MaterializeCss not working on ios - ios

I have a website built with materializecss. Its working flawless on windows or android platforms but its not working properly on ios. Does anyone know about this problem?
I mean by not working is not having pictures loaded and all tabs opened one under another etc.

You can try this sites written on materializecss framework.
All sites work great on my Iphone 5s (safari)

What do you mean by "all tabs opened under one another". Could you paste your code? We've managed to make it work great on


Adobe AIR - My Mobile Services Don't Work

I am really close to being done with my app. The layout is finally correct and scaling properly. The only problem I have now is with my services. When I click on the button that is supposed to load data from my database, nothing happens. I set the endpoints of the services to point to my database on my website. The app works in the simulator, but on my iPad, I get nothing. So I have a couple of questions. Does the .ipa file that you upload to an iPad contain all the folder structure for your services? Is there a descriptor setting that needs to be set to make sure that you have internet access on the device?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. The desktop version works, and it works in the mobile simulator, but not on the iPad??? I don't even know where to start with the debugging so any thoughts at all are greatly appreciated.
See this answer about NSTransportSecurity

Strange behavior with hyperlink on iPad only

My first post/question. Hope I don't stomp on any rules!
I have a site (mainly html5) with the same 9 "navigation" links on every page. They work exactly as expected in Safari, FF, Chrome on my desktop Mac. They also work correctly on my iPhone 5. However, while they all work, as far as taking the viewer from one page to another, on my iPad (2?), all but one have to be tapped/clicked on twice before they work. The exception is the "Forecast" page which works exactly like it should (single tap/click). I have checked all the pages with BBEdit's syntax checker and its "Compare..." function. I have also used the nu HTML validation service. None of these systems can explain why only one link works correctly on the iPad.
If you have an iPad, you can see what is happening better than I can explain it.
Thanks for any help or insight. I've found nothing from interweb searches.
Clearing the iPad's Safari cache did not help, but I discovered, however, that the iPhone and iPad are sharing bookmarks or history! I'll clear things on the iPhone and try again.
No change, even after turning OFF Safari on both the iPad and iPhone iCloud list.
I suspect it is either the older iPad hardware or the CSS menu building 'code'. I found the same problem in an older site where I used the same CSS for a multi-level menu. The same two-tap requirement occurs at the lower/final link, but, again, only with my iPad. Oh well, thanks for testing/reading!

IBM Worklight 5 - iOS app shows white screen on second launch

I'm having a problem with a hybrid app for iOS which I have written using Worklight 5. The problem is that the application only runs properly the first time it is launched, and after being closed in multi-tasking and relaunched, the app will not open properly and instead displays a white screen. The only way to get the application to run again is to delete it from the device completely and then re-install it.
This behaviour is the same in the iPad simulator and on a physical iPad.
I don't have any code to provide as all of the Objective-C is generated by Worklight and all I have written is the HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript and I think that's unlikely to be affecting it. Has anybody else experienced this issue and if so is there a way to resolve this problem? Thanks.
Actually the behavior sounds to me much more inline with changing the name of the HTML file itself and in application-descriptor.xml's mainFile element. Have you touched these? If yes, then you also need to change the name of the application's folder.
Here's something to try:
Open cordova.js inside the Xcode project.
Replace:'HEAD', "/!gap_exec", true);
With'HEAD', "/!gap_exec?" + +new Date, true);.
It's from a fix that was applied to Cordova 2.4. It adds a timestamp to the query param to prevent caching.
No idea if that will help, it sounds vaguely familiar to an issue I ran into.

webpage blank on ios devices

I've got a simple wordpress site that's not showing up on ios devices. I've checked everything I know to check... nothing. After a long talk with the hosting IT support, we figured out that the problem was somewhere in the theme (custom made by myself, using the underscore_s blank wordpress starter theme), which is developed and maintained by the wordpress creators themselves. But I haven't been able to find where the problem is coming from in the theme.
Here's' the development site:
Thanks in advance for any insights... i'm out of places to check!
Your error inside style.css file:
search for the following line and remove display:table:
that working on safari for iOS device and also safari for desktop.

Using HTML5 cache manifest with Phonegap on iOS

I've been trying for a while to make my HTML5 cache manifest work with phonegap on iOS devices, but I can't get it working (it does work with the pure web version of the app though).
Has anyone have used it successfully?
(I've only founded two people saying that it has worked (1, 2), but I'm searching for more feedback)
Try having a look at this article
I haven't worked in iOS myself but by the sound of it, as long you have correctly setup your cache spec, it should just work on iOS. Only Android needs a little extra work.
