I want to know hotname params in javascript webscript.
Informations i need are :
url protocol (http|https)
server port
Is there a way to find these information in a share or alfresco webscript ?
Thank you.
If you're writing a Java webscript, then your best bet is probably to inject the SysAdminParams bean to the webscript as a spring dependency. It is available as a bean with ID sysAdminParams
If you're writing a JavaScript webscript running on the Repository (Alfresco), then there's the ScriptUrl object available as the urls base script object, which you can use to fetch the details.
If you're writing something on the Share side, often the simplest option is to call the org/alfresco/repository/site/site-share-view-url.get at something like http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/api/sites/shareUrl?nodeRef={nodeRef}. The will return you the fully-qualified URL to view that node in Share, saving you the trouble of building it yourself!
I have a keycloak inside a docker, I understand that there is a "proxy reverse" doing something like transforming this url for example: "http://example.com" into "" (this is the actual place where the Keycloak is "deployed" or "up"). It is just an example, my clients when they need to consume an endpoint from one microservice of mine do not use numbers, they use example.com.
so in the Keycloak when you want to see the metadata of the realm for SAML2.0 you can do it by following this link which is in the REALM settings section:
as you can see I am using "example.com" not "" to access the metadata link.
The problem is that inside the METADATA, the endpoints for SingleSignOnService, SingleLogoutService, etc. Are all configured to be "" (notice it is using the numbers and not example.com) and this causes that when the clients that want to use SAML.
Send inside their SAML REQUEST "Destination" attribute like so: "http://example.com/auth/realms/REALM-NAME/protocol/saml" and this causes an invalid request error, with reason invalid_destination, because the request attribute Destination was expected to be:
"" like is inside the Metadata.
So my question is, how can I edit the metadata to change the endpoints numbers to example.com or if that is not possible, how can I make example.com get translated to inside my keycloak server? Or if you know another way to solve/figure out this it is very welcome
I feel like a BEAST after finding out how to achieve what I needed after like 3 weeks of searching about keycloak and SAML (I overcame many obstacles this was the lastone), finally I managed to fix this by using the "Frontend URL" setting in my REALM settings, there I can put anything I want so that it changes "" (inside the metadata urls) for whatever I configure there, so for example if I set Frontend URL to:
now all my metadata endpoints will be like so:
instead of:
now my client is being able to properly login with SAML2 using keycloak.
how did I manage to find out this? Well there is not much info so this was what gave me the hint: Keycloak behind nginx reverse proxy: SAML Integration invalid_destination
The person asking said that he configured frontend-url, and I wanted to give a try to that, and after checking if that changed metadata urls, surprise it did =)
I have been using response templating to give dynamic responses, given that all the request and query parameters are associated with that request itself. However, I wanted to make a POST request with several parameters, and later use those parameters in a stubbed GET method's body response by using response templating. Is this something possible to do in wiremock? Any input is greatly appreciated, thank you!
Storing state between requests is not a default feature of WireMock outside of mocking the behavior through Stateful Behaviour, which is different from being actually stateful.
Without a custom plugin being able to share information between several requests is therefor not possible. In the WireMock documentation there is a section in the documentation on how to create such a plugin yourself. With a little development experience this is certainly doable.
On GitHub there are several plugin that create a storage mechanism to store information
WireMockCsv: store and retrieve information using HSQL Database.
wiremock-redis-extension does something similar using Redis.
An alternative to these approaches is to create mappings/data just before the test starts. For example generating all the responses beforehand and then using Templated BodyFileName tag to retrieve the just-in-time created file. Another way of achieving this result is to use the Admin API to create the mappings themselves directly.
I would like to read a cookie within my service worker to use it when setting up my caches, but can't find any way of doing it.
Is there any way of doing that, or will I need to duplicate cookie data into IDB or similar?
Currently, you can't access them. There's a discussion in the W3C ServiceWorker repo about adding methods to access them in the future.
in Struts2 it is possible to serve static content like images, JS or CSS files by putting them into resources/static. From this point Struts2 takes care for serving them on HTTP request and everyone, especially my JSPs, are happy.
Now I have to retrieve all this static files from a DB; I get them as byte[]. The purpose is to exchange the files without redeploying the web application.
Do you have any suggestions how to serve them elegantly?
Can I overwrite e.g. some static resource provider? Alternatively, should I provide an action for that?
I'm mainly concerned about caching. Is there something else I should be concerned about?
Thanks in advance, any hint is appreciated! :)
Create an action to fetch the data from the database and then use the stream result type. The stream result will automatically handle setting the appropriate cache headers for the response (caching is turned on by default). You will need to provide the content type and the InputStream.
For details, check the Javadoc for StreamResult.
I've written a REST server in Delphi XE (using the wizard) and I want to change the URLs a bit so that instead of having
I get something that looks more like
Is there a nice easy of doing this?
The naming convention is (Delphi XE3):
You can easily change the "datasnap" and "rest" part of the URL in the TDSHTTPWebDispatcher component properties. You can change the Class Name and Method Name of the URL by simply changing the name of your class and method. However, you still have to have 4 components to the URL, so for example it could be:
See here:
You could put IIS or Apache in between to accomplish this, and indeed rewrite the URL to point to your service the way you like.
That provides some more advantages anyway (security and scalability mostly). For example, you can create a fail-safe setup with double servers, or you can create multiple machines with your service, and have your web server do the load balancing for example.
You'll get extra logging capabilities, and if you easily want to serve other web content it's easy to have a full fledged web server anyway.
URL rewriting is usually done in the web server configuration, in Apache using entries in the .htaccess file