I have form, that creates some objects in batch. For my flow i have to either save them all at once, or not save at all. Problem is - when I do my validations, they are not failing, since each object, validates according to current records in db(i have uniqueness validation), but i also need to validate current object to each of my unsaved objects. Small example
class User
#field: email
In my form object i have an array of users. And in loop i do
#users.each do |user|
valid_users << user if user.valid? #and this is where i need to validate `user` within not just DB, but within #users aswell
How do i achieve this?
You first need to check if all the unsaved object pass the validation test or not, if yes, to do that you can do this instead for the unique field email
if #users.map { |user| user.email.downcase }.uniq.length == #users.size
#users.each do |user|
valid_users << user if user.valid?
# Error: Emails of the users must be unique
Hope this helps!
You can wrap them in a transaction which will roll back the entire batch if one fails.
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
Why not just check the user.valid? that validates the DB records and then manually check the #users and only save if it's not a duplicate.
#users.each do |user|
#the following would check for identical objects in #users, but that may not be what you want
valid_users << user if user.valid? and #users.count(user)<2
#this would check only the required field on the array
valid_users << user if user.valid? and #users.map(&:email).count(user.email)<2
One way to do this, can be using all?:
if #users.all?{|u| u.valid? } # true, only when all users are validated
# save all users
# redirect/render with error message.
I have a class called CachedObject that stores generic serialized objects indexed by a key. I want this class to implement a create_or_update method. If an object is found it will update it, otherwise it will create a new one.
Is there a way to do this in Rails or do I have to write my own method?
Rails 6
Rails 6 added an upsert and upsert_all methods that deliver this functionality.
Model.upsert(column_name: value)
[upsert] It does not instantiate any models nor does it trigger Active Record callbacks or validations.
Rails 5, 4, and 3
Not if you are looking for an "upsert" (where the database executes an update or an insert statement in the same operation) type of statement. Out of the box, Rails and ActiveRecord have no such feature. You can use the upsert gem, however.
Otherwise, you can use: find_or_initialize_by or find_or_create_by, which offer similar functionality, albeit at the cost of an additional database hit, which, in most cases, is hardly an issue at all. So unless you have serious performance concerns, I would not use the gem.
For example, if no user is found with the name "Roger", a new user instance is instantiated with its name set to "Roger".
user = User.where(name: "Roger").first_or_initialize
user.email = "email#example.com"
Alternatively, you can use find_or_initialize_by.
user = User.find_or_initialize_by(name: "Roger")
In Rails 3.
user = User.find_or_initialize_by_name("Roger")
user.email = "email#example.com"
You can use a block, but the block only runs if the record is new.
User.where(name: "Roger").first_or_initialize do |user|
# this won't run if a user with name "Roger" is found
User.find_or_initialize_by(name: "Roger") do |user|
# this also won't run if a user with name "Roger" is found
If you want to use a block regardless of the record's persistence, use tap on the result:
User.where(name: "Roger").first_or_initialize.tap do |user|
user.email = "email#example.com"
In Rails 4 you can add to a specific model:
def self.update_or_create(attributes)
def self.assign_or_new(attributes)
obj = first || new
and use it like
User.where(email: "a#b.com").update_or_create(name: "Mr A Bbb")
Or if you'd prefer to add these methods to all models put in an initializer:
module ActiveRecordExtras
module Relation
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
def update_or_create(attributes)
def update_or_create!(attributes)
def assign_or_new(attributes)
obj = first || new
ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, ActiveRecordExtras::Relation
The magic you have been looking for has been added in Rails 6
Now you can upsert (update or insert).
For single record use:
Model.upsert(column_name: value)
For multiple records use upsert_all :
Model.upsert_all(column_name: value, unique_by: :column_name)
Both methods do not trigger Active Record callbacks or validations
unique_by => PostgreSQL and SQLite only
Add this to your model:
def self.update_or_create_by(args, attributes)
obj = self.find_or_create_by(args)
return obj
With that, you can:
User.update_or_create_by({name: 'Joe'}, attributes)
Old question but throwing my solution into the ring for completeness.
I needed this when I needed a specific find but a different create if it doesn't exist.
def self.find_by_or_create_with(args, attributes) # READ CAREFULLY! args for finding, attributes for creating!
obj = self.find_or_initialize_by(args)
return obj if obj.persisted?
return obj if obj.update_attributes(attributes)
By chaining find_or_initialize_by and update, this can be achieved in a simple way which avoids the (in my experience, often) unwanted caveats of upsert, and also minimises database calls.
For example:
key: "foo",
new_attribute: "bar",
will return you newly created or updated object.
It is worth noting that if your find_or_initialize_by attributes match multiple Class instances, only the 'first' one will be selected and updated.
You can do it in one statement like this:
CachedObject.where(key: "the given key").first_or_create! do |cached|
cached.attribute1 = 'attribute value'
cached.attribute2 = 'attribute value'
The sequel gem adds an update_or_create method which seems to do what you're looking for.
My client wants all user data encrypted, so I've created a before_save and after_find call back that will encrypt certain properties using Gibberish:
# user.rb
before_save UserEncryptor.new
after_find UserEncryptor.new
# user_encryptor.rb
class UserEncryptor
def initialize
#cipher = Gibberish::AES.new("password")
def before_save(user)
user.first_name = encrypt(user.first_name)
user.last_name = encrypt(user.last_name)
user.email = encrypt(user.email) unless not user.confirmed? or user.unconfirmed_email
def after_find(user)
user.first_name = decrypt(user.first_name)
user.last_name = decrypt(user.last_name)
user.email = decrypt(user.email) unless not user.confirmed? or user.unconfirmed_email
def encrypt(value)
def decrypt(value)
Well, when the user first signs up using Devise, the model looks about like it should. But then once the user confirms, if I inspect the user, the first_name and last_name properties look to have been encrypted multiple times. So I put a breakpoint in the before_save method and click the confirmation link, and I see that it's getting executed three times in a row. The result is that the encrypted value gets encrypted again, and then again, so next time we retrieve the record, and every time thereafter, we get a twice encrypted value.
Now, why the heck is this happening? It's not occurring for other non-devise models that are executing the same logic. Does Devise have the current_user cached in a few different places, and it saves the user in each location? How else could a before_save callback be called 3 times before the next before_find is executed?
And, more importantly, how can I successfully encrypt my user data when I'm using Devise? I've also had problems with attr_encrypted and devise_aes_encryptable so if I get a lot of those suggestions then I guess I have some more questions to post :-)
I solved my problem with the help of a coworker.
For encrypting the first and last name, it was sufficient to add a flag to the model indicating whether or not it's been encrypted. That way, if multiple saves occur, the model knows it's already encrypted and can skip that step:
def before_update(user)
unless user.encrypted
user.first_name = encrypt(user.first_name)
user.last_name = encrypt(user.last_name)
user.encrypted = true
def after_find(user)
if user.encrypted
user.first_name = decrypt(user.first_name)
user.last_name = decrypt(user.last_name)
user.encrypted = false
For the email address, this was not sufficient. Devise was doing some really weird stuff with resetting cached values, so the email address was still getting double encrypted. So instead of hooking into the callbacks to encrypt the email address, we overrode some methods on the user model:
def email_before_type_cast
super.present? ? AES.decrypt(super, KEY) : ""
def email
return "" unless self[:email]
#email ||= AES.decrypt(self[:email], KEY)
def email=(provided_email)
self[:email] = encrypted_email(provided_email)
#email = provided_email
def self.find_for_authentication(conditions={})
conditions[:email] = encrypted_email(conditions[:email])
def self.find_or_initialize_with_errors(required_attributes, attributes, error=:invalid)
attributes[:email] = encrypted_email(attributes[:email]) if attributes[:email]
def self.encrypted_email decrypted_email
AES.encrypt(decrypted_email, KEY, {:iv => IV})
This got us most of the way there. However, my Devise models are reconfirmable, so when I changed a user's email address and tried to save, the reconfirmable module encountered something funky, the record got saved like a hundred times or so, and then I got a stack overflow and a rollback. We found that we needed to override one more method on the user model to do the trick:
def email_was
super.present? ? AES.decrypt(super, KEY) : ""
Now all of our personally identifiable information is encrypted! Yay!
I have the following code block:
unless User.exist?(...)
user = User.new(...)
# Set more attributes of user
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique => e
# Check if that user was created in the meantime
user = User.exists?(...)
raise e if user.nil?
The reason is, as you can probably guess, that multiple processes might call this method at the same time to create the user (if it doesn't already exist), so while the first one enters the block and starts initializing a new user, setting the attributes and finally calling save!, the user might already be created.
In that case I want to check again if the user exists and only raise the exception if it still doesn't (= if no other process has created it in the meantime).
The problem is, that regularly ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exceptions are raised from the save! and not rescued from the rescue block.
Any ideas?
Alright, this is weird. I must be missing something. I refactored the code according to Simone's tip to look like this:
unless User.find_by_email(...).present?
# Here we know the user does not exist yet
user = User.new(...)
# Set more attributes of user
unless user.save
# User could not be saved for some reason, maybe created by another request?
raise StandardError, "Could not create user for order #{self.id}." unless User.exists?(:email => ...)
Now I got the following exception:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: Mysql::DupEntry: Duplicate entry 'foo#bar.com' for key 'index_users_on_email': INSERT INTO `users` ...
thrown in the line where it says 'unless user.save'.
How can that be? Rails thinks the user can be created because the email is unique but then the Mysql unique index prevents the insert? How likely is that? And how can it be avoided?
In this case, you might want to use a migration to create an unique index on a user table key, so that the database will raise an error.
Also, don't forget to add a validates_uniqueness_of validation in your user model.
The validation doesn't always prevent duplicate data (there's a really minimum chance that two concurrent requests are written at the same millisecond).
If you use the validates_uniqueness_of in combination with an index, you don't need all that code.
unless User.exist?(...)
user = User.new(...)
# Set more attributes of user
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique => e
# Check if that user was created in the meantime
user = User.exists?(...)
raise e if user.nil?
user = User.new(...)
# Set more attributes of user
if user.save
# saved
# user.errors will return
# the list of errors
Rails validations aren't able to detect race conditions in the database; the solution we use is to also add database constraints.
Here's our brief page of links about this: Rails ActiveRecord Validations: validates_uniqueness_of races
Have SubscriberList
When an order is placed I want to check if New User's email is all ready in our subscribers list.
If not, then add them. Problem is it adds them no matter what. Guess it's not performing check correctly.
Currently in my orders_controller I have
unless logged_in?
And in my Order.rb I have
def subscribe_after_purchase(email)
unless SubscriberList.exists?(email)
SubscriberList.create(:email => email)
Try using:
unless SubscriberList.exists?(:email => email)
SubscriberList.create(:email => email)
When you just pass the email address to the exists? method then ActiveRecord will interpret it as a primary key. Alternatively, you can use:
—which will have the same effect as your unless block; creating the record unless it already exists.
exists? API documentation
I'm having a problem with validation in my RoR Model:
def save
self.accessed = Time.now.to_s
self.modified = accessed
def validate_username
if User.find(:first, :select => :id, :conditions => ["userid = '#{self.userid}'"])
self.errors.add(:userid, "already exists")
As you can see, I've replaced the Model's save method with my own, calling validate_username before I call the parent .save method. My Problem is, that, even though the error is being added, Rails still tries to insert the new row into the database, even if the user name is a duplicate. What am I doing wrong here?
PS: I'm not using validate_uniqueness_of because of the following issue with case sensitivity: https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994/tickets/2503-validates_uniqueness_of-is-horribly-inefficient-in-mysql
Update: I tried weppos solution, and it works, but not quite as I'd like it to. Now, the field gets marked as incorrect, but only if all other fields are correct. What I mean is, if I enter a wrong E-Mail address for example, the email field is marked es faulty, the userid field is not. When I submit a correct email address then, the userid fields gets marked as incorrect. Hope you guys understand what I mean :D
Update2: The data should be validated in a way, that it should not be possible to insert duplicate user ids into the database, case insensitive. The user ids have the format "user-domain", eg. "test-something.net". Unfortunately, validates_uniqueness_of :userid does not work, it tries to insert "test-something.net" into the database even though there already is an "Test-something.net". validate_username was supposed to be my (quick) workaround for this problem, but it didn't work. weppos solution did work, but not quite as I want it to (as explained in my first update).
Haven't figured this out yet... anyone?
Best regards,
Why don't you use a callback and leave the save method untouched?
Also, avoid direct SQL value interpolation.
class ... < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :set_defaults
before_create :validate_username
def set_defaults
self.accessed = Time.now.to_s
self.modified = accessed
def validate_username
errors.add(:userid, "already exists") if User.exists?(:userid => self.userid)
How about calling super only if validate_username returns true or something similar?
def save
self.accessed = Time.now.to_s
self.modified = accessed
super if validate_username
def validate_username
if User.find(:first, :select => :id, :conditions => ["userid = '#{self.userid}'"])
self.errors.add(:userid, "already exists")
return false
... I think that you could also remove totally the super call. Not sure, but you could test it out.