual type of the "option" in your code, so I set up a fake Elem struct to represent it. The remaining logic is independent of the type as long as you provide a conversion logic to and from String.
struct Elem {
// let's say this is your element type in your array
let foo: Int;
extension Elem: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
// provide a logic to convert your element to string
return "\(foo)";
let arrayToSave = [
Elem(foo: 1),
Elem(foo: 2),
Elem(foo: 3)
extension Elem {
init(string: String) {
// provide a function to construct your element type from a string
self.init(foo: Int(string)!)
let stringToSave = { $0.description }.joined(separator: "|")
// save this string
// at some point retrieve it from database, which hopefully same as the saved one
let retrivedString = stringToSave;
let retrivedArray = retrivedString.split(separator: "|").map { Elem(string: String($0)) }
print(retrivedArray) // [1, 2, 3]
Here below is my array inserting into database (TestQuestion) as a
String :
let testQuestionModel : TestQuestion = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "TestQuestion", into: AppDelegate.getContext()) as! TestQuestion
testQuestionModel.optionsArray = "\(question["options"] as! NSArray)"
No, and No.
You are using -description method of an array to save it. Clearly no.
What's wrong? Apple can't affirm that in next OS release, it won't add an extra character. In some more complex cases, it's added <NSArray <0x address> or stuff similar like that.
Suggestion 1:
Modify your entity to have an ARRAY (or usually a Set) of String.
Learn about Core-Data relationship (but that's clearly a DataBase basic knownledge). A relationship one to many should be the thing to do.You could even keep in memory what were the choices, by adding for creating the entity Options, with a String property name (name of the option), another one boolean isChecked, etc.
Suggestion 2:
If you have a limited number of options (like says one to 5), add 5 options string to your entity, and iterate to set them
testQuestionModel.option1 = question["option"][0]
testQuestionModel.option2 = question["option"][1] (if it's of course not out of range for the array)
Suggestion 3:
Not really recommended (in my opinion it's missing the whole advantage of the database, especially fetch and predicates, on previous sample you could fetched easily which options were checked), but if you still want to save them as a String, save them as JSON (ie. stringified).
In pseudo code (I'm not sure about the exact syntax, there are no fail safe like try/catch, optional/wrapping):
let options = questions["options"] as [String]
let jsonData = (question["options"], options:[])
let jsonString = String.init(data:jsonData encoding:.utf8)
To retrieve them:
let options = JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with data:, options:[]) as [String]
done using Library SwiftyJSON.
if let dataFromString = yourString?.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8, allowLossyConversion: false) {
let json = try JSON(data: dataFromString)
let arrayValue = json.rawValue as! NSArray
} catch{

Getting error while trying to store Int, arrayof [string] pair in userDefaults

self.fetchMin(forStartDate: start, toEndDate: end) { (min, chal) in
guard let mins = min, let challenges = chal else {
let dict: [Int : [String]] = [mins:challenges]
UserDefaults.standard.set(dict, forKey: "WeekStates")
Hi, In the above program I'm trying to store key and array pair of string in userDefaults but if I do so it crashes unexpectedly.
If I try with one value, its working.
`let dict: [String] = challenges
UserDefaults.standard.set(dict, forKey: "WeekStates")
The UserDefaults class provides convenience methods for accessing
common types such as floats, doubles, integers, Booleans, and URLs. A
default object must be a property list—that is, an instance of (or for
collections, a combination of instances of): NSData , NSString ,
NSNumber , NSDate , NSArray , or NSDictionary . If you want to
store any other type of object, you should typically archive it to
create an instance of NSData. For more details, see Preferences and
Settings Programming Guide.
You can do something like this.
let dict: [Int : [String]] = [1:["iOS Dev"]]
UserDefaults.standard.set(NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: dict as NSDictionary) as NSData, forKey: "4WeekStates")
if let unarchivedObject = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "4WeekStates") as? Data {
let dic = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: unarchivedObject as Data) as? NSDictionary
As you mentioned at last point i tried [String] it works.
I'm not sure whether you can store data like type of [Int : [String]], As of my knowledge UserDefaults Property lists can only accept certain types of variables, so it has that limitation. You can store these types of variables:

getting Swift._SwiftDeferredNSArray' (0x1096d26b8) to 'NSMutableArray in Core Data

I'm working in Swift 3.0 and in which I'm using Core Data to store info. I'm getting user details in NSManagedObject and so in order to display data I want it to convert in NSMutableArray but it shows a run time error,yet it is working fine with NSArray
I'm working hard to find this error but not getting the exact issue.
Any kind of help will surely be appreciated!!!
We can perform all the operation using "Array" which NSMutableArray can do.
let strConstant = " Wolverine"
let birthDate = "17/5/91"
let birthYear = 1991
let currentyear = 2016
Suppose above are the values which we need to handle with "Array" and "NSMutableArray" in Swift3.0
So below I have create a basic operations which you can perform using Array and NSMutableArray both and in both the cases Output will be same.
You can Put the Coding part in any playground, and you can which line perform which task.
Handle operation with Swift Array :
var newRatingList = [Any]()
newRatingList.append((currentyear - birthYear))
newRatingList[1] = "18/5/91"
Handle operation with NSMutableArray :
var mutableArray = NSMutableArray()
mutableArray.add((currentyear - birthYear))
mutableArray.replaceObject(at: 1, with: "18/05/91")
To understand how array works you can also refer the below link :
Now related to your question consider this is a example
var locations = [Locations]() // Where Locations = your NSManaged Class
var fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Locations")
locations = context.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest, error: nil) as [Locations]
// Then you can use your properties.
for location in locations {
In above example you will get a Swift Array of Locations. So by applying For-in loop you can get the Individual properties and if yo want to convert it into array then you can do something like this,
var a = NSMutableArray()
for location in locations {
var dictionary = [String:AnyObject]()
dictionary["name"] =
dictionary["location"] = location.location
In the end, you will get "a" NSMutableArray which contain dictionaries.
Hope it helps!

iOS: how to convert NSUserDefaults stored AnyObject type to array

I have put an array into NSUserDefaults() like so:
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(users, forKey: "usersArray")
Then I pull it out like so:
fetchedUserArray = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey("usersArray")
The problem I am facing is that once it is removed from NSUserDefaults it is of type NSArray, preventing me from manipulating it like a Swift array. I have tried this to convert the type, however the compiler does not recognize the variable "castedUsersArray" when it is used later in the code despite not raising any errors upon type casting:
var fetchedArray = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey("usersArray") as? NSArray
var castedUsersArray = fetchedArray as AnyObject as [String]
I have spent a very long time on this with no success. The type constraints of Swift are driving me nuts.
Thank you,
You almost had it. Don't cast the objectForKey to an Array but rather an Array containing a certain type like you did with castedUsersArray. Don't throw away type information like you did with fetchedArray.
let users = ["Amy", "Bill", "Cindy"]
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(users, forKey: "usersArray")
let fetched = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey("usersArray") as? [String] ?? []
The nil coalescing at the end of the line handles the empty NSUserDefaults case.
NSUserDefaults has a specific method to get your stored string arrays called stringArrayForKey:
let stringArray = ["Hello","playground"]
store your string array
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(stringArray, forKey: "stringArray")
load it when needed
if let loadedStringArray = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().stringArrayForKey("stringArray") {
print(loadedStringArray) // ["Hello", "playground"]
