Log File does not save access from YouTube - youtube

i made some YouTube videos with a link to my website in the description area.
When i read the log files from my website, there is no access from youtube.
I tried it with links on other websites, every single link is listed in my logfile summary, but not youtube (i have clicked on the link very often).
My YouTube channel has links to my website since a few month and at least i clicked on the link in the description area. Why is YouTube not listed?
Thx, Jens


Is there a reason my youtube app gives me access to one youtube channel but not another?

I created a youtube app in console.developers.google.com that has the youtube data, youtube analytics and youtube reporting apis enabled. I also have access to multiple youtube channels that I'm hoping to automate some reports. several youtube channels I can login to with my app with no problem, but one in particular returns a message saying "Google has disabled this app" and I don't know why. It works will all channels but one, is there some permission that needs to be set in this particular one?

Is there a Youtube API endpoint to set sharing on a video within an organization?

I'm working on an app that uploads private videos to Youtube to be viewed by everyone at our organization. Luckily, Google and Youtube have an awesome company-wide permission for this, which allows for anyone with an email address within the company to view these videos.
Youtube has 3 options for video privacy status: Public, Unlisted and Private. I'd usually just go with Unlisted and call it a day, but due to the nature of these videos, I'd prefer for them to Private, then manually grant access to the video and share it with everyone at the organization. When done through the Youtube Video Manager page, here is the dialog box I'm looking for an API endpoint for:
Manual Approach
We can go through each video and check this box in each video, but that's not something that scales well. I'd love to find documentation on a Youtube API endpoint that handles this. There's a clear status.privacyStatus attribute for videos that can be set to private, public or unlisted, but nothing for this.
Does anyone know of a Youtube API andpoint to control this permission for private videos on Youtube?
I can back up the assumption from my comment that private video sharing is not possible through the Data API v3 with this article I found on the topic.
The author of the article even provides a workaround to this problem, although I strongly discourage using it, since it requires parsing sensitive account information (password) in PHP. Apart from that, the code is from 2010 and will most likely not work anymore because it is from before YouTube channels were linked to Google+ pages.

Youtube & Vimeo paid/private content

Yesterday got a enquiry from a client to build a portal similar to LMS(Learning Management System) for uploading and watching videos.
Admin can upload the videos
Registered Users who have valid subscription can view these videos on the portal and not directly at Youtube or Vimeo
My Question:
Can Youtube or Vimeo be used for hosting these videos?
Videos should be accessible only from the portal and not be listed in Youtube or Viemo public directory.
Does Youtube or Viemo have some paid/premium plan for this?
I can't speak on behalf of YouTube, but I can answer your question as it relates to Vimeo. I'd also assume that the same holds true for YouTube.
You can check out this link which shows the Vimeo video privacy options. But you could easily prevent people from seeing it on Vimeo if you use password or people I choose.
Then through the Vimeo api you could use the admin's Vimeo account credentials to request the videos specifically if your users have a valid subscription. If you use the admin Vimeo account client id and secret then you can request all the video's on that account (if it's a PRO account).
To clarify, requesting videos for the currently authenticated account through the API requires a Pro membership. Setting the privacy does not require PRO (at least not all of them do).
Yes. According to this documentation, when uploading (or updating) a video in YouTube, you can specify access controls for that video. You can indicate whether a video can be listed in YouTube search results or displayed in any other way unless the user has a URL that links directly to the video. The permission for this setting will be denied if the video is either unlisted or private. If you set the value to denied for a public video, then that video will become an unlisted video.
Here's an example from GitHub that uses statuses such as "public", "private" and "unlisted".
Does Youtube or Vimeo have some paid/premium plan for this?
Yes, Vimeo Plus plan would be enough.
Videos should be accessible only from the portal and not be listed in
Youtube or Viemo public directory.
Go to settings -> videos -> upload defaults
For privacy select 'Hide from vimeo.com'
And where it asks 'Where can your videos be embedded?' Enter your site domain (to prevet other sites from emddeing your video).
Now you can upload your videos and embed them to your site.
Can Youtube or Vimeo be used for hosting these videos?
Vimeo would be a good fit for your requirements, YouTube not so much the best privacy setting for a video would be 'unlisted' so videos won't be appearing in search results they can be played directly on YouTube.

import videos from google+ album -to- youtube channel

from youtube to google+ is easy. But on the other way...
I have a google plus profile and a youtube channel linked to it. But -from youtube- I can't see the videos that are inside my google+ album.
These video are shared in public. So they should appear in the youtube chanel linked with that google account profile, right?
I have many google+ albums that contains photos + videos. I need to keep that order.
FYI, there is now a "Import your videos from Google+" option under the uploads section.
Google+ content is not currently available on YouTube. If you wish to have Google+ videos hosted on a YouTube channel, you will have to manually download the videos and upload them.

How can I EMBED rather than upload photos to Twitter?

I've noticed that some recent tweets have media associated with them, for example photos from TwitPic or Flickr and videos from Youtube. You can see them on the Twitter website directly, so it's more than just a link. My thinking is that Twitter has formed these partnerships with these select suppliers of media, being Flickr, Twitpic and such.
I'm looking to automate some tweeting from an image gallery. Yet, I do not wish to upload these photos to another place. I want to host them myself and then embed/refer to them from a tweet. Yet, they should also be seen inline.
Is such a thing possible?
2017 edit: Looks like you can get a media_id via POST media/upload and then pass the id into POST statuses/update.
2014 edit: You can add media to tweets using POST statuses/update_with_media.
Original 2011 answer: No, you can't embed media into a tweet, nor can you upload photos to Twitter.
The "embedded" media you see is just Twitter scraping the URL for the photo or video, and showing it directly within Twitter, saving users from needing to click on the link to view the media. And Twitter only scrapes media for certain popular sites.
If you want Twitter.com users to see your images inline, you'll need to upload images to one of the popular image sites you mentioned, and have its URL in your tweet.
If you still want to drive traffic to your site, you could also include your gallery's URL within the same tweet.
But keep in mind that not everyone uses Twitter via Twitter.com; there are a plethora of Twitter clients available, and I doubt many feature inline media scraping.
I'd suggest just linking to your gallery/images, and not worry about uploading them elsewhere.
You can do all this and more. (and Twitter DOES allow you to upload images). Look at the documentation for Twitter cards.
