how to write our own program in JM reference software - encoder

I want to model a background for some 20 frames and treat that as the reference frame.Iam having the mathematical model and I want to know the file where this modification has to to be done.Could I do the modification in C:\JM\lencod\src

go to JM/bin folder. you can make a copy of encoder.cfg and edit it.


Deletion of module columns/attribute not visible on a given View

I have been given the task of creating a DXL script. First problem is that I have never used DXL before, even though I have many years experience with DOORS itself. I have been surfing the Net to seek guidance on my particular problem. I also have a few specimen DXL scripts for reference.
My new client requires that for each View of a given Module, of which there are many Views, new "reduced" Modules are to be produced reflecting each View.
By "reduced", I mean that these new Modules are to contain nothing that isn't actually needed for that View., i.e. Columns, Attributes etc. These new Modules will only have the single View.
So, the way forward as I see it, is to take copies of the single master Module, one for each View, rename those copies to reflect a given Master Module/Required View, select that required View in the given copy Module and then delete everything that is not needed by that View, i.e. available Columns, Attributes etc.
This would be simple if I had the required DXL knowledge, which I am endeavouring to pick up as fast as I can.
If at all possible, this script has to be generic and be able to work upon any of the master Module copies to produce the associated "reduced" Module reflecting a particular View.
The client aims to use the script periodically for View archiving (I know, that's the way they want it).
Some clarification of what I believe is required, given the following text from my original question:
If at all possible, this script has to be generic and be able to work upon any of the master Module copies to produce the associated "reduced" Module reflecting a particular View.
So, say there are ten views of the master Module, outside of the DXL script, I would copy the master Module ten times, renaming each copy to reflect each of the ten views. Unless you know different, each of those ten copies will reflect the same “Absolute Number”s as are in the master Module, so no problem there?
So, starting with the first of the copied Modules, each named to reflect the View it will eventually represent, its View would be set from the ten Views available to it, that which matches its title.
The single generic DXL script would then be run against that first copy Module, the aim being to delete everything not actually needed for that view, i.e. Attributes, Columns etc. Would some kind of purging command be required in the script for any aforementioned deleted items?
The single generic DXL script would then delete ALL views from that copy Module. The log that is produced when running the script also needs capturing, but I’m not sure whether this should be done from within the script, if possible or as a separate manual task outside of the script.
The aforementioned (indented) process would then be repeated, using the same generic script, against the remaining nine copied Modules. The intension is to leave us with ten copy Modules, each one reflecting one of the ten possible Views, with each one containing only the Attributes, Columns etc. required for that View.
Creating a mirror of a module with this approach is not so easy IMO. Think e.g. about "Absolute Number". If the original module contains the numbers 15 (level 1), 2000 (level 2), 1 (level 1), you will have to create 2000 objects, purge 1997 of them and move them to the correct place.
There is a "duplicate" tool at which tries to do this, but as stated there, this script is said not to work correctly in all situations.
So, I would rather use the approach "string clipCopy (Item i); string clipPaste(Folder folderRef)". Should be faster and less error prone. But: all Out-Links will also be copied with this method, you will probably have to delete these after the copy or else the link target module(s) will have lots of In-Links.
The problem is still not so easy to solve, as every view might have DXL columns that rely on some or other attribute, and it might contain DXL attributes which again might rely on sth else. I doubt that there is a way to analyze DXL code "on the fly" and find out which columns may be deleted.
Perhaps a totally different approach would be feasible: open each view and create an export to Excel, this way you will get rid of any dynamic dependencies. Then re-import the excel sheet to a new DOORS module. You will still have the "Absolute Number" problem, but perhaps you can make a deal that you will have a pseudo attribute "Original Absolute Number" and disregard the "new" "Absolute Number"'
Quite a big task for a DXL beginner....
Update: On second thought, perhaps you might want to combine these approaches
agree with your employer that you will use an alternative attribute for Absolute Number
use a loop like Russel suggested, when creating objects remember that objects might have to be created "below" or "after" its predecessor or sibling
for DXL attributes do not copy the DXL code but the actual current value of the object
for DXL columns create pseudo attributes _ and create a new view that uses these pseudo attributes instead of the original value
Copying the entire module, then deleting everything not in that view, seems worse than just copying the things you need from each particular view.
I would take the following as the outline of your program:
for view in main module do {
for column in view do {
Find attribute for each column and store (possibly in a skip list?)
Store name of column
create new module
create needed types / attributes in new module
create new view in new module
for object in main module {
create object in new module
for attribute in main module {
check if attribute is in new module {
copy info from old object to new
Each of these for X in y loops should be in the DXL reference manual in some for or another.
If you need more help, let me know!

What is the recommended way to make & load a library?

I want to make a small "library" to be used by my future maxima scripts, but I am not quite sure on how to proceed (I use wxMaxima). Maxima's documentation covers the save(), load() and loadFile() functions, yet does not provide examples. Therefore, I am not sure whether I am using the proper/best way or not. My current solution, which is based on this post, stores my library in the *.lisp format.
As a simple example, let's say that my library defines the cosSin(x) function. I open a new session and define this function as
(%i0) cosSin(x) := cos(x) * sin(x);
I then save it to a lisp file located in the /tmp/ directory.
(%i1) save("/tmp/lib.lisp");
I then open a new instance of maxima and load the library
(%i0) loadfile("/tmp/lib.lisp");
The cosSin(x) is now defined and can be called
(%i1) cosSin(%pi/4)
(%o1) 1/2
However, I noticed that a substantial number of the libraries shipped with maxima are of *.mac format: the /usr/share/maxima/5.37.2/share/ directory contains 428 *.mac files and 516 *.lisp files. Is it a better format? How would I generate such files?
More generally, what are the different ways a library can be saved and loaded? What is the recommended approach?
Usually people put the functions they need in a file name something.mac and then load("something.mac"); loads the functions into Maxima.
A file can contain any number of functions. A file can load other files, so if you have somethingA.mac and somethingB.mac, then you can have another file that just says load("somethingA.mac"); load("somethingB.mac");.
One can also create Lisp files and load them too, but it is not required to write functions in Lisp.
Unless you are specifically interested in writing Lisp functions, my advice is to write your functions in the Maxima language and put them in a file, using an ordinary text editor. Also, I recommend that you don't use save to save the functions to a file as Lisp code; just type the functions into a file, as Maxima code, with a plain text editor.
Take a look at the files in share to get a feeling for how other people have gone about it. I am looking right now at share/contrib/ggf.mac and I see it has a lengthy comment header describing its purpose -- such comments are always a good idea.
For principiants, like me,
Menu Edit:configure:Startup commands
Copy all the functions you have verified in the first box (this will write your wxmaxima-init.mac in the location indicated below)
Restart Wxmaxima.
Now you can access the functions whitout any load() command - Save Directory

I have massive tiff file that contains 8 directories (resolutions). It's also a tiled.
I can cycle thru the directories and get the resolution of each. I want to save the 4th directory to a new tif file. I think it's possible but can't get my hands on it.
Basically want to do this:
using (LibTiff.Classic.Tiff image = LibTiff.Classic.Tiff.Open(file, "r"))
if (image.NumberOfDirectories() > 4) {
It would be so nice if that was possible but I know I have to create an output image and copy the rows of data into it. Not sure how yet. Any help would be much appreciated.
There are no built-in methods in LibTiff.Net library that can be used to copy one directory into a new file.
The task is quite complex and the best place to start is to look at TiffCP utility's source code.
The utility no only can copy images but it can also extract directories.

Delphi overwrite file and wrong modified date time

I'd like to get a file last modified time in Delphi.
Normally something like FileAge() would do the trick, only the problem is: if I overwrite *File A* with File B using CopyFile, File A's modified date is not updated with current overwrite time as it should(?)
I get that: CopyFile also copy file attributes, but I really need to get the modified date that also works when a file is overwritten.
Is there such function? My whole application relies on modification time to decide whether or not I should proceed with files!
EDIT Just to clarify: I'm only monitoring the files. It's not my application who's modifying them.
The documentation for CopyFile says:
File attributes for the existing file are copied to the new file.
Which means that you cannot use base your program on the last modified attribute of the file, or indeed any attribute of the file. Indeed there are all sorts of ways for the last modified attribute of the file to change. It can in fact go backwards in time.
Instead I suggest that you use ReadDirectoryChangesW to keep track of modifications. That will allow you to receive notifications whenever a file is modified. You can write your program in an event based manner based on the ReadDirectoryChangesW API.
If you can't use ReadDirectoryChangesW and the file attributes, then you'll have to base your decisions on the contents of the file.

Form Designer Save and Load

i made a simple form designer in delphi, drag and drop a button on the form and it draws it, but the thing is i cant save/load this project since i dunno how to, is there anyway that i could be abel to save it to .rc file and load it from there?
That depends how you programmed your form designer. In forms created in Delphi's designer all components (and subcomponents) are referenced from TForm.Components array property. All controls are also referenced in TForm.Controls array property (if you remove an container control, all it's subcontrols are destroyed too).
If you have followed that pattern, all you have to do is monitor additions to the TForm.Components array (maybe using an overriden TForm.Notification method) and using this data to build your persistent form's file.
The VCL contains methods for using its builtin DFM support. There is a sample in the Delphi 2009 documentation for ObjectBinaryToText; I guess this works for D7 too. And IIRC there already was a code fragment for ComponentToString in the D5 help - search for ObjectBinaryToText.
Delphi stores form layout in *.dfm file. You can use it's structure to save your projects. File is textual and readable by humans. It is not hard to parse file like that rading one line by one. If you need more help, ask for it.
You can use something like delphi .DFM. Counting all objects and then read their attributes and write them into a file. Example Code:
For i:0 To Form1.ComponentsCount-1 Do Begin
// Read Component Attributes And Write Them In Your Format
If you just want to save the form you designed in your designer, use something like TFileStream to create the RC file when the user saves. You might be better off with your own file format for your forms, with the option to export as an RC file, as RC files arent really meant to useful for storing any design time info you may need.
