Show ios push notification for long time on phone screen - ios

Is there any way to show a particular type(some important) of push notification for some 5-10 seconds on the iOS device screen when app is in background.

No, the time is fixed.
You cannot customize it - a push-notification should be a short message that in the best case makes the user tap it and open the app. There is actually not really a need for a longer time. Keep it short, simple and interesting and the user will react accordingly anyway. A longer time should not really make any difference other than people getting annoyed because your messages are always staying on top, blocking other messages and wasting screen space.


Application starts from Home Screen if app remains in the background for more than 30 seconds instead of showing the screen when it went to background

My iOS application is kind of messaging app, so user can send audio, video, images, etc. When user typing the message and app went background for more than 30 seconds then app launches from Home screen and all that messages, everything will be lost. Before 30 seconds app launches at the exact point where it went background. So how to do that same after 30 seconds also, at least I should maintain this state for 30 minutes.
Is using background process and schedule task will be a good method here in iOS 13+?
I particularly don't want to do anything on the background but when app comes from background to foreground within 30 minutes I want to maintain that state.
Messages Disappearing
Well, first of all, why are all the messages lost? if your trying to make a snapchat like experience where the messages disappear after you see them then that's fine but otherwise it might be worth adding a local storage for these messages using CoreData.
The main issue, after a little while iOS will but an app to sleep so to say, in this scenario it will remove all temporary data within your app, this means when you re-open it it will start from the beginning, it does this to save memory.
There are a few ways to solve this, you could use State Restoration
For a beginner though this could be quite tricky as the documentation on it is quite sparse.
Another option would be to save the last screen in UserDefaults and then when the app re-launches you can use the value to push the last screen the user was on. For both these solutions though you will need a way to persist the messages and re-fetch them (a database) CoreData would probs be your best bet
I do personally think State Restoration is the best option especially since it sounds like that's exactly what you want to do:
but when app comes from background to foreground within 30 minutes I want to maintain that state.

Notification with sound and vibration when iphone is Locked

I am currently working on an iOS app and i need some help.
I want the app to be able to notify the user about something in form a "push notification" even when the phone locked. The push notifications work fine when the phone is not locked but as soon as i lock the phone it wont give me any sound or vibration. It will only show me the visual part of the notification but it comes in completely silence. It does not even light the screen up when the notification gets pushed to the user.
I currently use
content.sound = UNNotificationSound.default()
And it works fine with sound and vibration when the phone is unlocked.
Is it because i need to do something with my settings? do i need any code to do such thing? do i need to have developer account?
Any help would make me really happy!!
Check that the ringer on the left of the phone doesn’t show an orange line – indicating sound switched off. If so, slide it to the right so only white is showing. This may have fixed it.
Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to reveal symbols, music etc. Ensure that the half moon symbol is grey and not white. If it’s white touch it to make it grey – this will switch off do not disturb. This may have fixed it.
Check your settings, Do not Disturb half moon icon, ensure that Manual is off and not showing a green on icon. If it is, touch the green icon which will make it white and switch it off. This may have fixed it.
(I hope that helps, it worked for my iphone 5C as I’d inadvertently switched on Do Not disturb as shown in step 2. above.)
Just an FYI if someone else is having this same issue. I was having the same troubles getting my notifications to come through on my phone when it was locked.
I realized the issue was I was building to my physical device which was also attached to the Apple Watch I was wearing. Since my watch is set to mirror my iPhone notifications the phone didn't play them as it expected my watch to take over when was locked. However, every time you build & run your app it takes a few minutes for your watch to recognize your app and take over the user notifications.
The solution here is to either wait 10 minutes or so after building and then try firing off a notification (which should appear on your watch) OR simple take off your watch before you build & run.

Show advertisement at regular interval of time when iPhone is running

I am working on the app that shows Ads (Video or image) when iPhone is running. If I open any app(eg. Twitter) then also my Ads should be visible at particular interval of time. Is it possible to do so?
No. Your app will not be informed about any other apps being launched. Even if it were, you can't "force-grab" the foreground to display videos. That would totally violate any user interface principle established by iOS.
Besides the technical aspect I'd have my doubts of such an app surviving app review in general, though I don't know the specific part of the TOS right now.
It is possible to show your ads inside your application in intervals or in any pattern you like. However it is not possible to bring your app to foreground when in background to play ads, it is actually not recommended at all. Best thing you can do is set a timer when the app gets in background to send a notification.

Can an active iOS app know when a push notification is being displayed for a different app? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to detect push notification sent to other apps?
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm working on an iOS game that has a score counter and some buttons at the top of the screen. When I receive any push notifications for a different app (e.g. a new email), the push notification covers the top of the screen for a few seconds, which is annoying when you're in the middle of a game. I would like to know whenever a third-party notification is being displayed, so that I can move the score counter and buttons below the push notification while it is being shown.
Is this possible?
Unfortunately, as of now (and probably forever) there is no API or way to interact with Apple's Notification Center, and thus it's impossible to know when a third-party notification is displaying. This is primarily because they strive to keep a consistent user experience across their entire platform at the developer's expense. The closest you can get is knowing when an application has left and entered the foreground (which will happen when they tap that notification) to properly pause the game
Thankfully, users can dismiss the alerts really quickly with a swipe of a thumb, but regardless, it's still annoying. Maybe make some small adjustments to your UI with this knowledge and have less user taps necessary at the top of the screen?
Good luck!

iOS local notification without turning on screen

I'm working on app that will manage quite a lot of local notifications. So since I don't want to waste user's battery, I'm wondering - is there any possibility to don't turn on the screen? So the notification still will be fired and the banner will be on the screen but only if user will unlock the phone. It's kind of "minor notification" that are still should be displayed but they're not so important to wake up the phone.
And if there's such possibility - wouldn't it be what Apple calls "bad user experience". You know, kind of confusion that notification didn't wake up the phone's screen?
And yes, sound still should exist, because it should work as reminder.
Thanks in advance.
