Custom user location dot in Google maps for iOS (GMSMapview) - ios

Is there an official way to set a custom user location dot in Google maps for iOS (GMSMapView)?
Is there a known way to "hack" it? Like iterating through all subviews and layers and fish the blue dot?
Even if you can't customise its appearance, can you control its z order index? When you have many markers, the little blue dot becomes hidden, and sometimes you want it to be visible at all times.

You can try to find the image on:
GoogleMaps.framework > Resources > GoogleMaps.bundle
GoogleMaps.framework > Resources > GoogleMaps.bundle > GMSCoreResources.bundle
I did a quick search on those and the only associated file I found with that blue dot is GMSSprites-0-1x.
Please read the google maps terms and conditions because this might not be legal.

You can set the maps myLocationEnabled to NO. That will hide the default location dot. Then use an instance of CLLocationManager to give you your position. Inside CLLocationManager didUpdateLocations method you can set a custom GMSMarker. Set its icon property to whatever you want your dot to look like using [UIImage imageNamed:]. This will allow you to achieve the desired effect.

Swift 4
Disable the default Google Map current location marker (it's disabled by default):
mapView.isMyLocationEnabled = false
Create a marker as an instance property of the view controller (because a delegate will need access to this):
let currentLocationMarker = GMSMarker()
The GMSMarker initializer allows for a UIImage or a UIView as a custom graphic, not a UIImageView unfortunately. If you want more control over the graphic, use a UIView. In your loadView or viewDidLoad (wherever you configured the map), configure the marker and add it to the map:
// configure custom view
let currentLocationMarkerView = UIView()
currentLocationMarkerView.frame.size = CGSize(width: 40, height: 40)
currentLocationMarkerView.layer.cornerRadius = 40 / 4
currentLocationMarkerView.clipsToBounds = true
let currentLocationMarkerImageView = UIImageView(frame: currentLocationMarkerView.bounds)
currentLocationMarkerImageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
currentLocationMarkerImageView.image = UIImage(named: "masterAvatar")
// add custom view to marker
currentLocationMarker.iconView = currentLocationMarkerView
// add marker to map = mapView
All that remains is giving the marker a coordinate (initially and every time the user's location changes), which you do through the CLLocationManagerDelegate delegate.
extension MapViewController: CLLocationManagerDelegate {
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
let lastLocation = locations.last!
// update current location marker
currentLocationMarker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: lastLocation.coordinate.latitude, longitude: lastLocation.coordinate.longitude)
The first few locations that the location manager produces may not be very accurate (although sometimes it is), so expect your custom marker to jump around a bit at first. You can wait until the location manager has gathered a few coordinates before applying it to your custom marker by waiting until locations.count > someNumber but I don't find this approach very attractive.


How do i restrict panning and restrict zooming out of a certain area of apple maps in MapKit?

I am currently making an app with a map that should focus on a certain location only. I would like the user to not be able to zoom out or pan out of this area so they can keep their focus on the image overlay that i have put over this area.
In order to get the app to start off from the location that i want and not some random map, I used a tutorial from Ray Wenderlich:
How would I acoomplish my task based on the code that is written in the tutorial above? I have completed the tutorial, so I am looking for help in adding any code and identifying where and what kind of code to put.
I found other tutorials on this topic unhelpful because they were for other map types like Google maps or MapBox. The apple website about MapKit and MaximumZ does not help me very much either.
I am a beginner in XCode and Swift, and have only had little bit of experience in Python previously. I was hoping limiting the zoom and user access to parts of the maps would be easier...
override func viewDidLoad() {
let latDelta = park.overlayTopLeftCoordinate.latitude -
// Think of a span as a tv size, measure from one corner to another
let span = MKCoordinateSpanMake(fabs(latDelta), 0.0)
let region = MKCoordinateRegionMake(park.midCoordinate, span)
mapView.region = region
This is what I have so far for getting the app to startup on the location that I want, using a rectangle that bounds the area that I am looking to restrict the user to.
The MKMapView has a delegate MKMapViewDelegate. This protocol has a function called:
func mapViewDidChangeVisibleRegion(_:)
This method is called whenever the user scrolls or zooms the map. In this method you can specify the behavior of the map. You can, for instance set a specific region that you want the map to zoom into and specify the maximum level of zoom allowed.
In the function mapViewDidChangeVisibleRegion(_:) you can then check to what latitudeDelta and longitudeDelta the map can zoom into. If the delta's go below or above a certain level you can lock the zooming by setting the region with something like this:
func mapViewDidChangeVisibleRegion(_ mapView: MKMapView) {
if mapView.region.span.latitudeDelta < 0.4 {
regionSpan = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.4, longitudeDelta: 0.5)
let mapRegion = MKCoordinateRegion(center: self.centerCoordinate, span: self.regionSpan)
self.trackMapView.setRegion(mapRegion, animated: true)

GMSMarker icon in the top left corner of the view (iOS)

I am trying to create a UITableViewCell containing a GMSMapView with a GMSMarker at the center of the current Position.
The problem is that the marker always appears at the top left corner of the current position and I don't know how to solve the problem.
I tried to follow these steps: Implementing a Google Map with UItableviewCell
here is my code from cellForRowAt:
let locationCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "activityLocationCell") as! ActivityLocationCell
let latitude = CLLocationDegrees(activity.coordinates![0])
let longitude = CLLocationDegrees(activity.coordinates![1])
let position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude) = position, zoom: 15)
let marker = GMSMarker(position: position)
marker.groundAnchor = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5) = locationCell.googleMapView
return locationCell
Here is a screenshot of my problem:
marker is at the top left corner of the map
I had a pretty similar issue. I resolved it by changing the moment I configure the map in the view lifecycle.
In my case, I was using a child view controller. I was configuring the map before viewWillAppear was called which caused the map to not center properly (the marker was on the top left corner). I moved my call to after the viewWillAppear and it fixed it. A good place would be viewDidAppear.
If you are using a cell, you will probably need to investigate with the view lifecycle instead of the controller lifecycle.
This is not written anywhere on the Google documentation.
you have to draw map in
func viewDidLayoutSubviews()
Try creating Marker when map is ready completely. for eg: use the delegate.
var ifMapReady: Bool = false
func mapViewSnapshotReady(_ mapView: GMSMapView) {
ifMapReady = true
//Call this method from where ever you want to load map
func updateMap() {
if ifMapReady {
//Load Map
This delegate will be called multiple times(eg: map is swiped or moved etc) whenever the Map tiles are ready. So we can use a boolean value for understanding that map loaded successfully. Based on that value we can load the Map properly when initiating.
I want to add one more thing. #Gabriel Cartier's answer worked for me with one additional change in my code.
[self->mapView_ animateToCameraPosition:camera];
And I replaced with
[self->mapView_ setCamera:camera];

Google Maps iOS SDK Prevent camera zoom after each location update

I have an app which requires the user's location to be constantly updated so I can display their current coordinates and altitude. I'm doing this using the didUpdateLocations function:
func locationManager(manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
if let location = locations.last { = GMSCameraPosition(target: locationManager.location!.coordinate, zoom: 15, bearing: 0, viewingAngle: 0)
let locValue : CLLocationCoordinate2D = manager.location!.coordinate
let altitude : CLLocationDistance = Double(round(1000*manager.location!.altitude)/1000)
let long = Double(round(10000*locValue.longitude)/10000)
let lat = Double(round(10000*locValue.latitude)/10000)
let alt = String(altitude) + " m"
latitudeLabel.text = String(lat)
longitudeLabel.text = String(long)
altitudeLabel.text = alt
The problem is, when I try to zoom in on a certain spot on the map, if I move the device even slightly the camera zooms back out again. Obviously this is because of the first line in my didUpdateLocations function setting the camera position, but if I remove that line, the map doesn't center to their location at all.
I tried moving the GMSCameraPosition code to the viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear, and several other places, but this caused the app to crash because it couldn't locate the user in time.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this work? Thanks.
use this instead of that certain line ( = ...)
mapView.animate(toLocation: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: location.coordinate.latitude, longitude: location.coordinate.longitude))
With regards to implementing location update, there was an issue posted in GitHub - Implement Responsive User Location Tracking Mode due to location update optimization and going through the thread, a given workaround to show the user location on the map is to call
instead of:
Then, with regards to camera zoom, as discussed in Camera and View - Zoom, you can try setting a minimum or maximum zoom to restrict zoom level. As stated,
You can restrict the range of zoom available to the map by setting a min and max zoom level.
You may also try the solutions given in this SO post - Google Maps iOS SDK, Getting Current Location of user. Hope it helps.

GMS Map View always showing Europe

I'm trying to use Google Maps SDK to display a map of my current location (Berkeley, CA) as the focus, but regardless of what lat/lon I put in, it always shows Europe, as shown below:
Here is the code for the map view:
let camera = GMSCameraPosition.cameraWithLatitude(37.8750360, longitude: -122.2573240, zoom: 1)
mapView = GMSMapView.mapWithFrame(CGRectZero, camera: camera)
mapView.myLocationEnabled = true
mapView.delegate = self
I'm doing very similar things in other parts of my application, but have never gotten an issue. If someone knows how to fix this, please let me know! Thanks
Please make sure that you are test on real device. not be Simulator,
If you use Simulator than enter latitude and longitude manually.
Like this-
You can test is on simulator as well and you can change location without enter lat-long
for that you need to change location from your Xcode (above console Please rifler the below screen shot
Maybe this is because you are setting the mapView's frame to CGRectZero. This may cause the map to have zero height and zero width.
Example based from this tutorial:
override func viewDidLoad()
let camera: GMSCameraPosition = GMSCameraPosition.cameraWithLatitude(37.8750360, longitude: -122.2573240, zoom: 1)
mapView = GMSMapView.mapWithFrame(self.view.frame, camera: camera) = camera
Check these related questions:
Current Location in Google Maps with swift
Show GoogleMaps on View in Swift?
You're setting up your view before even setting your delegate (so your code isn't even attached to your instance of mapView). Fix it like this:
1: Make sure you've defined your GMSMapViewDelegate for the class
2: Set your delegates first
mapView.delegate = self
mapView.myLocationEnabled = true
let camera = GMSCameraPosition.cameraWithLatitude(37.8750360, longitude: -122.2573240, zoom: 1)
mapView = GMSMapView.mapWithFrame(CGRectZero, camera: camera)

MKMapView not staying rotated

Easy to reproduce:
- create a new project
- put an MKMapView on the screen
- try to rotate it with 2 fingers
It rotates a little and stops, and when you release the fingers, it goes back to the original position.
How do I make it stay rotated?
And rotate as much as I want?
I'm using latest iOS (8.something), iPhone 6 simulator and Swift.
I figured out the problem.
Actually there is no solution, what was happening is that MKMapView does not allow you to stay rotated if the map region is too big.
If you zoom in you can rotate normally.
Please try this
Gloabally declare :
let regionRadius: CLLocationDistance = 1000
And in viewdidload:
let initialLocation = CLLocation(latitude: 21.282778, longitude: -157.829444)
And then create a helper class:
func centerMapOnLocation(location: CLLocation) {
let coordinateRegion = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(location.coordinate,
regionRadius * 2.0, regionRadius * 2.0)
mapview.setRegion(coordinateRegion, animated: true)
Try with rotateEnabled property of MKMapView :
rotateEnabled -
A Boolean value indicating whether the map camera’s heading information is used.
var rotateEnabled: Bool
When this property is set to YES and a valid camera is associated with the map, the camera’s heading angle is used to rotate the plane of the map around its center point. When this property is set to NO, the camera’s heading angle is ignored and the map is always oriented so that true north is situated at the top of the map view.
You have to override CLLocationManager.didUpdateLocations (part of CLLocationManagerDelegate) to get notified when the location manager retrieves the current location and don't do anything there:
func locationManager(manager: CLLocationManager!, didUpdateLocations locations: [AnyObject]!) {
// Don't do update the map to the new location
