User authentication between a rails api and a node.js app - ruby-on-rails

I am attempting to understand how segmented apps work so I'm building one that uses rails for the back-end api and node.js for the front and middle. What I am trying to figure out is how to let a user log in through rails and use that same session information in the node app.
I have heard of oauth2, but I don't know if that's what I need or if I need something else. My main concern is that I want to keep all the models in the rails app so I can take advantage of the syntactic sugar and associations that rails provides. The node app will just connect to the rails app through it's api.
Are there any tutorials out there for this? Or does anyone know how I can do it?

Found my answer here. Hope it can help someone else out


Rails and Websocket

So I want to be able to get a live stream of notifications for my users that are using my rails application. I heard that you are able to do this using web sockets but I haven't seen anything about it in rails.
Is there a way to do this in rails or am I able to use something else along side my application such as node.js ?
Okay I started searching for different terms and I was able to find Faye
This tutorial is great for it
You can also use something like PubNub
They support a good amount of languages/libraries such as AngularJS. Great customer service and documentation. Also many examples such as this one:

Ruby on rails making an app for smartphone

I want to build an app that use in the backend Ruby on Rails. However my problem comes in the lack of information i found on it. My goals is not just to create a website but an application that interacts with it, like my android facebook app when pressing menu I get button like logout and so on.
I am wondering if their exists tutorial on how to build an application but using rails or should i scrap my entire website and do it in php. I am looking for guide and tutorial. Thanks in advance
You can build an app on any platform and make it interact with your Rails-based server using HTTP requests (like AJAX).
You can send information back and forth using JSON or XML; you would probably need to make a new set of actions for the app to use.
There is no reason to use PHP. ever.
A little unclear from your original question, but if you are looking to create a mobile app using Ruby (and a structure similar to Ruby on Rails) then you may be interested in Rhomobile. It is a cross-platform mobile application framework that uses Ruby for its backend code, and follows a structure similar to (older) Ruby on Rails versions.
From what I understand of your problem, you want to use the robustness of Ruby to develop a native app (not just another app that mirrors a website).
The best thing I know of for this is RubyMotion. The bummer is the cost ($200). But then you would get to accomplish your task.

Implementing reCaptcha into a Rails 2.3.12 app

I need to implement reCaptcha into a Rails app form for my internship. Unfortunately I am still taking my Web Programming classes and haven't gotten into any server side lessons yet, so I am still a complete noob when it comes to submitting forms and sending requests to servers, let alone not using RoR before I started the internship. I have been trying to find a tutorial to follow, but all that I've found assume more experience with web development.
I have the public/private keys from the site and have installed the plugin, but am completely lost now. Obviously I don't want someone to just tell me what I should code, but if someone could tell me where I need to go after this that would be fantastic. I know that I need to add <%= recaptcha_tags %> where I want reCaptcha to appear, but I haven't been able to find anything pertaining to what I need to code for the helpers or what kind of JavaScript I need to implement. I know I need to do some AJAX calls, but again, NO idea what to do or where to start.
Any tips, pointers or references to tutorials would be fantastical and I would love you forever and a day. Thanks!
look here
or the best place :

Share session between phpBB and a rails app

This might be a nonsensical question, but I have this task to create a rails app that shares session information, specifically login/authorization info, with an installation of a phpBB that some other person has customized to be more than just a BB.
Basically I need to rely on the user's phpBB login to authorize access to the rails app. I really don't want to have the user maintain two logins to use this conceptual single app.
I read a lot of documentation on phpBB and didn't find anything like exposed services or an API, but I'm hoping I just missed something obvious.
I've been considering adding a method to expose some hash or something to link the two applications rather than try to squeeze possibly different implementations of session.
Quick context, this work needs to be done fast and cleanly and I've never developed in php and rails is super fast so I am investigating the idea of integrating the two sides.
I might be off in the weeds, so don't be afraid to say so :)
Have you checked phpbb-auth?

Advice for Setting Up Rails Sites for Prototyping

I'm learning Ruby on Rails and have just signed up with LunarPages as my webhosting company. To start, I want to write some test applications and get them uploaded and running on my website just to understand how things work. However, I don't want anyone looking at what I'm working on as I learn. Does anyone have any advice as to how I should structure my pages and sites in such a way that I can keep them hidden until I'm ready to go live? Can I easily do something like this? <- everyone can see <- no one can see for now <- no one can see for now
Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question. I'm just starting out. By the way, I have heard of Heroku but I've already paid for this webhosting service so I'd like to get my money's worth, at least until my subscription is up.
I'm not sure if LunarPages offers the level of configurability that is required to run rails apps from sub-directories. I'd use subdomains (, and then use appropriate access control (could be htaccess, HTTP BASIC AUTH in your app, or something more complex like authlogic)
