Making UIContainerView as wide as device screen - ios

I can't seem to correctly reason about this problem so I was hoping someone could give me some tips to guide me along.
So I have 4 UIContainerView's WITHIN a UIScrollView.
As the User swipes, the Containers display 4 individual UIViewControllers.
What I want is, through autolayout, to specify that each UIContainerView must take up the device screen's width. So as a user scrolls, one UIViewController is shown at a time on the entire screen
The problems I am running into:
1. Can't make a IBOutlet from UIContainerView .. not sure why
2. No way in autolayout to specify "device screen width" within a UIScrollView
Any help would be appreciated!

Your UIScrollView must be contained inside a UIViewController nib. Make constraints from your container view for equal widths to your view controller's view in Interface builder, and then place all container views next to each other using AL.


UIViewController subviews added in interface builder not showing up

Ok so basically I just used the interface builder with auto layout to add some subviews and constraints to my UIViewController. My app is supposed to segue to this view when the user wants to take a photo. I laid out a few camera buttons on a black, square UIView that will serve as the camera view once I have programmed it. Since I wanted to make the camera view a square, I also had some extra space where I just made a label that says "Take a photo!" This is how the interface builder for this view controller looks:
And this is how the same view looks when I run the app:
I'm guessing it's something simple that I'm missing that's causing this problem but I will be grateful to anyone who can help me!
When you are using autoLayout you should set all needed constraint to the view. Otherwise it is an ambiguous layout problem, and the system is not knowing where to set your view
If you want the height to be the same like the width set the aspect ratio constraint to your view
And be sure that the multiplier of constraint is 1
Bring that subview to front, putting all other views to its back
try it will work
parentView.bringSubview(toFront: childView)
This method can also be used to bring any subview to the front, even if you're not sure where it is:
childView.superview.bringSubview(toFront: childView)

AutoLayout Not Working For 5.5" iPhone

In my app, I have a screen that needs privacy, so when you first open it, it will check if you have logged in with the password. If not, it adds another view on top of the SuperView until that password is entered. I use XIB file for this. The main View of the screen is a tableview, and I drug on another UIView to use as the Password screen. However, despite AutoLayout, the Password view is only taking up the dimensions of 4.7" phone, meaning you can see behind it on the edges. I made sure AutoLayout is enabled, and on the background image, which is the gradient, I added 4 constraints, one for each side, set to 0, so that it would always cover the view behind it, and then set the UILabel to be aligned horizontally in container. What am I doing wrong? This works PERFECTLY in a different view and XIB within the same app, and I even copied the view straight over, but it is still messing up on this one class.
Code to load this is (password is the UIView declared in the header as IBOutlet UIView *password:
[self.navigationController.view addSubview:password];
The correct solution is to use a view controller to manage the curtain view, and either push that view controller onto the navigation controller's stack, or present it from the navigation controller or the tab bar controller.
There may be 2 possible reason
you may not applied constraint on your xib.
you have applied constraint on it but when you are initialising your xib you are providing fix frame.
it would better if your share your code how you are doing it ?

scale subviews to fit inside uiview

What I'm trying to do is very simple...i think. I want to make sure all the subviews within a view in my view controller are scaled to fit. Inside it.
My view controller has a menuview (subclass of uiview). Within that there are uiimage views, labels, and a button. The MenuView class I created has a nib file with a uiimage view that I want to scale to the size of the menuview depending on the device used. I'm not sure if the menuview is not staying constrained to the screen or if the uiiimage isn't, but when i run my program the menu runs off the screen.
- Can I force this (uiview and/or uiimageview) to stay on the screen using storyboard (programmatically is ok, but would prefer to try with storyboard)?
If anyone can point me to a good introduction to auto layout view and understanding the mainstoryboard that'd also be appreciate because it's insanely frustrating.
Screenshot: in the image below you can see I have a letter image that I want within the limits of the screen.

Mass auto layout option for 40 viewcontrollers?

I designed about 40 view controllers using a 5.5 inch storyboard layout. After all of that I tested it on the iPhone 4S...big mistake. everything is jumbled together being for a larger screen size. I was able to fix one view controller up using Size Classes. I am wondering if there is any way I can adjust all 40 at the same time, or at least avoid doing this for every single one. It is really frustrating finding this out now. Thanks!
This is a relatively complicated issue you are attempting to solve, but I have two potential solutions. Both suggestions are based on moving your current interface into containing UIScrollView instances
If you are using storyboards, then for each of your view controller scenes, put a UIScrollView as a descendent of the view controller's view. From there, provided your subviews are contained within other views (like a container view for a set of buttons), you can move those into your scroll view. You will have to setup constraints to define the size of the scroll view's content, but this will allow the size of the device to have a smaller impact on the interface as you will get scrolling as needed.
If you are using nib files (.xib) then it is essentially the same thing, but easier. In this case, move a UIScrollView onto the canvas, but not as a subview of the default view. Once that is out there, move the original view to be a subview of the scroll view and set constraints to be 0 from the subview to the scroll view. Finally, right click drag from the File's Owner icon to the scroll view and set that as the view outlet.
Hopefully one of these will help you.

Using UIScrollview in iphone5 compatible app

I have a problem adapting my apps to the new iphone5 layout, I've made the following passes:
Added a retina 4" splash image
Modified the interface in my storyboard with "Size inspector" to change the anchoring of the widgets
Tested the app with iOS6 "retina 4" simulator.
The app works as expected except when the user pop up the keyboard to edit a text, I use the "stretching scrollview" method for this particular situation and this seems not compatibile with the "autosizing" properties of my widgets, here is an example, from iOS6 simulator, without and with keyboard:
And here is what happens:
I'm quite sure this is a coherent behaviour since my main view is stretched so the other items inside it are stretched following their anchoring, the fact is that I'd like to have the same behaviour of my previous fixed position (all widgets anchored to the top left corner) with the iphone5 gui expansion, is this possibile?
How do you solve the problem of showing a keyboard and scroll hidden content in an iphone 5 compatible way?
I have been having similar problems. From what I have found thus far, we may need to remove all constraints on the view within the scrollable view, because it appears that it's contents are being resized along with the frame of the scrollView. I know that setting the internal view's frame manually in viewWillAppear will work, but then you are stuck having a view that is the same size for both iPhone4 and iPhone5 (albeit it will scroll). Or you could "pin height and pin width" of the internalView right there in storyboard.
Two potential approaches that may work. Sorry I can't confirm these as I'm giving up and redesigning around this problem.
1. Programmatically add constraints to your internal view's subviews. The programmatic constraints will allow you to "spring" the distance between your elements proportionally. When adding constraints programmatically, you are given access to a factor called "multiplier" (not to be confused with priority), which I saw someone else on stackoverflow posting about.
2. You can design the internalView in Interface Builder as a separate viewController with it's .xib file, and then use storyboard to load it as an embedded viewController to a "containerView" object, which you would put in place as the new "internal view" of the scrollView. Perhaps then the .xib would first resize to the correct iOS device, and then you could use its frame to resize the containerView.
My advice is create a small test-case of these before implementing, else you end up like me, having spent hours down the wrong path and facing a dead-end.
UPDATE 12/4/12
Make your life easier by NOT setting the ScrollView as the main view of the ViewController.
--Instead, make ViewController.view a dummy/blank view, and embed a scrollView inside that view. Then, embed another view (my CustomView) in the ScrollView. CustomView contains all the visible controls and text boxes and buttons. There is NO HEIGHT CONSTRAINT on CustomView.
