Sidekiq terminated when high memory usage during generating watermark in server - ruby-on-rails

I'm using have a server which running on 4gb ram...
Each uploaded picture will be watermark, so i decided to put in background process. However, when there are a lot of requests of uploading pictures..the server will facing high memory issue, and the memory don't deallocate themselves.
My Questions:
- why sidekiq worker terminate?
- is rmagick memory leak?
- how to handle this situation?

You've provided nowhere near the amount of details needed for us to give you informed advice, but I'll try something general: How many Sidekiq workers are you running? Consider reducing the #, then queue up tons of request to simulate a heavy load; keep doing that until you have few enough workers that Sidekiq can comfortably handle the worst load. (Or until you confirm that the issue appears the same even when there's only 1 Sidekiq worker!)
Once you've done that, then you'll have a better feel for the contours of the problem: something that looks like an Rmagick memory leak issue when your server is overloaded, may look different (or give you more ideas on how to address it) when you reduce the workload.
Also take a look at this similar SO question about Rmagick and memory leaks; it might be worth forcing garbage collection to limit how much damage any given leak can cause.


Sidekiq does not release memory after job is processed

I have a ruby on rails app, where we validate records from huge excel files(200k records) in background via sidekiq. We also use docker and hence a separate container for sidekiq. When the sidekiq is up, memory used is approx 120Mb, but as the validation worker begins, the memory reaches upto 500Mb (that's after a lot of optimisation).
Issue is even after the job is processed, the memory usage stays at 500Mb and is never freed, not allowing any new jobs to be added.
I manually start garbage collection using GC.start after every 10k records and also after the job is complete, but still no help.
This is most likely not related to Sidekiq, but to how Ruby allocates from and releases memory back to the OS.
Most likely the memory can not be released because of fragmentation. Besides optimizing your program (process data chunkwise instead of reading it all into memory) you could try and tweak the allocator or change the allocator.
There has been a lot written about this specific issue with Ruby/Memory, I really like this post by Nate Berkopec: which goes into all the details.
The simple "solution" is:
Use jemalloc or, if not possible, set MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=2.
The more complex solution would be to try and optimize your program further, so that it does not load that much data in the first place.
I was able to cut memory usage in a project from 12GB to < 3GB by switching to jemalloc. That project dealt with a lot of imports/exports and was written quite poorly and it was an easy win.

DelayedJob doesn't release memory

I'm using Puma server and DelayedJob.
It seems that the memory taken by each job isn't released and I slowly get a bloat causing me to restart my dyno (Heroku).
Any reason why the dyno won't return to the same memory usage figure before the job was performed?
Any way to force releasing it? I tried calling GC but it doesn't seem to help.
You can have one of the following problems. Or actually all of them:
Number 1. This is not an actual problem, but a misconception about how Ruby releases memory to operating system. Short answer: it doesn't. Long answer: Ruby manages an internal list of free objects. Whenever your program needs to allocate new objects, it will get those objects from this free list. If there are no more objects there, Ruby will allocate new memory from operating system. When objects are garbage collected they go back to the free list. So Ruby still have the allocated memory. To illustrate it better, imagine that your program is normally using 100 MB. When at some point program will allocate 1 GB, it will hold this memory until you restart it.
There are some good resource to learn more about it here and here.
What you should do is to increase your dyno size and monitor your memory usage over time. It should stabilize at some level. This will show you your normal memory usage.
Number 2. You can have an actual memory leak. It can be in your code or in some gem. Check out this repository, it contains information about well known memory leaks and other memory issues in popular gems. delayed_job is actually listed there.
Number 3. You may have unoptimized code that is using more memory than needed and you should try to investigate memory usage and try to decrease it. If you are processing large files, maybe you should do it in smaller batches etc.

Can a Memcached daemon ever free() unused memory, without terminating the process?

I believe that you can't force a running Memcached instance to de-allocate memory, short of terminating that Memcached instance (and freeing all of the memory it held). Does anyone know of a definitive piece of documentation, or even a mailing list or blog posting from a reliable source, that can confirm or deny this impression?
As I understand it, a Memcached process initially allocates a chunk of memory (the exact initial allocation size is configurable), and then monotonically increases its memory utilization over its lifetime, limited by the daemon's maximum memory allocation size (also configurable). At no point does the Memcached daemon ever free any memory, regardless of whether the daemon has any ongoing need for the memory it holds.
I know that this question might sound a little whiny, with a tone of "I DEMAND that open source project X support my specific need!" That's not it, at all--I'm purely interested in the exact technical answer, here, and I swear I'm not harshing on Memcached. For the curious, this question came out of a discussion about possible methods for gracefully juggling multiple Memcached instances on a single server, given an application where the cost of a cache flush can be quite high.
However, I'd appreciate it if you save your application suggestions/advice for a different question (re-architecting my application, using a different caching implementation, etc.). I do appreciate a good brainstorm, but I think this question will be most valuable if it stays focused on the technical specifics of how Memcached does and does not work. If you don't have the answer to this specific question, there is probably still value in what you have to say, but I'd guess that there's a different, better place to post the more speculative comments/suggestions/advice.
This is probably the hardest problem we have to solve for memcached currently (well, a variation of it, anyway).
Freeing a chunk of memory requires us to know that a) nothing within the chunk is in use and b) nothing will start using it while we're in the process of purging it for reuse/freeing. I've heard some really good ideas for how we might solve our slab rebalancing problems which is basically the same, except we're not trying to free the memory, but to give it to something else (a common problem in a few large installations).
Also, whether free actually reduces the RSS of your process is implementation dependent. In many cases, a malloc/fill/free will leave the memory mapped in (unless your allocator uses mmap instead of sbrk).
I'm pretty sure this isn't possible with memcached. I don't see any technical reason why it couldn't be implemented though. Lock cache operations, expire enough keys to reach the desired size, update the size, unlock. (I'm sure there's nicer ways to avoid blocking the server during that time.)
The standard and default mechanism of memory management in memcached is slab allocator. It means that memory is being allocated for the process and never released to the operating system. Basically, when memory is no longer used to store some data, it is being held by the process in order to be reused later, when needed. However, the operating system releases memory allocated by the process when it is finished. That is why memory is being released when you kill/stop the memcached.
There is a compile-time option in memcached to enable malloc/free mechanism. So that when free() is called, memory might be released to operating system (this depends on C standard library implementation). But doing so might hurt a good fragmentation and performance.
Please read more about the issue here:
Why not use malloc/free
Memcached memory management

cooperative memory usage across threads?

I have an application that has multiple threads processing work from a todo queue. I have no influence over what gets into the queue and in what order (it is fed externally by the user). A single work item from the queue may take anywhere between a couple of seconds to several hours of runtime and should not be interrupted while processing. Also, a single work item may consume between a couple of megabytes to around 2GBs of memory. The memory consumption is my problem. I'm running as a 64bit process on a 8GB machine with 8 parallel threads. If each of them hits a worst case work item at the same time I run out of memory. I'm wondering about the best way to work around this.
plan conservatively and run 4 threads only. The worst case shouldn't be a problem anymore, but we waste a lot of parallelism, making the average case a lot slower.
make each thread check available memory (or rather total allocated memory by all threads) before starting with a new item. Only start when more than 2GB memory are left. Recheck periodically, hoping that other threads will finish their memory hogs and we may start eventually.
try to predict how much memory items from the queue will need (hard) and plan accordingly. We could reorder the queue (overriding user choice) or simply adjust the number of running worker threads.
more ideas?
I'm currently tending towards number 2 because it seems simple to implement and solve most cases. However, I'm still wondering what standard ways of handling situations like this exist? The operating system must do something very similar on a process level after all...
So your current worst-case memory usage is 16GB. With only 8GB of RAM, you'd be lucky to have 6 or 7GB left after the OS and system processes take their share. So on average you're already going to be thrashing memory on a moderately loaded system. How many cores does the machine have? Do you have 8 worker threads because it is an 8-core machine?
Basically you can either reduce memory consumption, or increase available memory. Your option 1, running only 4 threads, under-utilitises the CPU resources, which could halve your throughput - definitely sub-optimal.
Option 2 is possible, but risky. Memory management is very complex, and querying for available memory is no guarantee that you will be able to go ahead and allocate that amount (without causing paging). A burst of disk I/O could cause the system to increase the cache size, a background process could start up and swap in its working set, and any number of other factors. For these reasons, the smaller the available memory, the less you can rely on it. Also, over time memory fragmentation can cause problems too.
Option 3 is interesting, but could easily lead to under-loading the CPU. If you have a run of jobs that have high memory requirements, you could end up running only a few threads, and be in the same situation as option 1, where you are under-loading the cores.
So taking the "reduce consumption" strategy, do you actually need to have the entire data set in memory at once? Depending on the algorithm and the data access pattern (eg. random versus sequential) you could progressively load the data. More esoteric approaches might involve compression, depending on your data and the algorithm (but really, it's probably a waste of effort).
Then there's "increase available memory". In terms of price/performance, you should seriously consider simply purchasing more RAM. Sometimes, investing in more hardware is cheaper than the development time to achieve the same end result. For example, you could put in 32GB of RAM for a few hundred dollars, and this would immediately improve performance without adding any complexity to the solution. With the performance pressure off, you could profile the application to see just where you can make the software more efficient.
I have continued the discussion on Herb Sutter's blog and provoced some very helpful reader comments. Head over to Sutter's Mill if you are interested.
Thanks for all the suggestions so far!
Difficult to propose solutions without knowing exactly what you're doing, but how about considering:
See if your processing algorithm can access the data in smaller sections without loading the whole work item into memory.
Consider developing a service-based solution so that the work is carried out by another process (possibly a web service). This way you could scale the solution to run over multiple servers, perhaps using a load balancer to distribute the work.
Are you persisting the incoming work items to disk before processing them? If not, they probably should be anyway, particularly if it may be some time before the processor gets to them.
Is the memory usage proportional to the size of the incoming work item, or otherwise easy to calculate? Knowing this would help to decide how to schedule processing.
Hope that helps?!

Ejabberd Memory Consumption (or Leak?)

I'm using ejabberd + mochiweb on our server. The longer I keep ejabberd and mochiweb running, the more memory is consumed (last night it was consuming 35% of memory. right now it's a bit above 50%). I thought this was just a mnesia garbage collection issue - so I installed Erlang R13B3 and restarted ejabberd. This didn't fix it though.
So I'm noticing now that at a bit above 50% of full memory consumption, it looks like ejabberd's starting to "let go" of memory and stay at around 50%. Is this normal? Is ~50% a threshold for ejabberd, so that when it reaches it it says, "hey time to actually let some memory go..." and maybe it keeps the rest around for quick access (like caching mnesia?)
I appreciate any input. Thanks!
Run erlang:memory(). in your shell every now and then. You can also give erlang:system_info(Type). with allocated_areas and allocator a try.
These should give you a hint on what kind of memory is leaking.
You can also setup memsup to warn you about processes allocating too much memory.
Turns out, there is no memory leak (yay!) Ejabberd is taking up only < 40MB. Finally I saw the light when I saw the Usage Graphs on EngineYard - only 288MB is actually being used, 550MB is being buffered, and 175MB is being cached. My ejabberd server an update every 2.5 seconds from each client so that may explain why so much is being buffered/cached.
Thanks for all of your help.
Newly created atoms in erlang processes get never garbage collected. This might be an issue when processes are registered by an algorith that creates atom names from random eg. randomly created strings.
