background processing a difficult task on viewDidLoad in swift - ios

I am currently making an app which initiates a very long task on the viewDidLoad method. The nature of it is stopping the view from loading at all for extended periods of time and sometimes causes the app to crash. As such, I need to be able to process this particular task in the background so that the view can load instantly and then, in the background, complete the task and update the view when it is done. Does anybody know how to do this?

Try to use GCD similar to this:
let backgroundQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(CLong(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH), 0)
dispatch_async(backgroundQueue) {
// Do your stuff on global queue.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
// After finish update UI on main queue.
Or you can use NSOperationQueue. At WWDC 2105 was very nice talk about it.


What does main.sync in global().async mean?

In Swift, I used this kind of pattern sometimes. {
// do stuff in background, concurrent thread
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
// update UI
The purpose of this pattern is clear. Do time consuming calculation in global thread so UI is not locked and update UI in main thread after calculation is done.
What if there's nothing to calculate? I just found a logic in my project which
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
// do something
crashes but
// B {
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
// do something
doesn't crash.
How are they different? And Is case B different with just this?
// C
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// do something
And one more question. I know main thread is serial queue, but if I run multiple code block in multiple main.async, it works like concurrent queue.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// do A
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// do B
If main thread is really a serial queue, how can they run simultaneously? If it is just a time slicing than how are they different with global concurrent queue other than main thread can update UI?
x.sync means that the calling queue will pause and wait until the sync block finishes to continue. so in your example: {
// yada yada something
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
// update UI
// this will happen only after 'update UI' has finished executing
Usually you don't need to sync back to main, async is probably good enough and safer to avoid deadlocks. Unless it is a special case where you need to wait until something finishes on main before continuing with your async task.
As for A example crashing - calling sync and targeting current queue is a deadlock (calling queue waits for the sync block to finish, but it does not start because target queue (same) is busy waiting for the sync call to finish) and thats probably why the crash.
As for scheduling multiple blocks on main queue with async: they won't be run in parallel - they will happen one after another.
Also don't assume that queue == thread. Scheduling multiple blocks onto the same queue, might create as many threads as system allow. Just the main queue is special that it utilises Main thread.

Using while(true) statement a valid approach in iOS programming?

In objective C,
I am making my program to wait using while loop
dispach_group_t loadDataGroup=dispatch_group_create();
//Do other tasks once renew session has completed...
**while (RenewAuthTokenInProgress);**
In turn startRenewThread() function also performs dispatch_async operation inside. So I have to make renewAuth() wait.
And async task in startRenewThread will update the bool variable once renewal is successful.
Is there any better approach of doing it other than dispatch_groups?
And is it good to make other threads wait with while (true) statement?
Manoj Kumar,
using a while loop to wait till the boolean variable change is not the correct approach to solve the problem. Here are few of the issues with this method
Your CPU is un-necessarily burdened with checking the variable regularly.
This will clearly show that developer isn't much equipted with basic skills of coding and features available with language.
If for any reason your variable will never change then your CPU will never stop checking the value of bool in while loop and blocks the execution of further code on the same thread.
Here are few of the correct approach :
Blocks or closures : Make use of blocks to execute the code asynchronously when the RenewAuthToken is done.
Delegates : if blocks are harder to understand, Make use of delegates and trigger the delegate when you are done with RenewAuthToken.
Notifications : Add observer for notifications in classes which needs to respond when RenewAuthToken is done and throw notification from the asynctask and let the class to catch it execute the code.
Locks : If it is necessary to block the execution of the thread till the response comes use locks to control the thread execution rather than using while loop
As pointed out by fogmeister in comments
If you block the main thread for too long with a while(true) loop then
the app will actually be terminated by the iOS Watchdog as it will
assume it has crashed
Please have a look at the link : understand iOS watchdog termination reasons provided by fogmeister
Hope it helps.
I believe what you need it's a semaphore like:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0), ^{
dispatch_semaphore_t sem = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
__block BOOL done = FALSE;
while (true) {
[self someCompletionMethod completion:^(BOOL success) {
if(success) { // Stop condition
done = TRUE;
// do something
dispatch_semaphore_signal(sem); // This will let a new iteration
dispatch_semaphore_wait(sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
if(done) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Dispatch to main
Semaphores are an old-school threading concept introduced to the world by the ever-so-humble Edsger W. Dijkstra. Semaphores are a complex topic because they build upon the intricacies of operating system functions.
You can see a tutorial here about semaphore and check it out more links:
I hope this can help you.
What you do is absolutely lethal. It blocks the running thread (presumably the main thread) so the UI is frozen. It runs one core at 100% load for no reason whatsoever which empties the battery rapidly and heats up the phone. This will get you some very, very unhappy customers or very, very happy ex-customers.
Anything like this has to run in the background: startRenewThread should trigger some action that sets RenewAuthTokenInProgress = NO and sets whether there is a new token or not, and then triggers further action.
This is an absolutely essential programming pattern on iOS (and Android as far as I know).

Understanding why I need to dispatch back to main thread

I just wanted to clear up something that feels a bit unclear for me. Consider the following code that executes a closure asynchronously:
func fetchImage(completion: UIImage? -> ()) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
// fetch the image data over the internet
// ... assume I got the data
let image = UIImage(data: data)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
To my understanding, the reason we need to dispatch back to the main thread is because it would otherwise take longer to call the completion closure to give back the image.
However, I feel that perspective is a bit cheesy. For example, I'd also like to create a isLoading property that would be used to prevent multiple network calls from happening at the same time:
func fetchImage(completion: UIImage? -> ()) {
// if isLoading is true, then don't continue getting the image because I want only 1 network operation to be running at 1 time.
if isLoading {
isLoading = true
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
let image = UIImage(data: data)
// image creation is complete. Set isLoading to false to allow new fetches
self.isLoading = false
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
For this above snippet, my question is - Should I place self.isLoading = false in the dispatch block to the main queue? Or is it insignificant?
All advice appreciated!
It isn't that "it would otherwise take longer", it is that all updates to the UI must be performed on the main queue to prevent corruption that may occur from concurrent updates to the autolayout environment or other UI datastructures that aren't thread-safe.
In prior versions of iOS a common side effect of not updating the UI on the main thread was a delay in that upgrade appearing, however as of iOS 9 you will get an exception.
In terms of your question, it is best that your code behaves consistently. I.e. Either always dispatch the completion handler on the main queue or never do so. This will allow the programmer who is writing the completion block to know whether they need to dispatch UI updates or not.
It is probably best to set isLoading to false as soon as the load has finished, so outside the dispatch_async is best.
Given that your function is retrieving a UIImage there is a good chance that the caller will be updating the UI, so it is probably 'nice' to dispatch the completion handler on the main thread.
To fetch the image from internet in background you simply need to do an async request, you don't need to do it in the background queue as you are doing now.
On the main thread you basically need to do all that things about UI manipulation, because it always run on main thread. This is the important part.
So, the request completion block (the one you'll use to fetch the image) is executed in background (since it is async) and here, inside the block, you need to get the main thread to set the image for the UIImageView for instance.
Other properties than the ones directly related to UI element doesn't needs to be on the main thread as far as I know and I have never had a problem this way.

I'm not sure if I'm using NSOperationgQueue's addOperationWithBlock incorrectly

I've been using NSOperationQueue's addOperationWithBlock: to run code in background threads, like so:
self.fetchDataQueue = NSOperationQueue()
for panel in self.panels {
self.fetchDataQueue.addOperationWithBlock() {
() -> Void in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)) {
//Background code
I'm concerned that I may be doing this wrong. I can't see a way that the fetch queue would be able to know when an operation is done, since there's no completion to call, and I'm not confident it's tracking activity across threads to make sure it's still going.
And the point of using this is so that I don't queue them up in single file and take much longer to process, and so I don't run them all at once and use too much memory.
EDIT: I'm aware that I don't need to be doing dispatch_async, but it's simply an example of some block-based code I may call which may do the same thing, or a web request which may get back after a delay.
Well, your code will run in a background block. If you are using a queue to make sure that one operation only starts when the next one is finished, you may be in trouble: The block that you happen to the NSOperationQueue has finished as soon as it has dispatched the background code to GCD, not when the background code has actually finished which may be much later.

dispatch_async on main_queue?

I have seen this code snippet:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self doSomeNetworkStuff];
This doesn't look like making much sense to me.
EDIT: To clarify the conditions of my question:
The call to dispatch_async is performed from the main thread.
The sent message doSomeNetworkStuff is the heavy lifting worker task.
... and is not only the UI-updating task.
Dispatch, sure, but using the main queue would just pull the dispatched task back to the ui thread and block it.
Please, am I missing something?
dispatch_async lets your app run tasks on many queues, so you can increase performance.
But everything that interacts with the UI must be run on the main thread.
You can run other tasks that don't relate to the UI outside the main thread to increase performance.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
//Add some method process in global queue - normal for data processing
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(){
//Add method, task you want perform on mainQueue
//Control UIView, IBOutlet all here
//Add some method process in global queue - normal for data processing
Swift 3: .qosBackground).async {
print("This is run on the background queue")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("This is run on the main queue, after the previous code in outer block")
when you want to do some Webservicecall or something you dispatch a async call like this below:
//Call your webservice here , your app will not freeze at all
Now, suppose you want to update or push a ViewController from your dispatched thread, if you directly push viewcontroller from this, app will or may get crashed,as such UI updates should be done in main thread of app,below is the answer for this then.
//Call your webservice here , your app will not freeze at all
//To update UIFrom dispatched Thread:
//Push view controller here
for detail visit :
It depends from where this code is being called. Means if its calling from main queue then it doesn't make sense. (Note: it will not cause a crash but it will just add a task in main queue ).
If this code is written in background thread then this is a converging point for the application. Like you are getting data from web service in background thread then wants to update it on UI then you can call it.
-(void) backgroundThreadFunction {
//Some stuff on background thread.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
//Wants to update UI or perform any task on main thread.
[self doSomeNetworkStuff];
You can find more details over apple documentation
or from this answer also
Do post me if its still unclear. I will write a detailed answer.
You'll usually see that syntax inside of another dispatch_async call that runs on a background thread. This is because all updates to the UI should happen on the main thread, not in the background.
I lost track of this question, but as it still gets traction, I'll post an answer to this (using swift)
Assumptions: I do know that UI work has to be done on the main thread.
// We are on the main thread here.
// The following will schedule the closure on the main thread after ALL other
// routines currently scheduled on the main thread are done.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// So here we are back on the main thread AFTER all routines on the main
// thread have completed.
// If the following call does NOT dispatch onto a background thread
// it will block the UI and it was really bad programming.
// Thus, for now and for the benefit of the doubt, let's assume
// `doSomeNetworkStuff()` DOES dispatch to a background thread.
// This can only make sense if the the func `doSomeNetworkStuff()`
// relies on results of code paths following this current
// `DispatchQueue.main.async(... we are here ...)`.
// If `doSomeNetworkStuff()` does NOT depend on any other code paths:
// Why not directly scheduling it directly on a background thread?
// Which is unnecessary, as as stated above it MUST dispatch on to the
// background anyways.
// Moreover, there is few possibility that `doSomeNetworkStuff()` does
// depend on other codepaths, because `self` is already captured by
// the closure.
Taking all this together IMHO the original code does not make very much sense. It could be replaced with:
// We are on the main thread here
The original async dispatch onto the main thread to then dispatch to background should be wasteful and confusing (obviously).
Unfortunately I am not in the position anymore to try this out with the original code base.
Am I missing an idea here?
