How can neural networks learn functions with a variable number of inputs? [closed] - machine-learning

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A simple example: Given an input sequence, I want the neural network to output the median of the sequence. The problem is, if a neural network learnt to compute the median of n inputs, how can it compute the median of even more inputs? I know that recurrent neural networks can learn functions like max and parity over a sequence, but computing these functions only requires constant memory. What if the memory requirement grows with the input size like computing the median?
This is a follow up question on How are neural networks used when the number of inputs could be variable?.

One idea I had is the following: treating each weight as a function of the number of inputs instead of a fixed value. So a weight may have many parameters that define a function, and we train these parameters. For example, if we want the neural network to compute the average of n inputs, we would like each weight function behaves like 1/n. Again, average per se can be computed using recurrent neural networks or hidden markov model, but I was hoping this kind of approaches can be generalized to solve certain problems where memory requirement grows.

If a neural network learnt to compute the median of n inputs, how can it compute the median of even more inputs?
First of all, you should understand the use of a neural network. We, generally use the neural network in problems where a mathematical solution is not possible. In this problem, use of NN is not significant/ unadvisable.
There are other problems of such nature, like forecasting, in which continuous data arrives over time.
One solution to such problem can be Hidden Markov Model (HMM). But again, such models depends on the correlation between input over a period of time. So This model is not efficient for problems where the input is completely random.
So, If input is completely random and memory requirement grows
There is nothing much you can do about it, one possible solution could be growing your memory size.
Just remember one thing, NN and similar models of machine learning aims to extract meaningful information from the data. if data is just some random values then all models will generate some random output.

One more idea: some data transformation. Let have N big enough that always bigger than n. We make a net with 2*N inputs. First N inputs are for data. If n less then N, then rest inputs set to 0. Last N inputs are intended for specifying which numbers are useful. Thus 1 is data, 0 is not data. As follows in Matlab notation: if v is an input, and it is a vector of length 2*N, then we put into v(1:n) our original data. After that, we put to v(n+1:N) zeros. Then put to v(N+1:N+n) ones, and then put V(N+n+1:2*N) zeros. It is just an idea, which I have not checked. If you are interested in the application of neural networks, take a look at the example of how we have chosen an appropriate machine learning algorithm to classify EEG signals for BCI.


Is employing BPNN for water quality management an overkill? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm developing a device for Freshwater Quality Management which can be used for freshwater bodies such as lakes and rivers. The project is spread in three parts:
The first part deals with acquiring parameters such as pH, turbidity etc.
The second part deals with taking corrective measures based on the parameters. For instance, if the pH is too low, the device will inject basic solution to maintain a pH of 7-7.5.
Now the third part deals with predicting the health of the lake based on the parameters acquired (pH/Turbidity etc.). The predictive algorithm shall take in account of parameters and develop a correlation between them to explain for how long the lake will sustain. To achieve this, I'm currently biased toward using Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) as I have found that multiple other people/institutes prefer NN for water quality management.*
Now my concern is whether using BPNN would be an overkill for this project? If yes, which method/tool should I go for?
*1,2 and 3
Doing something the way "it used to be" is not always the best idea. In general, if you do not have strong, analytical reasons to choose neural network you should not ever start with it. Neural networks are tricky to train, have huge number of hyperparameters, are non-deterministic and computationaly expensive. Always start with the simpliest model, and only if it yields poor results - move to more complex ones. From theoretical perspecitive it is strongly justified by Vapnik theorems, and from practical it is similar to agile approach in programming.
So where to start?
Linear regression (Ridge regression, Lasso)
Polynomial regression
KNN regression
RBF Networks
Random Forest Regresor
If all of them fail - think about "classical" neural network. But chances are rather... small.
A neural network is a function approximator. If what you have is a real-valued vector of inputs, and associated with each of those vectors, you have a target real number or classification such as "good", "bad", "red", etc. then a neural network can be used to solve your problem.
Neural networks are, in their simplest form, functions of the form n(x) := g(Wh(Ax + b)+ c), where A and W are matrices, and b and c are vectors, h is a component-wise nonlinear function, generally a sigmoid function, and g is a function taking the same values as your target space.
In your case, your input vector, denoted x above, would contain pH, turbidity, etc, and your targets would be how long the lake will sustain. If your network is "trained" properly, it will be able to, given an unseen input u (new measurements for pH and turbidity etc), compute a good approximation to how long the lake will sustain.
"Training" a neural network consists of choosing the parameters for A, W, b, c. How many of these parameters there are depends on how many columns you chose for A and W (and therefore also for b and c). One way to choose these parameters is such that the function n(x) is close to your actual, measured targets on all of the historical (training) examples you have. More specifically, A,W,b,c are chosen to minimize E(A,W,b,c) := (n(x) - t(x))^2 where t(x) is your historically measured target (how long the lake sustained when the pH and turbidity were as measured in x). One way to try to minimize E over A,W,b,c is to compute the gradient of E with respect to each of the parameters and then take a step toward the negative of the gradient via an algorithm called back-propagation.
I want to note that the computation of a neural network, when the parameters are fixed, is deterministic, but that there are some algorithms for computing the gradient of E which aren't deterministic. Some other algorithms are deterministic.
So, with all that as background, are neural networks overkill for your project? That depends on the function you're trying to approximate from your observations to the output you're trying to predict. Whether a neural network will give you good prediction accuracy depends on many factors, perhaps the most important of which is how many examples you have to train on. If you don't have very many training examples relative to the number of predictors, a neural network may not be what you're looking for, but for the most part, that's an empirical question more than a theoretical one.
The nice thing is that, if you're willing to use python, there are good libraries to make all of this testing very easy for you. If you try a nerual network and it doesn't give you very good predictions, there are many other methods of regression you could try. You could try linear regression (which is a special case of a neural network), or a random forest for example. All of these are easy to code up in python if you use sklearn for your linear regression and your random forest. There are a few libraries for neural networks which make playing with them pretty easy, as well. I recommend tensorflow for neural networks.
My recommendation would be to spend a little bit of time trying several methods. For a relatively simple prediction problem like this, the time to train your network should be pretty short. The longer times of days or weeks you may have heard about are for massive datasets with millions or billions of training examples and millions of parameters.
Here is a toy neural network I created to "learn" to approximate a function f(a,b,c) = abc.
Backpropagation (BP) is a method for learning artificial neural network model parameters using gradient descent. It computes the gradients in an efficient manner. There are also other methods to train such models but BP is more commonly used due to many reasons. I do not know anything about the scale of the projects and the amount of data collected, but neural networks are more effective if the number of examples is large. If you have, say, 10 attributes (pH, Turbidity ...) and maybe more than 2-3k examples then neural networks could be helpful.
However, you should not think neural networks are the BEST model ever. You need to try out different models and choose the one giving you the best performance.

Can neural networks approximate any function given enough hidden neurons?

I understand neural networks with any number of hidden layers can approximate nonlinear functions, however, can it approximate:
f(x) = x^2
I can't think of how it could. It seems like a very obvious limitation of neural networks that can potentially limit what it can do. For example, because of this limitation, neural networks probably can't properly approximate many functions used in statistics like Exponential Moving Average, or even variance.
Speaking of moving average, can recurrent neural networks properly approximate that? I understand how a feedforward neural network or even a single linear neuron can output a moving average using the sliding window technique, but how would recurrent neural networks do it without X amount of hidden layers (X being the moving average size)?
Also, let us assume we don't know the original function f, which happens to get the average of the last 500 inputs, and then output a 1 if it's higher than 3, and 0 if it's not. But for a second, pretend we don't know that, it's a black box.
How would a recurrent neural network approximate that? We would first need to know how many timesteps it should have, which we don't. Perhaps a LSTM network could, but even then, what if it's not a simple moving average, it's an exponential moving average? I don't think even LSTM can do it.
Even worse still, what if f(x,x1) that we are trying to learn is simply
f(x,x1) = x * x1
That seems very simple and straightforward. Can a neural network learn it? I don't see how.
Am I missing something huge here or are machine learning algorithms extremely limited? Are there other learning techniques besides neural networks that can actually do any of this?
The key point to understand is compact:
Neural networks (as any other approximation structure like, polynomials, splines, or Radial Basis Functions) can approximate any continuous function only within a compact set.
In other words the theory states that, given:
A continuous function f(x),
A finite range for the input x, [a,b], and
A desired approximation accuracy ε>0,
then there exists a neural network that approximates f(x) with an approximation error less than ε, everywhere within [a,b].
Regarding your example of f(x) = x2, yes you can approximate it with a neural network within any finite range: [-1,1], [0, 1000], etc. To visualise this, imagine that you approximate f(x) within [-1,1] with a Step Function. Can you do it on paper? Note that if you make the steps narrow enough you can achieve any desired accuracy. The way neural networks approximate f(x) is not much different than this.
But again, there is no neural network (or any other approximation structure) with a finite number of parameters that can approximate f(x) = x2 for all x in [-∞, +∞].
The question is very legitimate and unfortunately many of the answers show how little practitioners seem to know about the theory of neural networks. The only rigorous theorem that exists about the ability of neural networks to approximate different kinds of functions is the Universal Approximation Theorem.
The UAT states that any continuous function on a compact domain can be approximated by a neural network with only one hidden layer provided the activation functions used are BOUNDED, continuous and monotonically increasing. Now, a finite sum of bounded functions is bounded by definition.
A polynomial is not bounded so the best we can do is provide a neural network approximation of that polynomial over a compact subset of R^n. Outside of this compact subset, the approximation will fail miserably as the polynomial will grow without bound. In other words, the neural network will work well on the training set but will not generalize!
The question is neither off-topic nor does it represent the OP's opinion.
I am not sure why there is such a visceral reaction, I think it is a legitimate question that is hard to find by googling it, even though I think it is widely appreciated and repeated outloud. I think in this case you are looking for the actually citations showing that a neural net can approximate any function. This recent paper explains it nicely, in my opinion. They also cite the original paper by Barron from 1993 that proved a less general result. The conclusion: a two-layer neural network can represent any bounded degree polynomial, under certain (seemingly non-restrictive) conditions.
Just in case the link does not work, it is called "Learning Polynomials with Neural Networks" by Andoni et al., 2014.
I understand neural networks with any number of hidden layers can approximate nonlinear functions, however, can it approximate:
f(x) = x^2
The only way I can make sense of that question is that you're talking about extrapolation. So e.g. given training samples in the range -1 < x < +1 can a neural network learn the right values for x > 100? Is that what you mean?
If you had prior knowledge, that the functions you're trying to approximate are likely to be low-order polynomials (or any other set of functions), then you could surely build a neural network that can represent these functions, and extrapolate x^2 everywhere.
If you don't have prior knowledge, things are a bit more difficult: There are infinitely many smooth functions that fit x^2 in the range -1..+1 perfectly, and there's no good reason why we would expect x^2 to give better predictions than any other function. In other words: If we had no prior knowledge about the function we're trying to learn, why would we want to learn x -> x^2? In the realm of artificial training sets, x^2 might be a likely function, but in the real world, it probably isn't.
To give an example: Let's say the temperature on Monday (t=0) is 0°, on Tuesday it's 1°, on Wednesday it's 4°. We have no reason to believe temperatures behave like low-order polynomials, so we wouldn't want to infer from that data that the temperature next Monday will probably be around 49°.
Also, let us assume we don't know the original function f, which happens to get the average of the last 500 inputs, and then output a 1 if it's higher than 3, and 0 if it's not. But for a second, pretend we don't know that, it's a black box.
How would a recurrent neural network approximate that?
I think that's two questions: First, can a neural network represent that function? I.e. is there a set of weights that would give exactly that behavior? It obviously depends on the network architecture, but I think we can come up with architectures that can represent (or at least closely approximate) this kind of function.
Question two: Can it learn this function, given enough training samples? Well, if your learning algorithm doesn't get stuck in a local minimum, sure: If you have enough training samples, any set of weights that doesn't approximate your function gives a training error greater that 0, while a set of weights that fit the function you're trying to learn has a training error=0. So if you find a global optimum, the network must fit the function.
A network can learn x|->x * x if it has a neuron that calculates x * x. Or more generally, a node that calculates x**p and learns p. These aren't commonly used, but the statement that "no neural network can learn..." is too strong.
A network with ReLUs and a linear output layer can learn x|->2*x, even on an unbounded range of x values. The error will be unbounded, but the proportional error will be bounded. Any function learnt by such a network is piecewise linear, and in particular asymptotically linear.
However, there is a risk with ReLUs: once a ReLU is off for all training examples it ceases learning. With a large domain, it will turn on for some possible test examples, and give an erroneous result. So ReLUs are only a good choice if test cases are likely to be within the convex hull of the training set. This is easier to guarantee if the dimensionality is low. One work around is to prefer LeakyReLU.
One other issue: how many neurons do you need to achieve the approximation you want? Each ReLU or LeakyReLU implements a single change of gradient. So the number needed depends on the maximum absolute value of the second differential of the objective function, divided by the maximum error to be tolerated.
There are theoretical limitations of Neural Networks. No neural network can ever learn the function f(x) = x*x
Nor can it learn an infinite number of other functions, unless you assume the impractical:
1- an infinite number of training examples
2- an infinite number of units
3- an infinite amount of time to converge
NNs are good in learning low-level pattern recognition problems (signals that in the end have some statistical pattern that can be represented by some "continuous" function!), but that's it!
No more!
Here's a hint:
Try to build a NN that takes n+1 data inputs (x0, x1, x2, ... xn) and it will return true (or 1) if (2 * x0) is in the rest of the sequence. And, good luck.
Infinite functions especially those that are recursive cannot be learned. They just are!

What is a Recurrent Neural Network, what is a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) network, and is it always better? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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First, let me apologize for cramming three questions in that title. I'm not sure what better way is there.
I'll get right to it. I think I understand feedforward neural networks pretty well.
But LSTM really escapes me, and I feel maybe this is because I don't have a very good grasp of Recurrent neural networks in general. I have went through Hinton's and Andrew Ng's course on Coursera. A lot of it still doesn't make sense to me.
From what I understood, recurrent neural networks are different from feedforward neural networks in that past values influence the next prediction. Recurrent neural network are generally used for sequences.
The example I saw of recurrent neural network was binary addition.
+ 011
A recurrent neural network would take the right most 0 and 1 first, output a 1. Then take the 1,1 next, output a zero, and carry the 1. Take the next 0,0 and output a 1 because it carried the 1 from last calculation. Where does it store this 1? In feed forward networks the result is basically:
y = a(w*x + b)
where w = weights of connections to previous layer
and x = activation values of previous layer or inputs
How is a recurrent neural network calculated? I am probably wrong but from what I understood, recurrent neural networks are pretty much feedforward neural network with T hidden layers, T being number of timesteps. And each hidden layer takes the X input at timestep T and it's outputs are then added to the next respective hidden layer's inputs.
a(l) = a(w*x + b + pa)
where l = current timestep
and x = value at current timestep
and w = weights of connections to input layer
and pa = past activation values of hidden layer
such that neuron i in layer l uses the output value of neuron i in layer l-1
y = o(w*a(l-1) + b)
where w = weights of connections to last hidden layer
But even if I understood this correctly, I don't see the advantage of doing this over simply using past values as inputs to a normal feedforward network (sliding window or whatever it's called).
For example, what is the advantage of using a recurrent neural network for binary addition instead of than training a feedforward network with two output neurons. One for the binary result and the other for the carry? And then take the carry output and plug it back into the feedforward network.
However, I'm not sure how is this different than simply having past values as inputs in a feedforward model.
It seems to me that the more timesteps there are, recurrent neural networks are only a disadvantage over feedforward networks because of vanishing gradient. Which brings me to my second question, from what I understood, LSTM is a solution to the problem of vanishing gradient. But I have no actual grasp of how they work. Furthermore, are they simply better than recurrent neural networks, or are there sacrifices to using a LSTM?
What is a Recurrent neural network?
The basic idea is that recurrent networks have loops. These loops allow the network to use information from previous passes, which acts as memory. The length of this memory depends on a number of factors but it is important to note that it is not indefinite. You can think of the memory as degrading, with older information being less and less usable.
For example, let's say we just want the network to do one thing: Remember whether an input from earlier was 1, or 0. It's not difficult to imagine a network which just continually passes the 1 around in a loop. However every time you send in a 0, the output going into the loop gets a little lower (This is a simplification, but displays the idea). After some number of passes the loop input will be arbitrarily low, making the output of the network 0. As you are aware, the vanishing gradient problem is essentially the same, but in reverse.
Why not just use a window of time inputs?
You offer an alternative: A sliding window of past inputs being provided as current inputs. That's is not a bad idea, but consider this: While the RNN may have eroded over time, you will always lose the entirety of your time information after you window ends. And while you would remove the vanishing gradient problem, you would have to increase the number of weights of your network by several times. Having to train all those additional weights will hurt you just as badly as (if not worse than) vanishing gradient.
What is an LSTM network?
You can think of LSTM as a special type of RNN. The difference is that LSTM is able to actively maintain self connecting loops without them degrading. This is accomplished through a somewhat fancy activation, involving an additional "memory" output for the self looping connection. The network must then be trained to select what data gets put onto this bus. By training the network to explicit select what to remember, we don't have to worry about new inputs destroying important information, and the vanishing gradient doesn't affect the information we decided to keep.
There are two main drawbacks:
It is more expensive to calculate the network output and apply back propagation. You simply have more math to do because of the complex activation. However this is not as important as the second point.
The explicit memory adds several more weights to each node, all of which must be trained. This increases the dimensionality of the problem, and potentially makes it harder to find an optimal solution.
Is it always better?
Which structure is better depends on a number of factors, like the number of nodes you need for you problem, the amount of available data, and how far back you want your network's memory to reach. However if you only want the theoretical answer, I would say that given infinite data and computing speed, an LSTM is the better choice, however one should not take this as practical advice.
A feed forward neural network has connections from layer n to layer n+1.
A recurrent neural network allows connections from layer n to layer n as well.
These loops allow the network to perform computations on data from previous cycles, which creates a network memory. The length of this memory depends on a number of factors and is an area of active research, but could be anywhere from tens to hundreds of time steps.
To make it a bit more clear, the carried 1 in your example is stored in the same way as the inputs: in a pattern of activation of a neural layer. It's just the recurrent (same layer) connections that allow the 1 to persist through time.
Obviously it would be infeasible to replicate every input stream for more than a few past time steps, and choosing which historical streams are important would be very difficult (and lead to reduced flexibility).
LSTM is a very different model which I'm only familiar with by comparison to the PBWM model, but in that review LSTM was able to actively maintain neural representations indefinitely, so I believe it is more intended for explicit storage. RNNs are more suited to non-linear time series learning, not storage. I don't know if there are drawbacks to using LSTM rather RNNs.
Both RNN and LSTM can be sequence learners. RNN suffers from vanishing gradient point problem. This problem causes the RNN to have trouble in remembering values of past inputs after more than 10 timesteps approx. (RNN can remember previously seen inputs for a few time steps only)
LSTM is designed to solve the vanishing gradient point problem in RNN. LSTM has the capability of bridging long time lags between inputs. In other words, it is able to remember inputs from up to 1000 time steps in the past (some papers even made claims it can go more than this). This capability makes LSTM an advantage for learning long sequences with long time lags. Refer to Alex Graves Ph.D. thesis Supervised Sequence Labelling
with Recurrent Neural Networks for some details. If you are new to LSTM, I recommend Colah's blog for super simple and easy explanation.
However, recent advances in RNN also claim that with careful initialization, RNN can also learn long sequences comparable to the performance of LSTM. A Simple Way to Initialize Recurrent Networks of Rectified Linear Units.

extrapolation with recurrent neural network

I Wrote a simple recurrent neural network (7 neurons, each one is initially connected to all the neurons) and trained it using a genetic algorithm to learn "complicated", non-linear functions like 1/(1+x^2). As the training set, I used 20 values within the range [-5,5] (I tried to use more than 20 but the results were not changed dramatically).
The network can learn this range pretty well, and when given examples of other points within this range, it can predict the value of the function. However, it can not extrapolate correctly and predicting the values of the function outside the range [-5,5]. What are the reasons for that and what can I do to improve its extrapolation abilities?
Neural networks are not extrapolation methods (no matter - recurrent or not), this is completely out of their capabilities. They are used to fit a function on the provided data, they are completely free to build model outside the subspace populated with training points. So in non very strict sense one should think about them as an interpolation method.
To make things clear, neural network should be capable of generalizing the function inside subspace spanned by the training samples, but not outside of it
Neural network is trained only in the sense of consistency with training samples, while extrapolation is something completely different. Simple example from "H.Lohninger: Teach/Me Data Analysis, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York-Tokyo, 1999. ISBN 3-540-14743-8" shows how NN behave in this context
All of these networks are consistent with training data, but can do anything outside of this subspace.
You should rather reconsider your problem's formulation, and if it can be expressed as a regression or classification problem then you can use NN, otherwise you should think about some completely different approach.
The only thing, which can be done to somehow "correct" what is happening outside the training set is to:
add artificial training points in the desired subspace (but this simply grows the training set, and again - outside of this new set, network's behavious is "random")
add strong regularization, which will force network to create very simple model, but model's complexity will not guarantee any extrapolation strength, as two model's of exactly the same complexity can have for example completely different limits in -/+ infinity.
Combining above two steps can help building model which to some extent "extrapolates", but this, as stated before, is not a purpose of a neural network.
As far as I know this is only possible with networks which do have the echo property. See Echo State Networks on
These networks are designed for arbitrary signal learning and are capable to remember their behavior.
You can also take a look at this tutorial.
The nature of your post(s) suggests that what you're referring to as "extrapolation" would be more accurately defined as "sequence recognition and reproduction." Training networks to recognize a data sequence with or without time-series (dt) is pretty much the purpose of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN).
The training function shown in your post has output limits governed by 0 and 1 (or -1, since x is effectively abs(x) in the context of that function). So, first things first, be certain your input layer can easily distinguish between negative and positive inputs (if it must).
Next, the number of neurons is not nearly as important as how they're layered and interconnected. How many of the 7 were used for the sequence inputs? What type of network was used and how was it configured? Network feedback will reveal the ratios, proportions, relationships, etc. and aid in the adjustment of network weight adjustments to match the sequence. Feedback can also take the form of a forward-feed depending on the type of network used to create the RNN.
Producing an 'observable' network for the exponential-decay function: 1/(1+x^2), should be a decent exercise to cut your teeth on RNNs. 'Observable', meaning the network is capable of producing results for any input value(s) even though its training data is (far) smaller than all possible inputs. I can only assume that this was your actual objective as opposed to "extrapolation."

Why do we have to normalize the input for an artificial neural network? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Why do we have to normalize the input for a neural network?
I understand that sometimes, when for example the input values are non-numerical a certain transformation must be performed, but when we have a numerical input? Why the numbers must be in a certain interval?
What will happen if the data is not normalized?
It's explained well here.
If the input variables are combined linearly, as in an MLP [multilayer perceptron], then it is
rarely strictly necessary to standardize the inputs, at least in theory. The
reason is that any rescaling of an input vector can be effectively undone by
changing the corresponding weights and biases, leaving you with the exact
same outputs as you had before. However, there are a variety of practical
reasons why standardizing the inputs can make training faster and reduce the
chances of getting stuck in local optima. Also, weight decay and Bayesian
estimation can be done more conveniently with standardized inputs.
In neural networks, it is good idea not just to normalize data but also to scale them. This is intended for faster approaching to global minima at error surface. See the following pictures:
Pictures are taken from the coursera course about neural networks. Author of the course is Geoffrey Hinton.
Some inputs to NN might not have a 'naturally defined' range of values. For example, the average value might be slowly, but continuously increasing over time (for example a number of records in the database).
In such case feeding this raw value into your network will not work very well. You will teach your network on values from lower part of range, while the actual inputs will be from the higher part of this range (and quite possibly above range, that the network has learned to work with).
You should normalize this value. You could for example tell the network by how much the value has changed since the previous input. This increment usually can be defined with high probability in a specific range, which makes it a good input for network.
There are 2 Reasons why we have to Normalize Input Features before Feeding them to Neural Network:
Reason 1: If a Feature in the Dataset is big in scale compared to others then this big scaled feature becomes dominating and as a result of that, Predictions of the Neural Network will not be Accurate.
Example: In case of Employee Data, if we consider Age and Salary, Age will be a Two Digit Number while Salary can be 7 or 8 Digit (1 Million, etc..). In that Case, Salary will Dominate the Prediction of the Neural Network. But if we Normalize those Features, Values of both the Features will lie in the Range from (0 to 1).
Reason 2: Front Propagation of Neural Networks involves the Dot Product of Weights with Input Features. So, if the Values are very high (for Image and Non-Image Data), Calculation of Output takes a lot of Computation Time as well as Memory. Same is the case during Back Propagation. Consequently, Model Converges slowly, if the Inputs are not Normalized.
Example: If we perform Image Classification, Size of Image will be very huge, as the Value of each Pixel ranges from 0 to 255. Normalization in this case is very important.
Mentioned below are the instances where Normalization is very important:
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Gradient Descent
When you use unnormalized input features, the loss function is likely to have very elongated valleys. When optimizing with gradient descent, this becomes an issue because the gradient will be steep with respect some of the parameters. That leads to large oscillations in the search space, as you are bouncing between steep slopes. To compensate, you have to stabilize optimization with small learning rates.
Consider features x1 and x2, where range from 0 to 1 and 0 to 1 million, respectively. It turns out the ratios for the corresponding parameters (say, w1 and w2) will also be large.
Normalizing tends to make the loss function more symmetrical/spherical. These are easier to optimize because the gradients tend to point towards the global minimum and you can take larger steps.
Looking at the neural network from the outside, it is just a function that takes some arguments and produces a result. As with all functions, it has a domain (i.e. a set of legal arguments). You have to normalize the values that you want to pass to the neural net in order to make sure it is in the domain. As with all functions, if the arguments are not in the domain, the result is not guaranteed to be appropriate.
The exact behavior of the neural net on arguments outside of the domain depends on the implementation of the neural net. But overall, the result is useless if the arguments are not within the domain.
I believe the answer is dependent on the scenario.
Consider NN (neural network) as an operator F, so that F(input) = output. In the case where this relation is linear so that F(A * input) = A * output, then you might choose to either leave the input/output unnormalised in their raw forms, or normalise both to eliminate A. Obviously this linearity assumption is violated in classification tasks, or nearly any task that outputs a probability, where F(A * input) = 1 * output
In practice, normalisation allows non-fittable networks to be fittable, which is crucial to experimenters/programmers. Nevertheless, the precise impact of normalisation will depend not only on the network architecture/algorithm, but also on the statistical prior for the input and output.
What's more, NN is often implemented to solve very difficult problems in a black-box fashion, which means the underlying problem may have a very poor statistical formulation, making it hard to evaluate the impact of normalisation, causing the technical advantage (becoming fittable) to dominate over its impact on the statistics.
In statistical sense, normalisation removes variation that is believed to be non-causal in predicting the output, so as to prevent NN from learning this variation as a predictor (NN does not see this variation, hence cannot use it).
The reason normalization is needed is because if you look at how an adaptive step proceeds in one place in the domain of the function, and you just simply transport the problem to the equivalent of the same step translated by some large value in some direction in the domain, then you get different results. It boils down to the question of adapting a linear piece to a data point. How much should the piece move without turning and how much should it turn in response to that one training point? It makes no sense to have a changed adaptation procedure in different parts of the domain! So normalization is required to reduce the difference in the training result. I haven't got this written up, but you can just look at the math for a simple linear function and how it is trained by one training point in two different places. This problem may have been corrected in some places, but I am not familiar with them. In ALNs, the problem has been corrected and I can send you a paper if you write to wwarmstrong AT
On a high level, if you observe as to where normalization/standardization is mostly used, you will notice that, anytime there is a use of magnitude difference in model building process, it becomes necessary to standardize the inputs so as to ensure that important inputs with small magnitude don't loose their significance midway the model building process.
√(3-1)^2+(1000-900)^2 ≈ √(1000-900)^2
Here, (3-1) contributes hardly a thing to the result and hence the input corresponding to these values is considered futile by the model.
Consider the following:
Clustering uses euclidean or, other distance measures.
NNs use optimization algorithm to minimise cost function(ex. - MSE).
Both distance measure(Clustering) and cost function(NNs) use magnitude difference in some way and hence standardization ensures that magnitude difference doesn't command over important input parameters and the algorithm works as expected.
Hidden layers are used in accordance with the complexity of our data. If we have input data which is linearly separable then we need not to use hidden layer e.g. OR gate but if we have a non linearly seperable data then we need to use hidden layer for example ExOR logical gate.
Number of nodes taken at any layer depends upon the degree of cross validation of our output.
