Is it just a matter of asking them to add the s_code on their conversion page and send to our Is there an issue with sessions etc when there are pages on their domain in between the conversion event that does not have the s_code?
So for example
User clicks "browse inventor" on
User clicks a link going to, adds products to the shopping cart
User hits purchase and goes to
Is it enough to add the s_code on to fire an event? Is there an issue with getting this event tied to the original session?
I would like to be able to see in my original report (the one for if a user converted or not on (but I don't need to see any deeper information on
Yes. You can track cross-domain activity in Adobe Analytics by doing the following:
Add s_code to any pages you'd like to track on
Make sure s_account is set to the same report suite ID in both files
Configure the "Internal URL Filters" for your report suite to reflect both AND (within the Admin Console)
Set s.linkInternalFilters in the s_code to include both and if you do not want to see link clicks between the sites as exits.
Because you have now included as part of the report suite URL filters, Adobe Analytics will see movement as part of the same visit.
As a side note, if you're loading DTM (instead of legacy s_code) the same configuration would apply but everything can be configured in the DTM UI - except the change to the Internal URL Filters.
Hope this helps.
I am working with a Domestic Violence support organisation to build a website and have been asked to provide a "Quick Exit" function.
The purpose is to enable the user to exit the site quickly without closing the browser. I have seen such buttons on similar sites and the normal scenario is that they simply cause a Google search page to be shown. (easy but doesn't hide history)
I am looking for ideas to improve on this function to hide/disguise the history stored in the browser as this is currently a fairly significant flaw with the Quick Exit buttons I've seen to date.
I had a concept but I am looking for input on either fleshing out my concept, or other alternative directions to consider.
My concept was to have two domains: let's call them and The former being the source of domestic violence support information and the latter being some random content, could be anything, lets just say weather information for the sake of the conversation.
If a user navigates directly to the server redirects to but also attaches some session specific, or perhaps single use query string or similar. validates the query string and, if valid, loads within an iframe or something like that so from the users perspective they are just looking at, though the domain recorded in history is
Links within the iframe loaded site would similarly be redirected with the same or a new query string.
If a user was to click on the browser history and go directly to it would not be able to validate the query string and would just load the decoy site like a normal site. i.e. just showing weather information that exist on that site.
Domestic violence is a serious systemic issue and I would love some input from anyone who has more technical knowledge than I do on fleshing out this concept.
Other aspects I am unsure of how to tackle;
ensuring that can get crawled and ranked by search engines, even though users are all redirected, as it is imperative that it appears in search results so it can be found
technical aspects of a redirect that does not appear in history.
I'm unsure if it's possible to do this without all content and engagement being attributed to the decoy-site..
For the redirect, I believe that HTTP redirects do not get stored in history. You can use a 302 redirect for that. HTTP has a set-cookie header that lets you record a cookie - coupled with the headers here, you can give the decoy site access without recording it in history. Then, delete the cookie.
As far as pagerank goes, you could add a line to robots.txt as described here (the last point) to force the bot to scrape using a query parameter. Then in the backend, return the dv site only if that parameter is passed, otherwise redirect. If the googlebot removes query params when publishing, it will work out. Otherwise, it might fail.
Best of luck.
Context/Background: I have an iOS app with a Firebase backend. Each user on the app has a couple of public stories or journals. I am working on the v2 of the app and one of the main features of v2 is to give users the ability to publish their stories as static webpages by a click of a button. The goal is to have a journal for a user with a username "johnhouse", for example, be available at
Question: How do can I create web pages on the fly from an iOS app? Im not sure where to start. Which online services should I look at?
I thought of spinning up a server and hosting on it, getting the app to ssh into the server and creating a directory called "johnhouse" (from the example above) inside the website's root directory and then pasting an index.html file inside it, But this doesn't only sound like a bad idea, it also sounds complicated as hell If I were to generate the html files on the app, how would I get them to the server? how would I get them into the right location?
There are a great many ways you might implement this behavior but I'll suggest one.
Consider what this product might look like if the app had no knowledge of how these static pages were published. All the app needs to be able to do is allow users to set which of their stories are published or not and to inform those users of the url at which their published stories will be available.
There may be real advantages to removing the app from your page-creation process.
If you find that you need to make change to the formatting of your pages you can do so without requiring an app update and you can choose if you want to rebuild every page or just have changes apply to new pages. This might be important if you discover that your pages don't render well on some devices or are not indexed the way you would like by search engines.
If you need to change where your pages are hosted you can do so (and provide redirects from the old location) without needing everyone to update to a new app version.
If you need to add moderation or curation of the content you publish you can do so more easily than if clients (your app) have direct control of your site content. This may be important when someone starts publishing SEO spam links to your site, or registers the username admin or login, or publishes a story containing malicious javascript, or publishes content which gets you a copyright infringement notice.
You don't need to give clients direct access to your web server which could allow them to edit each other's content or overwrite your site with their own malicious content.
Since you're already using Firebase take a look at how you might run your own web server as another client of this backend. One which looks for "published" stories (however you identify those in your data model) and generates appropriate pages for them. Depending on the tools you elect to use these could be dynamically generated pages (client side js or a web app) or static pages build by some backend process periodically or whenever stories change and added to a web server. Without any idea what server side tools would be most appropriate for you it's hard to know what specifically to suggest here.
I am trying to set up a google analytics goal for my site. I want to monitor the number of completed checkouts, however without purchasing a product (there are a number of reasons why I am unable to do this), I am unable to find out what the URL would be.
I would like to know the actual value for '/CheckoutComplete.html'
When Analytics is enabled in the Big Cartel admin, a page view event is sent for the /order URL. The full URL is different for every order, but if you setup your goal as just /order you should be good to go.
so i am working in a .tpl file meaning i am open to js, html and php answers. what i want to do is whenever a person refreshes the page, experience a change in the url or exits the browser, my site would take an action based on this change of state. so basically, when they leave that specific page of mines in any way, i would call a function. the reason i want this is because i am saving this editable image on my site. but whenever they leave the page, i want the image the created to be autosaved.
this task splits into client-side and server-side parts. At client side you should bind to interesting browser events, triggering some background http requests to some service URLs of your website, this is probably JS. At the server side, you should provide corresponding reaction to these requests, which is probably PHP.
As long as these service URLs are to be called intermittently by various visitors, be sure to keep an eye on what request came from which client's window. PHP sessions should help you.
I'd propose to work this separately, first to get saving machinery working -- just bind everything to explicit big buttons at the page (page close, url change, etc), then replace each button with the binding to exact JS event. Keep in mind differencies among browsers.
Please advise what tool can I use to track what user is exactly clicking i.e. click-streams – to view the actual click-stream of each visitor.
I came across "rail stat" but it seems outdated (09'). I also saw "clicky" but am unsure if I can see click streams with it?
So what other analytic tool can I use to view click streams?
Every answer would be greatly appreciated!
You could try the "event tracking" part of google analytics which allows you to track interactions with your site (clicks etc etc) rather than just the normal per-page.
Here is a snippet from the Event Tracking docs:
Event Tracking Overview
Event Tracking is a method available in the ga.js tracking code that you can use to record user interaction with website elements, such as a Flash-driven menu system. This is accomplished by attaching the method call to the particular UI element you want to track. When used this way, all user activity on such elements is calculated and displayed as Events in the Analytics reporting interface. Additionally, pageview calculations are unaffected by user activity tracked using the Event Tracking method. Finally, Event Tracking employs an object-oriented model that you can use to collect and classify different types of interaction with your web page objects.
By contrast, tracking web page objects using the urchin.js tracking code requires virtual URL creation and provides no object hierarchy. With the legacy urchin.js code, user interaction with page objects is calculated and displayed as part of total page views to your site, and no distinction is made between actual and virtual pageviews.
With ga.js, you would commonly apply Event Tracking to:
Any Flash-driven element, like a
Flash website, or a Flash Movie player
Embedded AJAX page elements
Page gadgets
File downloads
Load times for data
Another option is Open Web Analytics, which includes an option to both record a user's DOM stream for later playback and to record a heat map.
OWA is a standalone PHP app that is able to monitor multiple domains. It is under active development with version 1.5 out any day now.