ReactiveCocoa takeUntil 2 possible signals? - ios

So I have successfully turned a button into an off and on switch that changes the label.
I was also able to have it start a timed processed set off when that is to occur, and it have the ability to shut off the timed process.
Anyways I need to way to shut down the timed process I was wondering if there was a way to stop it without using the disposable. With a second takeUntil signal.
Edit I think what I was trying to do was slightly misleading let me show my current solution that works.
-(RACSignal*) startTimer {
return [[RACSignal interval:1.0
onScheduler:[RACScheduler mainThreadScheduler]]
startWith:[NSDate date]];
-(void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {}
-(void) viewDidLoad {
self.tableView.delegate = self;
self.tableView.dataSource = self;
RACSignal* pressedStart = [self.start rac_signalForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
RACSignal* textChangeSignal = [pressedStart map:^id(id value) {
return [self.start.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:#"Start"] ? #"Stop" : #"Start";
// Changes the title
[textChangeSignal subscribeNext:^(NSString* text) {
[self.start setTitle:text forState:UIControlStateNormal];
RACSignal* switchSignal = [[textChangeSignal map:^id(NSString* string) {
return [string isEqualToString:#"Stop"] ? #0 : #1;
}] filter:^BOOL(id value) {
NSLog(#"Switch %#",value);
return [value boolValue];
[[self rac_signalForSelector:#selector(viewWillAppear:)]
subscribeNext:^(id x) {
static NSInteger t = 0;
// Remake's it self once it is on finished.
self.disposable = [[[textChangeSignal filter:^BOOL(NSString* text) {
return [text isEqualToString:#"Stop"] ? [#1 boolValue] : [#0 boolValue];
flattenMap:^RACStream *(id value) {
NSLog(#"Made new Sheduler");
return [[self startTimer] takeUntil:switchSignal];
}] subscribeNext:^(id x) {
t = t + 1;
[self updateTable];
[[self rac_signalForSelector:#selector(viewWillDisappear:)] subscribeNext:^(id x) {
NSLog(#"viewWillAppear Dispose");
[self.disposable dispose];
-(BOOL) isGroupedExcercisesLeft {
BOOL isGroupedLeft = NO;
for (int i =0;i < [self.excercises count]; i++) {
Excercise* ex = [self.excercises objectAtIndex:i];
if(ex.complete == NO && ex.grouped == YES) {
isGroupedLeft = YES;
return isGroupedLeft;
-(void) updateTable {
// Find the
NSInteger nextRow;
if (([self.excercises count] > 0 || self.excercises !=nil) && [self isGroupedExcercisesLeft]) {
for (int i =0;i < [self.excercises count]; i++) {
Excercise* ex = [self.excercises objectAtIndex:i];
if(ex.complete == NO && ex.grouped == YES) {
nextRow = i;
NSIndexPath* path = [NSIndexPath indexPathForItem:nextRow inSection:0];
NSArray* indexPath = #[path];
// update //
Excercise* ex = [self.excercises objectAtIndex:nextRow];
[self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:path atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated:YES];
if (ex.seconds <= 0) {
RLMRealm* db = [RLMRealm defaultRealm];
[db beginWriteTransaction];
ex.complete = YES;
[db commitWriteTransaction];
else {
// Update Seconds
RLMRealm* db = [RLMRealm defaultRealm];
[db beginWriteTransaction];
ex.seconds = ex.seconds - 1000;
NSLog(#"Seconds: %zd",ex.seconds);
[db commitWriteTransaction];
// Update table
[self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:indexPath withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationNone];
} else {
SIAlertView *alertView = [[SIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Deskercise" andMessage:#"Excercises Complete"];
[alertView addButtonWithTitle:#"Ok"
handler:^(SIAlertView *alert) {
alertView.transitionStyle = SIAlertViewTransitionStyleBounce;
[alertView show];
[self.disposable dispose];

The issue with using takeUntil:self.completeSignal is that when you change completeSignal to another value, it isn't passed to any function that was already waiting for the variable that completeSignal was previously holding.
- (RACSignal*) startTimer {
return [[[RACSignal interval:1.0
onScheduler:[RACScheduler mainThreadScheduler]]
startWith:[NSDate date]]
takeUntil:[[self.start rac_signalForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]
merge:[[RACObserve(self, completeSignal) skip:1] flattenMap:
^RACStream *(RACSignal * signal) {
return self.completeSignal;
The signal is now observing and flattening completeSignal, which will give the desired effect. Signals that complete without sending next events are ignored by takeUntil:, so use self.completedSignal = [RACSignal return:nil], which sends a single next event and then completes.
However, this code is anything but ideal, let's look at a better solution.
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) RACSubject * completeSignal;
- (RACSignal*) startTimer {
return [[[RACSignal interval:1.0
onScheduler:[RACScheduler mainThreadScheduler]]
startWith:[NSDate date]]
takeUntil:[[self.start rac_signalForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]
- (void) viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.completeSignal = [RACSubject subject];
self.tableView.delegate = self;
self.tableView.dataSource = self;
RACSignal * pressedStart = [self.start rac_signalForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
RACSignal* textChangeSignal = [[pressedStart startWith:nil] scanWithStart:#"Stop" reduce:^id(id running, id next) {
return #{#"Start":#"Stop", #"Stop":#"Start"}[running];
withSignals:textChangeSignal, [RACSignal return:#(UIControlStateNormal)], nil];
[[[pressedStart flattenMap:^RACStream *(id value) { //Using take:1 so that it doesn't get into a feedback loop
return [self startTimer];
}] scanWithStart:#0 reduce:^id(NSNumber * running, NSNumber * next) {
return #(running.unsignedIntegerValue + 1);
}] subscribeNext:^(id x) {
[self updateTable];
NSLog(#"%#", x);
- (void) updateTable {
//If you uncomment these then it'll cause a feedback loop for the signal that calls updateTable
//[self.start sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
//[self.completeSignal sendNext:nil];
if ([self.excercises count] > 0 || self.excercises !=nil) {
} else {
Let's run through the list of changes:
completeSignal is now a RACSubject (a manually controlled RACSignal).
For purity and to get rid of the #weakify directive, textChangeSignal now uses the handy scanWithStart:reduce: method, which lets you access an accumulator (this works well for methods that work with an incrementing or decrementing number).
start's text is now being changed by the rac_liftSelector function, which takes RACSignals and unwraps them when all have fired.
Your flattenMap: to replace pressedStart with [self startTimer] now uses scanWithStart:reduce, which is a much more functional way to keep count.
I'm not sure if you were testing by having updateTable contain completion signals but it definitely causes a logic issue with your flattenMap: of pressedButton, the resulting feedback loop eventually crashes the program when the stack overflows.


RACSignal from rac_sequance is not delivering signals correctly

I am playing with code from some book regarding Reactive Cocoa and I am stuck with this one:
Here is my photo importer code :
+ (RACSignal *)importPhotos {
NSURLRequest *request = [self popularURLRequest];
return [[[[[[NSURLConnection rac_sendAsynchronousRequest:request] map:^id(RACTuple *value) {
return [value second];
}] deliverOn:[RACScheduler mainThreadScheduler]]
map:^id(NSData *value) {
id result = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:value
return [[[result[#"photos"] rac_sequence] map:^id(NSDictionary *photoDictionary) {
FRPPhotoModel *photoModel = [FRPPhotoModel new];
[self configurePhotoModel:photoModel withDict:photoDictionary];
[self downloadThumbnailForPhotoModel:photoModel];
return photoModel;
}] array];
}] publish] autoconnect];
+ (void)configurePhotoModel:(FRPPhotoModel *)photoModel withDict:(NSDictionary *)dict {
photoModel.photoName = dict[#"name"];
photoModel.identifier = dict[#"id"];
photoModel.photographerName = dict[#"user"][#"username"];
photoModel.rating = dict[#"rating"];
[[self urlForImageSize:3 inArray:dict[#"images"]] subscribeNext:^(id x) {
photoModel.thumbnailURL = x;
+ (RACSignal *)urlForImageSize:(NSInteger)size inArray:(NSArray *)array {
return [[[[array rac_sequence] filter:^BOOL(NSDictionary *value) {
return [value[#"size"] integerValue] == size;
}] map:^id(NSDictionary *value) {
return value[#"url"];
}] signal];
+ (void)downloadThumbnailForPhotoModel:(FRPPhotoModel *)photoModel {
[[RACObserve(photoModel, thumbnailURL) flattenMap:^RACStream *(id value) {
return [self download:value];
}] subscribeNext:^(id x) {
photoModel.thumbnailData = x;
+ (RACSignal *)download:(NSString *)urlString {
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlString]];
return [[NSURLConnection rac_sendAsynchronousRequest:request] map:^id(RACTuple *value) {
return [value second];
and UI is updated like this:
RAC(self.imageView, image) = [[RACObserve(self, photoModel.thumbnailData) filter:^BOOL(id value) {
return value != nil;
}] map:^id(id value) {
return [UIImage imageWithData:value];
Can you please explain why my UI is not updated or updated wrongly with new UIImages which I get from that NSData objects.
So the first problem was that flattenMap delivers on some background RACScheduler. Changed to this:
[[[[RACObserve(photoModel, thumbnailURL) ignore:nil] flattenMap:^RACStream *(id value) {
return [self download:value];
}] deliverOn:[RACScheduler mainThreadScheduler]] subscribeNext:^(id x) {
photoModel.thumbnailData = x;
Also another problem was that download:nil was throwing an error, which was not caught by subscriber and thus terminated signal which provided values of observing. Adding ignore:nil fixed issue.

Animate row additions/reloads/deletions in paginated UITableView with ReactiveCocoa

I have a paginated tableView with 2 tabs at the top, Latest and Popular, and I can't get it to animate model changes properly with [tableView beginUpdates] and [tableView endUpdates].
There are 3 loading modes for the tableView:
LoadingModeRefresh: when the user refreshes with pull to refresh.
LoadingModeNewPage: when the user reaches the end of the tableView so that a new page needs to be loaded
LoadingModeNewTab: when the user changes the tab at the top
I receive 30 items per page from the backend (for pagination)
Also I have a loading cell at the end of the tableView so that when someone reaches to the end of the table, he/she can see that it's loading, and when new data arrives, that loading cell is pushed to the end of the tableView, out of sight.
The behaviour I want is as follows:
When the user pulls to refresh, 30 new items are fetched and are set as the backing model for the tableView, and the tableView should reload items from 0 to 29, and delete the rest since the user might have paged more than 1 page so there might be more than 30 items before the refresh, hence we need to delete the extra items after the refresh.
When the user reaches the end of the table, 30 new items are fetched and are appended to the end of the backing model for the tableView, and we should insert those 30 rows to the tableView.
When the user switches tabs, I first want the tableView to be cleared of all the cells so that the loading cell I mentioned is the only cell. so I set the backing model of the tableView to an empty array, and remove all the rows from the tableView. after 30 new items are fetched I insert those 30 rows to the tableView.
I have 3 properties on my ViewModel representing changes to indexPaths: indexPathsToDelete, indexPathsToInsert and indexPathsToReload, which are bound to changes in the backing model with -[RACSignal combinePrevious:reduce:]. My view controller observes these properties, zips them together and applies the changes at once. however somehow my fetching code is being called twice, which causes the indexPaths to be calculated and observed more than once, which causes inconsistencies with the tableView and causes crashes. Can anyone help with where the problem is, since I can not seem to understand what's happening?
here is the code for the ViewModel (sorry for the code, haven't refactored it yet since I haven't got it to work yet):
const NSInteger kArticlePerPage = 30;
#interface FeedViewModel ()
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) Source *model;
#property (nonatomic) LoadingMode loadingMode;
#property (nonatomic) NSInteger selectedTabIndex;
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSInteger pagesRequested;
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSInteger pagesLoaded;
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSArray *indexPathsToDelete;
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSArray *indexPathsToInsert;
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSArray *indexPathsToReload;
- (NSArray *)indexPathsForRange:(NSRange)range inSection:(NSInteger)section;
#implementation FeedViewModel
- (instancetype)initWithModel:(Source *)source
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return nil;
_model = source;
_pagesLoaded = 0;
RACSignal *loadingModeSignal = RACObserve(self, loadingMode);
RACSignal *newTabSignal = [loadingModeSignal //
filter:^BOOL(NSNumber *loadingMode) {
return loadingMode.integerValue == LoadingModeNewTab;
RACSignal *newPageSignal = [loadingModeSignal //
filter:^BOOL(NSNumber *loadingMode) {
return loadingMode.integerValue == LoadingModeNewPage;
RACSignal *refreshSignal = [loadingModeSignal //
filter:^BOOL(NSNumber *loadingMode) {
return loadingMode.integerValue == LoadingModeRefresh;
RAC(self, loading) = [loadingModeSignal //
map:^id(NSNumber *loadingMode) {
switch (loadingMode.integerValue) {
case LoadingModeFinished:
return #(NO);
return #(YES);
RACSignal *newArticlesSignal = [[[[RACSignal
combineLatest:#[ RACObserve(self, pagesRequested), RACObserve(self, selectedTabIndex) ]]
sample:RACObserve(self, loadingMode)] //
map:^id(RACTuple *tuple) {
return [self signalForNewArticlesForPage:tuple.first order:[tuple.second integerValue]];
}] //
RACSignal *articlesForNewTabSignal = [[newTabSignal //
flattenMap:^RACStream * (id value) { //
return [newArticlesSignal startWith:#[]];
}] //
RACSignal *articlesForNewPageSignal = [newPageSignal //
flattenMap:^RACStream * (id value) {
return [newArticlesSignal //
map:^id(NSArray *newArticles) {
Article *article = self.articles[0];
NSLog(#"article name: %#", article.title);
return [self.articles arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:newArticles];
RACSignal *articlesForRefreshSignal = [refreshSignal //
flattenMap:^RACStream * (id value) { //
return newArticlesSignal;
RAC(self, articles) = [RACSignal merge:#[
articlesForNewTabSignal, //
articlesForNewPageSignal, //
RACSignal *articlesSignal = RACObserve(self, articles);
RAC(self, indexPathsToDelete) = [articlesSignal //
combinePreviousWithStart:#[] //
reduce:^id(NSArray *previous, NSArray *current) {
if (previous.count > current.count) {
return [self
previous.count - current.count)
else {
return #[];
RAC(self, indexPathsToInsert) = [articlesSignal //
combinePreviousWithStart:#[] //
reduce:^id(NSArray *previous, NSArray *current) { //
if (previous.count < current.count) {
return [self
current.count - previous.count)
else {
return #[];
RAC(self, indexPathsToReload) = [articlesSignal //
combinePreviousWithStart:#[] //
reduce:^id(NSArray *previous, NSArray *current) {
if (previous.count >= current.count) {
return [self indexPathsForRange:NSMakeRange(0, current.count)
else {
return #[];
RAC(self, pagesLoaded) = [[RACObserve(self, articles) //
skip:1] //
map:^id(NSArray *array) { //
NSInteger pages = array.count / kArticlePerPage;
if (array.count % kArticlePerPage != 0) {
return #(pages);
RAC(self, separatorColorHexString) = [RACObserve(self, model.type) map:^id(NSNumber *type) {
if (type.integerValue == SourceTypeInspiration) {
return #"ffffff";
else {
return #"E5E5E5";
RAC(self, segmentTitles) = [RACObserve(self, model) //
map:^id(Source *source) {
NSMutableArray *titles = [NSMutableArray array];
if (source.isPopularAvailable) {
[titles addObject:#"Popular"];
if (source.isLatestAvailable) {
[titles addObject:#"Latest"];
return titles;
return self;
- (void)setCurrentSource:(Source *)source
self.model = source;
- (void)refreshCurrentTab
self.pagesRequested = 1;
self.loadingMode = LoadingModeRefresh;
- (void)requestNewPage
if (self.pagesRequested == self.pagesLoaded + 1) {
self.pagesRequested = self.pagesLoaded + 1;
self.loadingMode = LoadingModeNewPage;
- (void)selectTabWithIndex:(NSInteger)index
self.selectedTabIndex = index;
self.pagesRequested = 1;
self.loadingMode = LoadingModeNewTab;
- (void)selectTabWithIndexIfNotSelected:(NSInteger)index
if (self.selectedTabIndex == index) {
[self selectTabWithIndex:index];
- (NSArray *)indexPathsForRange:(NSRange)range inSection:(NSInteger)section
NSMutableArray *indexes = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSUInteger i = range.location; i < range.location + range.length; i++) {
[indexes addObject:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:i inSection:section]];
return [indexes copy];
- (RACSignal *)signalForNewArticlesForPage:(NSNumber *)pageNumber order:(ArticleOrder)order
return [[SourceManager sharedManager] articlesForSourceKey:self.model.key
- (void)setLoadingMode:(LoadingMode)loadingMode
_loadingMode = loadingMode;
and the code for observing indexPath arrays in ViewController.m:
RACSignal *toDeleteSignal = [RACObserve(self, viewModel.indexPathsToDelete) //
deliverOn:[RACScheduler mainThreadScheduler]]; //
RACSignal *toInsertSignal = [RACObserve(self, viewModel.indexPathsToInsert) //
deliverOn:[RACScheduler mainThreadScheduler]]; //
RACSignal *toReloadSignal = [RACObserve(self, viewModel.indexPathsToReload) //
deliverOn:[RACScheduler mainThreadScheduler]];
[[RACSignal zip:#[ toDeleteSignal, toInsertSignal, toReloadSignal ]]
subscribeNext:^(RACTuple *tuple) {
[self.tableView beginUpdates];
[self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:tuple.first
[self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:tuple.second
[self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:tuple.third
[self.tableView endUpdates];
if (self.tableView.pullToRefresh.state == BPRPullToRefreshStateLoading) {
[self.tableView.pullToRefresh dismiss];
Other than that, I only call [self.viewModel requestNewPage] when tableView:willDisplayCell: is called for the last cell in the tableView, [self.viewModel selectTabWithIndexIfNotSelected:index] when the segment selection changes. [self.viewModel selectTabWithIndex:0] in viewDidLoad and [self.viewModel refreshCurrentTab] in the refresh handler.
Where am I making a mistake?

Can an asynchronous task be run in a loop? (in iOS)

basically I'm using firebase to query a user's 'status' property and doing so in a do/while loop.
If the status property is free then i want to break the loop and continue with the rest of the method. If the status property is not free then I want to query firebase again for a new user until a free user is found.
My firebase code works fine outside the loop but doesn't seem to be called inside of it. Here is the loop:
__block uint32_t rando;
self.freedom = #"about to check";
do {
//check if free
[self checkIfFree:^(BOOL finished) {
if (finished) {
if ([self.freedom isEqualToString:#"free"]) {
//should break loop here
else if ([self.freedom isEqualToString:#"matched"]){
//get another user
do {
//picking another random user from array
rando = arc4random_uniform(arraycount);
while (rando == randomIndex && rando == [self.randString intValue]);
self.randString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%u", rando];
[users removeAllObjects];
[users addObject:[usersArray objectAtIndex:rando]];
self.freeUser = [users objectAtIndex:0];
//should repeat check here but doesn't work
NSLog(#"not finished the checking yet");
} while (![self.freedom isEqual: #"free"]);
And here's my firebase code:
-(void)checkIfFree:(myCompletion) compblock{
self.freeUserFB = [[Firebase alloc] initWithUrl:[NSString stringWithFormat: #"", self.freeUser.objectId]];
[self.freeUserFB observeEventType:FEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FDataSnapshot *snapshot)
self.otherStatus = snapshot.value[#"status"];
NSLog(#"snapshot info %#", snapshot.value);
if ([self.otherStatus isEqualToString:#"free"]) {
self.userIsFree = YES;
self.freedom = #"free";
self.userIsFree = NO;
self.freedom = #"matched";
I am not sure I understand correctly your question.
If you want to run your completion code again till some condition is matched (in this case [self.freedom isEqualToString:#"free"]) you can do the following (removing the do - while):
void( ^ myResponseBlock)(BOOL finished) = ^ void(BOOL finished) {
if (finished) {
if ([self.freedom isEqualToString: #"free"]) {
} else if ([self.freedom isEqualToString: #"matched"]) {
//get another user
do {
//picking another random user from array
rando = arc4random_uniform(arraycount);
while (rando == randomIndex && rando == [self.randString intValue]);
self.randString = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%u", rando];
[users removeAllObjects];
[users addObject:usersArray[rando]];
self.freeUser = users.firstObject;
// Schedule another async check
[self checkIfFree: myResponseBlock];
} else {
} else {
NSLog(#"not finished the checking yet");
[self checkIfFree: myResponseBlock];

How to send error in signal chain

I have a signal A that contains integer values. A value of -1 indicates an invalid result, so I'd like to, instead of passing -1 along as a value, send an error. This way anything that subscribes to B will receive valid integers through subscribeNext: and the errors through subscribeError:.
I think I know how to do this with RACSubject:
RACSequence *A = [#[ #(2), #(6), #(5), #(-1), #(4) ] rac_sequence];
RACSubject *B = [RACSubject subject];
[A subscribeNext:^(NSNumber *val) {
if ( [val integerValue] == -1 ) {
[B sendError:[NSError errorWithDomain:#"MyDomain" code:0 userInfo:nil]];
} else {
[B sendNext:val];
} error:^(NSError *error) {
[B sendError:error];
} completed:^{
[B sendCompleted];
I'm wondering if there's a more "inline" way to do this along the lines of:
RACSequence *A = [#[ #(2), #(6), #(5), #(-1), #(4) ] rac_sequence];
RACSignal *B = [A filter:^BOOL(id val) {
if ( [val integerValue] == -1 ) {
//FIXME: send an error to B's subscriber(s)
return NO;
} else {
return YES;
The primary method to do this is by using -flattenMap:, similar to how you've written the -filter: above. Using your example:
RACSignal *B = [A flattenMap:^(NSNumber *number) {
if (number.intValue == -1) {
return [RACSignal error:[NSError errorWithDomain:#"MyDomain" code:0 userInfo:nil]];
} else {
return [RACSignal return:number];
Alternatively, using the newer -try: operator:
RACSignal *B = [A try:^(NSNumber *number, NSError **error) {
if (number.intValue == -1) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:#"MyDomain" code:0 userInfo:nil];
return NO;
return YES;

RACSignal interval not work immediately

I'm trying to use the RACSignal class's interval method of ReactiveCocoa.
The following code works every second after 1 seconds.
But I want it works immediately and every second.
What's the best way?
[[[RACSignal interval:1.0] takeUntilBlock:^BOOL(id x) {
return [AClass count] == 0;
}] subscribeNext:^(id x) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSUInteger count = [AClass count];
self.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%u", count];
} completed:^{
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
self.title = #"";
I believe you're looking for -startWith:.
[[[RACSignal interval:1]] takeUntilBlock:^(id _) { // ...
