Xcode- 7: No such file or directory - ios

I keep trying to run my Xcode project (titled "YidKit") and it keeps giving me the following error:
error: /Users/Dani/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/YidKit-exnbjyxkgkbeaedoznkmtoenfijq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/YidKitTests.xctest: No such file or directory. I spent several hours online, trying different solutions that I've seen, and nothing has worked. This is driving me crazy, because it is the only error left and I just finished getting rid of about 80 that were caused by Swift 2.0. I appreciate all of the help I can get!
Here is an image of the file in the explorer. The red one is the file that is giving me the error.

do following two things I might solve your problem.
Product -> Clean and build folder
Go to finder -> library -> Developer -> Xcode -> Derived data
delete that folder
or check screen shot may be this is your problem
and then check

TARGETS --> Build Phases --> search file --> delete redundant .m

For future reference
One way you can solve this problem is to open your Project with a text editor and search for the file there. It should be there the file path for it. Just delete it and any references that might exist of the file.
It should be working now.
Don't forget to BACKUP FIRST before doing this

Go to project, target, build phase
remove the files causing problem (click - below)
add the files again (File -> Add Files to Project)
clean then run

I'm sure you've figured out a workaround by now but for those still running into this problem the error is occurring because Xcode is trying to access a file for your project, but it can no longer find it. In your case the file it can't find is YidKitTests.xctest, so what you can do is click on it in the Project Navigator, then on the right in the File Inspector, click on the little folder icon under Location. When you click on the folder a Finder window will open up and its your job to navigate to where the YidKitTests.xctest file should be and double click on it. More often than not the file is in the exact place Xcode says it isn't, eg. /Users/Dani/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/YidKit-exnbjyxkgkbeaedoznkmtoenfijq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/YidKitTests.xctest, but for some reason it can't see it without you pointing it out. I hope this helps!

I had a similar error popping up, and it turned out being the simulator was not being found. So, I deleted all my simulators and and added new ones. This fixed it for me. It's pretty unlikely this will be a fix for you, but I really wish I had seen this response 3 hours ago.

The solution which worked with me is as following:
Go in the left panel of the Xcode to products folder then select the Tests.xctest file
In the right panel of Xcode / Target Membership, unselect Tests
Click command u

Just delete the "Derived Data" folder and compile the project again.

Anyone tried the good old trick rebooting the computer? I tried and everything worked out fine! Give it a try

You should try to edit option in folder to show more you looking then you will see some error file inside after you find it delete it! Hope this help.


Xcode file missing from the editors

Hello guys I am jumping into a really weird problem that most of my files are missing from the Xcode editor. I can still compile and run the app, also all the files are still there in my project folder, but I just cannot see them in the Xcode editor anymore. I can have them back to editor by open each file one by one, however when I close xcode and reopen everything is gone again. Can anyone help me please, this is the picture.Only few files left
Please disable the recent view button at bottom of xcode.
Go to your project folder from Finder and search for the missing file. Just drag and drop the files in yor xcode.
If files are missing from the project directory then you need to create the new files with same name.
Make sure you're not adding those files just by reference. You must copy it with correct target.

Xcode 8.0 Command /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc failed with exit code 1

When I compile my code on Xcode Version 8.0 beta 4 (8S188o) I get this single error bringing the compilation to failure:
failed with exit code 1
I tried to clean the project and wipe the derived folder but that did not change things.
What is it and how may I know more about it?
When I try to compile on the terminal the error being reported is:
Invalid bitcast\n %.asUnsubstituted = bitcast %swift.error* %13 to
i2, !dbg !438\nLLVM ERROR: Broken function found, compilation
Happened to me, when I had two classes with the same name in my project. After deleting the redundant one, error disappeared.
If you look above the error, Xcode will tell you which ViewController is added/declared twice, navigate to it and remove the reference. Build and you're good to go.
I am going to tell you my silly mistake, the error is showing the issue and It took 3 hours to me to understand. look into below error
look into above 2 lines of error, the problem is shown, Obviously, In my case Xcode is complaining that Location.swift and Customer.swift file is missing, look into my project hierarchy, the same issue can understand.
It's my advice to everyone that first understand the error and then look into issues. I removed my desktop files, which were referenced in the project, and therefore compile error occurred.
Clean your project that fixed my project
I got this error for core data models that i've created manually.And it got resolved by changing particular entity's 'Codegen' attribute to 'Manual/None' under Data Model Inspector.
If you change any file folder location or change any Objective-C Bridging file path. Then it's happened some time.
Update your Bridging path.
Clean your project alt + Shift + Command + K
Quit Xcode completely Command + Q
Open project again and wait for Xcode to index files.
I got this error when I was trying to run an xcode project. A swift file wasn't being found and complied correctly, even though clearly in the xcode project file you can see the swift file and when you click on it in finder the file comes up as a separate xcode swift file. I solved this by:
Deleting the problematic swift file
Creating a new swift file with the same name
Xcode prompts that the file is already created, press replace
copy/replace the code/etc. in the file
Clean the project (for good measure)
Run the project
The problem went away by itself for mysterious reasons. Instead of the whimsical linking error I got a new bunch of errors due to Swift 3 fling which the app compiles and run fine.
The solution that worked for me is I had to delete the .xcdatamodeld file in my project and create a new one. This solved it.
I got this error and resolved by changing Xcode command line tools,
Goto Xcode -> Preferences -> Choose Locations tab
Choose required Command Line Tools from drop down, run the project error has been fixed.
In my case the error triggered when Xcode could not find a file/folder from the external Framework and dependency. In such a case just pod update / pod install do the job.
Try removing inactive file(deleted file) from Build phases...
Based on #Mohammed Rizwan N answer
If error not gone, do the clean project and close Xcode. Then click right button on .xcodeproj/.xcworkspace file and choose appropriate Xcode version.
In my case, I tried to run a project in Xcode9/Swift4, while the project was written on Xcode8/Swift3
1.Go to build settings and check the path of the info.plist file and bridging header file.
2.If not sure they are correct , from the left side drag and drop the files into respective fields .This creates the path automatically .
Clean the project and build again .
I created 3 new groups and put my MainVC under one of those groups. After I deleted one of the new groups I created, the error went away after I cleaned my project.
Please update your entire log which suggests the error, mine is telling me I have duplicated classes in file
Try closing Xcode, cleaning the project and building again.
At first, cleaning wasn't enough. I had to actually close it and try again.
I faced this issue when I resolved git conflict for the project file, which was for adding and removing some files.
What I found out is Xcode creates the folder named folder named "Recovered References", just search this from bottom left search option from Xcode and delete it. After you delete it you will only get an error for missing files. Resolve that by adding files again by right-clicking and selecting add files option. Once you are done with it project compiles with no error.
Happened to me when I found two swift files with the same name within the project, even if the classes have different names.
In my case error came when I moved my bridging-Header.h file from one folder to another. and when I checked in Build Settings -> Objective-C Bridging Header it was showing old path. Then I moved that file back to previous folder.
My problem was that my machine was running out of available space. Restarting it cleaned up ~8GB of temporary files, but I guess you can also delete something instead.
This is mainly because xcode is not getting the exact path of any file or duplication of file name under linking area.
In my case I have added bridge header file under Resources file and added the path in
BuildSettings->Objective-C bridge header-> bridgehearfilename.h
You should specify the exact path of that file in this section.
eg: BuildSettings->Objective-C bridge header-> Projectfolder/Resources/bridgehearfilename.h
Correct your file paths in the build settings then Clean and build the project.
For me it was ,
Product > alt + Clean Build Folder
alt + Shift + Command + K
Do these 3 steps:
Clean Project: Shift+Command+K
Make sure low disk space shouldn't be on your mac
Focus on the upper lines of this error...Try reading them again...Paste those files that are missing or having some light icon in xcode project navigator and delete those files with light icon.
Hope you will fix the error.
I tried to run a project in Xcode12/Swift4, while the project was written on Xcode8/Swift3
so I install Xcode version 11.7 and run this work for me.

DropboxSDK.framework file not found after relaunching Xcode

I am using the DropboxSDK.framework in a project of mine.
I have everything setup and working fine. However, every time I quite Xcode and open it again at a later point I get the error below:
Which is weird because I can see that the framework is in the project and nothing (that I know of) has changed since the last time I had the project open and working.
The way I make the error go away is to:
Right click on the DropboxSDK.framework in my project --> Delete --> Remove Reference.
In my project's Build Settings under Search Paths I remove the path that is under Framework Search Paths (the highlighted selection in the image below).
Then I clean my project SHIFT + CMD + K
Lastly, I click File --> Add files to my project, navigate to the DropboxSDK.framework file which I previously removed reference to and add it back to my project.
Then I build my project again and the error goes away and will remain gone until I quite Xcode and open it again.
Has anyone else ever encountered this happening and fixed it?
Or have any suggestions I could try to fix it? I'm using Xcode V5.1.1
Let me know if there's anything I can clarify. Thank you!
Application_Folder is the name of the folder where your whole code other resources resides
Insert above line in Header Search Paths
I had a random thought sparked by Indrajeet's answer that solved my problem.
When a new project is created in Xcode a project folder is created. In that folder there is another folder with the same name as your project, a .xcodeproj file with your project's name and a yourProjectNameTests folder.
Visually like this.
Application_Name --> Application_Name
When I was having the error I described above the DropboxSDK.framework and it's accompanying files were stored here in this folder:
After removing all references to the DropboxSDK.framework in my project I decided to move the DropboxSDK.framwork and it's accompanying files one folder level up to the main Application_Name folder here:
Once I did this, I clicked File --> Add files to my project, navigated to the DropboxSDK.framework file, now one folder level up and added it to my project.
After building no error was thrown. I restarted Xcode and tried again to make sure; still no error. Rebooted my computer to be truly sure... still no error!
I was having the sane problem and just found the answer by chance!
It happens when you create your project name with SPACES between the letters. Somehow it makes XCode crazy when searching for the frameworks.
So if want to create a project called "This is My Project Name", call it "This_is_My_Project_Name" and the frameworks will be found every time. It worked with me.

fatal error: malformed or corrupted AST file - Xcode

I get this error when building my app in the latest version of Xcode:
fatal error: malformed or corrupted AST file: 'Unable to load module
file not found' note: after modifying system headers, please delete
the module cache at
1 error generated.
When I navigate to:
I can see that the directory 'XYZYIE6ZV0OP' doesn't exist.
Does anybody know how I can resolve this? I cannot delete anything at the directory as suggested in the 2nd part of the error message as that directory doesn't exist!
Had same problem. Clearing derived data folder solved the issue for me. In Xcode, go to Window->Organizer->Projects, select your project, and press the "Delete..." button next to "Derived data".
If this doesn't work, you can try to do a Product->Clean (Cmd+Shift+k).
Press Command + shift + k or clean the project and then run project...
In Xcode select Product-->Clean problem will be solved
By default Library folder is hidden in Mac. Best way to navigate to that folder is :
Open Finder
Select Go from menu -> Select "Go to folder"
Type : /Users/"your user name"/Library/Developer/xcode
This will open direct xcode folder inside hidden library folder.
Select "DerivedData" folder
Command + A, select all and delete them.
Open Simulator and "Reset Content and Settings".
Now run XCode again, all will fix.
I had the same issue, solved it by cleaning the project.
Product-> Clean
or press
In my case, I accidentally modified NSURLConnection.h. Xcode complained about cache at path
I finally found the steps to fix it:
Quit Xcode
Delete the upper "5.0.2-5A3005" at
When Xcode restarted, it regenerated that folder and everything in it.
I had the same issue ever since installing the latest SDK.
My solution was to delete the derived data and clean the project.
I got same error on executing xcodebuild command of Xcode6-beta5.app coexisting with Xcode.app (Xcode 5).
In this case I added -derivedDataPath to separate ModuleCache from the one for default Xcode.app.
xcodebuild -derivedDataPath ./build/Xcode6-beta5/DerivedData ....
This works for me.
I tried deleting derived data and Clean project several times and it doesn't work. The file in my warning is an old file I already deleted from Project Navigator and all the Build Settings. But it keeps showing up and gives me this error. The error only occurs on Simulator, but not on device. Which is really really weird. :/
For some reason, I switched branch to some other branch and switch back and it works again. If anyone even know how that could work please tell me :D
Simply clean remove the Derived Data and build folders. The problem shall be resolved.
In my case the SSD was broken.
You can verify the disk with apples Disk Utility
In my case I had a spaces in my plist file name.
I removed it, and changed Info.plist File key in target Build Settings
Refreash Safari browser, scroll down the page and you will see you "Click + button for add build ..." then add actual build, click Save and "Waiting for Review"
Cleaning the project and deleting the drive data didn't fix it for me. But what finally fixed it was changing the model of simulator that I used.
So first do a clean, then if you were running it on iPhone 5 simulator, run it on iPhone 5s simulator to fix the issue. basically, run it on any other simulator other than the one you were running.
(Credit to Hlung for his answer, I hope this one is a bit more clear)
If you have your project scheme set to "Wait for executable to be launched" this error might happen.
In that case, just changed your scheme from Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme...
In my case, I tried to archive a app in one project within a xcodeworkspace
close Xcode, the open the single target project, and clean an
Then, I do archive, it makes an iOS App archive.
I hope I can help someone.
Got this error while trying to build a third-party app for the first time. Adding foundation as a library fixed the issue for me.
I did Clean cached, Delete derived data, Manually delete the Module cache folders which found from the error logs, Restart xcode, Restart machine.
But non of them helped me.
But this steps help me to resolve the issues
Comment out all the #import line in [Name]-Prefix.pch files.
Build, as expected its pointing me to different errors.
Revert back the changes I have done in [Name]-Prefix.pch and Build, compilation succeeded.
This solution help me to resolve the issue.
if you can't find your "Derived data"
File -> Workspace settings
Click on the arrow icon next to your path
Remove "Derived data" folder
tried to re-install XCode which didnt resolve the issue, also created a new local user account & get the same error so in the end I gave up & restored to a time machine backup from a few days before... seems to be ok again... for now!

How do i fix this CopyPNG File error?

While reading /Users/user/Desktop/AppProject/PruebaApp/Logo Retina.png
pngcrush caught libpng error:
Read Er Could not find file:
emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate
Im getting these errors while archiving project, at the end it does archive but i want to get rid of it. I had trouble with the app before and i read that i should delete the DerivedData/(myproject)folder so i did. and apparently it is trying to look for the images in that folder how do i fix this??? Help!
Try first by Hard Cleaning your project CMD+OPTION+SHIFT+K, If problem exists apply following method,
Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources, Any fileName is red color?
Convert Logo Retina.png or Create it again, maybe it's an encoding\format issue.
Rename "Logo Retina.png" to "LogoRetina.png".
~Good luck~
It also happens when you have multiple images with the same name in TARGET->Build Phases->Copy Bundle Resources. To resolve it -
Search for the image name that you are getting an error for in Build
Phases search bar at the top.
If you get multiple results in Copy Bundle Resources for the search query, just remove others from it by clicking on "-" sign. Make sure you have same images for the multiple results. If not you have to rename the actual files of other entries.
Just compile your code. You are good to go.
Hope it works for you.
Just open image in Preview app and export it as png file. Replace old image with new in Xcode.
Honestly I have had this problem intermittantly many times and clean then rebuild has fixed it.
Since the answers here are either not useful at all or quite complicated I want to add mine:
The error means that Xcode can not find the file, whether it is in the project's folder or not.
If you still need that image, what you can do is to open a Finder view and navigate to your project. Drag the file Xcode was complaining about into the project an uncheck 'Copy to folder'.
if you do not need the file anymore, on the left side of Xcode, find the file, it will be shown in red, simply tap on it and then delete / backspace
Hope that helps some people :)
To solve the issue copy the Image name. Then Filter it (Build Phases -> Filter textfield). Finally I removed it.
Also check that you are not naming the images with only a number like "0.png" I change it to "tuts0.png" and it worked.
I just had this error and honestly I think it was being caused by another error. I had an issue with my Crashlytics framework and I'm convinced it was effect some unassociated pngs with the copypng error. I replaced the Crashlytics.framework with a fresh version and viola, all errors were gone.
Don't ask me how this works, I'm just posting this in case someone else can benefit from it.
I wasn't able to fix this problem. So i delete and reinstalled xcode, this helped for me.
Fixed it by reverting to my old product name (in "Build settings"). Seems that the new product name confused the images path.
I have the same issue with resources. The problem was that I have copied target from another one and just forget to uncheck checkbox at target membership window.
i face this problem and this solution is working form me
you need to remove any reference for that image
Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources
after that clean and build and problem will be fixed
I had accidentally deleted the file from the location which was linked to x-code project. I had not copied the file in my xcode project but just the path. Hope it helps someone.
I've had similar issues with pngcrush /libpng crashing with PNGs (checksum errors / freeing object that have been freed etc). These could be reproduced on the command line so I recreated the PNGs, even converted them to other formats then back but the errors persisted. In my case Xcode then rejected the resulting archive for not having iPhone 5 support (as pngcrush killed the Default-568h#2x.png image). The above fix resolved this.
For those who are struggling with this error while building Cordova app.
Please keep the following point in consideration as it may lead to this error.
The images should be tagged as "resource-file" and not as "source-file" in plugin.xml of your Cordova plugin as the former includes the images in "Copy Bundle Resources" (under Build Phase) and the latter to "Compile Sources" of your equivalent xcode project of cordova app.
If non of above answers can fix your problem, try look into Xcode project where you reference your image file, I happened to referenced twice to the same png file. Once I delete one the reference, it worked. The error went away. Good luck.
It also happens when you have multiple images with the same name in TARGET->Build Phases->Copy Bundle Resources. To resolve it -
Search for the image name that you are getting an error for in Build Phases search bar at the top.
If you get multiple results in Copy Bundle Resources for the search query, just remove others from it by clicking on "-" sign. Make sure you have same images for the multiple results. If not you have to rename the actual files of other entries.
clean cmd+option+shift+k and Build Project...
work well for me....
