Pull docker images from a private repository during docker build? - docker

Is there any way of pulling images from a private registry during a docker build instead of docker hub?
I deployed a private registry and I would like to be able to avoid naming its specific ip:port in the Dockerfile's FROM instruction. I was expecting a docker build option or a docker environment variable to change the default registry.

The image name should include the FQDN of the registry host.
So if you want to FROM <some private image> you must specifiy it as FROM registry_host:5000/foo/bar
In the future this won't be a requirement, but unfortunately for now it is.

I was facing the same issue in 2019. I solved this using arguments (ARG).
Arguments allow you to set optional parameters (with defaults) that can be used in your FROM line.
ARG REPO_LOCATION=privaterepo.company.net/
For my use-case I normally want to pull from the private repo, but if I'm working on the Dockerfiles I may want to be able to build from an image on my own machine, without having to modify the FROM line in my Dockerfile. To tell Docker to search my local machine for the image at build time I would do this:
docker build -t project/dev:latest -f ./Dockerfile-project-dev --build-arg REPO_LOCATION='' .

The docker folks generally want to ensure that if you run docker pull foo/bar you'll get the same thing (i.e., the foo/bar image from Docker Hub) regardless of your local environment.
This means that there are no options available to have Docker use anything else without an explicit hostname/port.


Modifying Docker Registry based on environment

My local development environment is behind a corporate proxy, with our own Docker registry, etc. However, we deploy on public infrastructure, meaning we can't access the corporate registries, and so have to pull from a public one (eg DockerHub).
Is there any way (eg via environment variables) for me to configure Docker to pull from a private registry when developing locally, and from a public registry when it goes through our CI/CD pipeline?
For example, let's say we're deploying a Node.JS application - locally, I would want the FROM node:16 line to get interpreted as FROM corporate.proxy/node:16.
There are a couple methods that would probably work - having two separate Dockerfiles, eg Dockerfile.dev and Dockerfile.prod, or wrapping it in some sort of script that will take care of making the change. I'm looking for a way to do it via Docker's configuration, if it's possible at all.
You can use ARG instruction to change the FROM line in Dockerfile.
Then you can build image like this:
docker build --build-arg IMG=node:16 .
docker build --build-arg IMG=corporate.proxy/node:16 .
From Dockerfile reference document:
ARG is the only instruction that may precede FROM in the Dockerfile

How to indicate a private registry not using the Dockerfile?

I have a Git repo with a simple Dockerfile. First row goes like this:
FROM python:3.7
My company has an internal registry with the base images. Because of this, the DevOps guys want me to change the Dockerfile to:
FROM registry.company.com:5000/python:3.7
I don't want this infrastructure detail baked in my code. URLs may change, I may want to build this image in another environment, etc. If possible, I would rather indicate the server in the pipeline, but the documentation regarding docker build has no parameter for this.
Is there a way to avoid editing the Dockerfile in this situation?
You would use a build arg for this:
ARG registry=docker.io/library
FROM ${registry}/python:3.7
Then for the build process:
docker build --build-arg registry=registry.company.com:5000 ...
Use docker.io for the registry name for the default Docker Hub, and library is the repository for official docker images, both of which you normally don't see when using the short format. Note that I usually include the library part in the local mirror so that official docker images and other repos that are mirrored can all use the same registry variable:
ARG registry=docker.io
FROM ${registry}/library/python:3.7
That means your local registry would need to have registry.company.com:5000/library/python:3.7.
To force users to specify the registry as part of the build, then don't provide a default value to the arg (or you could default the value of registry to something internal if that's preferred):
ARG registry
FROM ${registry}/python:3.7
You can work around the situation by manually pulling and re-tagging the image. docker build (and docker run) won't try to pull an image that already appears to be present locally, but that also means there's no verification that it actually matches what Docker Hub has. That means you can pull the image from your mirror, then docker tag it to look like a Docker Hub image:
docker pull registry.company.com:5000/python:3.7
docker tag registry.company.com:5000/python:3.7 python:3.7

Creating Docker image hierarchy with private registry

TL;DR Must you put your private Docker URI in your Dockerfile FROM command if the parent image is in a private registry?
I thought this should be an easily answerable question, but cannot find a good set of Google keywords...
I have three repos, all built with separate CI calls; the order of these CI executions is correct for this DAG (i.e. parent image will be available when a child needs it):
Repo 1 holds a Dockerfile that constructs a base image with dependencies. It is slow moving
Repo 2 & 3 hold applications that are built in a Dockerfile that pulls FROM the image built in Repo 1. These change frequently.
As I understand it, if you don't specify a repo URI in your FROM command, docker assumes you are pulling from DockerHub. Is this correct?
If these images are stored in a private registry, is it true that the private registry must be explicitly included in the child Dockerfiles? Is there another way?
Docker looks for the image name, on your local repository, if it does not find the image there, it would pull from the docker hub.
At first thought, it feels intuitive that we should be able to configure a private repository as the default, and then use it just as we would use docker hub.
However, this seems to be a topic of lengthy discussion, you can follow the discussion here.
Unfortunately, at the time of writing this, to build from a private repo, you will need to specify the complete URI in your Dockerfile:
FROM <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<aws region>.amazonaws.com/<private image name>:latest
You will need to configure your Docker daemon to authenticate and pull from your private ECR repository:
aws ecr get-login-password --region region | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.region.amazonaws.com
and then go for
docker build .
Alternatively, you can use arguments, to construct your ECR URI. This will keep things clean and parameterised in your Dockerfile while being explicit that you are using a private repo.
In your Dockerfile
FROM ${PRIVATE_REPO}your_image_name
And build the docker image with:
docker build . --build-arg PRIVATE_REPO=aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.region.amazonaws.com/
Your basic assumptions are correct: if your base image is in a private registry, you generally must include the registry name in downstream Dockerfiles' FROM lines, docker run commands, Compose and Kubernetes image: lines, and so on. If the registry part of the image name is absent, it defaults to docker.io.
# Expands to docker.io/library/alpine:latest
FROM alpine
This only actually matters if the image isn't already present on the local machine, in which case Docker will automatically pull it. If it's already present, Docker doesn't worry about where it came from and just uses it as-is. If you have a manual multi-stage build, but don't actually push any of the intermediate stages anywhere, it doesn't actually matter if you tag it for any particular repository.
# "step 2" Dockerfile
# Build with: `docker build -t step2 -f step2.Dockerfile .`
# Starts from image in internal repository
FROM registry.example.com/img/step1
# Application Dockerfile
# Depends on "step 2" image being built first
# Since we expect step2:latest image to be present locally, won't pull
FROM step2

Can I reference an environment variable in a Dockerfile FROM statement?

What I'd like to do is this:
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.0-alpine
# more stuff
But, this needs to run on an isolated clean build machine which does not have internet access, so I need to route it through a local mirror server (e.g. Artifactory or Nexus or another similar thing)
If the docker image were hosted on docker hub (e.g. FROM ubuntu) then the --registry-mirrors docker configuration option would solve it for us.
BUT because microsoft have decided not to use docker hub, the registry mirror thing isn't working either.
After much effort, I've set up a a custom domain mirror for mcr.microsoft.com and so now I can do this:
FROM microsoft-docker-mirror.local.domain/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.0-alpine
# more stuff
That works. But we have remote workers who may not be on the local office LAN and can't see my local mirror server. What I now want to do is vary it depending on environment. E.g.
FROM ${MICROSOFT_DOCKER_REPO}/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.0-alpine
My isolated build machine would set the MICROSOFT_DOCKER_REPO environment variable, and everyone else's machines would use the default mcr.microsoft.com
Anyway. Adding the ENV line to the dockerfile results in docker throwing this error:
Error response from daemon: No build stage in current context
There seem to be lots of references to the fact that the FROM line must be the first line in the file, before even any comments...
How can I reference an environment variable in my FROM statement? Or alternatively, how can I make registry mirrors work for things that aren't docker hub?
"ARG is the only instruction that may precede FROM in the Dockerfile" - Dockerfile reference.
FROM ${MICROSOFT_DOCKER_REPO}/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.0-alpine
Build with a non-default MICROSOFT_DOCKER_REPO using the --build-arg: docker build --rm --build-arg MICROSOFT_DOCKER_REPO=repo.example.com -t so:58196638 .
Note: you can pass the --build-arg from the hosts environment i.e. MICROSOFT_DOCKER_REPO=repo.example.com docker build --rm --build-arg MICROSOFT_DOCKER_REPO=${MICROSOFT_DOCKER_REPO} -t so:58196638 .

Docker pull private registery first and docker hub if not found image

I try to find a solution with docker pull to pull my image from my private registry first,and then docker hub if not found in my private registry.
Currently i can pull like this if i want to go to my private registry: docker pull #hostname_private_registery/#image_name
i don't want to use #hostname_private_registery in the command, because i already i will have a big trouble with the dev.
As of now, the from command does not include a fallback on fail option. You could, however, check the availability of your private registry beforehand in some kind of script, then use string replaces on your dockerfile ARG values to chose your respective active registry.
You can use the following shell script to achieve this.
if docker pull #hostname_private_registery/#image_name ; then
echo "Image pulled from local registry"
docker pull #image_repo/#image_name
echo "Image pulled from DockerHub"
You can replace the echo with whatever you need to do after the pull.
