Is it possible to have tags with spaces? - ng-tags-input

I am using the ng-tags-input library, however, when my responses come back with spaces they are replaced with hyphens in the tag. Is there a way to prevent this? At a minimum can I get the original value?

Looks like I need replaceSpacesWithDashes on tags input trying now.


How can I put a link inside of a text string in HAML?

This should probably be easier than it is. I just want to put a link inside an HTML paragraph element.
%p{class: "answer"}="Please upload your data to this portal in text (tab-separated) format. Download our template #{raw(link_to 'here', '/templates/upload_template.xlsx')} for sample data and a description of each column."
Rails is encoding the tag information. I don't want tags to be encoded. I want them to be tags.
You can use more than one line inside any block, to solve your problem we will have something like this:
%p{class: "answer"}
Please upload your data to this portal in text (tab-separated) format. Download our template
= link_to 'here', '/templates/upload_template.xlsx'
for sample data and a description of each column."
You can use interpolation directly in Haml, and doing this seems to fix the issue in this case.
So instead of doing this:
%p= "Text with #{something_interpolated} in it."
you can just do
%p Text with #{something_interpolated} in it.
i.e. you don’t need the = or the quotes, since you are just adding a single string. You shouldn’t need to use raw either.
(Also, note you can do %p.answer to set the class attribute, which may be cleaner if the value isn’t being set dynamically.)
Why this is being escaped here is a different matter. I would have expected the two cases (%p= "#{foo}" and %p #{foo}) to behave the same way. However, after a bit of research, this behaviour seems to match how Rails behaves with Erb.

React Native, how to turn a comment into a URL?

I was wondering how I can turn a comment (such as to a post as a URL so that when clicked, it will go straight to the website?
Thanks for your help in advance
You can pre-process your text and look for things that might be a URL. Look at this answer here: Regex to match URL.
You'd want to take your text, split it by white-space, then for each white-space-separated word, check if it's a URL. If it's a URL, then output a proper <a> tag surrounding it. If not, just output the word.

Removing HTML url tags in iOS

I am writing an iOS app that downloads some data from a server that's not under my control. I am not using custom data detectors. The strings in the returned JSON still contain their HTML url tags, and I want to remove them because I want to display the strings in a UITextView, and these kind of strings
<strong>Instagram</strong> / <strong>Behance</strong>
<strong>Live Now</strong>
What I really want is this:
Instagram Behance
Live Now
What is the best way to go about this?
Should I strip the url tags from the text using regex?
Would I lose the link "descriptions" (in the above example, "Instagram" and "Behance") when I do that?
Would this be way easier using a UIWebView?
If this would be too hard/impossible, it'd be okay to only have the urls, without their descriptions.
Thank you!
Should I strip the url tags from the text using regex?
No. HTML is too complex to be properly parsed using a RegEx. You'll need an XML parser.
Would I lose the link "descriptions" (in the above example, "Instagram" and "Behance") when I do that?
You wouldn't have to using an XML parser. Using a RegEx, you might, especially if you can't control exactly what's returned.
Would this be way easier using a UIWebView?
Yep. That's what I would do, unless you have a good reason not to.

Clean up & style characters from text

I am getting text from a feed that has alot of characters like:
Insignia&#153; 2.0 Stereo Computer Speaker System (2-Piece) - Black
4th-Generation Apple® iPod® touch
Is there an easy way to get rid of these, or do I have to anticipate which characters I want to delete and use the delete method to remove them? Also, when I try to remove
It leaves behind "amp;" Is there a better way to delete this type of character? Do I need to re-encode the text?
String#delete is certainly not what you want, as it works on characters, not the string as a whole.
str.gsub /&/, ""
You may also want to try replacing the & with a literal ampersand, such as:
str.gsub /&/, "&"
If this is closer to what you really want, you may get the best results unescaping the HTML string. If so try this:
Details of the unescapeHTML method are here.
If you are getting data from a 'feed', aka RSS XML, then you should be using an XML parser like Nokogiri to process the XML. This will automatically unescape HTML entities and allow you to get the proper string representation directly.
For removing try to use gsub method, something like this:
text = "foo&bar"
text.gsub /\b&\b/, "" #=> foobar

acts_as_taggable_on url friendly tag names

Is there a way to make the tag name on acts_as_taggable_on to be URL friendly?
For example, at the moment I have 'tags/foo' and 'tags/bar' working great. However when I add spaces to the name such as 'rabbits foot' the url is 'tags/rabbits%20foot'. I'd like to replace that %20 with a dash.
Thanks in advance!
I just noticed that stackoverflow actually uses a very similar or identical way of doing tags to what I have in mind.
Take a look at this
It has a way to change the multiple words into a slug (e.g. rabbits foot into rabbits-foot), there's also manual non plugin ways to do this as well (it looks somewhat outdated).
Decided to kind of cheat and use the just to get passed this hump for now. Will revisit when I have more time.
