liferay 5.2 redirection to mobile page - jquery-mobile

I work with liferay 5.2
I developed a Java EE application
I am currently working in mobile version
I find a problem since my application is not responsive
So my solution is to develop several mobile modules to consume with the mobile device
My problem is with the login page of liferay
I want to find a way to make the redirection
either redirect to mobile page or to the web page
the redirection to the web page is done with this way in the file
how can I add make the redirection to mobile page
updated :
using liferay 6 I can use this code and add test to make the redirection
public class LoginPostAction extends Action
public void run(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ActionException {
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay)request.getAttribute(
Device device =themeDisplay.getDevice() ;
Dimensions dimensions = device.getScreenSize();
float height = dimensions.getHeight();
float width = dimensions.getWidth();
String brand = device.getCapability("brand_name") ;
this is the jar of liferay :
but i didn't find the way using liferay 5.2


.NET MVC DisplayModeProvider fallback

I am currently using DisplayModeProvider to check if a mobile request is coming in and serving up a file if I detect a mobile request otherwise I'm serving the default page Page.cshtml. This also works as a fall-back - if there is a mobile request for PageX but does not exist but there is a PageX.cshtml, I serve PageX.cshtml. This is working as intended.
I would like to add to the fall-back behavior as I include support for tablet requests. So when a tablet device request is detected, if I have a Page.tablet.cshtml, it will go ahead and serve that file. If there isn't a ...tablet.cshtml file, I'd like it to try to serve the file and if a does not exist, we would serve the Page.cshtml file.
Is there a way to do this without having to create a ...tablet.csthml file for every page and Html.Partial'ing a within it?
You can do that by changing the route preference dynamically. Define the hierarchy as you want like tablet first then mobile and then web pages.
Here is a sample how CustomViewEngine can do that:
public class MyViewEngine : RazorViewEngine
public MyViewEngine()
: base()
ViewLocationFormats = new[] {
PartialViewLocationFormats = new[] {
Here the view will be searched in the /Views/tab/ folder first then /Views/mobile/ followed by /Views/ and the /Views/Shared/ folders.
Detail of the implementation have been discussed here: ASP.NET MVC Custom View Routing

Grails Tomcat blank page

Hi I have deployed my grails webapp and I thought all was fine but it seems any GSP page that has not been requested from within the app just displays a black page on my deployed tomcat 7.
I can log in and use 90% of the functionality but not that page.
from within the webapp i can get to
but i cannot access this but just entering the URL within the browser.
This does however work in my IDE.
at the top of the controller i have.
static allowedMethods = [index: 'GET']
and i do not need to be logged in to access.
as anyone had and fixed this problem?
I have not preformed numerous test and the problem is something to do with this code:
def index() {
def em =
if (em){
println(" : " + em)
if (User.findByEmail(em)){
redirect controller:"public", action:"index"
[email: em]
The error was in the index.gsp page, i use layouts and the name was set to oneBlock, instead of oneblock.

Authenticating via oAUTH with providers using Phonegap for Blackberry

We are currently working on the finishing touches of an application which uses Phonegap and have hit some issues with the Blackberry port.
So far, we've been reviewing the content available online and can't find a really finale answer to this. Seems like the "right" way to make and oauth authentication process for either Twitter, Facebook or Foursquare would be to use the ChildBrowser plugin, instantiate a window and then use that to handle the process.
Rightly so, there seems to be a lack of a ChildBrowser plugin for Blackberry. We've been looking so far at a couple of private projects on Github that look like they build/use that capability but we are not sure on how to control the created window.
Most (or all?) of those plugins refer to invoking the native Blackberry browser to handle the URLS, but then how would be manage to work on the callbacks, get the tokens and close the windows since it's another process.
For example, we have this concept code:
function openWindow() {
if (typeof blackberry !== 'undefined') {
redirect = '';
url = ''+app_id+'&redirect_uri='+redirect+'&display=touch&scope=publish_stream';
var args = new blackberry.invoke.BrowserArguments(url);
blackberry.invoke.invoke(blackberry.invoke.APP_BROWSER, args);
Which works for opening the URL, but that's it. Is there a way to get a handle on the window and inject some listener to events? What should be our correct approach?
I am not PhoneGap user, but we did have to handle a very similar scenario - native app invokes the mobile browser to prompt the oAuth flow and then be able to handle a callback to the aative app.
This is possible on the BlackBerry using the BrowserContentProviderRegistry API. You can register your app to be invoked whenever a particular MIME type is returned to the browser. Sounds complicated but its fairly straightforward when all the pieces are in play.
Here is the rough flow -
Native app invokes browser to the oAuth page. This is part is easy and seems like you got this part.
The oAuth redirect needs to go to a URL that you can control. Something like
The oAuthRedirectorHandler.asp has simple code like this (we chose classic ASP but this can be done in PHP or any language, you can also ignore the Android block below) -
<h1>Redirect page</h1>
If you are not re-directed, please open the application manually.
<% strUA = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
if (InStr(strUA, "BlackBerry")) then
Response.Write("Opening appplication on BlackBerry")
elseif (InStr(strUA, "Android")) then
Response.Write("Opening appplication on Android")
end if %>
</body> </html>
In your BlackBerry code you want a new BrowserContentProvider like this -
final class CustomBrowserProvider extends BrowserContentProvider{
String[] ACCEPT = new String[]{"application/x-MyCustomApp};
String appName;
CustomBrowserProvider(String appName){
this.appName = ApplicationDescriptor.currentApplicationDescriptor().getModuleName();
//cache this appName from the constructor in the invocation code below.
public String[] getSupportedMimeTypes() { return ACCEPT;}
public String[] getAccept(RenderingOptions context){return ACCEPT;}
public BrowserContent getBrowserContent( BrowserContentProviderContext context) throws RenderingException {
//this is where the callback happens
//this is happening in a separate process, raise your main app here using the appName that got passed in
//I dont have a sanitized ready to go sample to post here on how to do this, but not too complicated
//as a hint use the ApplicationDescriptor and CodeModuleManager classes
return null;
Now, in your application initialization, register this new BrowserPlugin like this -
BrowserContentProviderRegistry converterRegistry = BrowserContentProviderRegistry.getInstance();
converterRegistry.register(new CustomBrowserProvider());
Hope this helps. This has worked pretty well for us. The one downside we've had here is that when the user returns to the browser app, they are left with an empty page and there is no good way to close that in the BB.

Struts2 how to create multiple views for mobile and desktop

I am creating a site which will be accessible via mobile and desktop devices. So I want to create 2 views of my application. My action code and everything else in the backend (manageers, DAOs) is same. Just JSP changes for both.
How I can do this via Struts 2?
In struts there are many way to obtain the same thing.
In this case, the one I prefer is:
You could write an interceptor that changes the return code based on the user-agent of
the client, such that there would be versions for PC and mobile of each jsp.
In your configuration you need to have all the result codes for all jsp (or you could simply define the result through the wildcard mapping).
For example: change the result code from "success" to "mobile_success". In case you want map both results in the same jsp you can map, as I said before, in this way
<result name="*success">
not sure whether there is library for automating such task for struts 2. but if there is, using such libraries might be better
anyway, here is the theory. every browser has its own "signature" written in the request header, called "User-Agent". different browser (supposedly) has different user agent. for example, my firefox user agent is as following:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0 FirePHP/0.5
basically, by detecting the user agent, you can know what browser is used to access your site. the list of mobile browser user agents can be found in
if i'm not wrong, you can retrieve the user agent in server by httpServletRequest.getHeader("User-Agent"); (correct me if i'm wrong)
you can then create an interceptor which will decide whether a client is from mobile or from desktop. that interceptor can return different result for different client type. for example, if the client is desktop, you can return "successDesktop" and if the client is mobile, you can return "successMobile".
well, hopefully someone else can come up with (far) easier solution
I am currently trying to solve this very same problem. A framework would be nice, and I'm all ears if anyone has tested and approved one. That said, I can't find anything mature enough for me to be justify moving from Struts for the mobile view.
My best solution currently is to create actions for each of the parts of my full page which will be displayed on full browsers. Then to reuse those actions to display page segments on the mobile side.
I found trying to make one page look right for a desktop browser and a mobile browser simultaneously was not a sustainable approach.
jQuery mobile looks like a very promising library for styling the elements retrieved by struts.
So while it is surely possible to cram both versions of the site into one action I think taking the time to create small reusable actions that result in jsp snippits will pay off as your app scales.
Here are some possibilities for the near future:
(I can't add these as links as I don't have enough'll have to add the 'http://www.')
Struts2 jQuery Mobile Project homepage:
Struts2 jQuery Mobile project:
an example of struts2 jQuery Mobile:
#fajrian - using 'user agent' to determine a browser type could become a real pain as more and more mobile and desktop browsers are released. A better approach would be to determine whether to display a mobile version or full version based on the window's dimensions. A perfect example.
edit - Check out CSS3 media queries.
As Maurizio said you could use interceptors. Here is what I found....
This works for me and should basically get round the problem. You do need to know at least part of the user agent strings though:
public class MobileInterceptor extends AbstractInterceptor {
private static final String RESULT_CODE_SUFFIX_MOBILE = "mobile";
private static final String REQUEST_HEADER_ACCEPT = "Accept";
private static final String[] MOBILE_BROWSER_UAS = {"iPhone OS","Android","BlackBerry","Windows Phone"};
public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
invocation.addPreResultListener(new PreResultListener() {
public void beforeResult(ActionInvocation invocation, String resultCode) {
// check if a wireless version of the page exists
// by looking for a wireless action mapping in the struts.xml
Map results = invocation.getProxy().getConfig().getResults();
if(!results.containsKey(resultCode + RESULT_CODE_SUFFIX_MOBILE)) {
// send to mobile version if mobile browser is used
final String acceptHeader = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getHeader(REQUEST_HEADER_ACCEPT);
//Get User Agent String
String userAgent = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getHeader("User-Agent");
System.out.println("UA: "+userAgent);
//Boolean to indicate whether to show mobile version
boolean showMobileVersion = false;
//Run through each entry in the list of browsers
for(String ua : MOBILE_BROWSER_UAS){
showMobileVersion = true;
if(showMobileVersion) {
invocation.setResultCode(resultCode + RESULT_CODE_SUFFIX_MOBILE);
return invocation.invoke();

ASP.NET MVC Facebook

I am trying to do a seemingly simple thing, but having trouble accomplishing it. I am trying to automate the posting on my Facebook wall. Basically I have a ASP.NET MVC website that I post updates on, and I want to automatically submit the post to my wall.
I see a lot of stuff on FB Connect and getting data, I just want to post.
Thanks for any help or guidance.
UPDATE: Just trying to resurrect and be a little more clear in my description as I am not getting anywhere.
I have a page that I want with a text box and a button. When I submit the form I want the message to post to my Facebook wall. I thought it was Facebook Connect, but I am getting no where as to how to automatically authenticate myself and post to my wall.
I would like to use C# rather than JavaScript.
private const string ApplicationKey = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
private const string SecretKey = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
private Facebook.Rest.Api _facebookAPI;
private Facebook.Session.ConnectSession _connectSession;
public ActionResult Index(FormCollection form)
_connectSession = new Facebook.Session.ConnectSession(ApplicationKey, SecretKey);
if (_connectSession.IsConnected())
_facebookAPI = new Facebook.Rest.Api(_connectSession);
string response = _facebookAPI.Stream.Publish("This is a generated test");
return View();
The IsConnected() is returning false.
Any help is appreciated.
This code was right, the problem was that I had not added my application to my profile. Dumb miss, but my thought is that the whole thing is poorly documented. I have another issue with offline access, but that is for a different post.
string apiKey = "XXXXXXXXX";
string apiSecret = "XXXXXXXXXXXX";
Facebook.Session.ConnectSession._connectSession = new Facebook.Session.ConnectSession(apiKey, apiSecret);
if (_connectSession.IsConnected)
Facebook.Rest.Api api = new Facebook.Rest.Api(_connectSession);
string response = api.Stream.Publish("Test", null, null, null, api.Users.Session.UserId);
It could be that you tested your Website on your localhost. The Facebook Cookie is not written out, when you test your Website on localhost. See this link
This might solve your problem:
Add " localhost.local" to your file
Update your FB application Connect settings to use "http://localhost.local/" URL and "localhost.local" domain.
Create an IIS Web site on port 80 with the name "localhost.local". I had to stop my default web site, which is also on port 80
Update my Visual Studio 2010 web application to use IIS with the "http://localhost.local/" url.
To see cookies, make sure to install FireCookies, along with FireBug.
